JesusRules ago

Wow, great research!

Mellowmountain ago

thank you

Rangers_justice ago

They are both Mossad agents. Schumer groomed Weiner. Schumer is probably his handler. It makes sense that Huma and Weiner were married because Israel and Saudi Arabia are tight because they share the same enemy; Iran. That's why he's been obsessing over the whole weinergate ordeal because he knows if Weiner goes down then he's finished. Schumer strikes me as an Uber-pedolite like Podesta.

GreatWhiteLodge ago

Don't forget our special guest, Mother Monster GaGa and her G.O.A.T. project.

She was raised at the apex of the Ziggurat-like NY Pythian Temple.

Coincidences thrive at PG investigation.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Why would Mark Zuckerberg sacrifice a baby goat? Who else knows about that?

Mellowmountain ago

I gotta check this out

GreatWhiteLodge ago

"Mother Monster" clips are literally the script to satanism and soul selling symbolism.

Paparazzi: checkerboard floors, sex under goats heads, death, murder, rebirth as a new persona, at the sofa kissing the Band "Snake of Eden" ----> https ://

Bad Romance: She comes from a coffin (vampire) with MONSTER written. She is drugged and sold. Again sex under goats heads. Some flashes of her with deformed body and bat over her head, her body seems like Hieronymus Bosch demons. Don't forget the figurine of Alex McQueen suggesting Pan's Legs (he died few months later). ---> https ://

Telephone: after she's arrested in Paparazzi she goes to Prison (symbolism analysis easily found at the web). When going to the Sun Bath, she kisses a black dressed androgynous character with a clear BEELZEBUB (Lord of the Flies) tattoo. More murder and so on... ---> https ://

Same director of Paparazzi and Telephone: Jonas Akerlund

Here at the set with the band SNAKE OF EDEN in Paparazzi: https ://

Here another picture of him, note the t-shirt (Baphomet): https ://

Snake of Eden - Satan --> https ://

Baphomet ---> https ://

And Beelzebub ---> https ://

Three of the seven Princes of Hell in short presentation.

Add to this: https ://

Did we agree the Satanism theme here is too damn obvious? Is this Art or a CULT?

Please spread the light.

(VOAT isn't allowing me to post the links, so, remove the space after https)

Insubordinate ago

Secret societies are part of the problem. Members of secret societies have taken sworn oaths of death to maintain secrecy. These death oaths have priority over any law. Be leary of anyone who is member of a "secret society". They get their marching orders from a "higher power".

Amyamy ago

Like Wiener, you can see the pedophile sickness written on Schumer's face. It seems to me Schumer has much to hide. I hope he is one of the people that Wiener is spilling his guts on. If Wiener goes free in exchange for all of the high-level information in his "life insurance" folder, vs the alternative of not getting any information, then I'm ok with that because someone will sooner or later take care of him.

KingKongisCTR ago

I remember reading up on Knights of Columbus and then when people found a lot of disgusting twitter accounts, one of the guy that was doxxed said they were a member.

kazza64 ago

repeated mention of the word ritual in their blurb on their website. cause for concern.

cantsleepawink ago

Here's a post I did a while back: Speculation of a high level pedophile ring within Anthony Weiner's freemasonry organization the Knights of Pythias

EDIT: This was written in the comments sections in one of the attached threads (which was deleted by mods ;)) :


Apparently there's more freemasonry here. Schumer is a Knight of Pythias.

From wiki:

The Knights of Pythias is a fraternal organization and secret society [2] founded in Washington, D.C., on 19 February 1864.

Knights of Pythias in a parade in Racine, Wisconsin, circa 1910 The Knights of Pythias was the first fraternal organization to receive a charter under an act of the United States Congress.[3] It was founded by Justus H. Rathbone, who had been inspired by a play by the Irish poet John Banim about the legend of Damon and Pythias. This legend illustrates the ideals of loyalty, honor, and friendship that are the center of the order.

The structure of the Knights of Pythias is three-tiered. The local units used to be called "Castles," but over time came to be called "Subordinate Lodges." State and provincial organizations are called "Grand Lodges" and the national structure is called the "Supreme Lodge" and meets in convention biennially. The officers of the Supreme Lodge include the sitting Past Supreme Chancellor, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Prelate, Secretary, Treasurer, Master at Arms, Inner Guard and Outer Guard.[5] The order's auxiliaries are the Pythian Sisters, and two youth organizations: the Pythian Sunshine Girls and the Junior Order of Princes of Syracuse for boys

Pythias is connected with the literature of homosexuality :

The Return of Damon and Pythias: Alan Dale's "A Marriage below Zero", Victorian Melodrama, and the Emergence of a Literature of Homosexual Representation

More references to the Knights of Pythias:

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This all links to Racine, Wisconsin where the Knights of Pythias held their historic parade. Racine is Paul Ryan's district, and it is a complete cesspool of secret societies, criminal corruption, racketeering, trafficking, abuse and other crimes. It all ties to Agenda 2030, viruses, vaccines, water control (the new oil), and the elite system of blackmail, bribery, extortion and collusion. Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, Scott Walker and others in Wisconsin are the "boy scouts" covering up the incredible evils behind the curtains. Many judges, district attorneys and the attorney general are all in the same Freemason and related clubs and secret societies, and Loretta Lynch personally stonewalled federal investigations into Racine and Wisconsin.

Racine, Wisconsin is the domino that will work better on Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It is all connected.

Mellowmountain ago

wow, very intereting

equineluvr ago

Upchucky is a straight-up Freemason too.

I found some tenuous evidence that Weiner is too but found some disinfo within the same article so it's not probably credible.

Phenomenonanon ago

Schumer was apparantly a mentor of weiner

Mellowmountain ago

you're right, I just found this post: