equineluvr ago

The Better Business Bureau (BBB, or 222) is an Illuminati organization. Their logo is a dead giveaway.

2impendingdoom ago


here is another story of the incubator sideshow doctor with photos, thought you might enjoy

duhiki ago

I mentioned my story for the same reason. Some people just see it as a silo of fetuses and it's really obvious to me that those poeple have either led a singularly charmed life and/or have never been inside a Planned Parenthood. I used their pre-natal services when pregnant with my eldest; my midwife was awesome.

It always bummed me out to go in for a pre-natal visit and have to face the gauntlet of religiously-motivated abortion protesters... as if God didn't abort a whole planet down a toilet, or have civilizations that used bitter gall as a priest-approved abortifacient. Bah, the beast of ignorance!

Sorry for tangent. But I agree with your original argument. And as a side note, by having paid protesters ranting against abortion, it creates cover for the harvest of newborns to flourish.

2impendingdoom ago

well I wouldn't start a post with it myself, my concern for pizzagate is intentional systemic abuse of power & resources and how that is manifest through pedophilia/sex abuse/blackmail.

2impendingdoom ago

I love that he took no money, and that it was all on display, in these pg days, its reassuring that not everybody has evil intent.

2impendingdoom ago

You might find this story interesting, it doesn't really say where all the babies ended up, most probably went back to the parents, but this guy nursed over 8,000 babies as a Coney Island Island side show. I'm not saying its related to pizzagate. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/man-who-pretended-be-doctor-ran-worlds-fair-attraction-saved-lives-thousands-premature-babies-180960200/

duhiki ago

Planned Parenthood saved my life. Went in for an abortion (was on birth control that failed, so it was a double whammy), found out it was Trophoblastic disease (no embryo, only placenta-like tissue that can go cancerous)... Without the PP, I would have endured a wait three weeks for a Dr appt, and anything pregnancy related is pretty f'n urgent. If trophoblastic tissue gets migrates from uterus to liver or brains, no amount of chemo will help. After the procedure, the doctor asked if I would consider donating the tissue; there a couple forms of trophoblastic disease, and by having a pathologist go over it, they could tell me which one it was. I consented. I'm still okay with that donation. The more we can understand something, the better, and with how ignorant America is by large, regarding reproduction and it's various topics, the better the reason to support scientific inquiry.

That said, there's something that I don't get about the whole harvesting abortion for parts or rituals. The embryo is tiny in the first trimester. Second trimester abortions are iffy, and the vast major practitioners aren't gung-ho for them due to increased bloodflow to the area and risk of hemorrhage. And even then, the fetus is pretty small. Third trimester abortions are rare, despite all the publicity about them. If a woman has endured 6+ months of pregnancy, odds are she wanted that baby (or was guilted into carrying to term because people feel the need to make people do what they want)...

So to me, it makes more sense to guilt women into giving birth and then surrendering the infants to those who want to "help," rather than part out placenta and embryos for ritual use. The system they have in place requires it; if women at large are allowed to plan their pregnancies, then they deprive the military complex a bunch of boots on the ground and sound cannon fodder. They want women producing babies and staying in poverty because it makes them easier to control when you can leverage their children against them (hello CPS)

We are literally cattle to them.

Time to stampede.

xmarlasingerx ago

I have been questioning planned parenthood for a while now and why their organization was pushed so hard by Clinton admin. There has to be a purpose that they serve to the elites or they wouldn't care if they were funded or not....also, a Catholic Church down the road from where I work but up a sign about 2 weeks ago about offering comfort and support for unplanned pregnancies. Very, very strange because they have never been a voice in the community for anything and are the only Catholic Church we have actually. Nice work

2impendingdoom ago

These fake centers using religious ideology to persuade women into adoption instead of an abortion, is emotional blackmail. It has always seemed hypocritical to me how the same people who are adamantly against abortions are for the death penalty, pro-war, against children's healthcare and education, so their religious sanctimony flies out the fucking window. So the answer here is that maybe the babies aren't expected to grow up, and money is involved. (btw I am glad you grew up Evaeverywhere).

One of the things FBI anon said was that CF operates in places where people are undocumented.

Podesta's cousins Patti and Glenn Paule Carres operate adoption agency, medical billing and psychiatrist office in Winchester VA originally set up in the name Gusifer (for real!), this was all dug up by quantokitty in December.

I imagine that one of the things that makes sacrificing a baby so important to them is how hard they are to come by...

equineluvr ago

"It has always seemed hypocritical to me how the same people who are adamantly against abortions are for the death penalty, pro-war, against children's healthcare and education, so their religious sanctimony flies out the fucking window."

I am not religious whatsoever. You cannot discern between the life of an INNOCENT infant and a convicted murderer that is a threat to society? In your mind the two are EQUAL!?

Also, why should OTHERS pay for a child's needs? That is the PARENT'S responsibility!

You would obviously be deliriously happy in some socialist country.

errihu ago

Also, why should OTHERS pay for a child's needs? That is the PARENT'S responsibility!~~~

~~~ So you propose forcing those who can't pay for their children to carry to term, where you will promptly ignore the babies and children who starve, suffer neglect, and possibly turn to crime in order to support an untenable existence? When access to safe abortion would have prevented the suffering before it even started? I suppose next you're going to say that women who can't afford to raise a child should never have sex or get raped? Perhaps you're better off campaigning for all the men in the world to voluntarily swear to celibacy unless they fully intend to raise a child with the woman they want to have sex with.

equineluvr ago

No, I propose using BIRTH CONTROL. If one doesn't have BIRTH CONTROL (which is ridiculous when CONDOMS are inexpensive and readily available), then i propose CLOSING ONE'S LEGS.

99% of conceptions DO NOT OCCUR as a result of RAPE. I think EVERYONE agrees that RAPE is a completely different situation. The LAW certainly does!

2impendingdoom ago

Killing people is either moral or immoral, so when the state decides its okay to kill people, than abortion should also be legal, Innocence is not really relevant. How many innocent people are or have ever been on death row? more than one? How many innocent people die in wars? countless. A convicted murderer can stay in prison. I am saying that the argument is hypocritical, not right or wrong. There are a lot of antiwar/antideath penalty people who are okay with abortion, its the same hypocrisy in reverse.

ababcb ago

There was something similar to this posted on Voat a few months ago... it was a "Christian" website that was looking for pregnant runaway teens, offering to "just call and we'll pick you up" and it had the EXACT same hand-in-heart logo that politics and prose had. Does anyone have a link to this? I can't find it..

anolegion ago

SturdyGal ago

I agree with the thesis of this post, and especially like the local TO-DO checklist. Also, home births with doulas are a way some get around having to notify authorities of births. I will note that the BBB has a bad reputation for protecting only small businesses who pay their protection money.

anon_sense ago

Great work. This makes me feel ill. I did wonder how they source these children because surely not all parents can be consenting/part of it.