dirtydirty ago

I found where a citizen investigator decided to stop investigating the Jester's in 2013 due to a double homicide.... https://www.facebook.com/sandyleefrost/posts/10200701162429208 Here is what she wrote: I have decided to stop my seven-year investigation into the Shriners’ secret sub-group, the Royal Order of Jesters, involved with human trafficking and prostitution with links to child sex tourism in Brazil. There was a double homicide in South Carolina a year ago. Brett Parker was recently convicted of murdering his wife and a gambling associate, allegedly to get her retirement and insurance. If you Google his dad, Jack Parker, you’ll find he’s a Jester leader for the Chapin, SC Jester court. He’s been indicted with his son and another associate for illegal gambling. He was also kicked out of his son’s trial after rumors surfaced he tried to tamper with the jury. I’m tracking the news stories covering this and it appears that the reporters haven’t established the Jack Parker/Jester connection yet. Remember, the Sheriff caught by the FBI in a human trafficking sting pleaded guilty to knowing about a felony and not reporting it after driving a limo of prostitutes from Buffalo over the border to a national Jester party in Niagara Falls, Ontario. If investigators track this out and find evidence of Jester prostitution on Jack W. Parker’s computer or if he handled Jester gambling, the same could be charged of him. Plus, according to Guidestar.org, the other Jester courts in SC filed tax returns for the Jesters as they are a nonprofit group. Jack Parker is the only SC “impresario” who has not filed tax returns for his Jester group in Chapin, SC. After reading the dad had been removed from his son’s trial, I checked Google Analytics to see if anyone had searched for “Jack Parker” on my Newsvine site. The hits began the day after the murder and though Google Analytics failed to track about eight months of data, there have been 62 hits to my Newsvine site searching for Jack Parker. It appears that someone is checking to see if I am writing about Brett's double homicide case or Jack Parker's indictment for illegal gambling and his Jester connections. I will continue tracking this trial and that of Richard Schair, the former fishing tour operator being sued by four Brazilian women for violating the “Trafficking Victims Protection Act.” I will continue working on my narrative book about the Jesters with an eye on a sexy, scandalous, scorching screenplay. I will continue pushing for Congressional hearings into nonprofit corruption to include the Jesters and the International Remote Viewing Association with an emphasis the previous VP used nonprofit resources in his own training after mismanaging the group's conferences after losing money three years in a row. So I’m done. Reporting on human trafficking, prostitution and child sex tourism and giving voice to the victims is one thing. But now that there are links to a double homicide fueled by illegal gambling and the indictment of the Jester Daddy for the same, it's time for me to stop. Thank you, Sandy

Lileee1010 ago

Yes, saying they are awful would be putting it mildly. i have wondered how they go from masons to satanic/ lucifer worshippers etc. I have had a few masons in my family. They never made the "leap" from it just being a men's club to worshipping Satan. I've always thought that secrecy stuff was a little extreme but I know they didn't turn into a Satan worshipping peodophile. Is there like some worshipful master ( what a stupid name) in the local Masonic lodge that keeps on eye on the members and says "oh He would be good to come into the more secret masons" these are just my ramblings. I've had to tread delicately when talking to my family members about this because no one wants to believe this about the masons. I do believe I've had some success though because they were going to go through the Scottish rite thing and now they are not. I really want to know how the leap is made though from just being a mason to being a luciferian worshipping freak.

Lileee1010 ago

DEMOLAY- youth group for boys aged 12-20, considered part of the Masonic organizations. Famous Demolays- Bill Clinton, Walt Disney, etc. https://demolay.org/halloffame/ I had never heard of this group until last weekend. And how did I hear about them you might ask. Well my sister just moved to a new neighborhood and put something on the neighborhood website about her son. Lo and behold this guy responds who is a leader in the local chapter for the Demolays, telling her about the youth group for boys. My x husband also lives in this neighborhood so my son is there every other week. What are the odds of doing all this research and having a " questionable" group reach out to try and get your children to attend. Just a little creepy. In all my research on the Masons and Scottish rite and the jesters, I have never heard of the Demolays. And yes there have been some abuse cases and yes they are secretive just like the masons and yes they take weekend trips sometimes...nothing creepy about it all

huhWHAThuh ago

The man Demolay honored by this organization was the last official Grand Master of the Templars. He was burned at the stake in 1314 for (among other things) : "The second was the stripping of the man to be initiated and the thrice kissing of that man by the preceptor on the navel, posterior and mouth. The third was telling the neophyte (novice) that unnatural lust was lawful and indulged in commonly." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_de_Molay#Arrest_and_charges Just a note to parents who may be thinking of allowing their children to join. Freemasons will note that he confessed and recanted several times, and was tortured. But other Templars examined at various Courts across Europe made similar confessions without duress. They will also say the profane can't understand the virtues of Freemasonry. So hope and pray you never come to understand the "virtues" they relish. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN

gt8h65fg ago

Looks like they want to find smart kids and brain wash beforehand to avoid these smart kids grew into outsider leaders in the society. They want brain washed evil young establishment who can take over their secret agenda.

truthseekertx ago

Thanks for the info. I was reading about demolay while researching all this stuff and read something about a young boy suing them for molestation by leaders of Demolay. http://freemasonrywatch.org/molestation.html

truthseekertx ago

Thanks in advance for the nightmares this will bring. lol.

Oldno7 ago

Fantastic work OP. Keep doing what your doing.

truthseekertx ago

Thank you good sir.

Pizza_Hacker ago

HolY Red pill! WOW.. OK so If you watch Fox News there is a disabled Children's Charity commercial on it. I noticed the Masonic Symbol when they showed the outside of their building, some of the men in the advertisement have on those red hats. Then they offer to give you a blanket that has a bear on it.. I dont know the name of the org. But it is something I noticed for awhile and questioned it. After seeing this I felt like I should post. EDIT It is the Shiners ! THATS THE COMMERCIAL! WOWOWOWOWOW THAT BEAR ON THE BLANKET!

remedy4reality ago

This is a blog post from 2013 about the Shriners >>

Many lodges are forbidding attendence to any Shriner Events especially the Indianapolis Shrine due to their deep involvement on immoral and criminal sexual activities of underage human trafficking. There are over 191 Shriner locations nationwide involved. We need a list of all politicians, judges and all Master Masons involved. This has been going on for some time and involves an entire nation of master masons who were either participating or aware of the crimes. The secrecy of masons an integral part of their craft protects themselves from their immoral practices and criminal activities...otherwise it would not need to be secret. Many politicians brought into the craft are blackmailed by fellow masons to vote as directed in lawmaking from small cities to our nations capital. This is why they pretend to be philantropists because their real identity would put them in prison without the protection of fellow brothers in all positions of authority in our goverment. This is too big to let lie.

interested ago

Knew a guy in college who was a Shriner. I was really impressed that such a young guy would volunteer like that. Years later, he becomes a state attorney and is caught raping kids on camera:


truthseekertx ago

I don't think anything in the article mentioned the shriners or the jesters. Got anything that links him to them?

interested ago

All I have is my word.

Singleservename ago

I will not use any links here hoping anons can dig discretely.

I encountered the Shriners through Love a Child Inc., a huge $50 million a year operation from a Haitian orphanage in Fond Parisien, run by Bobby and Sherry Burnette.

Much of this is financed by Shriners, especially the medical care in the US. Please look it up.

The Love a Child Orphanage is a large compound surrounded by walls and wires. It contains at any moment over a 150 children. There's a weird little hotel/night club nearby though it's otherwise isolated.

But the real operation is run from Fort Myers, Fl. Look it up. This is an enormous building for an organization moving 8-10 containers monthly.

Do they return empty to Boca Grande? Where does 50mn/yr go? How does LaC Inc obtain such a large budget? I couldn't figure it out. Then I saw the FBI headquarters in Fort Myers is right next to the LaC Inc. warehouse. Then I began to see.

truthseekertx ago

Did you hit a dead end on your research or are you still looking into it? I updated my post to include your comment, to get more eyes on this.

save_thechildren ago

FBI anon said to report to FBI- they will follow up

seraph7 ago

Thank you. I live in Houston, TX. My grandfather is a shriner and was an active member of the ROTJ during the child sex tourism scandal. Here is something you might find interesting: Their new logo, is fucking PEDOBEAR. https://thepastbastard.wordpress.com/2016/09/12/royal-order-of-jesters-announces-new-family-friendly-mascot-to-rebrand-image/

SturdyGal ago

It may be satire, but this part to me is talking about pedophilia excursions:

The first large-scale family event the ROJ will be organizing is reportedly a fishing trip off of Lake Michigan. “If that goes well,” explained Noble Prick, “we’ll see if we can’t get a larger one organized for a more exotic destination like Brazil. I’ve heard the fishing down there is downright spectacular.

Shitseverewhere ago

It says Masonic news satire. So I don't think that is their logo. But interesting because someone thinks it should be, only if disguised as satire is my guess.

truthseekertx ago

Awesome find! Thanks so much for sharing. I added the update to my original post. How crazy that they would do something so blatant like that. They even call it Jesterbear, like podebear.

Also, please don't give our your location. Always best we keep our identities secure as much as possible. Just a heads up. Thanks for sharing either way!

Shitseverewhere ago

Satire on that pedobear article. Still interesting though.

truthseekertx ago

Yeah, I noticed your comment after I had posted mine. Definitely satire, but also very odd to bring it up like that. Either way thanks for pointing out the satire.

truthseekertx ago

Was it? I hadn't read the article. Just saw the bear.

Azzipdoe ago

Best thread i've seen all day. amazing diggin'

No one would ever suspect the abuse could also be taking place right there at the establishments. Those who run the operation can bring in trafficked children, abuse them physically and sexually while they are there, and then send them off to foster parents or put up for adoption...with the cycle continuing over and over. Not sure how possible this could be, but it wouldn't surprise me if its happening somewhere.

i would imagine most of these organizations don't abuse the children themselves... rather adopt (or sell) them to people they should not be.

they probably do actually help a lot of kids and operate as a legitimate business, as a front should. but a small percentage of kids they get their hands on are not helped and instead sold to other groups doing the trafficking and harvesting.

just my assumptions.. and to clarify im not denying there being abuse on location by actual staff at all because it certainly does happen, where theres kids theres pedos, but im thinking the more sinister side of this is a deeper branch not so public, such as these Jesters that indulge in it.

truthseekertx ago

entirely agree.

dogeminho ago

OMG. They are connected to the United Church of Christ. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1655983

This children's camp is close to this which is "Podesta's Pizza Mansion" and a sex trafficking recovery place.

And Obama belonged to the church

gt8h65fg ago

https://archive.fo/8KSIR Weed planting in the private are of United Church of Christ that is tied to Obama... It smells smoke

DarkFae ago

This was the point I was trying to make a little while back when I posted about this. It was deleted almost immediately. I'm glad someone is paying attention to this. Sandy Frost also has legal documents available to download. All of the evidence is there. I am usually on my phone, so couldn't download all the info. Royal Order of Jesters have a pretty dark history, if you look close enough, and yes, you have to be a 33rd to even try to become a Shriner and it's even harder to become a Jester. By the looks of it, I think you probably have to be hand picked. Thanks for posting this! Edit to add: Also, damn good digging!

truthseekertx ago

Its very possible...sadly. Last year, I would laughed at the idea. Today...i'm arguing thats the case.

Eastwood350 ago

Before her murder, Senator Nancy Schaefer was working on an expose and she claimed CPS was trafficking children so this comes as no surprise at all. However the majority of these children aren't orphans at all and they are unjustly removed from good homes for the most inane reasons that don't include abuse with many being placed in group homes or therapeutic facilities (which brings in more money for the state through FED funding). Great find Op and this definitely needs more digging.

save_thechildren ago

California CPS is worst!! Many missing children.

ConcernedParent2 ago

There is no way that those linked charities having pedo logos is a coincidence, and that instagram "help" photo is damning too. Good work OP, I hope we can get some more digging on these sickos.

Rmm ago

It is the 33 degreed masons, or shriners that are ultra secretive and protected from the law. As you have pointed out in your post, the participants were judges, politicians , doctors and the like. Have you seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut? Kubrick never lived to see it open in the theaters and I suspect that some of the final version had some cuts? There is one scene in which the "Illuminati" doctor tells his colleague not to ask to many questions and mentions that he "wouldn't sleep at night" if he knew the level of involvement [in the occult] of the people society trusted the most. Indeed, it was because of exposing some of their secrets that Director Kubrick was most likely murdered.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Shot in the dark here, but can people also please keep Safe Austin (https://www.safeaustin.org)) on their radar..? It is also a children's shelter for abused children and works with victims of sexual abuse.

The reason this one is on my radar is because Melaney Parker did some work for them shortly before her mysterious "suicide by train".

@OrwellKnew covered this really well in an old post:


I believe Melaney stumbled on something she shouldn't have...either at this organization or in the town of Marfa, Texas, where she lived.

Edit: Safe Austin has two community partners... Univision and 100 Pizzitas (an Austin pizzeria)!?

Also, someone had previously tied Buck's Camping and Fishing to Eastside Pizza in Austin:


Edit 2: Weird email to Stratfor (based in Austin) employees asking for a headcount on how many people want to share a slice of pizza (https://www.wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/18/18817_re-headcount-for-pizza-.html))

Eastwood350 ago

"The slice of pizza" was in the stratfor email in the WikiLeaks Podesta email dump. I'd get it for you but gotta run right now.

forkintoaster ago

dude Marfa is a strange place; it's a tiny town run like a police state. At one point it was the number one drug trafficking point in the U.S. (most likely with CIA involvment) Justice A. Scalia died at a ranch near there ( it was rumored he was involved with underage boys at the party on the night he died). Also, George W. Bush lives near Marfa.

OrwellKnew ago

Check you inbox mate. Project completed

truthseekertx ago

Wow...thanks for sharing. Very odd that these people who are so invested in children...think they are Lucifer, such as this guy. And that Lucifer is light. I imagine most parents would stay away from these guys and their organizations if they knew what these guys believed.

sponiatowski ago

Awesome post. The Shriners were advertising like crazy during the Obama years when I haven't heard about them since I was a child.

Singleservename ago

Nice dig. Shriners came up often during my investigations. I couldn't find a link to Pizzagate but I suppose we're beyond that in some ways.

They are involved in Haitian orphanages as well. In particular, they move children with disabilities to their hospitals in the US.

Now that could be pure philantropy, if you still believe in that. But as you say, rather odd to find them at the wrong end of many abuse stories at the same time.

Again, nice digging. May add some info later on - the FBI seem to be rather well represented within these societies.

thisisnotagame ago

You're spot on about the Shriners! I started a thread about the Jesters a few weeks back: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1588990

What tipped me off is a creepy commercial I've been seeing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8XPxBjJOuo titled "what is love"