Mad_Dog91 ago

This dude will make a million accounts to get around posting limits effectively spamming the site

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how is this censored? how are you silenced? it's still here and i can still view it.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

You are a faggot

MagnificentTheodore ago


Fambida ago

"Downvoat brigade" should really only be used to define when a group organizes to maliciously abuse, in this case, to use the -ccp restrictions to silence a user (into making a new account, or being limited to the few comments/posts per day allowed by sjw-voat), by upvoting posts in an organized way to force a post or comment to the top non-organically.

That's too loose a definition. Organizing is something that can't be proven, and is therefore irrelevant. For instance, SaneGoat is convinced there's an organized brigade against him. In reality, there's people downvoating him for his poor behaviour. The only way to tell is to be one of the downvoaters in question, which I am. I don't organize with anyone, I just downvoat a nigger for acting like a nigger when he's acting like a nigger.

-CCP restrictions should be done away with in most cases, although auto collapsing comment is perfectly ok. People can still click them as they prefer.

Milo_Carlin ago

While I agree that organizing is difficult to prove, not impossible, I do not agree that somehow that makes it irrelevant. That's a logical fallacy. Goati has been brigaded by an organized group for months as well as reddit trash like you that are not part of any organized brigade. He considers you a part of that group whether you organize with them or not. You just admitted to downvoting him. You ought be free to downvoat a nigger for being a nigger, and that nigger ought be free to speak - meaning, not censored by your downvoting, just curated down. Although clearly, you are an example of a user voting from hurt feelings, not to curate.

Yes, -ccp restrictions ought be done away with, period. Auto-collapse for what, comments made by accounts with -ccp? That is silly. I appreciate you attempting meaningful discussion.

Fambida ago

You left out an important phrase: "when he's acting like a nigger."

I don't downvote his every comment, and I upvote them when actually relevant. The difference is his behaviour at the time. Downvotes are there to be used to curate shit posts to to be below better ones. Shit such as spam, which he does often.(although I notice not near so much now that he can't farm his CCP upwards)

I've already stated that ccp account restrictions should be removed, so the rest of your point falls flat.

As for your personal attacks, I've been contributing here for 2 years, with the imaginary internet points to show for it. So, I'll respond with equally mature behaviour: I'm made of rubber, you're made of glue, whatever mean you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

Mad_Dog91 ago

You were talking to sanegoat

Fambida ago

Yeah, I was 90% sure of that, but I figured I'd play along. Maybe if he didn't believe I knew it was him he'd take the message to heart.

Talc ago

shill sanegoat uses new alt, it's not very effective.

Milo_Carlin ago

160+ Views on a post downvote brigaded within the first few minutes? Shills cannot stop free speech.

Broc_Lia ago

I came here to downvote and laugh at your definition of brigading. Thanks for the post :) It was fun

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how are downvoats stopping your free speech? you're speaking now. Are you retarded?

Talc ago


Just downvoted, no evidence of any organised brigade no matter how hard you try to call in a brigade onto yourself.

Stop virtue signalling, there's no SJWs here to approve your self-imposed victimhood!