jv209 ago

Milo isn't part of the establishment or Soros' cronies. He's a victim of institutionalized pedophilia and has a warped view of things because of it.

starseedlover ago

I wrote a long thread about this on Reddit, which you might find of value.


Milo might be controlled opposition and was "sacrificed" to fuel emotional outrage and negative energy to be used as a psychic sniper rifle to take out their real threat, Daddy Trump. But it will have the side affect of dropping pedophilia into the public consciousness and we will KEEP ON WINNING.

MrrHandsome ago

I swear to God this.place is not good for me, I feel mind fucked again. It's becoming a regular occurance after I check in. I can't look at Milo the same, it's like how could we be so stupid it makes alot of sense

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Thank you for making my point.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

So disgraceful, I mean, I agree with not giving the kid a record, but there must be some mechanism to stop whats happening and forcibly treat/help the kids.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

So you think they're going to make the conversation more about age of consent and all that, and they will steer away from the Satanism, cannibalism, and the fact that these people are doing a lot more than just having sex with these children?

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Exactly. They will never go up on a public forum and say "Hillary and her cohorts are into pedophilia, and Trump is not." That will never happen.

nitro169 ago

I hate to say it, but based on a lot of the comments, we are not going to win this battle...

PresudentMcCheese ago

Milo will get hired by Infowars. He will bring them down too.

Psalm100 ago

I had a hunch from the very beginning that Milo Yiannopoulos was an agent of Soros/CIA and his rapid rise was the result of a vigorous sheep dipping operation.

Agreed. He's seemed to be playing a character to me.

NikitaVerite ago

I'm dumb - what does "limited hangout" mean in this context?

remedy4reality ago

You can follow the link provided for details. It's a partial admission of the truth that only serves to deflect attention away from other, more significant truths.

Orangutan ago

Good Synopsis. Thanks for typing it up. I agree.

Milo is getting plenty of mainstream media build up and alternative media such as Joe Rogan, Alex Jones Show, and Bill Maher. Great recognition of that pattern. I felt the same.

Bluebirdsolitude ago


OrwellKnew ago

SluggishJ ago

I'm confused. What is the assertion? Can someone throw me a line? I'm re reading now

nikilici0us ago

So many child predators go un-prosecuted despite having enough evidence. So many other child predators get off with a couple months in jail. Pizzagate is the opportunity we have to awaken the nation against child traffickers and predators. It is a sickness which cannot be cured! Regardless of whether or not this is a psyop, we have a chance to raise awareness by digging to uncover truths and not being silenced from MSM.

The elitists do not want such a major political flap or the case to be blown open. Never forget they run the media and the hearts and minds of the masses. The louder we are and how many truths we expose, the better off the world will be despite MSM lies.

unconceivable ago

It's funny how two anti-Milo posts arise on Voat at THE SAME TIME. Voat investigators are smart enough to ignore these posts and investigate PIZZAGATE, and not fall into the trap you people are muddying these waters with. These posts are not investigative as far as evidence of pedogate/pizzagate, and are meant to lead you astray. If you want to talk about this shit make a new sub called /pizzaADHD or something. Get out of here. Public figures like Milo are not part of this investigative group and you are creating a distraction, which of course is why you are here

VieBleu ago

Despite my earlier comment here, I think you are right. I also notice that anyone who sticks there head up to support busting child trafficking or its discussion gets attacked, from Kutcher and Milo down to IsThisGameOfThrones and Seaman

If ANY celebrity who is a liberal comes out and agrees that pizzagate is real, watch the crazzzzeeeeeeness of not only the shills, but all the God fearing proselytizing Christians who will condem them anyway because no one can step foot in Los Angeles without being a Satan worshipping baby raper. I'm tired of that divisive shit.

ovix ago

Say what you want but he did red pilled a whole bunch of people who then joined our ranks.. This seems like another divisory tactic, just like with David Seaman. If so, go suck a dick shill.

VieBleu ago

glad you said that even though I like to keep it clean.

PgIzBeyondStupid1 ago

HAHAHA you gullible pricks, pizzagate is a ridiculously dumb conspiracy theory, and there's nothing you can do about it. CRY! http://i.imgur.com/V6cXfVl.jpg

DarkMath ago

why you shilling for people who

1) kidnapped and raped poor black destitute Haitian throw-away children

2) and harvested organs from the ugly ones

take your time,

George and I will wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7l9jlYnZYY


abattoirdaydream ago

I am not concerned about his sustainability, in his agit-prop. He does write regular articles and says he isn't concerned with money at this point.

As for political currency sustainability, I HOPE it runs out, because we won. They opposition needs to be told what asshats they are, to their faces, on a daily basis.

He isn't my token gay friend. He is the megaphone, with minority status (enraging because he SHOULD be on the other side) that shines the spotlight on liars and hypocrites. I love him for that.

What makes that not useful? Reasoning with the fools clearly doesn't work.

Aphoticamy ago

While I don't agree he's a sheepdog-I've been following him for a while and that's just my feeling, no real proof for or against, I absolutely see the wheels turning to discredit PG by the MSM. It's BEEN happening and it's just ramping up imho.

VieBleu ago

Upvoted. This absolutely has the ring of truth about it to me R4R.

The only upside - in the process of attempting take over and pushing the narrative, at least some trafficking will experience a chilling effect and perhaps that will make a difference in the lives of some individuals and that itselt is priceless. so it may be backwards progress but some kind of progress nonetheless.

I never trusted the Milo phenomenon, and when he used pizzagate to get people to tune into his livestream and then "couldn't talk about it because people in Washington told him not yet" or something along those lines I knew he was a best an opportunistic troll. He talks a good game though and Alex Jones had him on. I have not jumped on the instant anti-Kutcher bandwagon without better proof, but anyone friendly with John McCain is suspect and with such a wide array of establishment/CIA tech companies is suspicious so FOR THOSE TYPE OF REASONS it is headed in that direction.

remedy4reality ago

Like your contributions, your opinion is worthless.

starseedlover ago

I've wondered how Milo seems so resilient to criticism and seems to have balls of steel when confronting SJWs. Does he ever show vulnerability? When someone seems to be immune to criticism or overly confident in their "attacks" - this shows me he's got backing that take the heat off his own ego since he's not just representing himself.

Imagine a scenario when you're going to go to a protest and start trolling people or starting fights. Or you're going to protest and break windows and riot. You are a LOT more likely to do it if someone told you to do it or is paying you to do it. If you're just going alone, your own conscience "gets in the way." Just like people on the news, they can say outright lies because they are told to do it. Order followers.

It's like the Milgram Experiment where the people were much more likely to shock someone because a person of authority told them to do it.

Edit: Also, if he's "in character" this makes it a lot easier to not take any criticism personally. Like if you're acting or playing a role, then it's all fun and games. Like consensual BDSM where role playing helps one perform things on their lover without it being "personal."

remedy4reality ago

Great contribution to the post, thank you. So many people are programmed to react to information in knee jerk fashion and rarely take time to step back and see the bigger picture. I like to observe how all the parts interact with each other and on complex matters ( every psyop ) locking in focus on one aspect will never produce results.

20Justice4All17 ago

Milo has positioned himself to drive a wedge between edgy young folks and liberal globalist ideology. Libs can't attack him as antisenite or homophobic or racist...so it brings the conversation to globalist vs nationalist. Western culture vs Islam

comma8 ago

Ashton Kutcher jokes about cooking babies


redditsuckz ago

That would be an "inside joke" because he and his cult eat babies...


eyeVoated ago

Ashton Kutcher is another house slave. They're a dime a dozen these days. He'll end up in the meat grinder along with the rest of them. It's a dam shame.

remedy4reality ago

that is gold !

Dasistnichtsehrgut ago

My first hunch is to look into all these people who are only now speaking out about it - feinstein, etc. Thoughts?

remedy4reality ago

Excellent... digging on McCain and Milo right now

diamonddust ago

Whatever you think of Milo, doesn't it strike you as strange that when it comes to Pizzagate its "fake news" and the MSM keeps its mouth shut over massive arrests for a month, but when Milo says something about teenage boys its featured in the Guardian? Bit choosy on their targets right? The article is written by folks in Washington ffs.

remedy4reality ago

you haven't investigated anything

blind_sypher ago

Up until the public is qued in to what's going on. The overwhelming majority consider pedophilia beyond reproach and are very comfortable with executing repeat offenders. Its one area where the feminist/safespace ideology theyve disseminated stands to give them horrific backlash.

micha_ ago

Momentarily. They haven't even started to legalize pedophilia, yet. They are just at the very beginning of reprogramming the masses now. How long did it take, until the mass was reprogrammed and accepted that a perversion like homosexuality was normal? Holy marriage given to perverts? Less than 20 years. Currently we are in the early stage of making pedophilia progressive. I don't think they will not need another 20 years to make it cool and legal.

NeedPolyGF ago

Perversion is normal. Marriage obviously isn't sacred, since half divorce. The only sin is harming anyone intentionally or recklessly.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

The MSM can try and normalized pedophilia, but there are something's regular everyday people will NOT accept, reprogramming or not. If MSM is stupid enough to think they can gain sympathy for pedphellia from parents, I can assure you the outrage and backlash will be swift. It's in the msm best intrested to stay away from such subject, or they're going to have parents marching in the streets.

micha_ ago

People are even accepting, that more and more of their rights as parents are taken away.

They accept to become foreigners in their own countries and don't stand up.

They accept that their tax money is shoved into illegal aliens .sses.

People accept EVERYTHING over time.

You can tell them a perversion like homosexuality was normal.

They accept gay teachers close to their boys.

They accept the sexualization of their kids in school.

They accept, that Cultural Marxism, tells them that gender was not biologically determinded.

They accept EVERYTHING.

In 20 years they will also accept pedophilia as normal.

The mass will never stand up, as long as the TV is working and the refrigerator filled.


I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I agree, people have become more and more complacent. But I don't think the general population will ever accept pedophilia. Protecting your child or a child is a basic human emotion most people have. Being okay with an adult manipulating and having sex with a 6, 10, or 12 year old child would strike a nerve in most people regardless of the media says. What I'm most afraid of is the government making sick laws that would lower the age of consent over the objections of the people and making it legal to be a pedophile.

JamesHowardCrow ago

" How long did it take, until the mass was reprogrammed and accepted that a perversion like homosexuality was normal?"

Please dont post stuff like this. It is a great example for outsiders to point at and say we are all crazy......

micha_ ago

Being attracted by the own sex is perverse. Sticking the penis into an anus, even more so of the own sex, is an extreme perversion.

This is my opinion and if you don't like it, then ignore me, but do not try to enforce your opinion on me.

JamesHowardCrow ago

Have no interest in changing your opinion just want you to understand that 99% of the public views statements like that as the rantings of a lunatic and it hurts the cause.


I for one would like to stop the rapes....

micha_ ago

According to that "logic" saying anything that offends the majority, should not be said... Spare me that PC-stupidity! What matters are facts.

JamesHowardCrow ago

I didn't say that. I said we shouldn't say things we can't back up and just make us all look crazy....

TomDrew87 ago

You're just proving his point buddy

micha_ ago

They don't even recognize it!

They are sheep. Therefore the pedo-satanists have such easy game and probably will succeed.

racoonbite ago

twit. marriage is not holy, you can get a JP to do it. fuck off. with your all gay people are obviously pedo and perverts crap. my uncle is gay(been with the same guy for 20 or so years). have couple gay friends, guess how many times he molested me? none, you half wit. fucking religious morons base their belief system off a book, where the men who wrote it had no idea where the sun went at night, lol

MolochIsAFag ago

You miss the point, the fact that society can go from violent stigma against homosexuals to acceptance/normalization in about 20-30 years speaks volumes about how malleable societies consensus on morals, especially sexual morals is. Regardless of what you think of homosexuality, the process of normalization of homosexuality is likely to be emulated in both the general plan and the timeframe, and if you think that it is inconceivable that pedophilia would ever be accepted in the West, well, your ancestors probably thought homosexuality, abortion, etc.. would never be accepted either and would be horrified, and pedophilia is already normalized in societies such as Afghanistan. 90+ percent of people are lemmings and moral consensus is far to easily manipulated. I don't care about homosexuals one way or the other personally but the process of normalization it went through is less grassroots and more top down than LGBT activists would like to believe and provides a social engineering model the elite are currently applying to pedophilia, the culture of moral relativism in general which leftists entertain helps catalyze this.

racoonbite ago

hmmm, yea and peasants were once burned at the stake for knowing how to read( the church thought that only the ruling class should have such a right), women being allowed to vote became normalized.......(at one time it was inconceivable) this happens all the time. i know in some "right-thinking Christian" world, all would be well if every did as they say, but sorry. nooooope

seriously, there are men attracted to young girls, does that make being hetero bad? I doubt that lol

if being gay is irrelevant why bother bringing it up? its pointless and invalidates the argument in many eyes.

leave the holier than thou and fags=bad out of it next time.

dmthirdeye ago

This goes both ways too though, think about black people in America... Hopefully the shift that will happen here is people will become completely intolerant of LOOKING AWAY because it seems millions and millions must have done so when you consider the sheer scale.

micha_ ago

Hey Einstein, ever heard of that strange word: statistics?

Pedo breeds pedo.

VieBleu ago

Conflating homosexuality with pedophilia is a false narrative. using children is a violation of innocence and the soul. Homosexuality involves the consent of adults and like it or not, has been part of human sexual practice historically accepted even by the church. There are records of rites joining two men in the early church who were being sent out on missionary work, the idea being that they would be in foreign surroundings and isolated and would be each other's companion and it was a sanctified union.

Contrary to myth, Christianity's concept of marriage has not been set in stone since the days of Christ, but has constantly evolved as a concept and ritual. Prof. John Boswell3, the late Chairman of Yale University’s history department, discovered that in addition to heterosexual marriage ceremonies in ancient Christian church liturgical documents, there were also ceremonies called the "Office of Same-Sex Union" (10th and 11th century), and the "Order for Uniting Two Men" (11th and 12th century).

These church rites had all the symbols of a heterosexual marriage: the whole community gathered in a church, a blessing of the couple before the altar was conducted with their right hands joined, holy vows were exchanged, a priest officiatied in the taking of the Eucharist and a wedding feast for the guests was celebrated afterwards. These elements all appear in contemporary illustrations of the holy union of the Byzantine Warrior-Emperor, Basil the First (867-886 CE) and his companion John.

Such same gender Christian sanctified unions also took place in Ireland in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, as the chronicler Gerald of Wales (‘Geraldus Cambrensis’) recorded.

Same-sex unions in pre-modern Europe list in great detail some same gender ceremonies found in ancient church liturgical documents. One Greek 13th century rite, "Order for Solemn Same-Sex Union", invoked St. Serge and St. Bacchus, and called on God to "vouchsafe unto these, Thy servants [N and N], the grace to love one another and to abide without hate and not be the cause of scandal all the days of their lives, with the help of the Holy Mother of God, and all Thy saints". The ceremony concludes: "And they shall kiss the Holy Gospel and each other, and it shall be concluded".

More here - http://christianity-revealed.com/cr/files/whensamesexmarriagewasachristianrite.html

I understand this will offend you or you'll attack the source, but the early church liturgical records are not lies, they are just not widely discussed for obvious reasons. for the record I am not homosexual, I am a history buff and I feel that if more people understood more details about their own holy books and the history that produced and surrounds them, the world would be a stronger smarter place.

I am not saying there is no agenda to make pedo life cool, there may be. I am saying that a society can incorporate same sex relationships without going to the devil and without tolerating pedophilia in any form. Remember we are in this fight together and FBIAnon said one of our strengths is that we come from diverse backgrounds and our discussion becomes a sort of truth telling machine. Thanx and God Bless

micha_ ago

Pedo breeds pedo.

Yes, I praise god, too for creating human nature that way, that homosexual perversion cannot reproduce biologically.

kekistocrat ago

Anymore, sometimes the downvotes are a mark of merit.

kekistocrat ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for that little tidbit of comedy. Or would that be, AHA!

remedy4reality ago

and there it is right at the top with some of the most important researchers backing it up..

get lost. ps. you're now -2 points

abattoirdaydream ago

He never claimed to be more than a mirror. He never claimed to be more than an agitator.

thicktail1730947 ago

Boy, this forum sure has a lot of dogs on it all of a sudden.

BowDownB4Trump ago

Milo is in the spotlight because he is a keynote speaker at cpac and they need to destroy him now b4 he redpills conservatives..

remedy4reality ago

It's all too convenient for the pedo's in charge to scapegoat Milo. He is not being used, IMHO, he is complicit.

DeathToMasons ago

Milo is a creation for sure. Everything you said I instictively felt. I have been following fake shootings, the news covering up that CIA and Mossad did 9/11 and have been watching crisis actors and phony storly lines for years. Milo is a creation. You are dead on about everything. They will make the very people who are involved in PG, the ones who are all the sudden championing anti traficking and pedophile stories. BLM and ALT right are phony creations as well. BLM is divide and conquer and promote racial tension. ALT right is an attempt to create a crypto white power movement and then accuse truthers or those against the establishmet as biggoted anti gument crackpots. This is obvious to me on site and have haven't spent any time bringing this up because I expect everybody in here to see this stuff easily now. You have woken up.

kekistocrat ago

This is obvious to me on site and have haven't spent any time bringing this up because I expect everybody in here to see this stuff easily now.

They don't. But they need to because there are some real smart ones in here, just not on that page yet. Keep posting stuff like this. In unrelated threads. Sounds obnoxious, and it is, but I've had a better response to this method of redpilling than responding in a thread with a title that attracts the normies.

ALT right is an attempt to create a crypto white power movement and then accuse truthers or those against the establishmet as biggoted anti gument crackpots

and then hijack it with quacks who normalize paedophilia like what's going on here. 100%. Copypasta your paragraph everywhere as you've epitomized a few things.

remedy4reality ago

I very much appreciate your comment. My foundations are based in your similar skepticism about past false flags.The MSM/Establishment could give two shits about what people think just as long as they are comfortable with their creation and transmission of the false narrative. ex: ' WTC 7 has collapsed! ' ( WTC 7 in the background, standing )

diamonddust ago

You had me at college dropout to be honest, as nearly all "creations" get their start in life dropping out of college I've noticed. I've come to see it as a red flag.

kekistocrat ago

By the look of the downvotes, you must have struck a nerve with this one. Bunch of Milo sympathizers. He's normalizing paedophilia and there's definitely a (((pattern))).

remedy4reality ago

I knew this post would be attacked as all PG posts that broaden the scope and try to place the investigation in the context of the MSM larger narrative, which we all know is a LIE.

8pinkstars ago

I'm on the fence about Milo but I do want to say that I think what he's saying is not to normalize pedophilia. I was promiscuous in my early teens due to being molested and abused by 2 of my brothers from the ages of 8-11. I had no self worth and thought I had to do let boys treat me like a sex object. And yes, some of these were men over 18. When I was 16 I got pregnant by my 22 year old boyfriend simply because I wanted something/someone to love me and wanted a baby. I never thought of older men as being pedophiles then. Thankfully I turned my life around and learned to respect myself and now I would kill an older man who came near anyone of my children. But Milo is still too young to understand that and know that he was a victim even if he did/does think he wanted it. Just wanted to give my opinion from personal experience. @remedy4reality

NikitaVerite ago

Thank you for sharing your very personal story. It's always good to get perspective from someone who's experienced similar traumas.

SturdyGal ago

Your perspective is valuable and I agree Milo was explaining more that promoting it, at least from the videos I have seen. I wonder if there is a possibility Milo is being set up to be used as a pawn?

8pinkstars ago

Thank you! I am still trying to figure that out as well. What's interesting is that this info about him has been around for awhile. When I first heard his perspective on this I immediately understood what he was saying and where he was coming from. And to be honest I still don't think of the older men I encountered as being pedophiles because I allowed it. If anything I blame my brothers and my mother for not believing me and fucking my life up while they had these perfect little lives (in law enforcement at that) while I was all messed up! I don't condone it and as I stated I would kill someone older if they tried to get near my children but honestly until/unless you've lived it you really can't understand it. Again, I read this about Milo way before the media attacked him on it so I think the timing is peculiar. Regardless if he is or isn't a pawn or controlled opposition it doesn't change the fact that Clinton Podesta MSM the rest of their evil satanist pedophile friends need to be hung

V____Z ago

I've had a hunch from the beginning too that he is an operative of someone/thing that is opposed to Trump, and anything else Milo pretends to support: gays, Catholics, etc. We know Milo is an act, a creation. Now to watch who/what his charade helps. If he picks up pizzagate then I will have to assume he's working for those pizzagate implicates. He will be used just as the Comet "shooter" for an easy corporate news soundbite.

remedy4reality ago

I agree. good to know researchers like yourself are in tune.

V____Z ago

Check this out, you might want to add it to your post https://mobile.twitter.com/jonswaine/status/833374147036200961

This is the verified account of a Guardian journalist.

remedy4reality ago

that is an awesome catch !!! thank you very much

Infopractical ago

Observation: Wikipedia already includes information regarding Milo's "pedophilia controversy" (a full heading on his page) whereas it does not allow a drop of it---not even a mention of pizzagate as a "cute little debunked conspiracy theory"---on John Podesta's page despite far larger and more serious volumes of evidence relating to Podesta in particular.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I know, fucking outrageous.

huhhh ago

The audacity of these motherfuckers!

DeathToMasons ago


remedy4reality ago

and.... bingo.. That was JUST ADDED and was not on his WIki when I wrote the submission this morning

redditsuckz ago

This should be added to his wiki;

(((MILO))) + PIZZA + 666


remedy4reality ago

Lurkers with opinions they think superior to actual 'investigators' who log hours ? And why pic this submission to finally chime in with your assumptions about my character or viewpoint? Tells me I'm onto something. Thanks.

V____Z ago

I like you, R4R. Always have. Keep it up.

remedy4reality ago

right back at you, v___z

remedy4reality ago

that is absurd.. what I am currently putting together on Milo will make you eat your words

You have ZERO submission points and ZERO comment points, just like the 'point' that out.

crystalclear ago

Don't necessarily agree with everything you wrote BUT I think no one can truly be ruled out when it comes to pedogate and psyops. I was greatly concerned with Milo's comments for his own mental health and sadly think (not saying Milo is a pederast) many pederasts think the way he was speaking. If he feels differently now - he should clarify.

islandofdelight ago

I understand the thinking about Milo, but I'm not totally convinced that he is an agent of anyone... I think he was a victim of pedophilia who has tried to rationalize it in a very bad way... I also disagree with the majority of what he says, and only defend him on the basis of free speech.

I think the MSM has latched onto this as an attack against him, but it will eventually backfire and get more attention on the pedo epidemic... I'm still undecided about the Ashton Kutcher thing is about but I'm leaning towards that being intentional misdirection. And I agree that we could be seeing lots of pedo stories to distract from the big players....

remedy4reality ago

Look into his background like I am currently doing. I will offer another post at the end of the day about Milo's past. Very interesting, to say the least.

zzvoat ago

Please post it in the correct forum.

remedy4reality ago

why. because it went straight to the top ?

Just like your 'tortilla' post ? ( good post, by the way, although relationship to PG is sketchy and highly subjective )

dookiehowzer ago

milo is good in my book i think you need to get some sleep op

Long_Knife ago

https://twitter.com/ReaganBattalion/status/833405993006616576 your book might be fucked up if you think milo is "good

DeathToMasons ago

You must be new. So you think their is a Satanic pedo cult that runs western society, but a man is nuts to think Milo is a psyop. Nice try.

redditsuckz ago

There is no way milo or anyone can control this or psyop it...its impossible because they might try to normalize pedophilia but they will never normalize child sacrifice and cannibalism and baby rape and that is what pizzagate is also about but people seem to forget this. And this might not be exactly pedophilia but satanists raping children and babies to steal their energy.

What the MSM and (((milo))) is trying to do is to turn pizzagate into it being ONLY about pedophilia...and its clearly not...

Satanic Criminal Networks of the World Exposed


Even the description of this pizzagate sub doesnt mention anything about satanism or sacrifice;

pizzagate: Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse

And at the beginning of the investigation threads on satanism were being deleted and it was taboo to make threads about it. These fucks would LOVE IT to be only about pedos.

Z11Mama ago

I am really tired of people who call it pedogate. That is minimizing. Very uncool.

huhhh ago

Exactly. People going around saying "Death to pedos" is misguided. We're not dealing with your garden variety dirty old men who felt up the little girl next door that time, we're talking about ultimate debauchery and evil. Satanic child rape and sacrifice. Ages 0 - 12. BY THE TOP LEVEL PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.

Nana66 ago

Milo and Pewdiepie are both Internet famous because they were victims that were for sale online like panda kids. They got big and are scaring the elite pedos....and now Milo will be speaking at CPAC (after being asked to put a temporary hold on what he was going to say at a speaking engagment before inauguration) and now they will not be able to shut this down with protests.

theHubrisOfMan ago

People loving Milo feels like crossdressing alt-rightest jerking off in a mirror.

banenya ago

Hummm.. your 3rd "Title Here" (definition of "Limited Hangout") takes us to wikispooks.com which sure has a suspect logo https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Limited_hangout

remedy4reality ago

i was hoping somebody would catch that

amazing, huh ?

zzvoat ago

Mods, can this post please be moved to the appropriate sub.

remedy4reality ago

hey shill... why don't you gfy ?

theHubrisOfMan ago

" Batman" Trump. Let him fall with everyone else. So many innocent children have been sacrificed, let him fall with the rest. I'm sure he'd get a nice comfy cell while we decide what order to fry the pedos.

zzvoat ago

This is not a political forum. Researches here fall all long the spectrum. While I respect your views, this is not the place to share them.

theHubrisOfMan ago

jesus youre all over these fucking boards calling out petty shit. I didn't say anything about my fucking views you assumptive retard. I wasn't even talking fucking politics. I said that if one semi-innocent man goes down with the rest of the politicians implicated ion this matter, I'd be a-fucking-okay with it. The comment I replied to mentioned the difficulty of this operation because of the politics that exist with other government agencies. Get your small minded head out of your tight ass and stop polarizing shit you fucking faggot.

Barry_McCochiner ago

Aren't you a cutie. With all that foaming at the mouth, clenched jaw, scream typing. What's it like to be so tough on reddit?

theHubrisOfMan ago

Hey faggot we're here to talk about the pizzagate investigation and its far-reaching implications in domestic and international politics, not flirt. GTFO with your condescending statements sounding like a fucking ex gf nigger faggot.

pinklb_q ago

Okay, so I like Milo. That said, he does appear to be answering to someone (probably not someone who is big league though, in my opinion.) He was going to talk about PG back in January, but instead came on stage and said "they" said the timing wasn't right; that it was too early to get into it.

Now, that could be a load of BS but Milo is generally very candid and truthful. And, to be fair, while being incessantly candid and truthful is a great way to appear nonthreatening, I don't think that is precisely the case here.

Milo's past regarding having sex while underage, and seeing such things happen regularly back then, definitely presupposes if he had any connection to PG it's in the capacity of victim rather than perpetrator.

But to the topic in general... All the news leading up to now does seem to be gently acclimatizing the public to PG level. Obviously, to what end is the question, right? We can only assume a giant coverup is going to occur because the depth of PG seems to be so enormous.

Edit: also let's not forget that, according to the wikileaks Hillary emails, we know psyops are now called MIST by the US gov. Maybe not important, but the information isn't being shared much.

ibepokey ago

Obviously, to what end is the question, right?

This is what i've been considering for some time now. I'm not convinced that they won't stop arresting people, once they've reached a certain 'level' in the govt. Mebbe all the arrests will be to appease the public, but we won't see much of the upper-echelon taken down. i don't hope for this, but see it as a valid endgame theory.

pinklb_q ago

Yes, classic scapegoating techniques seem to be the easiest to pull off. But that means whoever "big league" person(s) they take down will reveal more heinous crimes than what we've discovered to far, likely in a similar but unrelated matter, otherwise the scapegoating won't work.

The general goal, if the plan is to bury the real scope of the story eventually, will have to follow the general pattern of: Expose, expose, expose, wait a minute check out this what the fuck??, how did we not see this, BIG expose, BIG confession/news/revelation, a few small exposes, done.

Again, this is all supposition, but I firmly believe the similar but unrelated, likely ghastly or terrible (but true), matter will have to be employed by whoever to contain this.

theHubrisOfMan ago

Honestly Milo seems like a breeding ground for a future of SJW alt-rightist. Makes me fucking sick.

SturdyGal ago

I don't think there any danger of that. Just because the Left hate him, doesn't mean the altRight would embrace him. But somebody is at the very least using him.

GeorgeT ago

On Bill Maher show he said how Trump is fantastic .....

witch_doctor1 ago

Milo realizes that homosexuality is a sin...but he correctly points out that no one sin is worse than any other...and we are all sinners. I like Milo a lot...which is weird because I generally don't get along with gay dudes. Let's look at who his friends are, who his enemies are and his action from this point forward...the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

GeorgeT ago

I hate to say it, but I am on board with you. He does sound genuine.

zzvoat ago

I agree, we are being bombarded with lies from all sides. Many are internal to this site, very possibly including this post.

pepe16 ago

It won't work. If we see lots of pedo stories in the media, no one would be surprised if Trump's justice department carries out high level arrests. The media strategy can't work, it'll backfire. They're not good at these things.

zzvoat ago

I see it all the time in the alt media. Do you know whether it's also being aired by the legacy (mainstream) media?

GeorgeT ago

I am with you. They want to hijack it. I bet when all hell breaks loose Alex Jones will take all the credit despite him being the one who jimped the train. Sad.


Milo is cool. Free Milo!!

GeorgeT ago

Dianne Feinstein was among the 30 names, allegedly implicated in child trafficking. Sooner it later the story will have to break and they want to hijack the narrative.

zzvoat ago

My guess is that they/she are trying to outrun the story. "See how hard I'm fighting against pedophilia, I can't BE a pedophile myself -- or be enabling them or covering up for them.

It's the typical MO

DustyRadio ago

This times 1000. Prudence and vigilance is required in reading anything from any source.

slevin_kelevra ago

Still learning how links work on voat I see

witch_doctor1 ago

Yep, this is classic Alinsky...Identify and Isolate to take the focus from HRC and crew, who traffic in children/infants and then harvest their organs, skin and bone marrow once they hit puberty. Let's not lose sight of that.

Can the serious people here just agree to disagree about Milo for now? Here is what I propose..we are about to find out who is for us and who is against us...and that goes for AJ, RDS, David Seaman, etc...on my honor, if they prove themselves not to be on our side in the imminent battle, I will be at the front of the line with my pitchfork and torch...deal? Circular firing squads are really counter-productive right now.

redditsuckz ago

and that goes for AJ, RDS, David Seaman, etc...on my honor, if they prove themselves not to be on our side in the imminent battle, I will be at the front of the line with my pitchfork and torch...deal?

You forgot add The Donald to that list...;)

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I don't really think Milo is a Soros agent. I have to admit, I like a lot of his viewpoints. Didn't care for the raunchy gay behavior though. Excusing child sexual abuse is too much. Milo has come and gone. CPAC should never have invited him without researching him more. If they don't rescind their invitation, at least there won't be any violence. If I was there, I just wouldn't go to the speech, unless he disavows his own words.

Milo made his own bed. We should quit worrying about Milo and go after the known pedophiles. He seems to have mixed feeling for the priest that abused him. I guess this is typical of people abused as children.

DeathToMasons ago

Milo is a character and should be ignored. You guys need to catch up.

GeorgeT ago

Maybe he is in turmoil, did priest's molestation made him gay or was he born gay.

zzvoat ago

"We should quit worrying about Milo." Agree.

Dasistnichtsehrgut ago

If a lead or story or theory doesn't ultimately lead me closer to the main objective (I.e. identifying govt collusion in the trafficking of children) I move on. Some leads are peripheral. Yes, they are "related" but only on the edges. They are diversions to keep us from getting closer to the source. They dilute the water. I think this milo debate is one of those. So I move on. P.s. What's the big deal with talking about walnuts and their link to pedophilia in ancient history? Why did my posts about that get deleted for no valid reason? was it bc it related directly to the podesta emails and back to trying to break their code? I got banned for trying to post it even though i tried to address their complaints. Please look the topic - can't help but think something is there.

Dasistnichtsehrgut ago

I think they also didn't like me looking into the Etan Patz story, which started the whole Missing and Exploited children thing (which conveniently keeps a database/catalog of children) and has people on the case directly related to (son of) the a secretary of State at the time. And more. Lots more. Just need Dots connected.

zzvoat ago

Interesting theory -- and I disagree 100%

Freemasonsrus ago

This is a GOPe attack out of jealousy and the fact they still can't get over how real Americans supported him over their chosen ones. Milo was co-opting their little playground and they are proving the reasons so many of us rejected them.

scott4964 ago

Agree. They can try to spin all they want, but seeing high-ups go away in handcuffs supercedea all bullshit. If there are no high level arrests they win.

abattoirdaydream ago

I only disagree in part. They probably ARE going to flood media with pedotalk to drown out the arrests and accusations.

They will also leverage and project onto their opposition, with the usual doublespeak. The shills for that are here already. Just check out the unfounded, out-of-context attacks on Milo.

They inject crazy into pizzagate to discredit it, using the same tactics. Baseless Imagineering and context free claims.

remedy4reality ago

no reasoning nor comment attached


dookiehowzer ago


Sheilaaliens ago

Milo's just a dude who was obviously abused himself at a young age. Maybe he wasn't meant to be gay but he was abused so he became gay. That's not something he'd ever want to admit to himself. And anyway who cares what the mainstream media is doing?

theHubrisOfMan ago

I've been skeptical of Milo as well. Especially with the way he is always leaning on him being "a jewish, gay, who loves black cock". Until I see him sucking BBC and catching the load in his kippah, I'm calling bullshit. Its one of those "if it's too good to be true, it probably is", We keep getting caught up in the left vs. right, and forgetting that they're all in on it. And anyone selling a fucking book, or cuddling up to politicians on either side is suspect as fuck. He's a fucking character in a story that we are supposed to be eating up. We should dig on this guy.

V____Z ago

Agreed 100%. It's obviously scripted. It's an act. On Twitter last night a journalist form the guardian tweeted that he met Milo "before he created his new persona for retweets"

remedy4reality ago

YES !!! My knowledge of intel operations told me he was a classic CIA CUT OUT

21yearsofdigging ago

Yeah hard to say. I am very reluctant to trust anyone that is supposedly alternative yet elevated and promoted.

joey4track ago

I agree, It's not like they are asking someone articulate and who could connect with the normies, like George Webb or Robert Steele. No they get someone who is rather eccentric and controversial to begin with. Milo is a terrible spokesperson to speak for PG, imo. We need rational and matter of fact not sensational and abrasive.

V____Z ago

Why everyone isn't echoing these exact sentiments is troubling to me.

umpteenth ago

key ^

DarkMath ago

Maybe. But Milo is a sideshow at this point. The damage has already been done. Even these psychopaths know their goose is cooked.

It's all over but the crying.


Stock up on Pop-Corn and Soda because this fucker is going to be one helluva show.


CWenstra ago

Holy moly! I was using this song nearly every day in the week before the election. I was taunting my liberal friends that HRC was going to lose. Then I was using it about PG.

Fellow Fallout fan? LOL

DarkMath ago

I played only the first level of Fall Out, the level where you've got to go into the desert town and find some stuff and I couldn't figure out so I stopped playing.

Lol, how do you get through that first level?

Barry_McCochiner ago

You just gotta find the stuff

DarkMath ago

"You just gotta find the stuff".....lol, yes that's the key. I just need to find stuff. Did you ever make it past the first level?

CWenstra ago

It was so long ago I honestly can't remember. I was drinking pretty heavily at the time too. If I get stuck in a game I go to the wiki for it and usually find the answer.

witch_doctor1 ago


FriesischShipping ago

Goose is cooked? I love that OutKast song!


20Justice4All17 ago

Please let it be so! Those that yearn for justice and righteousness are crying out!!!

remedy4reality ago

I hear you, Dark Math. But the vast majority of Americans are in the dark and still rely on the MSM for their marching orders.

Psalm144-1 ago

I agree with you. That's why its up to us to "red pill" as many people as possible. I always START with the emails, seems to be the most effective way to begin the process.


witch_doctor1 ago

Maybe not...that is what they want us to think. I read somewhere that Brock has $100, 000 per day to spend on online trolls....look at the recent media polls, the very unlikely Trump election win and Trump rallies if you want to feel a little better. Also for the feels...more and more people are cutting the cable cord, which means more and varied viewership for news.

formatist ago

$100K a day is still only ~100 people. I think there are way more people engaged in PG on the other side, at this point.

DarkMath ago

Don't worry, that's about to change.

Dressage2 ago

How so? Are you speaking of the arrests of the elite/CF crew? I so want to start this dog and pony show yesterday! Please tell me you are an insider and know what is truly going on!

DarkMath ago

I'm not an insider. I have no connections. I'm basing everything on the evidence I've seen and that UAE mansion fire yesterday.

That fire is confirmation whoever's getting investigated is shitting their pants right now.

If a person is caught with a bag of cash and the first question the police ask him causes him to drop the cash and run into the woods the guy had something to do with robbing someone or something.

That type of deal. Destroying evidence implies guilt AND fear of arrest.

Dressage2 ago

Ok, I am clearly in on that theory.

cantsleepawink ago

It's to be expected. But the fight back on Twitter to these limited hangouts is brutal. Many people fighting back with facts, facts being discovered on forums like this or reddit. Don't expect them to take our onslaught lying down. But truth is with us.

JesusRules ago

the Hegelian Diaelectical process

EyeOfHorus ago

should be in a different PG sub, not here.

Nana66 ago

This....is a shill post. They are freaking out about Milo and the fact he will be speaking at CPAC. They have been trying to discredit him through media and twitter and now here.

remedy4reality ago

and you're wrong... look at my record and review my posts nana66

don't you dare call me a shill again.

zzvoat ago

Nana66 didn't call you a shill. Nana66 called your post as a shill. Clearly, you're very active here, so why would post this in the wrong sub?

remedy4reality ago

How does a post of about US Gymnastic Dr. being a pedo get to stay on this sub and mine does not ?

zzvoat ago

There are many posts here that should be in other subs.

remedy4reality ago

How does a post about Kutchers visit to Capitol Hill get to stay on this sub and this does not?

remedy4reality ago

How is the MSM narrative about pedophilia not related to this sub?

Nana66 ago

Maybe your account was taken over.

remedy4reality ago

what does that even mean? do you think I'm not the original owner of this account?

you could just look at the consistent WRITING STYLE

zzvoat ago

Honestly, that speculation may be due to the fact that you sound completely unhinged. Many here have been giving you very sound advice. Your reaction has been to double-down.

remedy4reality ago

Unhinged? More gas lighting? How about you answer my questions about the 3 particular aspects about this submission that were permitted to stand alone? Can't do it, can you?

remedy4reality ago

the fuck it should -- why is it always the slackers who have submitted NOTHING are those descending on important and directly related threads with pompous judgment ?

How about shutting it and getting to work? huh?

zzvoat ago

Being disrespectful and insulting to another researcher is unacceptable.

remedy4reality ago

researcher ?? you got to be joking. how about looking at the 'researcher's' submission to this sub ?

theHubrisOfMan ago

shut up faggot.

Rmm ago

Hopefully Mainstream America won't fall for that line of B.S, (the criminalization of childhood sex)

Milo_Carlin ago

Please do not fall for this B.S. on Voat. Thanks!

H! Im Milo Carlin, the bastard son of George Carlin and Milo! The Pedo Elite forced them to mate. Anyway, here's the most epic censored post on voat: Weaponized Words on Voat

Rmm ago

You have a point

eyeVoated ago

Yeah, well, he is a fag, and those freaks sure do love to worship the false idol of baphomet. Milo, I have a message for you: Your ego trip is far less important than the suffering of children. Moving on..

markrod420 ago

Lol pretending every gay person is an immoral satanist. Your unfounded beliefs are not the universal definition of morality even though you are super 100% sure they are. But really you are just an asshole.

eyeVoated ago

Every gay person is the result of dark cultural programming. Everyone is culturally programmed, including myself. The key to enlightenment is to realize you have been programmed, and to take actions to get back into alignment with Natural Law.

NeedPolyGF ago

That seems fairly true.

markrod420 ago

That's your opinion on the matter. We are all the result of programming to some extent. But there are animals that partake in homosexual acts so to say that it's impossible that a person could be naturally gay is just ignoring reality because you don't like the truth.

eyeVoated ago

Animals do a lot of things that people should not do. Your argument is a fallacy. If you wish to understand the truth, you must let go of your ego. The path to enlightenment is narrow and full of dead-ends; and the key to the gates of heaven hangs by a thread. Good luck.

markrod420 ago

"Natural law" as you put it doesn't apply to the rest of nature?

eyeVoated ago

Look it up. The information is widely available

zzvoat ago

There are gay, lesbian, and trans researchers on this forum.

Your disrespect is unnacceptable.

markrod420 ago

And actually go ahead and tell him what he can and can't say. Because I'm not going to tell you that you can't say it. But we won't listen to you. And 99% of us will completely lose respect for you and your ideas because you are just another delicate snowflake and you have no business here.

crazimal ago

Fuck you bitch

Disrespect is key you triggered shitweasel

Go fuck your self!

eyeVoated ago

Respect means "to look again". I encourage you to keep looking and have respect for Nature.

lawfag123 ago


markrod420 ago

Yeah go eat a bag of dicks. I'm about to reply to eyeVoated to tell him he is an asshole. But first I feel it is far MORE important to tell you to go fuck yourself. Take your PC shit and shove it up your ass next to your butt plug. Disagree with him all you want. Don't you dare try to tell people what they can and can't say. That's the ONLY thing people won't tolerate on voat.

zzvoat ago

It's not the content of what one says, it's the language used to say it.

markrod420 ago

Don't care about that either. We won't have your PC cuntery here. We are all free to express our ideas as rudely or intelligently as we would like. That's why we are on voat. If you want people to respect your fucking pronouns get your ass back to reddit where you belong. The tone and words used to make a statement are an important part of the statement itself and like the statement they should not be infringed upon.

remedy4reality ago

take that PC out of here zzvoat

just disagree and stop trying to reform this sub in your image

zzvoat ago

The integrity of this sub is everybody's business.

theHubrisOfMan ago

fuck you you fucking reddit faggot. Take your safe space and shove it up your ass. Your censorship doesn't beling here you fucking "feelings fascist." This is free speech so if you don't like it move the fuck along otherwise shut the fuck up and do some fucking research yourself. Stupid fucking niglet

dookiehowzer ago

pre sure zzvoat trolling

theHubrisOfMan ago

2 month old account. I'll keep calling him a faggot just in case.

GeorgeT ago

I would have used the word 'homosexual' (as I always do with regards to Alifantis) scientific term, neutral - makes a point (veiled way) and to the point. Lot mor weight to it.

eyeVoated ago

Fag and fasces are the same. Look at the reverse side of the mercury dime. These terms are intricately related to the research we are doing here. Being gay is one thing (due to cultural programming), but being a fascist is forcefully imposing your beliefs upon another. So, milo is gay, and homosexual, but he also happens to be a fag.

Flour ago

Go fuck yourself

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Your "hunch" is not evidence. For your theory to be true, it would require WikiLeaks to be involved in some sort of astonishing long game. I suspect you're one of the people that's letting your anti-gay and/or anti-Jew agenda get the better of you.

kekistocrat ago

Without condemning others, have you ever wondered why it is that so many are starting to speak openly against certain (((groups)))? Before condemning someone's perspective because it seems parallel with the 'labels' that our manipulated societies have given us, try investigating the opposition and see what the opposition says -- hear both sides of the story first. There is an agenda to degenerate other cultures through social engineering and cultural marxism so as to create a class of people inferior to the instigators for it is their religious doctrine that allows them to think of all others as their slaves. Look it up. You would be concerned too if you knew the truth.

formatist ago

Ian Bremmer, a brilliant global risk analyst, and somewhat of an establishment-type guy (though really more of an independent academic/consultant) i.e. not someone who really traffics in conspiracy theories at all, suggested on Charlie Rose several years ago that Wikileaks could be a CIA thing.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I don't rule it out. When Julian got busted for hacking into NASA in the 90s he did some sort of deal to get his sentence reduced. I've generally been impressed with what he has said in interviews recently though. I don't think a single high ranking official has ever gone to jail because of WikiLeaks though. Until that happens, I'm wary.

zzvoat ago

Kristina_Gilliam, I agree.

remedy4reality ago

that's because you're a moron

oh, cool to say shit about me but not cool to say shit about others? is that how you roll ?

gangpressorliber ago

When we say "It's the Jews" it's a no brainer it's not all Jews we are meaning the Babylonian Talmudic Jews who worship Baal. When we have problems with Gays, it's the Activist gays, and the sex ed to kindergartners for safe gay sex that we are livid about. A full grown adult decides to be gay that's their decision. My child makes such a decision, I'm hunting down the perverts who influenced them wrongly. This is not natural, this is a cycle of abuse that has taken root, and it's because of the Jews!

remedy4reality ago

oh, fuck off.. My brother in law is gay and so is my uncle. My stepfather is Jewish and so is my girlfriend. I have no problem with gay people nor Jews, you gaslighting piece of shit.

zzvoat ago

If you want people to seriously consider your point of view, calling someone (especially, a fellow researcher) a "gaslighting piece of shit," has the opposite effect.

remedy4reality ago

once again, with you? gas lighting is a piece of shit maneuver, you tool.

call them how we see them around here. we don't need pc shits like you dictating the content

logjam ago

Fuck you. Be pissed at whoever you want - but lose the attitude.

You sound like David Seaman. Your speaking like things are fact when they are not. Linking Milo to Soros, and being suspicious of the guys rise. You're reaching. Milo's rise didn't happen overnight - and by this rational Pewdiepie must be an agent too?

It's not a "classic" anything. I'm happy to consider your views - you just can't present it as fact and expect to be praised.

remedy4reality ago

Who said I wanted praise and what is wrong with vigorously defending my post? Nothing. Somebody wants to say I harbor hate for gays or Jews in a deliberate attempt to assassinate my character without any comment or counterpoint relevant to my post, they are going to get it with both barrels.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Good cop Bad cop.