madhatter67 ago

Chicken I can certainly verify.......

Malcolm Mclaren, in the 80's around the time he was managing Bow Wow Wow (who had a 13 year old girl singer) started to flirt with the idea of pedo being the new trend....somewhere I've seen him talk about at the time he was going to start a magazine called CHICKEN!, now I can't remember where I read that, but it certainly stuck in my head, as did him explaining it was a term used by pedos to describe kids

dindonufin ago

That email is interesting. I hadn't seen it before. It took me a while to figure out who was forwarding what and replying to whom, but it looks like podesta is asking Denis McDonough (Whitehouse chief of staff) if he knows Jim Tozzi (the guy talking about silenzio). It's not clear who Tozzi is talking about. That could be seaton or perhaps just a general statement. Either way, Tozzi might be a good name to start digging. He looks to be a rather crooked individual and obviously is familiar with the workings of the mafia in government.

I think pizzagate-like conspiracies have taken place many times over the past few thousand years and possibly (probably) predates written history even. See witch trials and burnings. It's not likely that those people were simply religious fanatics who burned people over superstition. I find it more likely that people's children were being abused, tortured, killed and eaten, and people were furious, so they did something about it. Over time, history was written to make those people look bad.

And art is another common thread with the elites, they seem to be obsessed with it and it serves many purposes. Money laundering could very well be one of them.

pizzathrowaway ago

There doesn't appear to be any source for any phrase except "cheese pizza".

Nrgiseternal ago

Use duckduckgo not (((google)))

Onalaskeye ago

There are other news stories where police officers have verified use of those FBI documents.

Alpo ago

The only one I have personally been able to verify (not saying the others aren't correct) is "pizza" being used as a general term for pedophilia. See this thread:

This is interesting as well:

dindonufin ago

That article links pizza to the Sicilian mafia. The mafia is in all sorts of illegal business. They use legal businesses as fronts for laundering their ill begotten revenue. They are not restricted to only drugs, even if that's what the trial was about. They are certainly involved in prostitution, which is a form of human trafficking. We have plenty of evidence that these kids are being prostituted as well as a Chicago connection (Capone?) Furthermore, Podesta is an Italian lawyer. Capisce?

Hopevoats ago

Handkerchiefs are used in Mind Control training.

rush22 ago

Does mind control make you sneeze or something

Hopevoats ago

No. They place them under the victims to capture the essence of the torture.

Hopevoats ago

NAMBLA is a start; as well as othe pro-pedo forums. I believe that some were created by these people we are looking at now.

Pizzatemp420 ago

I read about 'cheese pizza' being child porn in a book called We Are Anonymous dated 2012. It was a popular term on the chans pre moderation days.

MeatballPizza ago

CP = cheese pizza = child porn. That was on 4chan long before Pizzagate.

Urban Dictionary has some of the rest. Someone posted a video verifying that "bucks" was a reference to pedos in an old documentary. Search the thread on BUCKS and you should see the various sources there.

B_dog ago

Chicken was for sure in use decades ago when I had a slew of gay friends in college. Much of the present analysis of the vocabulary is based on the many Instagram photos and comments, as well as the emails, suggesting pizza means something else entirely, in addition to being a favorite comfort and kid's food item.

The problem I had researching this is that PG has generated so much recent content on this topic, I can't seem to reach the end of it to find anything else.

Fateswebb ago

How hard is it to arrive at chicken lover from choke the chicken anyway? Seems a likely evolution to me.

B_dog ago

Nah, chickenlover means one who likes the underaged sexually. It's commonly used by gay guys. Usually it has a derogatory implication. I knew a bunch of gay guys in my college dorm. Of all the coded issues, that one is the least debatable. Antinous is easy too, same meaning.

Fateswebb ago

Exactly my point, considering choke the chicken is a well known slang term that is usually used derogatory, how hard is it to believe that it has evolved to chickenlover meaning what you say? Not hard at all. I see a natural progression...

Onalaskeye ago

Agreed. Only Pizza is verified in the food code. All the rest is speculation.

Hopevoats ago

Not true. You can go to the NAMBLA site and find young boys referred to as "chicken".

Onalaskeye ago

Is that referring to #chickenlovers? Yes, that is true. So why does the food code call boys hot dogs?

Fateswebb ago

Did you really ask that? Because that seem intuitive. It's a natural progression to slang due to the phallic nature of a hot dog. I mean duh...

Onalaskeye ago

Totally get it.

Hopevoats ago

So why does the food code call boys hot dogs?

I know that the alternative lifestyle crowd has numerous words for the same thing. I imagine that hot dogs are in reference to male genitalia. If I had to guess, I'd say that "chicken" would be very young and "hot dogs" would be more along the lines of what they call "twinks" (which I'm guessing is derived from "Twinkies".)

Onalaskeye ago


UglyTruth ago

urban dictionary

pizza = pussy, hot-dog = penis

Probably from shape associations.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I hung out on 4Chan before Wikileaks Podesta. I can confirm the Lolita, pizza, sauce memes are longstanding there. The instagrams of JimmyCommet many more on 8Ch also speak for themselves. I suspect only shills or cognitive dissonance impaired folk can't see what ping pong means. I have have a pic of a pizza related map from 8Chan. Unfortunately it's real. Playing dominos on cheese vs pasta, or got a box of assorted cheeses instead of pasta, or I don't care if it's pasta or cheese as long as it doesn't have hair. Unfortunately it's true. God never promised heaven on earth. Satan is running amuck.

alx ago

Can you post some proof or any kind of source?

reasonedandinformed ago

Just type wikileaks podesta to get to the sourceand type pizza, dominos. Whatever you wish in the search. Example original email:

redtape20 ago

You can go on the board for random images late at night and see the threads for yourself. They will post pictures of a cheese pizza and other pedos follow through and post that shit.

Onalaskeye ago

Has anyone archived examples of that? Especially before this topic blew up.

redtape20 ago

I really wish there was some way to prove it to you besides my word but that's all I have. You might be able to find old blog posts talking about it

redtape20 ago

Sorry no. It isn't a rare occurrence though. Plus archiving that would likely get you in trouble because of what it'd contain

alx ago

I mean these words:

You can google these words and set a date interval in google. Set it for example from 2001-01-01 to 2015-12-31. I can't find ANYTHING that points out that these are any pedophilic vocubularys used?

So from where does this claim come from?

LostandFound ago

One I can verify is map, minor attracted person. Quick Google will bring that. Though it's correct to question that list that was spoon fed on chan, about half of the original list were ambiguous but the ones that were not were rather unambiguous. So far I can't find an alternative reasoning for all the references.

shillcrusher13 ago

I have wondered myself where this particular analysis of the "code words" came from... it is a strange and not necessarily accurate piece of copypasta that when posted as fact adds a bit of amateurism to the overall analysis of the subject. There is something to the use of these code words, but it might be a bit more complex than such an easy analysis (i.e. - some code words could be context-specific, or could refer directly to a method of obtaining something rather than the thing itself, etc...).