ArthurEdens ago

There's a guy on voat who insists coffee shops should be investigated and everyone tells him to shut up. I guess he's on to something after all

JimmyLionstar ago

If we can´t do tests on the named restaurants we won´t know for sure. But this is what a lot of the SRA (satanic ritual abuse) victim says..

Littleredcorvette ago

You're right; anybody could have tests done. The challenge will be having tests done by someone with publicly accepted creditably. Someone with some legal teeth to get an actual investigation into criminal activity. Or at least get the information out to the public from a reliable source.

There are other ways, such as petitions, but petitions suck as awareness campaigns because the people who sign the petition are often ALREADY aware.

Another grassroots style response could include pricing out the lab tests and providing kits (think ancestry DNA test kits, or soil kits).

People could send food samples from around the world. Have plenty of labs to choose from; consumer could choose from an independent lab list to ensure trust in provider. The more trust each concerned consumer has in their lab results, the more forcefully they will push their narrative. To coworkers friends and neighbors. The yuck factor will be in our favor and sensationalism aspect will have a huge impact here. Once the awareness begins to grow, and sources end up being independent labs from around the world, we might get news coverage to spread awareness. Even if it is tin foil news, the urban legend grows. And if the opportunity for consumers is available and inexpensive, a lot of yucked out people are going to want to know. And a lot of opposers will want to prove it wrong.

Some capable person should set up a nonprofit for consumers to test their food for advocacy of (make up good reason) and public safety. For fun, request money from usaid. Accept public and corporate donations for funding. Provide free kits for public to send suspicious foodstuffs. Nonprofit would collect and house samples in order to meet lab testing requirement and avoid duplications. (I.e. Same brand or batch dates)

Nonprofit shall collect the data provided from labs and shall be responsible for notifying the sample provider. They shall also be responsible for REPORTING suspicious results to some agency that can be compelled by law to act. (Think disease outbreak scenarios). The data could be analyzed for trends and could be used to identify suspicious behavior and to uncover coverups.

madhatter67 ago

Pizza express are a well known chain in the UK....The Dupont underground one uses the same branding so I guess was a franchise

Z11Mama ago

What impressed me most about these kids is how they almost literally spoke as one. They were so in sync their 'performance' could have never been rehearsed. Take any two kids that age no matter how close they are. Educate them on any subject. Now question them. They will give different facts, disagree, argue a bit...that would be natural. To tell the story as these kids have took years of experiencing the same thing, imo.

Lileee1010 ago

No shit-will have a garden this spring, buying some chickens and cows. If this doesn't make me stop eating crappy food- well then nothing will. Wonder if there are anymore nightmares getting ready to become a reality...

Littleredcorvette ago

Who would have the authority to request a lab test? The health department?

And what specific complaint or criteria would need to be evident in order to prompt the health inspector to request such lab test?

We need to become familiar with the process already in place and see what red tape beauracratic requirements we can use to our advantage.

Did anyone see the episode of Bobs Burgers where the restaurant was shut down because the girl joked at school that the meat came from the bodies from the morticiary nearby?

redditsuckz ago

BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD'S (DVD) feat Zionist Rabbi abe finkelstein & James Wickstrom (HQ)

Real or fake?...out in the open confession?...very disturbing none the less...

iamcrd ago

They were always sneaking in Horse meat from time to time so I wouldn't put it passed them. They just made it legal to slaughter horses for human consumption recently. Remember when Swedish meatballs at IKEA and Burger King got caught serving it?

JimmyLionstar ago

ouch" yes you are right!! And i totally forgot that Dupont Underground had a Pizza Express... to much of a coincidence.

Littleredcorvette ago

So you are saying the abusers told the children a lie?

A lie about being turned into shoes if you tell anyone about the abuse?

I would bet that the abusers meant every single terrible threat they ever made. And the children have witnessed every threat coming true.

unrealisthenewreal ago

My question is "why?" Why put it in soda and burger patties? Surely, there are enough other ingredients out there...

Lileee1010 ago

If they are doing this, which at this point I don't think I would be surprised, I think it would be more of " look what we are doing to these " lesser beings" (us) and they don't have a clue. Insert evil laugh here. We all know they think the rest of mankind is basically their servants to do with as they please. I could see this as being a sick game that they find ohhh sooo amusing. I'm gonna go puke now because it's probably true. If evidence of this actually found - OMG- I think people would start snapping...I probably will.

Littleredcorvette ago

Why purchase ingredients if you can get the free byproduct to use instead? Less expense, more profit. The corporate way.

The consumer no longer drives the market. We are forced to accept crap from corporations and are supposed to be grateful for it. Like conditioned sheeple.

redditsuckz ago

Starbucks and other "coffee" shops just might be serving childrens blood to drink - Starbucks mentioned 105 more times than Comet Pizza in Podesta Emails

Wikileaks - Coffee mentioned 667 times;

Starbucks logo is just evil all around...

Satanic Starbucks Logo;

Starbucks three 6's + Pentagram;

Starbucks New Christmas Cup with pedo Spiral + three 666 in the word "Joy";

Starbucks Christmas Cup with Triangles and pentagrams + satanic "chaos"(asterisk) symbols;

Original Thread;

JimmyLionstar ago

Wow this is sick man.. nice investigating and report! thanks

unrealisthenewreal ago

Holy shit. That is disturbing. Coincidence? Perhaps, but doubtful. How many "coincidences" do we have we come across before people wake up? Is everything in life inverted? This symbolism stuff is crazy and it's disturbing that it's in seemingly innocuous places like a Starbucks logo!

pizzaequalspedo ago

I've seen some creepy pizza pictures on some of these pizza shops implicated in PG, where the meat DOES NOT look like any type of meat I've seen before. Not beef, not pork, not chicken. It looks totally different than anything I've seen before, and certainly isn't appetizing enough to drive customers to your business (the entire reason to be posting pictures of pizza for a pizza shop).

This would not at all surprise me.

waxdino ago

George Soros owns huge stakes in McDonald's.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Of course he does. smh.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Soylent Green.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yep! Vomit time!

IPleadThe2nd ago

I remember an article or news story awhile back that revealed testing of pork showed high numbers of it had human DNA in it! I will try to find that again, it was several years ago I believe.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Or you could still eat meat that you raised or harvested yourself from the wild. I do not trust what freaks put in food but I'm not gonna go without meat. I will just make sure they haven't tampered with it.

Forgetmenot ago

Trust nothing and investigate everything! A positive result out of pizzagate is we are becoming more and more aware and woke up!

Forgetmenot ago

Excellent idea

thisisnotagame ago

This just came out in remains found in McDonalds meat!

JimmyLionstar ago

If you search for the source of this report. It leads you to Healthy Holistic World: Report is deleted.

Z11Mama ago

Just after 1:20 the children are listing the bad things and say 'pizza, _________ pizza'. I can't tell the exact word that fills in the blank. It sounds like 'special, specially' something like that.

JimmyLionstar ago

I think he says "All the Pizza Expresses"

Z11Mama ago

Having listened to this dozens of times trying to figure it out, I must thank you! I believe you are right! :)

JimmyLionstar ago

Found a Pizza Express in Hampstead. They have "Pizza making party´s" NOT saying it means something.

Z11Mama ago

That certainly confirms what the little boy said. I did not know Pizza Express as a local business for them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I refuse to eat fast food now, and I only eat chickens I raised. I am also wondering about the school lunches since Mooooochelle changed the lunch program. Such Evil!

Fatsack ago

Guys, eating human meat is the only viable solution to solving both climate change and overpopulation. If you think of it, we can't breed enough cows for the beef a single person eats, per person, for everyone. The amount of methane each cow produces, times the # of cows to feed meat to a single person, times the # of people. The amount of methane would literally turn our planet into venus within a few decades. So why not reduce both the # of cows producing methane, and the # of people eating the methane producing meat, in one fell swoop. The OBVIOUS solution is eating human meat. Come on guys, this makes PERFECT SENSE MATHEMATICALLY, as long as you give up your silly peasant taboo's about what's okay and what's not. WELCOME TO TECHNO-CRACY BITCHES!

je-sui-pepe ago

Soylent Green Make Room Make Room!

Fatsack ago

Typing this just after finishing a tasty sausage egg and cheese McMuffin.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I remember in the late 70's Jack in the Box burgere were caught selling horsemeat in Michigan and Midwest.

Hopevoats ago

Kangaroo meat, too.

bopper ago

They served us horse meat when we were visiting Canadian friends, I passed on it,

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Carole Greenwood said if you knew what she knows, you would not eat at either of JA's restaurants.

ExistentialPotato ago

Why was a police officer using MKUltra post hypnotic suggestion on the children?

JimmyLionstar ago

hmm interesting.. Someone that know more about Mk-ultra / Hypnotic Technics should analyse this.

ExistentialPotato ago



JimmyLionstar ago

Holy S***!!

Littleredcorvette ago

When you really think about it- The kids have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, and are sharing stories for an extended period of time in which most adults could not even imagine in their worst nightmare. What is the most complicated story you have personally heard a young child tell you? And how long did they tell that story before they were distracted and lost interest? Did YOU even watch the entire video before you as an adult lost interest?

The corporations have everything to lose (sales), everything to gain (profits), and are behaving in a manner that is similar to other greedy corporations that have been legally found to be engaging in some sort of corruption (coverup).

I am much more inclined to believe a personal testimony of an exceptionally brilliant child who is literally naming names (which the skeptics have been screaming for).

And much less likely believe a single page press release from a company that has been accused of wrongdoing.


pizzaequalspedo ago

Totally agree. This isn't the type of stuff untraumatized kids could even think up. It has to be real.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Exactly. I mean I had an imagination as a kid, but it was usually fun stuff like my stuffed animals coming to life when I left the room, nothing disturbing like this!

IPleadThe2nd ago

Absolutely agree! Most kids these ages can't go on and on telling a "story" in that kind of detail if it isn't true. When I first watched these kids o got the sense they were purging their souls and not regurgitating some bs story their mom fed them like the authorities alledge. I hope they are ok!

JimmyLionstar ago

Sadly" Probably not! they are NOT with there mom. They just got handed back to there alleged abuser...

IPleadThe2nd ago

They're with their "dad"???? That's so wrong and sick!!! Those poor kids.

JimmyLionstar ago

I agree totally!! The kids are telling the truth.. And the Mom too! Listen to what the UK detective tells about the interview with the Mom.

JimmyLionstar ago

The Dad that was accused to be the head of the Satanic Cult had a heart crying interview with BBC. I noticed the neck-less Victoria Derbyshire is wearing might be satanic symbol? so i did a search and found this.

JimmyLionstar ago

Oh btw the Dad "Ricky Dearman" is an failed actor also..

Fatsack ago

When establishment media goes out of their way to decry something as 'fake news' it just makes me believe that particular story of 'fake news' is more real, and makes me dig deeper.