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Vindicator ago

@FLYNNL1VE5, it looks like you put a lot of work into this post and I'd rather not take it down. However, I can't find anything in here that provides evidence for the claim of your thesis. I see the Wikileaks email from Saban saying he talked to a guy at Palantir. I see the pizzagate connection to Saban. I see Palantir does a lot of defense contracting for different agencies, and has worked with NYMEC. What I don't see is any evidence of a Mossad connection at all. Can you please explain t he connection and provide linked evidence? Or explain which links you've provided point to a connection to Israeli intelligence? Otherwise, I will need to remove this per Rule 2.

Also, the last link is to hearings for the Sept. 2016 appropriations bill. There are no references to Missing Children in the document you linked to. The only reference to Palantir reads:

new technology to disrupt gang networks

Question. Computer programs like Palantir have been successful in mapping terrorist networks in Afghanistan and human trafficking rings in the United States. How do you plan to direct the Department to incorporate new technology into its investigations to map, track and disrupt criminal gang networks in the United States?

Answer. The Department of Justice utilizes a wide array of technologies and techniques to disrupt criminal and gang networks across the Nation, some of which cannot be disclosed in an open setting. One technology that the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division's Violent Crime and Gang Section (VCGS) and the Criminal Intelligence Section (CIS) actively utilize are geospatial platforms to map and plot the density of gang members, their affiliations and track violent crime statistics. Geospatial maps are further utilized to assist in interpreting cellular data and geospatially plotting the movements of perpetrators and victims of crime. New technologies are also being explored to assist our task forces in exploiting all avenues of criminal behavior, including social media, which is utilized by gangs for recruitment and communication purposes. Specific advances in technology have been made to enhance surveillance activities by rapidly acquiring GPS and pertinent telephonic information, pen register data, and directly feeding this data to operational field surveillance agents to track and disrupt gang activity. The FBI will continue to explore all avenues, including the acquisition of new technologies, to assist efforts to combat the gang threat.


PALANTIR is the backbone of all of the systems involved in the human trafficking. HAIM SABAN just flips PODESTA his contact info. That's like if a PR director for your mayor getting the contact info to the most deep cover detective on the police just no reason. Out of the blue. MOSSAD is above the CIA. CIA is an extension of MOSSAD. They plant operatives in every industry and level of order. The common link is their all Ashkanazi Jews and deal in blood libel. Israel is the worlds #1 black market for human trafficking and organ harvesting. HAIM SABAN owns Univision,gawker, and gizmodo among other things. He also produced the Olson twins gimme pizza song like WTF. His wife is one of six directors of the Clinton foundation.

The Olson twins gimme pizza song.

Vindicator ago

So, what you're saying is that no, you don't have any actual evidence for the Mossad connection. Well, please repost this when you do, and link to the evidence.