WatcherWatcher ago

Guys, don't rule out the just-not-that-creative factor with some of these logos. I can imagine someone starting one of these organizations and going, "hmm I need a logo for my child charity organization. Let me search for similar organizations and see what their logos look like... Oh, a little heart in a big heart, I like that." <right-click><copy/paste>. "Yay! This web design stuff is a piece of pizz- errrrr cake" :P

So a charity with this logo isn't a huge lead imo, (but worth a sideways glance anyway). That being said, I thought Besta Pizza's logo seemed crazy suspicious though. I think the fact that they changed it so fast was also interesting.

wh0care ago

agree on this. not a red flag, but more investigations cant hurt..

Godwillwin ago

Saint Jude's symbol is the profile of a child with their hands clasped praying - so I call BS on terasol.

Here's saint Jude's symbol

wh0care ago


reasonedandinformed ago

Image search on another pedo symbol:

reasonedandinformed ago

Identical to the logo that was on the TERASOL restaurant page.

Moggy1 ago

Not fully investigated yet.

wh0care ago

thanks good find.

Yuke ago

Terasol, you just got Fucked.

50hurtz ago

Fucking right!

CrackerJacks ago

That could be a site that talks young mothers to give up their babies.....Does the book store near Comet still have their logo up?

reasonedandinformed ago

I think it is in their awning (not website).

CrackerJacks ago

You think the same one the book store used? Their one was on the webpage/website though right?

reasonedandinformed ago

I was referencing Politics & Prose. Maybe we are not talking about the same thing.

50hurtz ago

Yeah, I was about to point some of that out. Everything about that site worries me. Definitely need someone with the means to look deeper into this somehow.

EQJ ago

The organization is located behind the building ages 14 and up. They will take the youths from your "facility" and keep them for up to 540 days

Headstart ago


Creep alert.

ababcb ago

This is an excellent find. The fact that it uses the EXACT same graphic logo as Terasol (which features a heart within a heart) is enough to convince me that the hand within a hand is likely a pedo symbol.

EQJ ago

The pastors name is Bill Mcvey. The agents name for the affiliated church is John Gibson upon property searches

EyesWideScared ago I was searching "anti" trafficking sites, and sure enough, that symbol showed up. It totally has meaning. Just not identified yet.

LadyMinx ago

Located in Lincoln NE... Franklin Scandal/Boys Town???

christa ago

I live nearby -- I might be able to get there to check out the address.

Onalaskeye ago

Board meetings are public.

Freemasonsrus ago

The main point of a pedo symbol is a smaller same object inside the larger one. The strange link here is that it is the exact design from Terasol. Terasol had the pic of HRC w the other two ladies proudly displayed on their homepage. I'd assume that's an announcement of which side of the street she prefers to play on. The website you linked is frightening bc there would be no trace of a girl calling them. These sketchy places can claim whatever they like if there isn't any oversight from a trusted org or trusted LE.

wh0care ago

exactly... (edit: typo)

atheist4thecause ago

Anybody else find it weird that when you click on "Program Structure" it brings you to a page where there's a link that says "A refuge through the storm" and directs you back to the home page? I don't see what the point of that is.

Hopevoats ago

This gives me chills!

atheist4thecause ago

I know we've seen the hand thing before on the double heart, but was it a confirmed pedophile match? Because the double hand isn't actually a part of what the FBI unclassified back in 2007:

I'm not saying the double hand couldn't be a part of an established pedophile symbol, but from what I've seen of the FBI release, it's the double heart that is more important than the double hand.

EDIT: The organization hasn't updated their Facebook since 2015: It says this:

Through the Storm Outreach Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit organization that sole purpose is to help stop youth homelessness, infant mortality and sexual abuse in our youth ages 14-22.

That's in contradiction to the website, which says this (may have been a change in policy):

Our facility can take youth ages 16-21, 24 hours per day for immediate shelter or transportation to a shelter in South Carolina.

EDIT 2: I didn't find a Twitter, but I did find this Twitter mention: (

EDIT 3: Takes in $47,000/year with only 1 employee: This is apparently normal to run on this few employees. I'm guessing this doesn't include volunteers.

noreturn4me ago

wasn't on the website for one of the stores by CPP?

Yuke ago

This is very likely a newer symbol. Bear in mind that the others are 9 years old now (9 years from when the FBI released them so likely much older still) and would be well known in the Pedo sphere I'm sure. The fact that it appears on something like this and Connecticut Avenue is quite the coincidence.

EyesWideScared ago

The FBI sent their logo description out in 2007. The hand logo has appeared too many times at fishy places. This is probably a newer logo. We should do a tineye reverse image lookup to see where else it appears.

RecycledUser ago

How do you do a reverse image search? Thanks.

EyesWideScared ago

RecycledUser ago

Ok thanks!

CrackerJacks ago

I've sent this off to the FBI with all the info.

50hurtz ago

Whoa, this is a great idea! I dont even know why I havent stumbled upon it before, or thought of it myself. I think this should even be its own post to have more people searching it.

I also think that at this time it would turn up alot of results from communities talking about pizza gate since that post has probably never been talked about or posted about as much because this just started recently coming into light.

But its definitely worth a try either way! Great thinking!

mosswitch ago

No mistaking that logo. Definite pedo match.

goodguy1367 ago

Down the bottom it says "We will pick you up..Just make one call that is all" quite a scary thought to wonder how many kids have been picked up and never heard from again. Would be easy targets if they are Homeless or runaways, pick them up get rid of the evidence and no one wld ever know. Sad and fuckin sickening to think about.

Kwijibo ago

Yeah, some kid mad at his/her parents makes the call and they disappear.

EyesWideScared ago

Yup, keep seeing that double hand symbol. It was on Comet Pizza block. I'd like to find a confirmation of that somewhere.

Sui_Juris ago

Just checked the FBI PDF and that symbol isn't listed. Not saying don't check this lead, just that the 'double heart hand in hand' symbol isn't noted by the FBI.

wh0care ago

thanks for the heads up, yes i know on fbi docs ther isnt the "two-hand" logo, but the 2hearts logo look similar to me...obiously its not proove anything and we have to be cautious with our assumptions, but it could be something...

Sui_Juris ago

I admit it's disturbingly similar...

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Download the pdf and look at the top left of pg. 2. It's "girl lover."

Sui_Juris ago

I already checked that file (as noted). It's similar, but not the one on the FBI doc.

Sui_Juris ago

That is the symbol. Who makes that that toy? They deserve some scrutiny.

EyesWideScared ago

It's IDENTICAL to the logo a Terasol Bistro.

EQJ ago

Definitely believe this organization needs a good hard digging!