Mtnchan ago

Thanks for sharing this

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Wrote about this before:

pbvrocks ago

This is more typical pharma shit...they pay big dollars to folks like Podesta for favorable treatment by the FDA. Lots of folks walking around with Synthes spinal Podesta may be tied to Wyss in other ways..Belgium/Swiss/Netherlands major trafficking hubs...

Mtnchan ago

IMO, the occult is THE common denominator here, Thelema, church of Satan, and or others of the same dark ilk. How do you get demographically diverse participants to keep secrets , like any other gang or crime syndicate they need a strong bond and code, brotherhood, or religion. This is hard for us to contemplate, we want things to be more black and white. We assume massacres are either completely fake false flags, or they are completely real as presented. Yet we don't deny that crises actors are real, that many events have suspicious concerning aspects. Just doesn't seem to make sense. How do you get a whole town to go along with something like Sandy Hook. Answer, you sacrifice a kid. If parents (going to guess parents with multiple children) were willing to give up a child for the cause. Having real deaths, I know there are questions about bodies, but having real bodies makes it virtually undeniable, because we can't imagine anyone would willingly allow their kid to be killed. But religion is powerful magic, people do all sorts of of things for it, they wouldn't otherwise. In otherwise I'm suggesting that events are partly real, partly fake, and wholely planned. What then would be the end game? Probably getting guns, but probably not to reduce violent shootings, probably our worst fear, to deny us a future violent uprising against an agenda of a total takeover of society. I know it's far-fetched, but we keep bumping into it everywhere we dig. Pedos aren't necessarily satanists, but satanists are pedos and are OK with pedos who aren't satanists. Satanists use innocent groups of hipsters to cover they're activities. Look at how they come to the defense of CPP, by day to the average person it's pizza and ping pong, but virtually all survivor accounts describe after parties and after after parties. Don't want to sound like a crank conspiracy theorist, but I've just been thinking about how it all fits up together. For example the leaders that are the most vocal about wanting to eleviate gun violence through gun controls, are the same leaders that are complicitly advocating protests and rioting in the streets. This doesn't reconcile unless there's an ulterior motive. They wrangle in the compassionate leftists that genuinely do think guns are bad, and puppet these groups, using their emotions toward a larger agenda. We've seen so much evidence that many of our leaders may be a part of a secret cabal with ill intentions, as they are actually saying that populism and nationism is bad.

samhara ago I was skeptical about the motive for all the fake shootings. I studied it and knew they were faked / staged, but couldn't believe the real motive would be to take away guns; especially since gun sales soared after every one of these fake events. But now I'm thinking the gun confiscations may be a real wet-dream of the Dominators - especially hearing G. Webb discuss the lists. I knew "Alex Jones" was a shill so I wrote off whatever "Jones" said about FEMA camps - Day 120 - DynCorp Harvest, Killing Is Good Business Part 1 - -

Here below ex-member of the Bush administration Asst Secretary of Labor drops it that they one they plan after "9/11" is a very big one. He wrote this 10 years ago and said insiders were planning to right everything [present day "Coup" behind Trump]

"Second, what really is the worry? Isn’t this what we are working for, the prospect of justice obtained by exposure of the truth, the prospect of stopping the killers in their tracks? Yes, it is. Anyone fretting over the triumph of truth should ask this question: what do you do with a family dog who kills a family member? The dog was acquired to protect the family and instead it kills someone it was supposed to protect. The services of such a dog would no longer be required, to put it as gently as possible. That’s the situation we have with the DoD, NSA, CIA, FBI and a murderous array of government agencies, including the 9/11 Commission. The 9/11 Commission members and staff director Philip D. Zelikow are accessories after the fact, a felony crime. Selected elements of many organizations lied and murdered thousands of innocent Americans. Every member of the military swears an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, against enemies “both foreign and domestic.” Pretending that nothing happened after the family pet murdered a family member would be madness, intolerable, a “head-in-the-sand” absurdity, not to mention a constant menace for everybody in the dog’s ambit. That’s our predicament today: the overt and covert types hired to protect us turned and killed family members and remain on the loose and in power. They must be taken down. Or is this too hard to understand? Third, insiders are on the verge of going public. 9/11 was so “over the top,” so murderous, and the next event will be even bigger, that patriotism and conscience are working overtime among insiders to restore a semblance of sanity to our nation. In a hub-and-spoke conspiracy this large, most participants did not know in advance the scope of the planned “terrorist” event. On hindsight, some of the participants are appalled at what they participated in. They are going to spill the beans. Furthermore, virtually everyone across the world inside intelligence services, the military, airline pilots and other technical experts know full well that the U.S. government and selected outsiders did 9/11, not nineteen incompetent Arabs at the behest of a couple of cave dwellers in Afghanistan. Upshot? The dam is going to break, and probably sooner rather than later.

"the next event will be even bigger [than 9/11]."

I'm not sure there were children killed at Sandy Hook. There is no proof for that. Some seemed to have gone on to adult lives. as the astronauts after the "Challenger" event. It's uncertain.

What is certain is that people give their children [teenagers] to go to War; and often die become maimed and slaughter strangers.. It's considered a patriotic act.

Here is Dick Gregory, the comedian, speaking about the importation of children from South American and organ theft. around 6 and one half minutes.

srayzie ago

Damn. You can't even go to the fricken hospital without worrying their gonna do tests on you, kill you or take your organs. On top of that we have to take vacines that we know are not safe. We're not safe anywhere!

LincolnsMullet ago

Yep. Don't mark "organ donor" on your driver's license. They'll find a way to pull the plug on you and say, "I'm sorry, he didn't make it".

srayzie ago

I know! I'm changing that on my license now

abcdefg222 ago

Breakthrough from 2 months ago... Edit: Here's more-- Can someone who has been researching a while let us know where this investigation went. It seems like pretty important information.

Giabean123 ago

Oh boy, I thought he was just into the kid thing.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

He works for the Clinton's. It's a money thing. $$

noone222 ago

Following up on this submission I found that this guy Wyss has settled out of court with a woman for committing sexual assault/misconduct ($ 1.5 million). This guy is a scumbag comparable to George Soros and has funded the pedo gang of libtards to the tune of many millions. He also paid Podesta as a consultant 87K for one year. The original post here is important in my opinion.

MysticMa ago

Yes, but it it goes deeperWhy didn't DOJ Prosecute? Comments are Enlightening! By the way the name Wyss connect to so much more Pharma, Bio-Meds just for starters.

palmitespo910 ago

Look at all of the sourced words, the hyperlinks. I think they are also buzzwords. Journalists, I think, are giving us clues. Just a thought.

palmitespo910 ago

also, on a side note, this was archived 2 months ago...

DarkMath ago

Yep, and it gets worse from there:

JesusRules ago

a lot worse

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Don't you just love a good downvote with no explanation.

George Webb may veer a bit at times, but I suspect he is spot on for most of it. Brilliant researcher. Big brain on that guy.

islandofdelight ago

He's brilliant at the big picture stuff and connecting the dots... I don't fault him for not believing any of the occult stuff, or even that Hillary is not an evil witch. It's better for his investigation, and getting people on board from all sides. He is delivering massive truth bombs daily and it will all connect eventually.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

George does acknowledge the occult shit. He just asserts that those at the top generally don't believe it, but use it as a tool.

One thing that drives me nuts about George is that he doesn't want these people to go down hard. He talks more about a "controlled demolition" and letting a lot of these people off lightly to keep some semblance of order.

Fuck that...the really sick ones (rape of children under 10 and murder/torture) need to be publicly executed and the rest thrown in a dark cell for the rest of their life.

srayzie ago

But I don't get how he doesn't see the satanic evil stuff because he's so smart about all of the other stuff.

JamesHowardCrow ago

The occult stuff DESTROYS OUR CREDIBILITY not the satanic crap which they are obviously into but the magic is real crowd just makes us all look like we wear tinfoil hats

srayzie ago

I disagree because all of those shocking pictures from Comet and then showing they have connections to Hillary, Podesta and others is what most people are spreading like a wild fire on Twitter. They also spread the spirit cookingpictires like crazy. I'm amazed at how many people on social media believe! The podcasts and videos I watch and listen to always talk about it too. So I think the occult stuff got people's attention and made people even more angry! I think there will always be people who say we're conspiracy theorists. But MOST people that believe in Pizzagate are angry about the occult part.

JamesHowardCrow ago

More disgusted than angry and again I am all about redpilling with spirit cooking just understand that if you even imply magic is real you will immediately be written off as a nutter by 99% of the public

islandofdelight ago

I understand what you're saying, but the reason people mock and react angrily (fear) is because they are ignorant of these things... there is a reason that so many in power believe it. It's an epidemic that reaches into all part of our society. It's also a misunderstanding of terms... satanism, magic, quantum physics... there is a science to all of it. I certainly don't care if people think I'm crazy for point it out, but I also understand what's best for the investigation, as far as making arrests and getting prosecutions. Some day the world will be awakened enough to understand that so much knowledge has been hidden from us.

JamesHowardCrow ago


You have never been in a fraternity have you? Some people just enjoy rituals and making pretend. Something you would understand if you interacted with human beings or casually watched a catholic mass.....

"satanism, magic, quantum physics... there is a science to all of it."


"I certainly don't care if people think I'm crazy for point it out,"

The english language is a beautiful thing why must you butcher it so?

"but I also understand what's best for the investigation, as far as making arrests and getting prosecutions."

Obviously not considering 90+% of the country will stop researching the second they see a vocal minority ranting and raving about witchcraft while the mainstream media will use it to caste even more doubt on pizzagate and make the transition that much harder.....

Some day the world will be awakened enough to understand that so much knowledge has been hidden from us.


islandofdelight ago

You really don't get it... thousands of years of dress-up and pretend time? That's what the rulers of world are interested in. Talk about facepalm.

JamesHowardCrow ago

I am not saying they aren't interested in it just that their interest OBVIOUSLY DOESNT COME FROM MAGIC BEING REAL

neurofluxation ago

The federal judge who heard the case said the company's "pattern of deception is unparalleled.”

Kind of like this whole deception of the public... Fucking Podesta...

tinytank ago

"John Podesta, one of President Obama's closest White House advisers, counts among his key financial supporters Hansjorg Wyss, a reclusive Swiss billionaire whose company conducted illegal human experiments that resulted in the deaths of three elderly patients."