Aloha808 ago

Their is definitely something linking pizza to the occult, I searched one of Jimmy Comets instagram friends and their was an unusual amount of pizza pictures, I then searched through one of his friends who also has an unusual amount of pizza photos. Something else I found that is strange is that I found several friends who got matching Pizza tattoos. I've also noticed that the LGBT are big fans of posting Pizza pictures. I think that pizza is their code word for referring to their occult which I believe is the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) and has to do with Thelema. The pizza reference can be from the triangle shape of a slice considering triangles are a shape that constantly appear with this occult. Pizza party could refer to their occult meetings and rituals they have considering pizza is the go to food to feed large groups. Tony Podesta has a pizza oven at his house and also an underground basement. He also spent millions renovating his house that took 3 years so his underground basement is probably an OTO Lodge, its possible that Jimmy Comets other restaurant Bucks has a basement and could also be a place where they meet. Their alters are simple and can be set up anywhere pretty quick. Jay-Z who hangs out with the Obamas and Clintons is a open and known OTO member.

SherlockMcGyver ago

Okay, this is starting to get weird, but follow me on this one: I did a Google Image search (in quotes) for "Secret Pizza Party". I'll skip over some of the other things I noticed and go for a pretty far out theory I had. I keep noticing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pop up, because, of course, they were all about pizza. So, I decided to just check and see if there were any allegations of TMNT spreading messages of pedophilia, or whatever. It was a random thought, I just follow random thoughts to see where they lead. And, well, it did get me a small fish. I found this image, which connects "Secret Pizza Party", "Freemasonry" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", all in one image.

--- Caption from the site --- "This was their secret pizza party box of 5 shirts"



Okay, doesn't mean much, so I searched, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pedophilia", and that's where I caught another small fish.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness is a role-playing game based on the comic book created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The core rulebook was first published by Palladium Books in September 1985 – a couple years before the Turtles franchise achieved mass popularity"

"Players could either select a form of insanity as an optional step in character creation or randomly assign one during the course of gameplay as a result of their characters undergoing some kind of trauma, such as demonic possession, near-death experience, or torture. This section also featured an extensive list of sexual deviations which included pedophilia and homosexuality"

Okay, now that's weird.

So, it was published by Palladium Books.

"Palladium is entirely controlled and owned by Kevin Siembieda."

Who is he?


1 Career

2 Early illustration credits

2.1 Judges Guild

2.1.1 Dungeons & Dragons <---- A game that is associated with the Occult

2.1.2 RuneQuest

2.1.3 Traveller

2.1.4 Universal Fantasy

2.1.5 Judges Guild Journal

2.1.6 Dungeoneer Journal

2.1.7 Pegasus <--- Isn't that the name of James Alefantis' "museum" project at his secret townhouse in DC?

The name Palladium comes from Greek mythology (Here we are at this topic, again. Greek mythology is/was heavily occultic).

"Palladium is a chemical element with symbol Pd and atomic number 46. It is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston. He named it after the asteroid Pallas, which was itself named after the epithet of the Greek goddess Athena, acquired by her when she slew Pallas."

One definition of the word Palladium is, "something believed to ensure protection; safeguard".

This is getting weird, but the connection between pizza (for whatever reason), pedophilia, secrets (occult means hidden/secret) and practicing occultists is there, I still just don't understand it, though.

SherlockMcGyver ago

Okay, I just found something kind of interesting. Someone on YouTube had posted about this "kids book" called, "Secret Pizza Party". It teaches kids to steal, and keep secrets, and so forth. In fact, it's quite creepy and not something I would read to ANY kid. I found an article about a Mayor who read the book to some kids and came under fire for it. It's almost like these people get off on whatever this is truly about. You can tell there's a subliminal message in this book.

An interesting note is, look what one angry parents commented about it on Amazon:

"'The book was neither fun nor cute,' mom Jen Bee wrote on Amazon. 'Yeah, that’s not what I want to teach my child. It sounds like something a pedophile would say to their victim.'"

Alpo ago

I started looking into this quite a while ago and became quite perplexed. I was going to start a thread on this, but this seems like a good place to post some things. About a month ago, someone on Reddit posted links to this tumblr account (archived material): The post was quickly deleted and the poster was threatened with a ban, which I found strange. Some of the images on this Tumblr have 1,000s of "notes", which are either shares or likes, which seems very strange considering the material. I might be wrong, but it looks like some images have been changed or removed since this was first found.

One of the images which appears several times in this Tumblr account has been the profile pic for the Comet Ping Pong Facebook account. Some of the images , such as this one, feature a child and strange demonic/mythical creatures. This must mean something, but I'm not sure what - could it possibly be that "pizza" means a sexual act which connects humans to demonic forces?

The artist responsible for this drawing,, also did this which could be a coincidence, but seems strange. I still don't know what to make of all this.

betadynamique ago

Satan is the devil from the Bible, right? It's the snake with the apple in the garden of paradise, right? Also, a pizza is circular thing of food, something of geometry to consider in that, what kind of symbolism are you searching for? Such as, how many degrees in a triangle. As far as the satanism/occult connection goes, how deep, I think it's circumstantial evidence at best and doesn't prove anything conclusive.

SherlockMcGyver ago

Dude, holy shit. What if it has to do with slicing someone in a sacrificial ritual?

RedGreenAlliance ago


Did the same search with Pizza + Illuminati and got a lot of weird shit. Something going on here. I tweeted out the illuminati / satanism pizza stuff if you are interested, help me share -


Then i found THIS - ARCHIVED You'll never guess what. The very first image has the heart-within-a-heart paedo symbol, a girl, and a pizza.... WTF?

The second image is full of symbolism, but the most obvious being it has an inverted cross and pentagram AS WELL. So in this one Tumblr, we already have all the elements of PizzaGate. Yeah SURE we are all AltRight Conspiracy Tinfoil Hat Loons...

I tweeted out the illuminati / satanism pizza stuff if you are interested, help me share

SherlockMcGyver ago

I literally just looked at like 1,000 different examples, and I went so far as to "Ask a Satanist" on a website for a Church of Satan group in Seattle. It seems like it's some kind of hidden code they don't share information about openly. It's weird as fuck. Really, really weird. They do jewelry of it, everything you can imagine. If you find a Satanist on Tumblr or wherever, your chances of running into a bunch of stuff about pizza is pretty high. It's super odd, normally, people of any particular group don't have some pizza obsession, especially related to whatever their major cause or belief is. There is something with pizza and the occult, I must figure it out.

RedGreenAlliance ago this one from Robertas has got devils, death, children, a pentagram, alcohol for kids (? maybe thats to put the #CarisJames in) and its a pagan holiday 'summer solstice'... which is a whole holiday but the poster says 21st June... sure enough:

Other links confirm summer solstice child sacrifice so i guess thats what the image is about.

RedGreenAlliance ago

yes its been bugging me too although i've not gone as far as you. Then theres that Roberta's Pizza in NYC, Hillarys favourite pizzeria ....

SherlockMcGyver ago

You'll notice "Pizza Party" comes up more often than I think should be statistically possible if it were just joking around about literal pizza. Baphomet Pizza Party "Small Steps" Pizza Skull Satan and Pizza in the movies "Eat Pizza worship Satan" shirt (There are LOTS of pizza/Satan shirts online, lots) Another Baphomet Pizza thing Baphocat with pizza Pizza and Ouija board I could go on forever.