sound_of_silence ago

Carolyn! Welcome! So glad you joined, and thank you from all of us, for what you've gone thru and the work you've done over these years, to make the truth known. God bless <3

jstayz44 ago

AIRPLANE HANGARS!?!!!! Another "hiding in plain site" I hadn't thought of...holy shit. is there any way to geo target possible locations, i.e. AF bases, bases near shipping ports, etc. Any other ideas??? I not only want the arrests, but I want survivors FOUND!!!

crankypants15 ago

3.) Schools are used for secret government testing, programming and training centers.

I want to point out that they look for victims who are very naive, cannot think for themselves, and generally believe anything that is told them. People who can think and analyze is not what they are looking for. They are looking for sheeple, kids who are easily manipulated. Some religious people fall into this category.