Chasnigga ago

It's all about funding black ops. The Big money comes from the darkest products and services: humans, alive and dead; drugs; arms; and most recently, information.

Chasnigga ago

I thought there might be a connection between the cia op and the museum.

sugarskull ago

And who can forget James Brown...Title Here

remedy4reality ago

Compared to human/organ trafficking and BLACKMAIL?? sorry.. Heroin dealing is for idiots and street punks.

No way Pegasus was designed for that... no way.

dookiehowzer ago

drugs, specifically heroin, go hand in hand with sex rings

remedy4reality ago

Pegasus Museum is not and never was intended to be a hub for heroin trafficking. NO WAY. #themostexpensiveaccessory

HereticalPeasant ago

I thought pizzagate had turned turned into = child/adult human trafficking/ arms /drugs trafficking.... a while back. Though the pedophillia aspect seems to be the most skeevey

SuperJohnWayne ago

Welcome to the CIA mall kiosk. What's your fancy? Guns, drugs, children, slaves, women, organs, oil, gold, or generalized power?

strix-varia ago

And mind controlled slaves.

equineluvr ago

As I posted yesterday, the GOLDEN TRIANGLE refers to the opium center in SE Asia (where the Vietnam War was fought).

It is NO COINCIDENCE that there is a huge area of Washington, D.C. also called the "GOLDEN TRIANGLE."

SturdyGal ago

This is a very plausible alternative explanation ("drug importation, money laundering and running blackmail/prostitution rings"). The lurid instagrams are only proof of a depraved character not of child trafficking, although I know many will disagree with me. The other outstanding item is the White House visits and that could be personal or Brownstone related. Revisitng the murals in the restaurant, you can see that they are much more related to a drug trip than they are to pedophilia. The mural of the winged person could represent Pegasus or a trip of sorts.

DarkMath ago

And just to totally blow your mind. Guns n Roses song "Mr Brownstone" is about...........wait for it.......getting addicted to heroin.


SturdyGal ago

LOL I listened to the whole thing. "I used to do a little but a little wasn't good so I the little got more and more". Mind blown.

DarkMath ago

"might not necessarily be primarily about child abuse".....Yep. Totally. All the obvious Pedo references were TOO easy to find. The Besta Pizza logo, Antinous, "Buck" in Buck's Camping and Fishing etc etc.

It's like we were all meant to find those and spend 3 months with steam coming out of our ears. Meanwhile...........

The other thing regarding drugs is George Webb has uncovered a lot of evidence pointing to Haiti as a smuggling hub for South American drugs like cocaine and heroin too maybe. Haiti is used as a hub because it allows a smuggler to compartmentalize the shipments. One group flies the drugs in and another out.

remedy4reality ago

I cannot believe your'e doubting all the information that has been revealed. Drugs ? NO FUCKING WAY.

Really... DarkMath...

DarkMath ago

I'm not denying the information we've found. I probably should have worded it better

What I'm saying is in the scheme of things the stuff we found are just a few pieces of a massive puzzle:

Silverlining ago

Day 137 - How to Catch a Spy, Awan Brothers Saga Deepens, Part 2 George Webb 09 Mar 2017

Yuke ago

If you think about it, the pedo references weren't easy to find at all, they existed for years before the revelations from the Podesta emails led us there. The phrase "Hiding in plain sight" has been used many times during Pizzagate, but I think it's important to remember that they were indeed "hidden" without any context. I think the people involved were very brazen and flaunted it because they never thought anyone would come close to finding anything out...and then came the emails.

DarkMath ago

"and then came the emails"

Yep. Wikileaks completely blind sided these people. They never thought it would get this bad. And you can't blame them for overconfidence. Michael Ruppert named the exact drug smuggling operations right to John Deutches face in a room full of 1000 people and look what happened. Nothing!

So that explains the overconfidence, they thought they were untouchable. I've posted the following quote from Abraham Lincoln many times:

"You can fool all of the people some the time, some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time."

So the Truth will out. It always does. It's not even debatable, this fucker's coming down hard. How similar it will be to "The Reign of Terror" has yet to be determined. That's the closest historical precedent and that should scare the fuck out of these people. 16,594 official death sentences were sent down during the Reign of Terror.