DontTreadOnMemes ago

Cazadero is a town near the Russian River, further up in the hills above the river. I used to live in that area, along the Russian River in a couple different towns over several years. At one point I lived something around 1 mile from the entrance to Bohemian Grove. I once posted up in a park in Monte Rio during their big July celebration to watch for luxury cars, limos, helicopters, etc. I saw a few luxury cars going in and out but I am pretty sure most of them go in by air to avoid any potential protests. There used to be yearly protests organized along the entrance stopping their cars and harassing them so now they come in much more stealth.

As for Cazadero, I never actually went to that town, but I do know it was filled with sex offenders. Take a look at the sex offender registry and look up Cazadero. I remember back then when I discovered that the conclusion I made was that it was just far enough away from everyone and everything that the sex offenders can just be alone and with other people like them. For whatever reason they gravitated to Cazadero and the surrounding Russian River area.

dogeminho ago

From their FB

Cazadero-minded adults! Are you interested in directing, chaplaining, or health supervising an NCNC Outdoor Ministries event in 2016? Check out the link below - we still have spots open. Fill out the form and apply for any camps or events you are interested in leading, we'd love to have you!

Hunting minded adults?

Semore ago

Goat rock.. Nancy Pelosi "Goat Hill Pizza"

Sh0ts ago

I have posted this a few times but ill post it again here. LDS churches in south america and a location in hati with some really strange photos all tied to one google account. It doesn't jive to me... its all weird.,-67.8255676,4.1z/data=!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1

Just look at all those locations and see that many have the same photo of a little girl and an LDS style temple. Also interesting is one of the reviews of a locations in California Lake Dolores Water park.. review is from 3 months ago but the park has been abandoned since the 90s. If you look at the google earth view you can see its defiantly not operational it looks creepy as hell.,-117.2150338,7.08z/data=!4m6!1m5!8m4!1e2!2s117286400949409234543!3m1!1e1

Sh0ts ago

I missed how this ties oboma to guys. How is Trinity United Church of Christ related to United camps, conferences and retreats?

dogeminho ago

The church is owned by United Church of Christ Northern California-Nevada Conference. According to this article, Obama has connections

dogeminho ago

Barbara Satin, Appointee for Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Barbara Satin is the Assistant Faith Work Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force. She is an active member of the United Church of Christ and served on the denomination's Executive Council as its first openly transgender member. Ms. Satin recently worked on the development of Spirit on Lake, a LGBTQ senior housing project in Minneapolis. She served on the Board of Directors for OutFront Minnesota from 2001 to 2008 and has served as Chair of GLBT Generations since 1999. She has also served on the Board of Directors of PFund Foundation, a regional LGBTQ community foundation advancing social justice in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin, since 2013.

dogeminho ago

1968 Volunteer, United Citizens for Nixon-Agnew, Washington, D.C


Youth Leadership gets United Church of Christ Moving

Sh0ts ago

I see it now. I dunno could be a naming similarity thing but who knows. I just feel this lead as well as the agnew tweet thing seem really over the top and miss leading. I'm never one to say stop looking into something but man these two seem like a reach.

dogeminho ago according to this too, he belongs to the church... or did

dogeminho ago

I agree, it very well could be.

carmencita ago

Churches are definitely involved. There are a lot of Churches doing good work, but then there are those that know how to turn good into bad. This is going on all over the country. The Archdiocese in St Louis is involved. It involves Organ Harvesting, and CP. There is a forever fire burning in West Lake Landfill that they do not want to put out. Connect the Dots.

Mooka_Molaka ago

Churches are definitely involved. There are a lot of Churches doing good work, but then there are those that know how to turn good into bad. This is going on all over the country. The Archdiocese in St Louis is involved. It involves Organ Harvesting, and CP. There is a forever fire burning in West Lake Landfill that they do not want to put out. Connect the Dots.

...a place to toss bodies?

This fire reminds me of the Centralia coal mine fire that inspired Silent Hill.


carmencita ago

You guessed it. They have stalled putting out that fire. We can guess the reason. They can't put it out, for if they do, then there will be tests on what is in that Landfill. I have not yet made the entire connection, but it involves CP which is really a cover up as stated by Fiona Barnett. It must be the Organ Harvesting. Tenet Healthcare is also involved. I believe it goes all the way up to the top. But right now there is no proof. There have been a lot of snuff killings in St. Louis as well. The priests also have a hand in this too, plus the Hierarchy. Whew. A lot of people should be on this and also in other locations and it may be tied together.

Antonius ago

The main reason I got out of religion 25 years ago...mind control.