ActivistAngel ago

The best written back story on this whole thing I have found:

ActivistAngel ago

Got proof or links on that??? Explosive!

ActivistAngel ago

It is OUR citizen's investigation that has finally broken this open. That is likely why this guy came forward. Without us making a huge push as soon as Sessions gets in, there may not be enough cover. Remember how unthinkable this is for most people! They don't want to know. We need an army of parents of missing children, that would be unstoppable. I have been fighting this for 14 years. Here is my story. Look at the pic I post at the very end, I don't know why it got so little attention amongst us. Blessings to all and God Bless and protect our children.

AHuman ago

Epstein donated to Chuck Schumer in the 90s.

Gigabump ago

We can test nukes on Antarctica, don't sweat it.

blind_sypher ago

Nothing a bunkerbuster wouldnt take care of.

Jem777 ago

Roger was poisoned. He almost died but they saved him.

concernedaboutitall ago

His voice is the loudest opposing Trump. I was poking around on this website last night.

Pretty interesting. Among his connections is the Masonic Knights of Pythias.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Don't know where to put this, and I'm still not allowed to post, yet I have been working on these things for 13 years now. I even brought Noreen Gosch to town to speak. In the writings of Cathy O'Brien speaking on Clinton, Mena, and cocaine, she says Jimmy Buffet is a C.I.A. 'asset' and runs coke between Miami and the Keys. She rode on his boat to deliver, and a second small envelope to give personally to Bill. His stash. Jimmy Buffet is involved too! Another 'celebrity'.

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

wtf I hate Beau now


The DNA evidence for SH is noteable "unnamed known felon" from new york on weapon in home. You didnt hear that from cnn, have to read the actual medical and police reports to see it. I got everything. Fuck these clowns.

anon401 ago

'Stange bedfellows'

Lawmakers Are Roommates No More DEC. 16, 2014

It was the end of the real “Alpha House,” the crumbling gray-blue rowhouse in the shadow of the Capitol where a group of powerful Democratic lawmakers — including Mr. Miller, Mr. Schumer, Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois and a rotating cast of supporting players — have lived for more than three decades.

Mr. Miller, the owner of the two-story, two-bedroom house, is retiring after 40 years in Congress and is selling the home that inspired the Amazon web series “Alpha House,” as well as countless punch lines about the crash pad’s fraternity-meets-policy seminar vibe.


The home — once nicknamed “Washington’s Algonquin table” — has provided refuge to a rumpled crew of Democratic lawmakers over the years, including former representatives like William D. Delahunt of Massachusetts, Samuel Gejdenson of Connecticut, Leon E. Panetta of California and Marty Russo of Illinois (who moved in during a snowstorm and stayed for a decade, until he was defeated in Congress).


quantokitty ago

Excellent catch! Upvoat for your. Yeah, Schumer is dirty, dirty, dirty. Probably gave Weiner tips on how not to get caught rather than castigate him and teach him right from wrong. It's what made this election victory so historic. I think the elites were also flipping out about Milo because Milo just might have said something. He was told to hold back on #pizzagate, but for how long? I think somewhere in heaven, Andrew Breitbart is looking down and smiling. He's the one that started #pizzagate. Instead of a chorus of one, there are now millions chanting, "F*ck you, John Podesta!"

remedy4reality ago

I know that's the source of at least some of the kids, particularly those that 'survived' and gave interviews. The parents looked like carny's or shady foster parents with criminal records. That would help in keeping witnesses quiet.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I'm wondering if some of them haven't already skipped the country. All of those empty seats at the senate committee? Are they really protesting or are they packing?


Its Robbie Parker syndrome..... hehehehe

Drkadrka ago

Once you have encountered this type of evil face to face, you know deep down when someone is sympathetic or supportive of it. I have had multiple run-ins with people who I had a feeling about from word 1 and who I suspected and they later turned out to be sexual predators, from family to youth ministers and priests.

Listen to your lizard brains, they have had hundreds of thousands of years to learn to detect danger and deceit. Schumer, Hastert, both Clintons, Weiner, Sanders, Kaine, Scalise, Pelosi, and Crowley all set off my alarms to one extent or another. Whether they know and look the other way or participate is to be discovered, but I would not be surprised at all to see something come out on each and every one of them.

waxdino ago

You must have complete trust in tptb to think there is no benefit in releasing this info to the public. It's the public waking up that will stop the complacency that allows this to happen.

Fateswebb ago

I feel it's similar to maybe the same reasons that alex, David, and Ben stepped back. They we're convinced that there were cogs turning. But also that leaves us that have given our lives and quite frankly a lot of our own personal vested interest into with no hope in those that led us here. So someone is trying to tell us, or maybe a lot of people are, to be patient that we're on the ground floor of the shit about to hit the fan.... give it a week and I'll start to back down from my theory, but for the first time EVER. I have faith that the wheels are turning again.

Freemasonsrus ago

That's my first thought, but I also can understand how even the best secret keepers would be very tempted to tip off that type of audience after the amount of months this has been going on.

iamthepizzanow ago


Phenomenonanon ago

No extradition in Antarctica

OrwellKnew ago

Chuck E Sleazebag

ArthurEdens ago

I saw Schumer in a random bar in 2012. He was with three girls that couldn't have been older than 18

Godwillwin ago


MyUSA2017 ago

I hope and pray. Unfortunately Soros is their bank and think tank... never stop fighting! We have 'em by the short hairs right now!

Gammi ago

I always felt like Chuck E would be one of the pedo we know what those tears were really about....I just hope the story is finally breaking, and this FBI Informant is real.

Phenomenonanon ago

Yup I've been watching him a lot lately as well

nomorepepperoni ago

Hmm, suddenly starts sniffling and crap as he brings up his daughter...

Full press conference clip, so you can see the context...

This seems either to be good acting or crying about something.

I am not a body language expert, but it seems as the first Muslim man is speaking like Schumer's trying to keep himself together and regain composure (arms tucked together etc.). Also curious, when he returns to the mic, he says that he is only taking questions regarding the subject at hand (immigration).

Could it be that as he spoke about his daughter, he cracked a bit, realizing he might soon be put away and no longer able to see his kids or the rest of his family?

We'll see what the future holds.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Chuckles the shitbag is going down!

MyUSA2017 ago

I'm with you. Choice B: "scared pedo who's shitting his pants."

As he should be!