sound_of_silence ago

Amen - He certainly is! i firmly believe that this open window of opportunity we all have to see the elite pedos taken down is nothing short of miraculous.

thank you for your prayers also. i think you'll really be able to take comfort in the information Carolyn shares. she's a strong Christian and has been a strong voice for the children for years. i searched voat and only found one video by her had been posted (in a non-pg sub) so i added a discussion in the main sub here

it's amazing what can happen when we all side with what's right over what isn't (i.e. take a stand for the children).

sound_of_silence ago

are you familiar with carolyn hamlett?

she was groomed in similar ways, by highly influential families.. later, miraculously delivered by the blood of Jesus.. great lady.. a very close friend of mine was raised in a similar situation also (he has a complex DID system as a result).. it's important the world finally hears and understand what's been going on behind the closed doors of the elite and powerful, all these years.

there are so many amazing first-hand accounts of being groomed for this stuff.. we need to get it all in one place and tie it to pg, so everyone can digest the enormity of the problem.

my mother was raised in a somewhat similar situation tho not as drastic.. Jesus brought her out of it and healed her.. it wasn't quick but it has been thorough.

will keep you in my prayers and yes - let's do all we can to bring awareness about the children in this, bring them vindication and bring down their abusers! Take Care.

sound_of_silence ago

thank you for sharing that and i'm so grateful you were delivered out of that!! let's pray all the other little ones in harm's way are likewise delivered. have you considered writing your testimony? i feel like pg needs a bank of testimonies from those willing to give them, to help show everyone else how real SRA is, how widespread it is, and how long it's gone on in the world..

fairytisya ago


fairytisya ago

ask yourself who you are not me

fairytisya ago

how old are you now

fairytisya ago

the dark side and their spells have failed.. The spell against the people and their free will WAS a FAIL. Weak dark people who thought taking the free will from the people and the one they elected to MAGA failed. They failed the power of love was stronger. In saying that they did have many that tried to take away free will from the many, the spell did fail. My insite tonight they did try to weaken me but they failed at that and now they failed there is a response from the father for their actions against the will of the people. I dont live in america I dont kow anything about the land there. the father has told me all man kind has the right to free will and no human will take that from them. The father has told me for those who thought they could use their will to take another humans will away will pay in good time. Those in the "The garden sate" is first and the number 3 is given to them, also those who wish to take the free will of mankind the father has told me those who live in "sun city" the sun is a gift of joy and growth... for them the sun will go down and be eaten beneath the soil on the day Tuesday..
evil has no place on this earth, you use evil to destroy the father will teach you a leason in life. peace on earth and good will to all. the witches failed and karma is coming to the garden state and sun city ...MAY

sound_of_silence ago

are you an ex-Satan-worshipper also?

Godwillwin ago

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

sound_of_silence ago

thank you so much for posting this over on this side of the pond..... it is so beautiful to see all of (((us))) together bound by our unwavering demand of justice for the innocent victims of pizzagate and judgement for those who did and do them harm..

really, has it ever been seen before?

non-christian, christian, judaism, kekism, atheism, agnosticism, theists, deists, the undecided, the disinterested........ i'd wager that never before has the world known this type of unity and one-accord voice crying out for justice judgement and liberty from every corner of difference to meet in the middle +for the children and +for truth..

we are so strong in our one voice... God knows what's going on and has a plan laid out and we all fit right into it (even if we don't believe that at the moment, the truth about it will come out). truly is the best timeline ever. and may His will be done <3

Not_A_Large_Duck ago

Ahh yes the otherizing begins good. What you're doing is dividing the people with your religious rhetoric. If you want to trivialize this investigation I can think of no better way than to turn it into a fringe cult.

gangpressorliber ago

Pray without ceasing...

gangpressorliber ago

Wow are we all on the same side here?

gangpressorliber ago

I'm praying these fools fail to manifest and even attempt their vain spells. Just to demoralize them.

gangpressorliber ago

"be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against [e]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." - Excerpt of Ephesians 6

18 [g]With all prayer and petition [h]pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, [i]be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,

HighFlyingRambo ago

TIME heals all wounds ? Or does what you do with that TIME HEAL ALL WOUNDS? you seem to be on the right proactive path. More Bluntly WE CANT JUST SIT ON OUR ASS EVERYDAY AND THINK EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE!

goatboy ago

It makes you a rider of the Apocalypse. You didn't think the 4 Horsemen would be entirely metaphorical did you?

thomccc ago

I don't know why by now, everybody don't know who this jesus(not Christ) character is.

Why not just go all the way to the top and pray to the Lord of Spirits,or the First Cause

thomccc ago

11:11, tomorrow, we pray, correct? Can't do much of anything else but can believe I can do that.

goodguy1367 ago

We are Mother Earth and Mother Earth is us.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I know nothing about witches. Are they always "Left-hand path?"

islandofdelight ago

I wanted to surface this again, in case anyone doubts that prayer and meditation are scientifically proven to be effective:

lexliberuniversum ago

You may know that the root of all this is satanism or some kind of it... These people believe in there evil deeds and sacrifice to their "gods" for power. This is going on for centuries and even Jesus called them out... yes... the last decades and coming years are the showdown... if huge numbers of people realize what these "families" are doing the whole house of cards will crumble...

The world is changing and if you need a real indication for this look to the Schumann Resonance which was expected to be constant. Also know that the rise of consciousness favors higher frequencies and therefore all there (dark) rituals will cease to have the desired impact... the panic in the media and the ranks of power is a sign that they know that there is no hiding.. the stone has been turned and we now need the strength to look into the face of the evil which loomed in the dark for centuries..

The sacrifice of children is the Achilles heel of those individuals ... let us expose them!

samhara ago

I knew about it and decided that their working would not do anything and would just work against them. Why?

Because a working like that does not work if the operators are under mass delusion; and they are.

The binding will actually work to keep them from stopping the good work Trump plans to do.

No worries.

fairytisya ago

where did you hear this magic is fake.. most of the stuff needed they will never find in their life time,unlike those who love dont need this and that to boil or chant or play dress up... hollywood. those who live in the dark but yet use light to shine in the dark hours of the night and use light to see.. TV and internet... are fake. the dark cant live without the light. black clothes do fade in the light. I am just one but my white light can travel and give hope.. black magic is not hope.. Im hope and for all that comment with love I will send love and heal do not ask ..m any love that follows just post ... I love myself

fairytisya ago

fake news.. friday is not the day for black magic LOL... these people are evil and sorry there are to many good people today who dont even read this stuff but their heart is good and so this lot of people doing black magic will end up under the water and soil.

I will nerver allow any human or a any large group to use black magic in my life time, the power of thought I have down to a T will use it for good,, the moon the sun is all hocus pocus wanna be true witches that save the world.. sorry it my world I live in it a load of crap why do you listen to these people.. black magic is not real no amount of blood or full moon will fullfill their wish.. power of thought.. I use well how well do I use it.. I get want I want and I make it happen..

new servo just about ready for me.. took me a while 2 years and yes the pizza shop well not the pizza shop I wanted well that pizza was crap as I did buy a pizza last week as the kids said it was good so yeah .. NO my pizza shop is gi=oing in there.. trump is going no where he has to many true hearts that are not eveil.. sorry love over powers eveil so these dark so pretend balck wictches yes I spelt them wrong as their latin is also wrong and they will never know how to speal latian... black magic is latin chants.. and no true dark witch will never speak latin as latin is white not black.. trump is good ...the moon is an illusion its fake not real so black magic is not real if the moon is an illusion

r3dtr1x ago

Many of us have known, deep in our spirits, that this is a spiritual battle. We WILL be on the winning side of this battle. do you feel it? Can you feel the positive spiritual energy flow through you? You are a conduit, a vessel of light, amplifying and magnifying the righteous wishes and victorious yearnings for all that seek justice for those who cannot seek it for themselves. We ARE winning. Every day, another sign. Every day, more encouragement. Do not be discouraged, be ye strengthened by the resolve of not only the great leader of these United States, but by an army of unseen spiritual guides who are helping, showing us the way to remove this veil of darkness, this blight of demonic activity that is holding us back from achieving true greatness. These crimes WILL be brought to light. The light is right around the corner. Praise Jesus, and Praise Kek. We are victorious!

draegspir ago


ArmedExorcist ago

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

TortillasandBeans ago


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

YingYangMom ago

I don't like this Archangel Michael, sorry. It's been tied to black magic and the Occult. This guy is into the Occult and he brings him up as the Angel or Fire and so on.

Why not pray to God? Why pray to an Angel of fire?

pizzaphish ago

Prayer is real. Except we turn back to God as a nation we cannot defeat those who torment children and steal from us.

thicktail1730947 ago

Try counterbinding them. Do exactly what they say they're doing, but retarget it to them. If their claimed motive is their actual motive, it won't affect their workings, because their claimed motive isn't harmful. If their claimed motive is a lie, it will interfere.

Or it would, if any of this worked.

I think I just ate my last meal this week, though. This is a good moment for a fast.

shoosh ago

First off, occult energy can't ''bind'' anything. They can, and do, manipulate and propagate information, desensitise and produce brutal types of enslavement and programming techniques.
If they could have ''binded'' they wouldn't have spent tons of time, money and effort on Project Montaulk, MkUltra and silent sound leth lethal weapons which have been implemented since Desert Storm.

What I'm doing is make a firm choice, understand that choice, and stand firmly in that choice --- which is the release of all aspects and beings who play to this torture to humanity. Otherwise I will only be feeding fear and not truth.
That's the problem, we haven't been feeding healthy truth -- we've had our head stuck in the sand allowing fear and ignorance which produces a choice and result we are experiencing.
I view it as case of duality - dominoes - lightdark is duality.
The choice I will be going into is of the truth and release of the 2 extremes of duality.

banusaur ago

Does this mean midnight as in tonight or tomorrow?

Phenomenonanon ago

In Jesus' name, we come into agreement together that no weapon formed against us, or President Trump, or his Administration shall prosper. We confuse and confound the plans of the enemy and render them ineffective. We also pray angelic protection to guard and watch over them as they lead the nation out of the hands of darkness. And let all the evil deeds that have been and are being done in secret be exposed and brought out into the light. Instead of curses and schemes for evil, we pray for favor stength and for blessing over our leaders. We bind the spirit of division that has risen up in America and across the world. We bind the spirit of deception, and the spirit of sexual immorality. and we pray that the eyes of people will begin to open so that they are able to discern the supernatural battle that is going on around them. Lord, we pray for revival, a conviction for repetnence, a longing for salvation and a renewed interest in your Word. We pray this in Jesus Name, Amen.

tired_father ago

Hallelujah, Amen!!!

8butternut ago


Godwillwin ago


sound_of_silence ago

in Jesus mighty name, amen

Ariastrasza ago

Lol don't worry, magic and fairy tales are not a problem, but if it makes you feel better I'll perform a naked ceremonial dance in the forest I guess. Do you honestly believe that magic is real?.

Kcpedogate ago

Occultists worship Satan. Satan's greatest enemy is the Lord and they believe thsi whole heartedly. So hear me when I say, the ONLY way to be affective against these occultists is to pray in the name of Jesus. Your "good" thoughts won't do a damn thing, occultists are not afraid of those, but they are afraid of the name of Jesus. So whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not, pray tomorrow to Him. This will really piss the satanists off, I promise.

Xax ago

It's the Friday before Lent, pray and fast. Some demons are only expelled by prayer and fasting.

HighFlyingRambo ago

Important OP. GOOD discussion going on at the Project Avalon Forums. This Thread by Bill Ryan on manifestation of thought/Intent/ and Prayer How to manifest and the mistakes people make

LolturdFerguson ago

They tried to do this with the Stanford rapist. It's just intention. A lot of these "witches" are armchair wiccans who have no fucking idea what they are doing.

I am all for a mass meditation, but don't group all those who seek hidden knowledge as baby eaters. There are plenty who just like to read, read, read and gain a deeper understanding of the unknown.

I think we can counteract the black magic with white. As in, group prayer and meditation is just as powerful as setting up an altar and drinking sheep's blood from a chalice....minus the brain and blood disorders from consuming raw flesh and blood..and you know, the heavy repercussions of harming innocent life.

I'm an occultist turned...well, whatever the fuck I am now. Esoteric/Gnostic Christian? Realizing that I've been blinded by all of this, and trying to get my spirituality back on track and find solace in this disgusting world.

madmanpg ago

I think this should go in Pizzagate whatever.

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

The only power evil has is the power we grant it. Their strongest couldn't even touch me without my permission. They feed on fear and suffering. Do not fear them. Demons serve God.

LolturdFerguson ago

And some Angels serve Demons. It's the constant tug of war between light/dark.

adam_danischewski ago

Interesting, it looks like they tried to dress it up as if they were targeting his "wickedness" yet it also states that it "binds" his works generally. It also calls for the TOWER Tarot card:

"This card follows immediately after The Devil in all Tarots that contain it, and is associated with sudden, disruptive, revelation, and potentially destructive change."

NoRagrets ago

Fuck off with your useless mind thoughts.

This will be won in the trenches, not by who has the strongest imaginary friend.

PawnsInTheGame ago

Where's the link to the facebook post?

BertieMcDuffy ago

wtf man this is the total fucking opposite of sticking to the facts and concrete evidence / research

Please can we chill on all the URGENT PRAYER stuff every fucking day - it is gonna make us all look like loonies

Melitica ago

Send message to mods when you see this shit. OP account is 5 hours old.

pinklb_q ago

It won't work simply because the shit they are "casting" against Are works of fiction. They don't understand or care to understand what daddy is really about. So just by that flaw, any "spell" they could do would be ineffective so there's nothing to worry about.

Nana66 ago

Well....I'm an atheist so...

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Every single day I pray for Donald Trump to have his way.

Hey idiots! God is infinitely more powerful than you! Or maybe you think that not believing somehow takes God's power away. HAHAHAHAHAHA.... ahhhh. Where do they do these rotuals. I know they're fucking retarded for doing them, but I also still want to prank the shit out of any I can find...

WellSetTable ago

(I know there are Voaters who don't believe this is for Voaters who want to Pray personally I don't cast judgements on Athiests, I'm married to one )

Our Father, who art in Heaven,

Hallow by thy name ,

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day Our Daily bread

Forgive us for our debts As we forgive our debtors

Forgive us for our trespasses as we for give those who trespass against us

And deliver us from EVIL For yours is the power and glory for ever and ever!

Holy Father, Lord Jesus Christ,

In this time of trouble confusion and darkness we pray for our country, our President and we ask that the Holy Spirit guides President Trump, his administration, to do the right things and to protect him from the evil forces that have infiltrated our government.

We pray for the children that have been sexually abused, murdered, by evil people involved with this horrible revelation of evil ,called PIZZA GATE.

We ask Lord, that you deliver swift justice in your will, and that you give us patience and the ability to understand what is happening around us.

Lord, we ask that you forgive us for our anger and hostile words towards these evil people who want to destroy life and beauty by taking advantage of children.

These are very difficult times.

Faith alone will save us,we ask that The Holy Spirit helps those who don't understand faith, goes to those and shows them Salvation and Love.

and we do not fear occult attacks for you are the Almighty who put His only son on earth Lord Jesus on earth to die for our sins.

Before Jesus was crucified he casted out demonic demonic spirits dwelling in a man into a group of pigs.

Lord Jesus, we ask that YOU son of man cast out all demonic forces that may be summoned by witches to interfere with the investigation of PIZZA GATE,into a group of pigs as you did before .

In the name of The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit,


( I say this every night the words may change but before some of the house goes to sleep this prayer is said some don't pray here but no one clashes and respects the other Hope this helps those of you who want to pray for these children)

YingYangMom ago


I like your prayer very much.

WellSetTable ago

I'm glad you do :)

Betty_Swollocks ago

Old Russian saying:

Pray as much as you want, but keep rowing for shore.

This applies to the Satanists too!

Forgetmenot ago

I Just want to say before some of you dismiss prayer I want to remind you that there was a recent FOIA that confirmed the CIA has been utilizing remote viewing for their nefarious purposes. Don't be ignorant, just because you don't believe something or understand does not mean it is nonsense. If remote viewing is effective for the CIA, then prayer does not seem so far fetched.

Lag-wagon ago

What? Praying does not work.

Forgetmenot ago

It might help, right now those kids need every bit of hope and faith we got for their behalf. The satanist are praying to their devil. I will throw everything I got in this fight for those kids!

Lag-wagon ago

What?! There is no devil to pray to. Just evil humans.

Forgetmenot ago

That's exactly what they want you to think. Just look up remote viewing. Learn a little bit. Or don't. stay exactly where you are and god bless :)

Lag-wagon ago

Oh my goodness you poor human. They have you brainwashed.

defeatallsatanists ago

VPOTUS just wrapped up his speech at CPAC with a request for PRAYER.

Touchdown50 ago

Weve already won. These ghouls are desperate. They know their time is almost finished. They will sacrifice 1000 children to satan for power but it will not work. We are all protected by the almighty. Nothing will harm us. The power of prayer will protect all yee. Im not religious or a bible thumper but this is a spiritual war and our souls must be strong.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

If this is Dungeons & Dragons. Then count me in. I've probably got a dwarf and some geeky glasses around here somewhere... Seriously wtf is this?

Melitica ago

It is a shill thread. Report this kinda crap to mods.

defeatallsatanists ago

It's called the real world, son. The evidence is overwhelming at this point that PG is directly related to some dark occult shit regardless of what you believe. No one cares you don't understand. Pay attention or shut up and get out of the way.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Oh yeah i forgot that the spaghetti monster is out there... Gotta watch out and be real careful... Oh wise one...

HighFlyingRambo ago

How can one follow PIZZAGATE but then fail to realize that this evil that is being forced upon children is coming from a luciferian cult that believe in dark forces!?. If they believe this then I'm finding guidance in what gma always told me . Pray to god and Jesus Christ. Or others can meditate and use the mind to manifest the results YOU want. We only know part of life's story, those in control guard it with their blood oaths. We STILL are powerful we are still conscious of our free will

OrwellKnew ago

I don't "pray". But I will keep my hopes up

con77 ago

God put Trump in office. He will not allow harm to cone to his servant.

Long_Knife ago

By your own rationale, why did he allow harm to come to the children then?

con77 ago

harm in this realm is fleeting compared to eternity

Long_Knife ago

But trump is in this realm?

con77 ago

blow me

Long_Knife ago

haha the sign that all logic is lost.

redditsuckz ago

Spell to bind Trump Facebook - over 2500 likes;

Twitter Search - magicresistance

If you are gonna pray DONT pray for Donald Trump because he is part of the swamp...give your energy and prayers for the children and for this whole thing to come to and end.

rooting4redpillers ago

The pendulum is slowing way down, but still swinging the wrong direction. We've got to give everything we have, prayer included, to swing it back towards good. This unlikely Trump election, and the bizarre reaction to it, is like nothing ever before. I honestly believe we're experiencing our last chance to set things right, for many generations to come.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Pray pray pray! Invision a white light of protection around President Trump, his family, all those who support him and his cabinet! May God hear our prayers.

looking4truth ago

They have to get past kek first if they wanna harm Trump.

Amyamy ago

Many of us believe that mass prayer works. Mass intention, good or bad, has an effect. There is a mass meditation prayer scheduled for Saturday as brought up here on Voat:

In addition to Saturday, I think we should do the same on Friday. If anyone is a member of a prayer circle, please spread the message. Contact your church/meditation groups through Facebook so it can be a quick announcement and have enough people on board by tomorrow.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Ya welcome. Im not very good at PG researching, but I know the Word of God and I know how to pray. :-)

Damo3000 ago

Found this online if it helps:

There are three parts to a prayer for a hedge of protection:

Ask God to bind and rebuke the power of Satan in the life of each one in your family. Be mighty through God to pull down strongholds. “No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man”(Mark 3:27).

Pray in the name and through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:13). Christ’s name is Protector, the Good Shepherd that gives His life for His sheep.

Claim the Scripture that relates to the kind of protection that is needed. For example, for protection from sin, you can claim a verse such as Romans 6:14, “For sin shall not have dominion over you”. For protection from discouragement, you could claim the promise “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

defeatallsatanists ago

OP thanks you for your service! Thank you! Keep up the good fight. Allies.

defeatallsatanists ago

OP wholeheartedly approves, as a Christian, of this message. Kek works.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Not a shill. Longtime lurker. Please excuse me while I address the witches:

Bring it, witch! You are defeated!

The Word says, "No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me," declares the LORD." - Isaiah 54:17 .....I speak this Word of God over Donald Trump.

The Words says, ""You shall not allow a witch to live." - Exodus 22:18

The Word says, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." - James 2:19

The Word says, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you." Luke 10...I speak this Word of God over Donald Trump

Revelation 19: " I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of His mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh He has this name written:

King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”

Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh."

So let it be! You will not win, witch! Get thee hence behind Pres Donald Trump, in the Name of Jesus and go back to the pit where you belong! The Word says God sets up kings and He brings them down and Donald Trump has been called according to the Sovereign Purpose and Plan of God and YOU WILL NOT PREVAIL!

Amen, In Jesus Name!

sound_of_silence ago

in Jesus' perfect name, amen x10

srayzie ago

Amen! When 2 or more are gathered... 🙌🏻

Godwillwin ago

Amen! Alleluia!!

Forgetmenot ago

Woo! This is one mighty prayer and I stand in agreement with it! May the word of the lord come to fulfillment! Amen!

tired_father ago

In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, Hope and Light of the world, the perfect Lamb who was slain and rose again triumphing over death and sin, I bind the forces of the enemy and declare that no weapon formed against those who stand do Your will for the good of your creation shall prosper. I rebuke the works of Satan and those who conspire to stand against Your authority as Maker of heaven and earth, and Creator of all things good and perfect. I pray that you send your angels to surround our commander in chief, Donald Trump, whom you've appointed as the leader of this nation and protect him from any harm or curses in the mighty name of Jesus. If you oh Lord are for them, then who is able to stand against You? The demons tremble at the sound of the name Jesus - so let the works of the enemy tremble and collapse under the unified cry of our prayers. We pray for the release of justice and judgement to befall those who perpetrate against the lives of the innocent, and freedom for the young victims who have been temporarily seized by the clutches of the enemy,. We pray for a releasing of your swift rescue of these innocent lives, that they may dwell in the transcending peace of your mercy, safety and comfort in Jesus' name!

sound_of_silence ago

amen and in Jesus' holy name, let it be done.

YingYangMom ago


Preschoolartist ago

In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen

srayzie ago

Amen brother

Malignment ago

Amen & May God repay the wicked for their wicked deeds throughout the Earth. In 2017 the Lord of Hosts will crush evil and what is done in the dark will be brought to the light

Godwillwin ago

Amen Amen Amen!!

Rmm ago

I copied and pasted this and will pray it tomorrow at midnight and Sat at 11:11

gangpressorliber ago

I'm praying these fools fail to manifest and even attempt their vain spells. Just to demoralize them...

Forgetmenot ago

I stand in agreement with this prayer may the little ones be rescued, may gods will be done!

optionalfrank ago


knight222 ago

Occult attack? Lol good luck with that. I'm so scared right now!

coolrosetti ago

Not to piss you off, but prayer doesn't do squat If you were drowning and you asked the people on the river bank to pray for you ... you would be dead.

I totally on board with this pizzagate business, but I can't agree with the Christian Fundamentalist going ape shit crazy about the occultist crap. The way I see it is it just a bunch of rich, fucks trying to find another way to get their pathetic rocks off.

Kids are drowning .... don't pray .... throw them a rope ... then celebrate when they are rescued.

Godwillwin ago

Not all prayers are answered in the way we want. But this is more than just a child drowning. This is thousands being slaughtered and tortured. It truly is a fight of good versus evil. We must act, but we must pray as well. God hears our prayers. President Trump needs the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the protection of all the Angels and the guidance, strength, and courage of the Lord.

Forgetmenot ago

Don't worry no one is talking about that. We are praying for trump and safety and for the victims. Without training an athlete will lose a race but no matter how much training that same athlete loses his faith won't win. Faith, hope, positivity, whatever you want to call it never hurts. Don't stress, sing a song and send it to the kids, it can't hurt but what if it helps? Whatever you can do to get positive on behalf of trump. Or not, but no one is saying to pray and not act.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

A quick prayer to God, may show one of those on the river bank where an old piece of rope is


defeatallsatanists ago

LOL debate me I'm an atheist!!! PLEASE DEBATE ME!!!!!

conspiracyprincess ago


sound_of_silence ago

why isn't that stickied to the top of every pg page? honestly.

conspiracyprincess ago

I guess it's just up to us... voat on..

apostle_s ago

Sancte Míchaël Archángele, defénde nos in prœlio, contra nequitiam et insídias diáboli esto præsídium. Imperet illi Deus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, Princeps milítiæ cœléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervágantur in mundo, divína virtúte, in inférnum detrúde. Amen.

IlluminatiKing ago

I'm game. I hate even the thought of satanic influences being pushed at someone. I don't usually pray for political figures, but I can see the good he is intending on doing and the evil forces that come out of the woodwork. If he really is going after sex trafficking, this isn't going to be easy. Evil forces love to pray on the innocent and most vulnerable. It's like shaking a hornets nets. Stay vigilant friends!

awarenessadventurer ago

you are so right. I am rooting into earth and creating protection with prayer and sage. Sending a reverse spin on the magic they cast. This is a vulnerable time for us all as many of these people do not know what they are doing and then the ones that do are likely to try and harness all opposing energies to the path of darkness. This is a spiritual war above all, reject it if you will. But at least burn some sage or something... stay in awareness. Collective consciousness is powerful, but so can be collective dark magik. They are nothing against our awakened will. This is why they must struggle and sacrifice so much.... and why they keep us in spiritual darkness. Once awakened they have know power over us. Stand Firm. Claim your Space. Eminate from your SOUL. LOVE. in protection and compassion.

p0ssum ago

And then you wonder why the MSM or general public won't give your absurdity the time of day ... and you keep proving them right.

defeatallsatanists ago

LOL y u mad bro?

panzergoatSS ago

I will send my positive energy tomorrow to help Donald win This war.

Before pedogate I was becoming more of a spiritual person but this whole investigation has really pushed it more and more for me, and I think a lot of people.

If there's anything I've learnt, it's that if the elites destroying the planet are performing satanic rituals and genociding potentially hundreds of millions, there must be more to this reality than we know, and they are using it for the wrong reasons.

There are much more of us though. We just have to open our minds and do our bit, no matter how small.

Jem777 ago

Longtime PG Investigators are also trapped in San Jose Flooding. Evacuations..most people in San Jose do not work for Google, Facebook, or Twitter or any of them. PG investigators reaching out to flood victims or at least praying helpful.

SturdyGal ago

Sorry to hear that Jem. Sending good vibes and prayers now.

defeatallsatanists ago

Yeah, the FB and Google kids from SF will work from home while the plebs drown. You are in our prayers. Let us know how we can help.

Jem777 ago

Yes the FB & Google CEO's protected in mansions. Their "contract" workers paid crap on Extended visa immigrants. Their American "contract" workers live in almost poverty in San Jose and Bay Area. Trust a lot of them if they were allowed to tell the truth and not censored by their employers....or worse FB spying on their work lives & personal lives

RedGreenAlliance ago

Life's getting too weird for me. I'm going to find a nice remote cave and rediscover my primal self...

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Me 2 after I pray for President Trump and all who are good.

e-traiu ago

Donald is safe. He has got alot of love that protects him from evil

Jem777 ago

They must be trembling to now openly organize? They believe in their own witchcraft and organize on Social Media.

JesusRules ago

I wonder how many babies will be sacraficed to Moloch... Fuck Satan!!!!!

Jem777 ago

Running to the hills. The Dark Occult are the inner chambers of everyday evil. See The Outer Dark Youtube if you need more and easier way to understand.

Been praying for 7 years. Am now!

Demons_Dreaming ago

I will be praying tomorrow. There is no denying that there is a higher power.

desertsky ago

It's good to see everyone praying now. I'll be praying continually for our country starting now. It's exciting knowing we'll be united in prayer this weekend.

defeatallsatanists ago

I don't care to whom your pray. Notice I did not direct anyone in that regard. Grow up and stop being ass-hurt about things that frighten you and about which you know absolutely nothing.

tt7 ago

The infighting in this thread is not useful, telling people they don't understand prayer correctly or that it doesn't work. If you're willing to try, try earnestly. If not, go and do some other good thing for the world that day.

je-sui-pepe ago

or meditate for good. you don't have to pray but you can meditate and put forth good energy...

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Righto. I am gonna say its safe to assume that if God exists, he listens to everyone and understands their hearts.

sound_of_silence ago

Yes!... there are so many people who don't know Him because they've never heard of Him or they've always been lied to about Him... but He knows <3

we're all in this together +for the children

Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.

psa 7:9

defeatallsatanists ago

Yes and thank you!

islandofdelight ago This meditation/prayer is scheduled for Saturday. Everyone who is with the LIGHT should participate.

It's actually no surprise that the dark occultists are coming right out and showing their intent of harm against Trump. Any 'magic' that is based in the negative is evil... The LIGHT does not intend harm ever.... The satanists, luciferians and demon puppets should rightly be afraid. Their end is near.

strix-varia ago

Just want to add that: The LIGHT sometimes implies the occultists. Darkness parades as LIGHT. Sorry, but it does. The Illumined Ones for example! I will be praying however.

fuspezza ago

The light is for all not just for certain individuals who don't understand how karma works. With that said may the hot heart of our creator clear the Fog off your soul.

strix-varia ago

Oh I understand karma and karma is often misunderstood because it is such a buzz word these days. We are not in control of anything, but we do make a choice in every moment of our lives. That is what this is all about, my will or thy will. Everyone has fog on their soul, everyone. Please let me know of a pure, light and love human. You won't find one because everyone's perception of what that means is different. Someone will always point a finger and say, "you just don't get it. You just don't understand." There is a constant paradox in living, always an opposite. It's not easy "being" a human "being".

fuspezza ago

By those standards and rules of engagements you are correct because it would be impossible to please these hypocritical fucks, my self included, but keep in mind only a fool would care what ppl think long as you know the difference between right and wrong . Your conscience is clean and that your soul lives in perfect harmony with the christ within

strix-varia ago

Amen fuspezza!

fuspezza ago


Touchdown50 ago

Thats a certain point of view.

islandofdelight ago

Ok, but you know what I mean... There is darkness that is false light, and there is Light that is LOVE.

strix-varia ago

I do know what you mean. Absolutely

neurofluxation ago

Guys, we should all watch The Global Consciousness Project

heyder ago

Sometimes the rabbit hole goes so deep that you end up leaving your own path. Is this information relevant to your path? Come back to yourself. Why are you here? What are you good at? How can you help humanity? There is so much information as you delve into other peoples sins and garbage.. at some point you have to climb out of that rabbit hole you climbed down and get back onto your path. That's where you can make a real change.

SturdyGal ago

Really wise heyder. Yes we have to fix this, but part of fixing it is creating the world we want. Otherwise they win.

goatboy ago

The other option is you can take the binding into yourself. Offer up your future, your hopes, your dreams, or something else, in exchange for taking all the energy and forces into yourself- to release back into the world as you see fit. Self sacrifice is a so-called Trump Card magic that overrides almost all other magic. If you can endure the suffering you may become the most powerful being in millennia- but the cost is great.

defeatallsatanists ago

This is the most knowledgeable insight yet, thanks. If you are Christian, this is the way of the cross. If you are Buddhist, this is the Bodhisattva vow. It is a universal truth and it scares the shit of them.

zo34 ago

If you are Christian, this is the way of the cross.

I don't know what sort of Christianity you're into, but it isn't biblical. The only sacrifice that gets people into heaven is Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

defeatallsatanists ago

Matthew 16:2

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Bible much?

zo34 ago

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

Acts 16:30-31

30 and after he brought them out, he said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31 They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

Ephesians 2:8-9

8For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

defeatallsatanists ago

You are literally adding nothing of value to the conversation, except to mouth off like a boastful idiot full of pride. Shut up and pray. No one cares about your misunderstandings about Christianity.

zo34 ago

And what have I misunderstood? I only pasted scripture.

Not_A_Large_Duck ago

There is literally nothing that turns me off about PG more than this. I'm not interested in god or prayer. Self reflect if you will but leave this bullshit spiritual energy cult bullshit out of things.

Melitica ago

Shill thread. Report these to mods. Hopefully it will be gone shortly.

paulf ago

Hi! Welcome to Pizzagate! You must be new here. To bring you up to speed:

  • we now have overwhelming evidence that the elites abuse children all over the world according to exactly the same formula. It's called Satanic Ritual Abuse or SRA.
  • they also sacrifice children regularly in order to appease dark forces of some kind that they clearly believe in.
  • they have co-opted some of the most powerful extra-governmental forces in the world to satisfy these depraved habits.

Do you think these actions are evil? Why or why not? Do you have any basis at all for believing that evil exists?

Not_A_Large_Duck ago

I'm not new here, I've been on 4chan, reddit & voat since the inception dude. I just don't buy into the spiritualizing of the investigation.

Pushing the pizza shop narrative front and center makes this a non discussable issue to normal people. Pushing the occult into the forefront makes this a non discussable issue with normal people. Peddling Jesus on the investigation is going to turn this into a fringe investigation We need to be sane, rational and present strong arguments.

You let me know when you all raise your hands and get a warm fuzzy feeling if you feel the Earth stop turning.

My goal here is to determine what are the best possible facts to present to sway people who don't believe as well as find solid, irrefutable links so they can begin looking into it themselves. I can't send them here if we all burn incense on Wednesday & meet up at the fucking drum circle.

Keep your faith out of it.

Parting thought: Plenty of priests and religious people fuck kids too. Keep it out of Pedogate / Pizzagate please.

HighFlyingRambo ago

Boy you just don't get it! But yes evil lurks in the priests in the elite in YOU in ME and in this world. LIVE ÀKA EVIL Nothing wrong with battling that phenomena by rejecting it by the power of meditation or prayer or being consciously aware of it so when you feel it coming BOOM KNOCK it out of your soul

Not_A_Large_Duck ago

The next time I'm in your area I will attend your megachurch and we can have the evil knocked out of us by your minister. /s

I feel I am one of the moderates in T_D and here, if I leave I can guarantee there are more like me that will be doing the same thing. See my other comment in this thread for the long version.

strix-varia ago

Well, then you have chosen which side you are on. Sorry, but it's true, this is huge evil darkness we're dealing with.

Not_A_Large_Duck ago

I 100% disagree. I simply can't condone pushing prayer and Jesus or Mohammed or Allah into the narrative that's fucking bullshit. Ban me if you want but it's fucking ridiculous and the optics of it are ridiculous. This issue needs to be front and center not something that alienates people.

strix-varia ago

I understand, I really do. The prayer issue or Jesus is not for everyone, not at all (can't even bring the muslim thing into this, because one has to understand where islam came into all of this). If one understands the root of all of this, one will see how unbelievably biblical this is. And because we haven't learned for thousands of years, history repeats itself and will continue to do so. So I will ask what will you do to fight or defend against the darkness, to help the future generations that are going to have to live here?

Not_A_Large_Duck ago

When I take a shit I think really hard about the thousands of years of religion and millions of misguided people peddling their faith to people who can live without some all powerful all knowing father figure in their lives and still not hurt other people and it reinforces my belief that people are inherently good and don't need to read a 2000 year old Dragonlance novel to live a righteous life.

By all means pray but if you want more people to dig into the PG stuff you better take your bible peddling elsewhere because I can't point people here if this idea of mass prayer takes off.

What this verse and the_donald needs is the ability to reach across the aisle and capture the attention of the moderate people who want more information what you're doing is turning this into a fringe investigation and forever locking it behind the doors of a conspiracy theory. This investigation may be good intentions vs evil ones but it doesn't need the veneer of religion to be either authentic or successful.


strix-varia ago

Wow! Never meant to disturb your dumps.

ArthurEdens ago

I'm with you

defeatallsatanists ago

I'll be praying for you too, even though you're a mouthy asshole.

21yearsofdigging ago

I am in agreement as I believe all of this is the culmination of the spiritual war. Others can ignore it but I for one will be asking for divine help

HighFlyingRambo ago

17 years of going down the rabbit hole here and all this digging brought me right back to the spiritual faith that I abandoned to seek the truth! It's so clear now. It is the eleventh hour

gangpressorliber ago

"Against Dispensationalism: Israel, the Church & Bible Prophecy" They have been corrupting the mainstream churches theology! THERE IS HOPE BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!! TAKE GREAT HEART!!!

goodguy1367 ago

11:11 synchronization everywhere, time to wake up

59lion ago

Prayer does work. May not always work the way we think is the best but it is a very powerful force. This is very much a spiritual battle.

gangpressorliber ago

I at wits end when in school prayed that God cause the sewage to back up in the offices in the high school and for the school to catch on fire or something so that I didn't have to go to school the next day if God cared at all for me to finish my report (Dual enrollment) I felt like if he wanted me to get an F and soil my academic future it was for his glory, if he wanted me to do better he would offer me more time, but it didn't matter to me, I was undeserving and I was 100% at fault for why it wasnt done up until that time... I prayed a very humble prayer at 3 am. then upon arriving at school the next morning, sewage had backed up into the hall by the offices (this was the second time this happened hence my inspiration to pray knowing it had happened before) and of all things a water fountain caught on fire on the back hall!!!! so... I got to work on the report latter that day when I got home. Got a D or a C but got a C for the class... Instead of a useless D. That's just one of many prayers I have prayed that have been answered like that... He has also ignored my prayers as I latter entertained a stent of delving into the occult for psychic powers... I almost died and felt like I was losing my mind... a sincere and humble prayer and I was healed after weeks in a hospital on the edge of a life changing surgery but no longer needing it, and another prayer from a second fall I had took away what I believe was demonic haunting ( I was obsessed with Astral projection... BAD idea endeavor... )

kammmmak ago

I imagine an energy bubble like force all around Trump to protect. Also accidents happen when you don't expect them so expect them. That too creates a barrier force. Like in your car or protecting your girlfriend, wife or children. Maybe all in my head but anyways these dark forces are something.

Touchdown50 ago

There are dark forces. I have seen them. They are real like the sky is blue.

sound_of_silence ago

true. same here. they're the forces driving the evils of pizzagate (among other things).

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You should post a thread somewhere... I am intrigued.

sound_of_silence ago

i'd like to see a thread on this as well... demonic direction and engineering of evil is part of the "why" that most pg discussions don't seem to delve too deeply into..

Touchdown50 ago

Demons are real. They are real interdimensional entities. They manifested to me after i had a car wreck and they look like hell raiser cenobites. This one had two heads. I wasnt high by the way. Or drunk.

heyder ago

I'm at a loss for words...this is not on point. Just pray for all of humanity. Try to stay out of this sort of thought. It's not healthy. Had to edit this. Yes energy is real.. psychic attack is real... but trying to counter psychic attacks with more psychic attacks(prayer to combat a certain situation).. you're just fighting fire with fire. It's not even a prayer at that point.. more like a selfish war of energy.. us against them mentality. Pray for all humanity if you want to do some real energy work.

defeatallsatanists ago

You are not, in fact, at a loss for words. You seem to have a lot of them, and they are angry and fearful. Prayer for protection is not "a psychic attack". You know nothing about prayer. Why are you wailing and gnashing your teeth because of prayer? Why are you so against a prayer or protection against evil? You protest too much. I see you.

Long_Knife ago

Cursing or hexing the president and his aides could generate "negative blowback" or bad karma on the caster, not to mention inquiries from the Secret Service. A binding spell is more like a magical restraining order.

wew. I can just imagine that conversation now.

Grifter42 ago

Secret service wizards casting counter-spells and shit, lol.

goodguy1367 ago

I'm down for this! These people don't just sacrifice children and people for no reason. Their harvesting energy off the younger generation and the planet. This is 100% vital and should be left up. If their sacrifices did nothing and meant nothing then we wouldn't be doing this investigation in the first place. This is deeper than child abuse and pedophilia, this is harvesting an it must be stopped.

Aniabub ago

My husband says that they are following the real true god and leading other (christains etc) to worship satan so they all go to hell or whatever. And he isnt religious, but he thinks the same as you. There is a reason the freak shows have been doing it and i dont really want to find out why.

gangpressorliber ago

Watch "Marching to Zion" from pastor Steve Anderson. Free on youtube. It goes over the Albert Pike Morals and Dogma section your husband refers too, along with so much more in great detail, a very relevant expose for our time. Exposes the Talmud, and Zionism as well. So much to be gained and very well presented. Well produced.

gangpressorliber ago

I mean it lays out a Hardcore BIble Beatdown... also for your husband.... Answers in Genisus has a debate Bill Nye vs Ken Ham, great one to catch about earth age, evolution, and creationism... Bill Nye gets reduced to the point of a fraudulent scientist. As well check out "Against Dispensationalism: Israel, the Church & Bible Prophecy" if you ever get the chance, or make the chance another eye opener... Gave me hope again where the modern corrupt church left me feeling like Jesus had literally abandoned us to decay in this age... Never so... His words were always of Hope and never wanted a complacent "it's a sign of the times" church caving to an occult NWO.

goodguy1367 ago

Yea that's right, they've infiltrated religion and inverted it like they do everything. All the symbols used throughout a lot of the religions can be traced back to archon dark entities, David Icke has a lot of talks on youtube about the dark energy and what they represent, they've turned the planet upside down to what it should be. If you YouTube David Icke archon or religion you should find some of his videos explaining the basis of what their doing. Don't go too far if you don't want to be overwhelmed. God bless

Aniabub ago

After much internal debating, i have just started going to church. Ive never been a religious person, always believed in higher beings, but needed some guidance in my life. So far my life is picking up, but i go for the moral teachings not the god is all seeing stuff. Im not sure how far i could get, ill have my hubs check it out. My brain does not like knowing the awful things going on with these sick fucks and i have to distance myself sometimes.

gangpressorliber ago

You need hope... "Against Dispensationalism: Israel, the Church & Bible Prophecy" There is hope.. The crazy end times prophecy stuff that brings most Christians down is from Zionist corruption within the Church again "Marching to ZIon" pastor Steve Anderson. I was in a serious existential depression for a long time with my faith until I saw that movie against dispensationalism.

gangpressorliber ago

Check out Steven Anderson on youtube.... He's ontop of near everything but Tithing... I've not heard it from him, but I don't think Tithing is biblical.... Watch "Marching to Zion" Great movie for all pizzagate investigators. Exposes the Rothschilds, the Talmud, Zionism, and Freemasonry's ties to them all... Very relevant to the way the world works in the shadows.

goodguy1367 ago

If you're just on the outskirts of what they do as part of their sick reality manipulation then it's best to stay there for your sanity. I'm sure there's a lot of other people on here along with myself that have lost sleep and had fucked up nightmares from the depth of this shit. Best best is to stay informed enough to spread the word and pray that a fair trial happens, let your hubby inform you on the basics and that's really all a sane mind needs to know.

Aniabub ago

Thank you. I couldnt handle it all, and tbh, madeline mccan was the final straw. We were lied to for so long those poor fucking parents. That alone has made me alter my behaviour, my daughter doesnt leave my side unless its with her polish grandparents (i dont trust my mother unfortunately to say). Spirit cooking induces near automatic vomit. Urgh god. Ive had the nightmares and i havent seen half of what you must have.

You guys are doing a fantastic job and i am so sorry that it has fallen upon you (and us) to witness this atrocity. There alot of people like me who cant stomach it but you guys do it all for us and keep us informed with the basics. Again, thank you. I wish i could take away the awful things you must have seen

Lets hope for a speedy end to this horror on our earth.

goodguy1367 ago

No need to feel sorry, we're here because we care about these poor victims unlike all the MSM and shills that are doing their best to make us quit and give up but if anything it gives us more of a reason to pursue it. Our whole planet has been run by these psychopaths for too long and it's time we take a stand. Oh we've seen some sickening shit but I think it's only the tip of the iceberg, the extent this shit goes to is beyond what a normal human can handle. I think that's why the public that are still oblivious to this are slowly being drip fed little bits and pieces to prepare them for the ultimatum of the atrocities that the "leaders" of the world participate in on a daily basis. It's up to us to lead the uninformed through the turbulent times that will follow the truth once it's exposed. We are here to expose it, spread the word and then help the masses understand the illness what is happening. We are the forerunners of this and can't let them discourage us. Heads high, positive thoughts and prayers. We won't fail.

Aniabub ago

If you guys were a cult id totally join you. I willingly started to look into it but a, couldnt keep up and b, couldnt handle it. Its fucking everywhere. Credit will be given to you guys when it is due. Take the fuckers down.

Rigg5 ago

We should counter this by creating a positive hashtag to support trump with human trafficking. #endhumantrafficking

YingYangMom ago


gangpressorliber ago


BoraxTheFungarian ago

Their is going to be a prayer for Trump and his administration and the mitigation of justice in America (try not to be negative, God hears enough shit everyday) on the 25th at 11:11 am. Little known secret, prayer can work retroactively... Cause you can't put God in a box.

Long_Knife ago

I'm convinced they're after the black materia.

Jsanto ago

Hitler was said part the cult of "Vrill"so it doesn't seem far off. The sacrifice of the Jews was to harness dark matter in a sense.

sound_of_silence ago

true.. so what do you think about the antarctica talk... maybe going back to the ultima thule roots like hitler did.... honestly would not be surprised if that's where the entrance to the bottomless pit is... you know, the ones the army of the apocalypse exit from... in addition to that special time-place hitler found.. 'member?

gangpressorliber ago

Holocaust was a fraud watch "Marching to Zion" by Steve Anderson. its non stop info Rothschilds, Talmud, American Fremasonry, Holocaust, Zionism, all getting the beat down with a Bible and historical fact.

Jsanto ago

I do believe there are aspect of it that were exaggerated but to be "fraud" not so much. Aside from Being part Jew I also acknowledge Zionist elite as a reality.

sound_of_silence ago

i wish more people understood that the holocaust victims were actual descendants of Israel (the dude, aka Jacob) and Christians..... just like their olden days.... that, and that more people understood that Christians were also the targets of the salem witch trials... the great bloody crusades.... and and well.. all that..

Seagram ago

Quick! To the Temple of the Ancients!

rodental ago


conspiracyprincess ago

I'll be sure to pray for you too.

je-sui-pepe ago


PGIsRidiculous ago