Amyamy ago

For any of you that want to post a video to FACEBOOK, this is a good one, because it covers facts and it's not long:

In my opinion it would be more effective with a different title, but anyhow it covers not just this pedo-ring arrest, but those of Memphis, Haiti, Norway, and another. It does touch upon the Silsby-Clinton connection as well.

Amyamy ago

EXACTLY!! This is blowing my mind. If you think for one minute that perhaps this isn't the type of story that mainstream wouldn't normally cover, then think again. If the national media can cover Brangelina, or the police shooting of one individual, or something like the Casey Anthony case or the other range of crap->serious.... but they can't cover the arrest of 474 people involved in the KIDNAPPING, SELLING, RAPE, EXPLOITATION, TRAFFICKING and perhaps MURDER of women and children!!

THIS is the ultimate proof, 100% nail-in-the-coffin that the media is beyond biased, in fact corrupt. They are pieces of shit. I hope Spicer mentions this story in one of his press room briefings and shames them all in front of the cameras!

DeathToMasons ago

Make some token arrest to pretend they investigate these things, and not cover them up, and not organize these things. Weak.

specialplan ago

Are there websites which scrape the jail websites for arrest records? Is there any way we can search for the names of who was arrested.

Sharipie ago

Many of those MSM fake news outlets are among those shown by wikileaks released emails to be in cahoots with Hillarys campaign and / or the DNC.

reasonedandinformed ago

We have been building more history of the MSM blackout and censorship, not only of pizzagate but of pedogate and related stories:

JimmyLionstar ago

Here is the video from the press conference:

JimmyLionstar ago

Btw.. what media was there? sens only 4 media reported on this..

FuckReddit69 ago

1) If you notice i didnt say anything about Hebrews, Arabs or Aramaics.

2) Antisemitism means anti-arab, anti-hebrew and anti-aramaic. Semetic means belonging to a land in the semetic region of the mid-east (palestine).

Don't do what MSM does and falsley label everything not in line with Zionist Israel, anti semetic.

SecureYourSeats ago

I just put the Reuters article on my Facebook with the following?

The biggest Child trafficking ring (child rape) in the U.S. history. Why have only CBS, NY Daily, Reuters, Washington Times and possibly AP reported on it. WHERE ARE ABC, Bloomber, CNBC, CNN, Daily Beast, Huffington Post, MSNBC, NBC, New Republic, NYT, New Yorker, People, Politico, The Guardian, The Vice,Cox and the Washington Post ??? Your silence on this huge story is very disturbing. What are you trying to cover up and why?

darkh0rse ago

The media outlets who do not cover this story are now complicit in the crime.

SecureYourSeats ago

Feel free to copy and paste it to your Facebook if you think you would like to get the word out about this disturbing silence. I corrected the one type-o.

Gammi ago

I wonder if they will even announce those who were arrested!...474 is a lot of people.

pizzaphish ago

From a list in the comments it lead me to a Facebook post. Eli Sheiman was one of those arrested in the sting from Santa Barbara. It sounded like a rare name. What do you think of Tutti Frutti farms. In another post I found I think distribution companies, for restaurants are involved with human trafficking. Look at the pictures of children next to the produce. We should research more on the names of people arrested to find similarities and connections in this giant web and learn the lingo of hiding pedo dealing.

Note I have seen tutti frutti used here

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you SO MUCH for posting this! I saw the story but didn't realize how conspicuously under-reported it was. I've turned it into a post on, a site where one of the Voat Pizzagate Sticky "get up to speed" articles is posted. Let me know if you want a link to this thread and I'll happily throw one in.

Thanks again!

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

The was a 3-day operation. Why was it touted as some special one-off?? These agencies should be doing these stings on a REGULAR basis. Not once a year during 'human trafficking awareness month' but EVERY month or, better still, EVERY WEEK.

comeonpeople ago

I think a lot of people misunderstand the story, this wasn't some giant trafficking ring with hundreds of operators and victims. These were mostly individual busts of mostly individual pimps, prostitutes, and johns.

ObamaFAG1 ago

If you don't know you are in the wrong forum and need to go back to the Cat Lovers forum on reddit

EvaEverywhere ago

[Generic inane gendered insult] right back at you.

FuckReddit69 ago

your supposed to boycott starbucks becasue these companies are enablers of corrupt politics and also becasue they are Israeli owned (you the know illegal, genocidal maniac state that american taxpayers pay for). for a complete list of Israeli products to boycott refer to this :

MolochHunter ago

great post. The agenda is frightening. And that biggest bust was only a one-state bust, not Nation-wide

I remember in the 80's we'd be shocked if a pedo ring bust involved a dozen people. I remind people of this now and its 'oh because of the internet'. Bullshit. The internet is just a conduit. The internet doesnt turn a non-pedo into a pedo

peanutz ago

Good catch! Keep up the good work.

SturdyGal ago

Same thing for the Norwegian Pedo roundup "DarkRoom". Reuters carried it, MSM picked it up for an hour, then dropped it. It was disappeared.

SturdyGal ago

This is vital - who is tracking these kids to make sure they are safe? Is their a national registry?

baron_samedi ago

damm cant be clearer then that

SaneGoatiSwear ago


User890020 ago

Why not?

SturdyGal ago

Why not click link SaneGoatiSwear?

acme2011 ago

Profiling through Google sites maybe?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

google is bad. tracks and sells you.

there is no reason to not archive that page, so that v/pizzagaters aren't tracked automatically


@olive611 has just attempted to entrap all v/pizzagate users

SturdyGal ago

Thanks for spelling it out, SaneGoatSwear.

unclassified ago

I sure hope the Trump administration is able to nail everyone involved in this shit. Everyone possible. The powerful, (corporations, politicians Hollywood and the politically connected, alphabet agencies, military industrial complex, traffickers, law enforcement, Satanists, religious leaders etc.) All the way down to pimps and all the lower level scum. But that's way too much to ask for. All of it may be completely covered up like they're trying to do with these traffickers.

AreWeSure ago

Operation Cross Country rescued 83 kids last October and 150 the year before that. I would say those are bigger than this

This same LA operation arrested 200 last year with little fan fare

BerksResident ago

No UK coverage either - very wierd

DavidBernheart ago

There's gotta be a hundred lower level officers that were involved in this bust who expected to turn on the TV the next morning to see SOMETHING about the largest human trafficking busts in American history.

ObamaFAG1 ago

confirmation of the level the "fake ass media" being controlled by the Liberal, PEDOPHILES, SNAKES, SATANISTS and CIA (pieces of fecal matter). We THE people must make great efforts to boycott these outlets and companies like Starbucks and the Hollywood scum community. IMHO so many patriots don't grasp the fact that if we organize (on the internet) WE the people can have SO much power and hurt these entities in a UUUGGG way.

Amyamy ago

Hey- speaking of the Starbucks thing- I read that the veteran-owned Black Rifle Coffee Company has said that they will hire 10K veterans :) in a response to Starfucks statement.

ObamaFAG1 ago

yea, saw that... I love it and there is actually a video showing a line to a Black Rifle Coffee and the person shooting the video pans across the street to a Starbucks and there is no one in line. This is an example of how "WE The People" have to take matters in our own hands and take OUR country back one small piece at a time. Thanks for the info ;)

Amyamy ago

Oh, I'd love to see that! I've only seen their website but I'll go check out their channel... thanks!

abcdefg222 ago

I think it's really weird too. This story should be HUGE. Do we have a list of people implicated yet?

doolord ago

Honestly I keep seeing this huge number of people arrested, but never see the names. I want to know if they are some big name higher ups in there, especially with the busts in California.

justaboveaverage ago

I found a partial list from some county newspaper. Not high level pedos. Will try and find it.

Edit: Here is the article + Archive link

Excerpt from it:

Arrested were Martin Steinley, 20, of Santa Barbara; Zachary Harrison, 28, of Isla Vista; Damien Pearson, 30, of Santa Barbara; Eli Sheiman, 41, of Santa Barbara; Sergio Torres, 22, of Santa Barbara; and Jose Aristondo Arreaga, 37, of Santa Barbara.

Selnee ago

Interesting so many are from Santa Barbara one of the richest areas in the U.S.! Could be a good argument anyway to show that elitists running child trafficking rings is not so far fetched after all.

derram ago :

        Nearly 500 arrested in California human trafficking raids | Reuters :

California police arrest 474, rescue 28 sexually exploited kids - NY Daily News :

Sheriff: 474 arrested in California human trafficking stings - Washington Times

This has been an automated message.

TimeForPitchForks ago

SuperBowl hashtag that shit :)

JimmyLionstar ago

No Sweden coverage either... I posted it on Facebook and wonderd why? alot of my friends was suppriced that this happen and no covering from Swedish media. We had a program on TV (kalla fakta) a few weeks ago about pedophiles in Sweden that was not being investigated. And there was a lot of out cry from the public about this.. so for any journalist this should have been a big story in Sweden.