MSM finally reports on Bill Maher's pedo remarks (CBS go figure) (pizzagate)
submitted 8 years ago by bibleproofs
Seems like CBS is the only network willing to publish the complete story:
Archive: (just in case they scrub it Ben Swann style)
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bibleproofs 8 years ago
CBS is also the only network willing to discuss some of the PizzaGate evidence:
carmencita 8 years ago
I am shocked, since Colbert has been dissing Pizzagate every chance he gets. Kudos to CBS for sticking their necks out.
PGIsRidiculous 8 years ago HAHAHAHAHA
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bibleproofs ago
CBS is also the only network willing to discuss some of the PizzaGate evidence:
carmencita ago
I am shocked, since Colbert has been dissing Pizzagate every chance he gets. Kudos to CBS for sticking their necks out.
PGIsRidiculous ago HAHAHAHAHA