strix-varia ago

People still watch this guy....sigh....

ArthurEdens ago

This is probably because CBS owns Shotime and wants you to stop paying for HBO and start paying for Shotime instead

And Bill will defend himself by saying the difference is it wasn't rape -- female adult, they got married and had kids together

scott4964 ago

My favorite logical arguments are something like this:

"I know xxxxx brought attention to pedophila/pizzagate, but it is only a distraction/deflection."

LOL. Does one see how absolutely fucking ridiculous that logic is?

ANYTHING that brings attention to this is important. Stop the paranoia with shills. We're beginning to see cracks, relax and go with it.

The perps are slowly, but surely starting to shit tbeir pants.

truthstrangerthanfic ago

When 474 were arrested a few weeks ago in California, CBS was one of only a handful of NATIONAL news networks to report this. See my previous post for extensive details:

quantokitty ago

Interesting. Well, it means that either (1) they haven't sold completely out; or (2) they're positioning themselves for when the shit hits the fan. They'll be able to point to these attempts at fairness in making everyone accountable for stupid remarks and not just those to the left or right of center.

DiabolusExMachina ago

lol let's attack liberals because the anti gay right wing shut down our conservative gay troll.

It was on national T.V and the guy is a comedian sarcastically pointing out the double standard that we don't care about males and only have consent laws to protect women.

educate_yourself ago

Louie partakes in the kid fucking and probs killing also. in one of his episodes he takes his fingers and does 666 and puts his hand on his forehead. it is so fckn weird and out of place unless u realize what symbol hes making

iamthepizzanow ago

Lol that's a bit of a stretch. Comedians gonna comedian.

racoonbite ago

i doubt that, his scetch of the roman cathloic church is no flattering for them

777USA777 ago

Interesting.... The lady Pedo that Maher is defending has a brother John Patrick Schmitz who was deputy council to H.W. Bush. and then her other brother Joseph E. Schmitz, was Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense under Dubya. this is probably nothing, but it continues to blow my mnd the connection. Now a video surfaces of Maher saying these things and then when you look into the people involved it always manages to come full circle right back to PG.

equineluvr ago


HillBoulder ago

Do you have a source for this? I'm not doubting what you're saying but I'd love to read about this

equineluvr ago

Here's her brother:

Her name is Mary Kay (nee Schmitz) Letourneau. OBVIOUSLY a Tribe member.

paidshill ago

I think the left has wanted to ditch Maher for a long time now because he doesn't present a totally cucked narrative on Islam.

strix-varia ago

They are told what to do, what to report, who to report about and the "journalists" go along with narrative without ever questioning anything, or at least that's what it seems. Right msm?!?

remedy4reality ago

I swear to God if you investigators let this devolve into what fucking celebs have said about pedophilia I'm going to shoot myself.

Wake up, am I the only one who sees this as a DIVERSION ? CBS has not touched the Podesta emails nor the video !!

memphistre ago

Which video?

Barry_McCochiner ago

Isn't a HUGE part of this about Hollywood? Maybe we should be checking what each celeb has said...

strix-varia ago

Yup, I think hollywood is one of THE main reasons that the country (or world for that matter) is in the state it's in. People have been blindy following that trash far too long.

Amino69 ago

Maher is a degenerate but you're right, CBS are using Gatekeeper strategy to placate and tell us what we want to hear. It's fucking CBS FFS, the all seeing fucking eye is their logo and they have proven time and again to be an integral part of the global Jewstream Media. I cannot believe how naive people in this community can be at times, we really need to recognise this Pied Piper bullshit for what it is and just exploit it to soften up the blue pill'ers to join our ranks. For those who have not heard of or know little about operant conditioning and Machiavellian tactics, you would do well to research this stuff asap.

bibleproofs ago

We all get it, but at least some of it is getting through.

bibleproofs ago

Not true, CBS is the only station to cover Pizzagate evidence including the emails:

remedy4reality ago

that was a local station and the guys normal segment has been canceled


Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

That's a CBS affiliate, not CBS. CBS is owned by the CIA.

remedy4reality ago


they haven't touched the damn Podesta video nor his emails

FUCK THEM / They are directing the narrative away from the REAL CRIMINALS.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Wow. Would love to hear all of what Kennedy had to say on it too. Maher cannot say another word about Milo now. Will he be canned next? Book deals cancelled? Of course not.

oresd ago

Wow, those comments are shocking. He got away with it back then? Basically you had a female pedophile teaching in schools and praying on boys, and Maher is there defending it. Henry Rollins was blown away, look at his face.

Maher doesn't seem to grasp that a 12 year old can't support a family.

And yeah... he looks an idiot in the face of Milo.

bibleproofs ago

Not to mention if it was a 35 year old Male teacher having sex with a 12 year old boy.... I guess that's "love" as well?

carmencita ago

Well with a statement like that, they have to do something quick. If this statement takes hold. Hold on to your White Hat!

Pizzainmyass ago

Wow Bill Maher is a bitch for being friendly with Milo and then trying to take credit for his downfall

rosshk ago

There was an episode of Louie where he makes a "joke" that we shouldn't look at child rape as a bad thing so they won't kill the kid when they're done. I forget the exact set-up/punchline, but it was something like that.

carmencita ago

Well Well. A video of Maher putting his foot in his mouth, only something like that is not just a slip of the tongue. American Family?

bibleproofs ago

CBS is also the only network willing to discuss some of the PizzaGate evidence:

carmencita ago

I am shocked, since Colbert has been dissing Pizzagate every chance he gets. Kudos to CBS for sticking their necks out.