DopeandDiamonds ago

Here's the thing. I have to believe these parents are innocent because the thought of them knowingly allowing these monsters near their children makes me feel violently ill. I work in mental health and have dealt with far too many adults who were loaned/sold out to people, even their ow family members for sex. I know that it happens but to see the face of a little child in the pictures, I have to convince myself the parents didn't know any better to keep myself sane.

I know what it does to a child. How they never recover even 40 years later. I know that their parents, mainly their fathers, were sacks of shit shot an their mothers were beaten and abused. One mom even murdered in front of her children when she tried to run away with them to a family member's home to get away from it. It is fucking sick.

The parents may know, they may not, they may be blind and living in a bubble. I just know these kids are victims.

tjarco ago

EDIT: working links

here are some dots connecting...

While researching Podesta's hands user @witch_doctor1 pointed me to Wiki-Email 47943 which then caught my attention because of the Luzzatto content:

"We had a Luzzattopalooza yesterday, with Marisa-Paul-10 month Evie staying with us already while their house gets painted, and Ben-Alex sledding their 3 over to "help" us decorate the tree. When the parents got back to retrieve children, they threw in the towel (and about 19 pieces of winter clothing) to stay for tortellini and an overnight. So, 6 grownups with 2 toddlers and 2 infants spread throughout the house, and sure enough one of those toddlers was rubbing my nose at 5:45.........."

So who are the 4 kids? Ben-Alex, being Ben Luzzatto & Alexandra Tiddings supply 3 kids: Ruby, Emerson & Maeve. Seeing as this e-mail is from 2009 and the 54545 e-mail with contains the ages 11, 9 and almost 7, is from 2015. The kids around that time should have been around 6, 4 & 1...

Marisa-Paul, being Marisa Luzzatto & Paul ..?, which kid Evie was born in 2009. So this all adds up.

the link provided by Wiki-Email 47943 is that Evie's dad is a certain Paul, which also can be found on the Evie's Crib blogspot

Some speculation / circumstancial evidence

That last sentence *" So, 6 grownups with 2 toddlers and 2 infants spread throughout the house, and sure enough one of those toddlers was rubbing my nose at 5:45" * again reads just freaky. I tried digging into it thinking it could be some Rudolph Christmas reference but could not find anything Christmas related. What could the significance be of someone sharing with another person at what time her nose got rubbed?

Than browsing through the Evie's Crib blogspot I came across this innocent phrasing: "Please don't go to hard on Jack's father's technical expertise, mine is obviously far superior. Although i think he beats me in the "frequent posting" department. Jack is owned by Ken Weber and Stephanie Copeland, who live a few blocks from us. Marisa works with Ken at ONE--its all so neat and tidy!" Not a native speaker here, and it could be fun & giggles but owning a child, is that common to say? (could be, like I said, not native english)

The excerpt above could indicate who is Mr T. "Please don't go to hard on Jack's father's technical expertise, mine is obviously far superior. Although i think he beats me " seems to suggest that Paul is Mr T. the writer of this blog...

THE MAIN QUESTION I HAVE, about Wiki-Email 47943, is why would Tamera Luzzatto, include this entire story when she was just forwarding the info about JP's hand condition? Tossing 19 pieces of winter clothing? rubbing my nose at 5:45? How could this be newsworthy for JP?

thezodiac ago

Checked it, yeah it's probably him.

Aloha808 ago

There is an instagram picture on Comet with a baby that has the hash tag #gaybaby and #pasta. I'm not sure if it's one of these kids or not but damn! How about some sketchy hash tags

Malignment ago

Looks like Drew Littman from this email chain came out of twitter retirement just to retweet the NYTimes filthy non-debunk @Drewlittman

whirledpeas ago

A glimpse into Evie's family tree...

Evie's Dad.. (I believe is author of Evie's Crib)

Evie's middle name (and her mother's maiden name) is Luzzatto

I believe it is probably Ben L. in Evie's birth picture (not Alefantis; though the two look remarkably similar). Ben is Evie's uncle (mother's brother).

Another bit of "L" family tree...

Ben is father of the 3 children in Podesta email. Email author (Tamera L) is Ben's step mother.

Ben's Vimeo page. The children appear and are named in a couple of the videos.

NerdyNoodle ago

I wonder if Maeve is #carisjames.

Caris means "love" in Welsh "Lovejames"

He was present at her birth.

He did say #carisjames was his goddaughter

thelastaelor ago

So why do we think these kids were pedo'd? Because of the line "so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." Does it not just sound like maybe he was talking about some goofy hyper kids who'd get excited about being able to swim?

scaryshit ago


Scoundrel ago

Thank you for your work!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

That's a bold claim... But I'll take it.

srayzie ago

I found her. Another poster said here or at Gab, I don't remember, that Sasha Lord was the one who gave birth that night. That the video where Majestic Ape aka Amanda Kleinman talks on video about killing the baby... "The mother held onto it til the very end. The baby was like waaa waaa!" Sasha Lord wasn't the mother right?

Revolutionismyname ago I cant access this archive link at work but it might be relevant to this top.

CaliforniaRed ago

I suspect Mom, the actress Alexandra Tydings, has an inkling of what's going on with her kids. Look at her side projects, especially this one:

Also, Alexandra's mom, a former USA, had a bit of a checkered past. Just sayin'. Lots of strange family stressors.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I thought the man was Ben Luzzato, too. When searching for a picture of him, I came across his website that lists one other person - Ryan Hammond, his graphic artist. A quick search on Ryan Hammond leads to this He is raising money to make DIY sex hormones to "protest against the pathologization of gender variation." He is also a teacher K-8...

scaryshit ago

Well there are pictures of her birth - James Aleantis was there. He is in the picture. The article mentions something about the godfather, Skip being there. She is mentioned in an article saying she was at a dog show I think in 2014. Can anyone tell if the person in the picture as the mother is really the mother?

Galact1c ago

Do you remember where that article was from? It would be way too strange if this "skip" was the same guy that was suspect in that concrete pad incident in Hawaii where the anon found 30 something odd wi-fi signals. I just remember the guy connected to the property used a weird alias involving the name skip.

scaryshit ago

Wow. I didn't see that. Rubys godfather Skip brought over a load of firewood. He saw me quietly reclining on the couch next to the tub that was filling up, listening to Sade on the stereo. He said, “you’re going to give birth to Barry White!” (Being Irish and superstitious, I worried that Skip’s words might jinx us, but they didn’t. In fact, Skip may actually be right.)

dannonyme ago

The presence of Alefantis is weird enough in itself!

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Ok, I think this is what I was thinking of... How she signed the email about the farm " Con amore, Mrs. Farmer L" . So It was not a T, rather an L. Obviously this doesn't mean shit. Just a coincidence that two(possibly one) people sign with a single letter.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Ok, I think this is what I was thinking of... How she signed the email about the farm " Con amore, Mrs. Farmer L" . So It was not a T, rather an L. Obviously this doesn't mean shit. Just a coincidence that two(possibly one) people sign with a single letter.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I'm sorry, I misspoke... I was actually clarifying that she is the person in the photo... That being said, I did get the impression that the person in the photo was the author, based on this comment, "not sure that is correct grammer---Grandma? Is the plural of Luzzatto Luzzattettes?" as well as the tone of the rest of the comments from the author of the blog.

Also, I don't think we can assume Mr. T is actually a male, or that their last name even starts with a T. Mr. T could very well be anyone. FUCK, I feel like I remember "Mr.T being used some how in regards to a luzzato email... Fuck, this is going to annoy the shit out of me. I'll edit If I find it.

Edit;Ok, I think this is what I was thinking of... How she signed the email about the farm " Con amore, Mrs. Farmer L" . So It was not a T, rather an L. Obviously this doesn't mean shit. Just a coincidence that two(possibly one) people sign with a single letter.

LungTien ago

Hm, my wife was nagging on me about this. This needs some looking into.

It is, a very special name.. Why that name?

Mooncutter ago

You found them. That is crazy. Good job.

LungTien ago

Not to discredit you. But look at the hairlies of Ben and Alefantis. And all the other facial features... Like HELLO?

If you have a good eye, you see that this is Alefantis.

If that`s Ben, then my name is Hillary Clinton!

srayzie ago

How do you know she's into the mix? Like she goes to these parties too?

Xanthippa ago

Wikipedia says that she has a degree in film and critical theory. Critical theory is the poisonous drivel that fourth wave/intersectional feminism and cultural relativism are based and what SJWs are brainwashed with.

No, not evidence that she's abusing her kids, but with a degree in critical theory, she's certainly drinking the same Koolaid as these people.

cantsleepawink ago

I was very disturbed today to find that James Alefantis has co-produced 3 films.*

In particular, the first one in 2012, is about the blurring of the lines between life on the internet and the real world. Trailer here*

I am beginning to wonder if this whole Pizzagate thing is an elaborate psyop. Just to be clear, I am not disputing the fact that there are pedophile rings, but the Comet Ping Pong set up may be just that.*

If that is the case, then this is very very disturbing.

Rigg5 ago

I felt that the babies jokes were very out of place for the party. Feels like there was some context missing. Did she really have a baby? Is it some extremely disturbing inside joke? Who am I kidding. These people, all they do is laugh and poke fun and babies, pedophilia and death. All of them. It's just a huge fucking joke. So enraged.

justforthissubverse ago

It's old news but still important to get upvoats on since new people need to see this. This is why we really need to have a central wiki that everyone goes to.

fvckh1m_up ago

The wiki is under construction, but I've seen most who are active there start pages without writing a thing. I think 1/10 actually have some content, which in most cases is unfinished, cluttered, just links to blogs, and unconfirmed information, and left in that state. Not bragging here that I am probably the only consistent poster who finishes and updates pages, links, and I've been working on disseminating pizzagate into useful, accessible information there for three days straight. It definitely can't be done alone, just researching takes a lot of time (and I only started looking into this this week so I am behind on almost everything). Yet this is the best thing of a wiki that attempts to bring the facts, the information, the theory in one centralized place that you can browse to learn everything without requiring prior knowledge or research. FYI it's The best thing about it being underdeveloped is also low traffic, which means barely any spam, but I'm willing to devote my time to moderate if it eventually becomes worthwhile. Need more people who are properly invested in this and finish what they start without expecting anyone to do the work and clean up their mess.


srayzie ago

Has anyone ever attempted to reach the mother thru social media and show her the Podesta email? Just in case she doesn't already know?

Malignment ago

Here's a picture of alefantis in 2003 in this URL for reference. I don't think he's in that pic.

samhara ago

That is him with Brock. Brock was a Conservative who quit the Republican party, allegedly since they would not accept him socially for his homosexuality. He was very prominent in the Republican Party before he changed sides. This book party is for the paperback edition of the book which describes this change from the inside - and gives inside scoop of all the dirty tricks he did for them. I read it a long time ago, but what stuck out were the creeps whom he hinted were out there. I need to find the book. The end has a name I need to remember. Brock: A self described "Hatchetman" hmpth.


"April Fool's Day seems like an appropriate date to have celebrated the paperback edition of David Brock's book, "Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative" since the one-time right-wing conservative did an abrupt about-face when he wrote a "tell-all" book about his former career as a right-wing hatchetman.

TheAwakening ago

To add on more info, Tamera Luzzatto worked for the Rockefeller's for 15yrs and represented the Rockefeller's on some questionable boards. Clinton requested Tamera to work for her without even interviewing her.

Here is the link to a post with the information about this.

Malignment ago

That hairline is all wrong to be Alefantis - bad conclusion.

Antonius ago

This sounds like a very important lead. Keep digging on it.

srayzie ago

Am I missing something? What is the moms name? It doesn't say on the birth page. Also, I thought Ben Luzetto was the grand father. The birth mother kept talking as if Ben was her partner. Can someone explain?

scaryshit ago

Tamara is the step grandmother of the children. She is the step-mother of Ben Luzzatto. He is married to Alexandra Huntingdon Tydings (actress from the old Hercules and Xena shows.) Wikipedia confirms but says they have two children, Ruby and Emerson.

srayzie ago

Thank you :)

thezodiac ago

I was looking at this with some skepticism, but when I saw James Alefantis in that photo, it was very surprising. Good find. It shows the deep connection between all these people.

RageGoddess ago

Forum sliding. This lead (about Tamera Luzzatto and her kids) was one of the first things to get researched by the chans. Check out the early threads on 8chan/pol and you'll learn everything here and more.

srayzie ago

Do we know who Sasha Lord is and is that her real name?

srayzie ago

Can you imagine if the mother doesn't even know what's been happening to her own children and finds out this way? My Gosh, you see those precious baby pictures, such innocence, and to think of what happens to her and her sister is heart breaking.

DopeandDiamonds ago

This was my first thought as well. As much as I am concerned for the safety of everyone researching this, I am far more concerned for the children and families we are seeing pictures of. Icannot imagine the pain and heartbreak the families and victims are feeling/going to feel when this gets out. I hate that though the course of research these victims get outed as victims. For the rest of their lives these pics will be a part of something so rancid and painful they will not be able to escape. It is one thing to be an adult and be the victim of a sex crime. You have more control and understanding of the crime not being your fault and many find power in seeing the criminal go to jail and be called out as a rapist. An adult can move on, not saying it is easy by any means but an adult can rebuild their life and at least focus on the future. Rape happens. It is beyond shitty and being an adult, iy is easier to understand it is a crime of power and that not every man or woman wants to harm you.

For a kid, you begin to think every adult wants to harm you. You are still growing and learning and these interactions with adults form how you view people for life. If a kid geta hit whenever they cry, they expect to be hit and not get comfort from an adult when crying. When that kid gets treated kindly, their brains cannot process it and they have no idea how to react to a comforting touch or kind words. The kids are damaged for the pleasure of sick fucks and that damage is deep when it happens at a young age.

And my god the parents. I cannot even imagine the guilt they must feel. I want to assume these parents have no idea because, even with all that has been exposed, I cannot think for a second a parent would allow this to happen willingly. Other parents will think shitty of you for not protecting your kid and think you may have been ok with it.

I really wish there was a way to never out these kids. Let them heal and have privacy to do so. I am so against people posting pics of their kids and having them be public on social media. I just cannot imagine the parents of that baby woth money in his mouth letting that picture be posted. Then again, I have no idea what to think these days. This whole case has fucked with my head and my experience as a mental health worker has shown me that there are sick fucks in the world who will let even sicker fucks have at it with their kid.

I am so aware of children these days. I am not a parent but I am paying close attention to kids in stores now. Parenta just let their kids hand around the video game section of a store while they shop. No regard to the shitty things that can happen to a kid without supervision and sadly, shitty things can happen when a parent is right ther as well. I swear if I ever have kids, I will have a gps chip implanted in their arm and have them wear a tiny camera in a hat at all times because you never know what can happen. Through all of this research and reading posts, I am fearful for the children in my life and have been researching who my friend's employ as sitters and who the parents are of the kids they play with. Thankfully, I have found nothing of concern.

When I look at the emails, I wonder how these shits can be so open with this. Some of it you can take in as a joke. Maybe they wrote it in a way that it could be taken as evil out of context. The one that sticks out to me the most is the sitting at the kids table one. No adult ever, in the history of the world, has ever written something or said something like that and not bad intentions. You don't even joke like that about kids and I know some people with a sick sense of humor. The baby caskets and the kill room just make me sick and I have nothing to do with it. I cannot imagine how the parents of these kids must be feeling about seeing this come to light. At the same time, none of these parents or even the people from the emails have come forward and said a word about this. Anyone accused of such awful would come right out and shut this shit down. Would sue anyone who even hinted that they were harming children and the parents would say that all of this was taken out of context or somehow twisted into a sick joke. NO ONE has done this yet. Makes me very worried that the parents either have no clue and the kids are not talking about or are too young to eveb understand what happened or, even worse, the parents know and are ok with it or are being forced to stay quiet about it.

I need to take a mental health day and stop researching. Writing out this giant rant has my stomach sour and I cannot kick this feeling in ny gut that the parents were fine with this. If someone posted a pic ofa kid I knew and it had any indications of abuse, I would murder that person before you could blink. The sound of the quiet parents in this case is deafening and making me think the worst.

Hurt me, do whatever these sick fucks want to do to the children to me, I can take it. Leave the fucking kids alone.

Sorry for the rant and hope it didn't ruin your day.

Melitica ago

If parents don't know that something awful has happened to their kids...

mathemagician33 ago

Take a look at the following video:

it's Joe Biden perving on a 13 year old girl, literally saying to her ON FUCKING CSPAN, "do you know how horny I am to have a 13 year old girl standing next to me?" you've gotta turn the volume up to hear it, but it's clearly there. The girl's parents are RIGHT THERE. They are clearly complicit. Unfortunately it seems more and more like that is the case for a lot of the DC pedophile ring.

Ocelot ago

Those captions seemed totally made up when I first saw this video. Are you sure that audio isn't dubbed in?

mathemagician33 ago

maybe it's because i'm using a DAC/headphone amplifier, but when I turn the volume up, I can clearly hear it. I've checked with several sources on youtube of that video. I'm pretty much positive it's legit.

Pisstubes0351 ago

I'm 50/50 on it just because it is so easy to dub the audio. If we could somehow confirm this with an original unedited recording this would be huge.

Galact1c ago

The sad truth is that mothers have given their children to pedophiles willingly. Just look into the court records for the case against the vocalist for the band Lostprophets.

CJJacobs ago

Your rant was actually cathartic to read. Thanks for posting. It IS terribly hard to research this and we need to 'take a break' every once in awhile to regain our mental health. And then come back ready to do the work of trying to stop this.

My concern has been (in addition to thinking about the babies which I can barely think about it is so traumatic) that pizzagate in some way proves that most or virtually all of our government agencies are compromised.

For DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIa, media -- and there is indication that they do know about this-- and for them not be trying or able to take it down tells me that the corruption is truly def con level.

We have got to pray and work towards an overhaul of almost the entire government! Praying for this and researching more. And if you are a praying person, I strongly recommend the rosary.

God bless and thanks again.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Not a praying kinda gal but I have been with this case. A scotch and a run through the rosary is my plan for tonight. There has to be some cosmic being to watch over these little kids and hand out some justice right?

CJJacobs ago


srayzie ago

I know what you mean. I think it's even worse when it comes to children. That's a crucial time mentally and affects how the brain is being wired. What happens to someone as a kid shapes their entire life. I think of the scared ones that are kidnapped. I can't even imagine. Unfortunately, I think many parents DO know and share their own children. I don't understand how anyone could ever do that but it happens. Some even give birth or adopt with the purpose of abuse. This gets to me too. I've gotten down a few times where I had to focus on something else for the night because I would get headaches. I think of the kids that have to witness other kids being tortured, raped and killed at the human hunting parties. They will forever have that mental image. But, I'm really wondering if the mother in this case knows. Since she's an actress I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more attention!

nogods_nokings ago

none of these parents or even the people from the emails have come forward and said a word about this. Anyone accused of such awful would come right out and shut this shit down.

that's the craziest thing about all this shit. not a WORD from any of these people about any of the emails except to say they were hacked. not a single denial about their truthfulness or accuracy. it's baffling.

HolyMoly0 ago

Here's an old reddit thread about it:

Edit: Links to relevant comments in that thread:

Hopevoats ago

Evie's Crib

There have been numerous threads about this. I've, gone through and archived a number of the associated profiles and connected blogs. As you dig, you'll see a pattern of strange blogs that are dedicated to showing the featured children in seemingly benign day to day activities.

They are clearly not blogs for sharing with family members and they don't make much sense unless you have the cynical perspective that accompanies with this awakening.

If you have time, please download the archived links (I haven't had a chance to do all of that), and archive any more that you find.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Tamera luzzato is undoubetdly the author of evie's crib... Correct? This was one of the first connections from awhile ago, but no one seemed to continue to bring it up. I'm confident she is the author of evie's crib, as there's emails to podesta, where she specifically mentions Evie... But I never see this talked about as much as it needs to be. Almost to the point that I'm wondering if I missed a post explaining how that is not her, and how Evei's crib is not relevant?

Without a shadow of a doubt, It is her. I will find the email if it's still a debate as to whether Tamera Is the person in the photo.

Hopevoats ago

Did you follow the profile links of the blog owners?

Mr T is also the owner of ON THE VIRG, which has a number of contributors, including Virgil (who also has Virg' n Mary and a very strange profile writeup). I don't know who the people actually are, or how many of these pseudonyms belong to the same people. I spent the better part of an afternoon clicking around this ring. Yes, there were threads about it, but I don't know what conclusions they came to.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I did not... It sketched me out. I didn't want to end up somewhere I didn't mean to be... If ya Know what I mean. Maybe I will today. I've been disorganized as fuck, and I have so many things I'm already looking into. There's simply too much shit.

Hopevoats ago

I know what you mean. It's hard to stay focused on just one track. The hard part for me is to compile the information in a way that makes it easy to backtrack and search.

Overall, the journey that these blogs took me on was just sketchy and strange. You can tell that something is going on, but it's not like the blatant and obscene stuff that's being found on the Instagram and Tumblr accounts.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

The hard part for me is to compile the information in a way that makes it easy to backtrack and search.

Dude. It's crazy how much my organization skills have evolved over the last month or so... I mean, My room still looks like it's inhabited by a schizophrenic stalker... but it's getting closer to organized chaos. Honestly, If anybody that I knew, Decided they were going to drop by unannounced, I'm certain they would never talk to me again.... Or have me committed, and not even kanye style, but simply because I look like a crazy person.

I've got 2 computers 3 monitors, An embarrassing amount of bulletin boards strewn about, All the walls are covered with maps and shit. It's cliche as fuck, and If I think about it for too long, I literally cringe, because it just seems so fucking retarded. And I feel retarded. I really do. It's disgusting what percentage of the last month was spent on this. I DIDN'T EVEN DIG THROUGH THE FUCKING EMAILS until after the election... Like, I was perfectly content with just waiting for other people to show me the imporatnt shit. but I've done more research in the past 20 days, Than I've done In my entire academic career... well, I guess that's not saying much.

But as retarded as I feel, and as embarrassing as my room looks, and as much as I do not want to spend another minute doing anything related to any of this shit, ever again... I feel much stronger about the possibility of there being some extremely fucked shit going on, and My feelings of wanting to know the truth far out weighs feeling retarded.

Alright. End rant, Back to being a schizophrenic stalker.

Hopevoats ago

You just described the shed scene from "A Beautiful Mind"! If I didn't have so many demands upon my time, I'd be right there with you.

I was keyed into the conspiracy scene back in '05 - '06 by someone who linked me to a case where the father kidnapped his children and plugged them into this horrific system. The mother fought and fought to save her kids, but the system proved to be too powerful. I proceeded to go through every case that I could find, online, and almost lost my sanity from the depression that comes with understanding that this is so real!

Stay safe and don't forget to come up for air!

Headstart ago

Showing children doing benign activities can also be used by pedophiles as a "showcase" to help pedophiles select their victim. It will usually be done in a way that doesn't fit in.

Good find.

Hopevoats ago

Thanks. I didn't find it, though. I just dug around in someone else's discovery. I suspect that it could use more digging, though; as I was finding new things that weren't in

Check the pizzagate archives for a more thorough thread on this. Someone made the connections, I believe.

Htaed ago

Name and address. Need name and address.

gopluckyourself ago

If he's got it I hope he shares it in back channels or keeps it to himself for right now.

Pisstubes0351 ago

Very interesting. I didn't know about this and I've been here since the story was breaking.

scaryshit ago

Weird Wikipedia - says Alexandra Tydings and Ben Luzzatto only have two children - Ruby and Emerson.

quantokitty ago

I believe this is common knowledge, but maybe not. It never hurts to repost something. Some things drop down that memory hole. Plus, I think that the email about spending time in the pool is one of most damning and chilling.

The thing is there is a picture of a man holding a baby with a hat in one of the pics on Alefantis' Instagram account. In the exchange, it mentions how the baby enjoyed his time at the farm ... I immediately thought of this place. I came across the photo yesterday, but now I'll have to find it again, but if anyone else has it, pls post the link. Believe the hat is brown.

If we can start making connections, we'll be making progress in connecting the dots.

LungTien ago

I could`nt agree more.

If you find it, please post it in my article. The more dots, the more we have to go after and look into.

I`m currently digging deep back in arcives of sites.

Will be posting alot more very soon!

PS: Why was Alefantis at the birth of the child Maeve?