I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Here's my 2nd post that was deleted: Satan After School Program for Elementary School Kids.

Because there seems to be a link between pedophiles and Satanist, I thought the Satan After School Program was an important story to discuss.


Also, here's a link to their After School with Satan Program.

Link: https://afterschoolsatan.com/

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Here's one post that was deleted:

The son of the head of the Church of Satan, Anthony LaVay, talks about how the Church of Satan abuses children.


I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I've been trying to post about the satanic connection for 2 days now and mod Millennial_Falcon keeps deleting them saying their not related to pizzagate?!

Fateswebb ago

This is known as the hampstead coverup.

roundhouse1776 ago

Holy shit so much forum sliding going on today. I guess Voat is their Target of the Day.

OleHickry ago

Semore ago

I'm about to go to sleep so I wont be looking into this anymore today. Good Luck!

Semore ago

PizzaExpress partnered with the Daily Telegraph newspaper to raise funds for Kids Company Camila is the founder.

BBC broadcasterAlan Yentob was on the chair of trustees for Kids Company. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/12132603/BBC-executives-criticised-for-Alan-Yentobs-deliberately-intimidating-behaviour-over-Kids-Company-reports.html

"BBC executives will today be condemned for failing to stop Alan Yentob “deliberately intimidating” the Corporation over the collapse of Kids Company by a cross-party committee of MPs. Mr Yentob’s behaviour when allegations surfaced about the charity, where he was chair of trustees, raises questions about conflict of interest at the BBC, a report says."

He REALLY wanted to shut down the investigation. He ended up stepping down from his position at the BBC. Really seems like a "go away quietly". Camila is a con artist that at the very least stole money from the charity.

user Red November 29-08-2015, 23:35 post #39 http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2100752&page=2 "Her 'charity' Kids Company, has been liquidised for having insufficient funds - despite receiving £37m of taxpayers money, and being given £3m, just a few days before it was closed down. She's about to be investigated for fraud, and for hiding the whereabouts of 3,000 illegal immigrants."

This guy mentions hiding the wherabouts of 3,000 illegal immigrants(trafficker?). I haven't found any news articles mentioning missing people however

Semore ago

Camila Batmanghelidjh is the founder of Kid's Company. Kids Company was under investigation for abuse... http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-35429630

http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-33726968 Kids Company is well known nationally and has received donations from celebrities ranging from author JK Rowling(hasnt she been real antitrump/pizzagate?) to the band Coldplay.

EDIT: adding info from my post below

PizzaExpress partnered with the Daily Telegraph newspaper to raise funds for Kids Company Camila is the founder.

Pizzaexpress owner Frank Giustra has connections to the clintons... http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/furious-b-c-magnate-says-hes-caught-up-in-vicious-smear-campaign-against-clinton-charities

BBC broadcaster Alan Yentob was on the chair of trustees for Kids Company. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/12132603/BBC-executives-criticised-for-Alan-Yentobs-deliberately-intimidating-behaviour-over-Kids-Company-reports.html

"BBC executives will today be condemned for failing to stop Alan Yentob “deliberately intimidating” the Corporation over the collapse of Kids Company by a cross-party committee of MPs. Mr Yentob’s behaviour when allegations surfaced about the charity, where he was chair of trustees, raises questions about conflict of interest at the BBC, a report says."

He REALLY wanted to shut down the investigation. He ended up stepping down from his position at the BBC. Really seems like a "go away quietly". Camila is a con artist that at the very least stole money from the charity.

user Red November 29-08-2015, 23:35 post #39 http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2100752&page=2 "Her 'charity' Kids Company, has been liquidised for having insufficient funds - despite receiving £37m of taxpayers money, and being given £3m, just a few days before it was closed down. She's about to be investigated for fraud, and for hiding the whereabouts of 3,000 illegal immigrants."

This guy mentions hiding the wherabouts of 3,000 illegal immigrants(trafficker?). I haven't found any news articles mentioning missing people however,

Semore ago

https://twitter.com/larkhallprimary/status/783998888248274944 https://twitter.com/Servite_Primary/status/788714786552999936

at least 2 different school field trips to this pizza express... Could this be a way to scout out the children they want to nab? fuckin hell...

strix-varia ago

Pizza 222 is everywhere in Canada and has been around for a long long time...decades. Just call area code 222-2222!!!

PizzaGate711 ago

You should ask your bosses for a script.

misterinvisible ago

Any new information past Feb 2016? (I saw somewhere that the father wasn't given custody and the kids have remained with foster parents - not sure that's true). I don't know about the veracity of these allegations, but there was an actual case of a satanic cult in a cul de sac in England in 2011. A follower of Crowley.


PizzaGate711 ago

I like to help connect dots :-)

ArrestMe ago

I've no doubt this is real, but isn't it odd the kids say the same thing at the same time. Like even when they're listing off names they say 3 names at exact same time and in same order. I've no doubt they're telling the truth but i mean isn't it odd?

djpepe ago

Good catch. What you mention is proof they were scripted, delivering a lesson. They were abused by mom and partner to deflect attention from their crimes. Nobody can revive those mountrous acts so candidly if they were true. They were repeating a story in first person. That's why they are cheerfully telling. On the other hand, they don't dare to mention the abuses commited by the woman behind the camera (mom) for fear of being beaten (which she did). The same video is a testimony of abuse, but not because of the story they tell, but how they were forced to tell it. :(

Rightfight ago

Why were they so gleeful in telling it , if they were being abused by the people who were doing the videoing ?The kids feel very comfortable in the presence.

cantsleepawink ago

We know so little about the mother Ella. She was originally brought to the UK from Russia because of her relationship with a banker. And it was that banker that introduced Ella to the children's father Ricky. If we could find out more about the circumstances surrounding her going to the UK in the first place I'm sure it would open this case up.

djpepe ago

These are extorsion videos made by their mother, more likely scripted. The kids have been manipulated by mom+partner against ex husband. They talk about beheading babies and other sick stuff. Investigators dismissed these claims. So be careful about what they say in these videos. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/children-forced-to-make-false-claims-of-satanic-cult-raping-kids-and-eating-babies-in-london-10120781.html

klondike1412 ago

You know, they said the same thing about the "Satanic Panic" and the "False memory syndrome" era. Then they went back later and looked at the properties were kids said they were being taken underground in tunnels for satanic rituals. Crazy right? Except then they found underground tunnels all over the property. Except by then it was too late, the perpetrators were long gone and the childrens reputation ruined.

Again, this is a common line where investigators say it is BS as soon as there is any hint of occult, rituals, sacrifices, or satanism. They always immediately go to "FALSE MEMORIES! PLANTED BY A DISGRUNTLED PARENT!" but it's been proven wrong too many times to believe.

tinytank ago

Is that you Ricky Dearman?????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QAtG5M0Ooc

gt8h65fg ago

I though its fake at first, but I'm just listening beginning of 2hrs of kids statement it sounds real.

norobotono ago

Yes, that is the mother's partner (not the father). His name is Abraham Christie. He'd only been on the scene for a few months and totally took control of their lives. He took the kids to Morocco where he inflicted all sorts of horrors on them from hitting the boy so hard he is partially deaf in one ear now, kicking them, holding his hand over their mouths so they couldn't breath, making them kneel while he poured water over them and hitting them with metal spoon.

The mother had also been reported before for leaving the children locked out on the balcony all day in their nightwear with no food or water.

There are a handful of people who absolutely will not question the story the children originally told (which Abraham made them memorise by using the above mentioned methods) even though the children admitted it was a lie and the real evidence backs this up.

There is no way the injuries the children had could have been inflicted by the father because they hadn't seen him for 3 months and all the recorded injuries were recent and healing, meaning that they were inflicted in the last few weeks. Nobody who supports this story will address this though because it would mean admitting they were conned by the real abuser. They will just attack anybody who questions the story instead.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I am very soory.. I don´t want to think that either.

norobotono ago

Don't lie. The mother chose not to turn up to any meeting or court date and instead decided to run away and stay with her abusive druggie boyfriend who tortured the kids physically and mentally for months as proven by the police photos and medical examination after they came to question him for child porn found on his phone (possibly of the children though this was never stated).

Check out their new website - it's more concerned about how great hemp is (he drugged the children for months with marijuana as their hair strand tests showed) than the children.

He'd been jailed 37 times already for violence, drugs and lying. Hospitalised his ex wife and was cautioned for beating up one of his own children.

Why don't you talk about his abuse ofthe children ever because that was the only thing that was ever proven?

(Awaiting the usual attacks on me rather than answering this simple question).

How does it feel to know you actively protect the real abuser of the children?

123_456 ago

Jesus fucking Christ. The world is a sick place.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I have tread here you can find some more info. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1637492

I i also brought up the question.. That maybe the restaurant that is connected to pizzagate is serving human meat?

"I know its a sick thought.. but what these children are saying and If these satanic creeps use children for abuse and rituals, what more don´t we know?

userdeletedtwice ago

PizzaGate711 ago

PizzaGate is Global. Frank Giustra owned 222 Pizza Express. Pizza Express is a GLOBAL franchise now owned by Teneo (Doug Band)? Here's one located @ 222 High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex UK. https://www.pizzaexpress.com/login

spez_dispenser ago

The last time I looked, 222 high street pizza express is like a 40 minute drive from Hampstead.

PizzaGate711 ago

Oh and 'Pizza Express' is what you're looking for. Companies rejig their names and ownership structures.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

reminds me how the sjw and srs shills on voat keep making new alts and upvoat brigading them.

fartyshorts ago

Classic tactics. I recommend George Carlin's "When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?" for great insight in to how the language is being hijacked.

EDIT: Here's the "money shot": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdPy5Ikn7dw

PizzaGate711 ago

Look harder. There's one in Hampstead.