2impendingdoom ago

Per my speculation only: the spooks are telling different stories because

  1. They are pissed and embarrassed to be outmaneuvered for different and separate reasons

  2. They need to downplay the obvious subversiveness and Trumps grounds for flushing of the intel community that will result.

  3. There is content in the transcript that cannot come out.

Speculation as to content:

A. dirt on Pence that stops a LBJ/JFK situation or a Pence initiated impeachment.

B. Russia is not a threat and squashes IC / Defense Industry looking for a big juicy russia war.

naturallyfree ago

Guilty. After being so appalled by AJ interviews I put the links in a post on here and other SM. But here is a good time to insert a suggestion. Not to add to the confusion of citizen investigators but to confuse the spying on them by use of word algorithms. I watched Clif High's excellent link from somewhere here last night and it's very exciting to entertain the concept. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzYEjhU73ow&t=104s it is so empowering to take back control of words. Have a listen. Consider this, my idea today is that everyday kitchen utensils be substituted. Such as plate for pizza/pedo, etc. e.g. came up with coughmeds for chemtrails or geoengineering today. Yes, it will require thinking about what the meaning is. Thinking is a good thing. Nothing wrong with posting a question and asking. Or even writing a glossary separately. The point is to hack the system and empower selves and maintain personal control. You know, Constitutional Rights. If you've read this far and are confused, listen to Clif's video.

bopper ago

Yeah, why haven't people/we done this already? Really screw up FBook would be nice too.

naturallyfree ago

Thanks for agreeing. It's brilliant isn't it! Just a wee bit more work for a magnitude of benefit. We will rewrite the English language. Dictionaries will go nuts. He's fantastic for putting it together. I can't wait.

bb22 ago

If you do that you should choose more common words than "plate," or they'll just start suppressing that too.

How many times a day do you see people post something on FB or Twitter with the word "plate" in it? How often do tweets trend with the word "plate" in them? They would target words like that too as soon as they caught on.

Maybe hijack their own terms? Ie...

Chemtrails = contrails ("official story"), therefore... "fake contrails" for chemtrails? And can break it up... "chemical dumps in the air disguised as contrails"... etc.

Pizzagate = "famous people abusing children" / "unspeakable acts to children by household names" / etc.

Breaking it up into multiple very common words may be a good way to circumvent algorithms.

naturallyfree ago

I hear his intent as tying it up with something common and popular that are harder to block. You are right. Plate is common but not talked about. I just started out on Gab with my first stab at Healthcare=hitler. And Gum=jews. And toxic gum one I called Glass, one Crystal. But your point is well taken, they are not common. However I hope to learn more medication names. I would Love to hack pH arma! And I am keeping track of my glossary on a spreadsheet. Thanks for your input!

bopper ago

Hope I remember this, I should bookmark it.

naturallyfree ago

I'm tweeting the link to Trump right now. Telling him we are going to beat back the Alinsky code and conquer Taqiyah lying. Lol. Two can play, right? We've watched them twist us around long enough!

2impendingdoom ago

lets zuckerberg those bezos to schmidt ... aka lets fuck those clowns to shit. Is this what he means? I'm all in!

Great video, thanks for the post.

bopper ago

Man the torpedoes. (Hope I can keep up. It is an excellent idea that I can tell you.)

bopper ago

I've read "this far" and am only partially confused :) Thanks I will check the video out, sounds exciting.

quantokitty ago

It's all to create friction (which it won't between Trump and Pence), to CONTROL THE NARRATIVE.

They're trying to hell to control us, but we won't let them win. Look at how hard the Cannibal Queen and her minions (including SkippY) went after him before the election! They were doing anything to get him knocked off the ballot, including (allegedly) paying women to concoct stories of Trump abusing them by trying to kiss a porno star without asking permission.

demoTheGorgon ago

I obviously can't read the intentions of Trump or Flynn or Pence, but Pence is not above suspicion. The repeated attempts to make him unimpeachable and untouchable are creepy.

kestrel9 ago

No one is unimpeachable or untouchable (just read the letters on behalf of Christopher Kloman!), but in a scenario where there is a concerted effort by the PTB, in all their creepy manifestations, to undermine and isolate President Trump, it's best IMO, to be slow to second guess his judgement of not only picking Pence, but standing by him.

bopper ago

By who? (Sorry, I probably have more time on my hands right now than others :)

demoTheGorgon ago

It's a general pattern I notice that Pence is off limits. We suspect everyone and everything here, yet Pence is untouchable? If he's somehow complicit he must fall like the rest of them.

e: I say this while admitting that Flynn's departure is probably not being reported accurately.

bopper ago

If so, the implication is that Trump knows, or that Trump was punked, or ... dunno.

demoTheGorgon ago

Yes any of those are possible. Precisely. I have no special knowledge to lean one way or the other. I hope Trump and Sessions are as earnest about this problem as they appear. The fear is that even with a vigorous rounding up of offenders, that some of the foxes may still guard the henhouse. Polk County arrests and subsequent brushfire cover-up is particularly troubling.

bopper ago

Why does Orrin Hatch defend Sessions so passionately? Is he not compromised? Is he trying to assuage Sessions to save his own hide? Color me confused. I think this is all a very fluid situation.


So, Sessions is able to rise through the ranks of/to political power uncorrupted but no one else is?

bopper ago

And your implication about Pence is? And the way forward for Trump will be? Edit: Yeah, what you're describing is entrapment, which is disgusting, as those who are to enforce the law commit sin by tempting others.

FartOnYou ago

If this were true then I doubt trump sided with pence and his pedo friend over flynn... seems unlikely

bopper ago

Robert Steele says one thing, Steve Pieczenik says another thing (about why Flynn was ousted). Maybe they need to get together and compare notes. Unless I am proposing a false dichotomy here, in other words, can they both be right? This is more of a question of who to believe rather than a defense of Pence. You feel me?

VieBleu ago

Ask Victurus Libertas to have his source weigh in. He is taking quesitons now you can PM him.

bopper ago

Thanks but ... I am exhausted :)

kestrel9 ago

per your request ;) Piezcenik mentions the "Triumverate" including Mattis, Pompeo as part of the enduring inner group, whereas Flynn was not necessarily (according to Dr. P) intended to be long term. It's hard to believe that Flynn's job was planned to be THAT short lived, and Trump's statement in the press conference regarding his reasons for not keeping Flynn is consistent with his management style. Flynn's saying "I don't remember", (my dog ate the homework), was enough for Trump to cut him loose, especially when he perhaps had Ret. Vice Adm. Harward as a potential pick waiting in the wings. Piezcenik's "it was all according to plan" is a stretch for me, but the outcome may have achieved the goal nonetheless, i.e., now there is a justified public reason to tear up the floorboards and expose the leakers of the NSA, CIA etc. and whoever else needs to be exposed. Because so many are trying to isolate Trump, and because I believe Pence definitely helped Trump win via the VP debate performance, it's hard for me to doubt Pence's integrity at this point in time. If Pence was a Neocon plant, why not just sabotage Trump during before the election? Instead, Pence was a great asset to Trump's campaign, even to the point of alienating his former "best friend" Flake. GOP was blindsided by Trump's win, whatever their expectations of Pence may have been, winning the election doesn't appear to be one of them.

naturallyfree ago

That it is according to plan resonates for me. But why? I can think of a couple of possibilities. One is Flynn has moved to a deep cover shadow trump govt. The Black budget stuff, you know this is a Billions and billions of real cash dollars fight for the money, not the kids, right? Another is his work was done. The excuse seemed lame and unprofessional and both a too slow and too swift a drubbing. Like certain other things had to fall into place. The stakes are high and dangerous and Trump is doing his best to keep the beast on course. Humbly speaking the economy should be taking top priority. Who is helping him there? Keeping the Dow over 20,000 for the illusion of a successful economy is going to have harsh consequences on WTP. The MIC has to execute task fast. And we do not want Goldman zionists to continue running people poor. Trump does not, but who are these people? Nobody I know wants a mili junta in DC.

Fatsack ago

Pretty sure Pieczenik is a double agent for Kissinger and the CFR. Is background is so cringy. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

bopper ago

And Steele?

Fatsack ago

not aware of steele, link plz?

Fatsack ago

Oh yeah, I know this guys face. Yeah I tend to believe him over Pieczenik. Pieczeniks pieces were over-produced (not his interviews, the stuff from his channel) he uses overly verbose patriotic language, and the biggest tell is that Pieczenik is telling everyone 'not to worry, everythings fine, don't do anything, the intelligence communities handling everything, everythings going according to plan, the coup is already over, they're just squealing'. Pieczenik is trying to lull people into complacency, ala a 'Limited Hangout'.

bopper ago

Yeah, the overproduced pieces were weird, kind of smacked of MSM. Thanks for the info I appreciate it. Nothing to worry about?? I wish :)

Fatsack ago

Yeah. The stuff thats most tempting to believe, or the stuff that you most want to hear, you got to be most suspicious of. It's like when Joe Peschy invites you at to celebrate, and that caps you in the back of the head, rolls you up in a carpet, and dumps you in the river.

bopper ago

Confirmation bias (never had it :)

bopper ago

Looking for it, Alex Jones just interviewed him.

Mommyplayer571 ago

All these guys, George Webb, Steve P, Steele are hard to trust. Why are they alive? I guess it's because they work for someone or are protected as long as they promote a certain agenda. After listening to Webb every single video since day 23 I learned a lot. But his agenda is to minimize Pedophilia, occ digs at Trump. But I did learn a lot. I will still listen to him some but I catch George lying a lot. Steve P years ago just smelled like Gordon Duff. Now I think he is trying to help but he comes on TOO strong, trying to lead us too much, a masterful story teller. Steele is newer to me. He spins a masterful story but ..... I think I heard Steele say some crazy stuff a month ago. At least he nails the pedos and supports Trump. Not sure about Pence but maybe for us Plebs it is just spinning our wheels. The three bloggers we DO need to worry before they brainwash us. At least Abel Danger and Stew Webb only suffer from being old.

bopper ago

I guess it will be Glen Beck for us all from now on. hahah

kestrel9 ago


bopper ago

That "potential pick" bailed. Ret. Vice Adm. Harward. Edit: So that didn't work out too well for Trump. Weird.

kestrel9 ago

I also wondered about that and had considered a couple of speculations: The ban on lobbying and the idea of climbing a mountain of corruption after a 40 year career that could include a nice retirement with Lockheed. However, I now see a CBS news article stating that "sources" say it was an issue with staffing. President Trump wants Dep. National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland to keep her post and Harward disagreed with that decision and so declined the position.

bopper ago

Thanks. Yeah I saw that. Truth is who really knows. They initially were saying he wanted no part of an administration in "disarray," and that Trump tried to win him back.

kestrel9 ago

So the reported story on his reasons keeps changing? hmmmm......the kind of reporting that reminds me of the CP crisis actor story, so called no shot, 1,2,3 shoots, floor, ceiling, computer "shooter" LOL.

Maybe it's simply that he doesn't want to burn any bridges as he winds down a long career or someone convinced him it's to his benefit to decline. It takes an unprecedented level of courage to do what Trump is attempting to doing.

bopper ago

Exactly. I don't think I myself would be game for it :)

bopper ago

Thanks. I do not "suffer fools gladly," and I am nobody's idiot (well, maybe my wife's) ... I don't have my confirmation bias glasses on, I just want the truth.

kestrel9 ago

I'd have to review Robert Steele's interview in regards to his take on Pence, but his reasoning for Flynn's leaving is recapped here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1654136 Perhaps his view is not irreconcilable to Dr. Piezcenik's take. Both indicate the importance of Mattis (let's assume Tillerson could also be in the scope of Dr. P's "Triumverate" statement). Dr. P danced around the topic of Flynn's limitations for the long haul, perhaps that includes his temperament, perhaps such as "thinking he could tell Mattis and Tillerson what to do"? If I don't think Dr. P would reveal the details of a call involving a high-level pedophile list so just because he didn't mention that, doesn't mean he's unaware of it, if it's true.

bopper ago

Good thinking, good comment.

If I don't think Dr. P would reveal the details of a call involving a high-level pedophile list so just because he didn't mention that, doesn't mean he's unaware of it, if it's true.

Newfind ago

They are cousins

bopper ago

Nothing on google about it.

remedy4reality ago

The minute Trump picked Pence I cringed.

Bad vibe from that guy, big time.

fetuspizza ago

Could also be Pence has been an inside guy to the Pedo's for a long time, and Trump is using him as a tool. Maybe Pence has the inside scoop on everybody, and has been playing the long-con on them. I've been critical of Pence since the beginning, and even more so now. But it's a thought that's crossed my mind. Why has Trump been very choice in his picks with these people, then grabs someone like Pence who is possibly a very shady, connected to pedo politician?

bopper ago

I can't see how Trump could eliminate Pence and it not harm Trump tremendously. Only if it were a big time pedo indictment of Pence.

Mommyplayer571 ago

But that doesn't prove anything. I am very worried about it all too. Let's not sabatague Trump.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you, merely citing a "bad vibe" at best means nothing, at worst it appears as a sabotage comment to impugn Trumps credibility.

bopper ago

Right, you're implying, I think, that Trump 'redpilled' Pence?

Fatsack ago

Pence defended Hastert publicly. Pence, if not a pedo himself, is compromised by the pedo-ring.

bopper ago

Right, I forgot. But then someone posted something "explaining" that.

"For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert." sigh

kestrel9 ago

I haven't researched the Hastert case. However a brief search found a joint statement by Joe Pitts and Pence supporting Hastert in regards to his handling of the Foley scandal, when it came out that "the House leadership, with Hastert at the very top, had been at best sluggish in addressing warnings about Foley's conduct...."In 2006 it emerged that Congressman Mark Foley had had sexual interactions with male members of the Congressional page program, i.e., high school age students." The statement stated that Pitts and Pence didn't think Hastert should resign in regards to how he had handled the Foley case. That doesn't mean Pence was aware that Hastert was a pedo, as it was long before the revelation about Hastert. Of course John Podesta knew all about "Denny" and his "preferences", as they shared fond memories as camp counselors on an island in Japan.

bopper ago

Thanks, things are going too fast :) I appreciate the info, hard to keep up w/ everything, I research a lot of stuff.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you. I know, given the big picture gleaned from PG/PedoG/GeorgeWebb series, I'm thankful for everyone's hard work even though it's meant many red pill overdoses (and family hearing my one track topic of conversation!) I've been doing research too, but it's so easy to jump around the various angles that I've struggled trying to plan out where to jump in. Sticking up for Trump's judgement of Pence seemed like an easy place to start posting.

bopper ago

Thanks for this.

fetuspizza ago

What if Pence has been an inside guy to the Pedos' this whole time, and came to Trump with this information? Trumps known about this stuff going on for quite some time, and a lot of people in the IC have known about this. What if Pence was a mole to them this entire time, and would have no problem bringing them down, even if he brings himself down? Just a thought. Still very critical of him.

Mommyplayer571 ago

But if we speak badly on Pence that reflects to Trumps ability to lead. I deleted my post questioning. Priority one is suopporting Trump. He is our best hope. # 2. Out Pedophilia.

kestrel9 ago

Agree on all counts. Premature, unsubstantiated accusations don't further the important task at hand, and repeated persistent ones with nothing to back them up aside from "I have a spidy sense!" come off sounding like an attempt to undermine and distract. Everyone should keep in mind the NYTs critical piece when Trump picked Pence. "Both the Trump team and Hillary Clinton’s campaign will scramble to define Mr. Pence over the next week. He is little known on the national scene, and a CBS News poll conducted before his selection found that nearly nine in 10 Americans did not have an opinion of him. Mrs. Clinton’s campaign attacked Mr. Pence on Friday as “the most extreme pick in a generation,” citing his views on abortion, gay rights, immigration and the minimum wage." If Hillary and the left MSM dislike Pence, if Jeff Flake, supposed BF, dissed Pence over his support for Trump, then I believe Pence deserves better then to have his reputation smeared based on conflicting spook stories that we cannot know with certainty are true to begin with.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Good thought. If HRC hates him then maybe Pence is good. I wonder how CNN and BBC cover Pence? Certainly he is better than T Kaine.

kestrel9 ago

"..better than T Kaine" That's the understatement of the year! Of course I believe the Jesuits are a problem so I'm biased against him on more than one count.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Did you see this article? I saw bits and pieces. It gave me hope. It explained where Tzipi Mazuz went. Here is a tid bit, _ " worked. By long-kniving Flynn, they exposed their hand. Now, Trump has full executive powers to investigate the CIA and Mossad." _ https://www.theburningplatform.com/2017/02/17/dhs-insider-says-its-spy-vs-spy/

kestrel9 ago

I did see it! Thanks for posting the link. I'm not up to speed on Tzipi Mazuz however. Will have to play catch-up.

Mommyplayer571 ago

What I meant about Tzipi is she was ready to make a website and spill the beans on a lot of things. But after Trump got elected and was colder to Bibi she dropped off Twitter. She is supposed to come back but we will see. She posted "fond pictures" of Bibi and the Golan Heights at times. I so wanted to bring down the pedos I followed her. But evidently that operation expected Trump to deliver some settlements or the website expose was no go. Those selected Mossad vids are cut off from us now. And they may have one on Trump. But he's what the whole world needs now, more than ever, before it's too late.

kestrel9 ago

Got it....after seeing what happened to ReallyGraceful of youtube, and Molly on twitter (exposed a pedo-pic sharing ring), I wouldn't blame anyone for changing their minds about putting up a website etc. I'm still blown away that so much has been exposed and that we have this chance at all.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I read that somewhere Trump did and converted him. Anyway I think we need to support Trump and Out those Pedos.

BackAgain ago

We have no choice but to support Trump. Trump is our last hope that not everyone in our government is corrupt. Probably has to do mainly with the fact that he isn't a career Politician so he hasn't been corrupted

bopper ago

The point here is, one ex spook says one thing, another ex spook says another thing, and Alex Jones is accepting both stories??

Fatsack ago

Pieczenik is a double agent for CFR and the globalists. His background is so cringy.

bopper ago


noKnowthing3313214 ago

Alot of arrests for child rape and rape in general it seems.

.... and I learned what carnal abuse is, great.