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cantsleepawink ago

Great video. I'm glad that someone has done a video highlighting the lack of statistical information regarding child pornography.

I believe this lack of statistical info is deliberate..and this was one of the points I was making in this post where I pointed to concerns raised by an Arizona state prosecuter in a meeting with THORN and the McCains:

Back in 2014, at a meeting of the Arizona Human Trafficking Council, (original pdf) : a concern was raised about THORN's handling of the overlap between child porn and sex trafficking. This was raised by Mr. Jon Eliason (Deputy Maricopa County Attornery)..

Mr. Eliason inquired about the availability of data on child pornography and how it overlaps with sex trafficking.

Ms. Istook replied that Thorn has not seen any data that shows a correlation between perpetrators in those two areas.

Mr. Eliason remarked that several of the technology companies listed on Thorn’s Technology Task Force are hesitant in assisting law enforcement or prosecutors on the issue.

Given our recent postings here on voat, that really comes as no surprise (for example,


In another report, which is on the Arizona state website (, entitled The Dark Web - Identifying, Locating and Rescuing Victims of Child Exploitation which was presented by the US Department of Homeland Security in conjunction with THORN, one can see on circa Page 8 there is a screenshot of chat room examples: .

Notice in the top right hand corner in the menu entitled General, a link called Cache of Cheese Pizza.

This is further evidence that the pizza code is known to the US government and to THORN.

As for Jeffrey Epstein, his brother Mark Epstein, has many links with the United Nations through organisations like the Humpty Dumpty Foundation, for example. Notice that media stories on Jeffrey tend to omit any information on Mark. There is a reason for that.

The scandal is global, and huge.

turitelle ago

I've read lots about Jeffrey Epstein, until this post I never knew he had a brother or come to think of it ever saw any mention of his family at all.

cantsleepawink ago

I intend to post about him at some point. He testified briefly at Jeffrey's trial. In the meantime you can see him here: .

Also, his business interests like his New York apartment building, where Jeffrey hangs out, is quite interesting ;)