bopper ago

Alex Jones also did a recent interview w/ that Steve P. intel guy who said the Flynn thing was set up by Trump and Bannon and that Flynn knew he would be ousted, and that Flynn knew he was being taped by intel. This is confusing. Etc. (All for the purpose of exposing these spooks who were leaking the transcripts to the press.) I think maybe things get so compartmentalized that nobody knows everything that's going on at any given time?

dFrog ago

Steele keeps it real. He is probably our strongest ally.

TabiCatTwo ago

That is hard to listen to because AJ won't STFU!

noworldorder ago

I think AJ is scared shitless of getting sued penniless by you-know-who, so he interrupts when he thinks Steele might say something that'll hurt his operation. It saddens me that AJ has gotten a bit softer as he's aged. At the same time, I'm glad he tempers his thoughts a bit more, thinking strategically, so he doesn't get killed. He's such an important asset to the cause of truth, justice, and worldwide liberty.

noworldorder ago

Here's the cliff notes for the first 5 minutes or so of the video:

  • Donald Trump is our chance to take down the deep state

  • “White hat” intelligence community was able to stop Hillary from rigging the vote electronically like she did to Bernie

  • Former CIA head John Brennan committed treason by telling lies intended to overturn the Electoral College

  • John Brennan is likely the highest paid intel agent of Saudi Arabia, should be under FBI investigation

  • Reince Priebus is an enabler and cover-upper of pedophilia — Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is the tip of the iceberg

  • Wikileaks is going to take down Priebus?

  • Pedophilia is an “elite privilege” — For the Democrats it’s an “acquired taste” — Podesta is a “pedo-light”

  • The Republicans and the elite in banking are the ones who have made pedophilia a “big league thing”

  • There are Saudi Arabian and Washington DC restaurants with basements where you can order children off of the menu

  • DC pedophilia is the "Achilles heel", and Trump has figured that out

  • Flynn didn’t get fired because he called the Russians

  • Flynn got fired because he “had the arrogance to think” (sarcasm) that he could tell Mattis and Tillerson what to do

  • Flynn pissed off VP Pence

  • Flynn’s call that got him in trouble included a conversation about a list of high-level pedophiles inside the US, one of whom happens to be VP Mike Pence's best friend

  • Flynn did not tell Pence about the list, or that his “best friend” was on it. Pence found out about this from the deep state (probably NSA taps)

  • The NSA has been spying on all of our politicians with impunity!

  • The CIA is leaking HIGHLY classified information as part of a political coup against Trump

In this video, the same CIA officer interviewed in the OP covers his credentials, if anyone's interested.

noworldorder ago

Chicago Tribune: Mike Pence and his best friend go separate ways on Trump

Jeff Flake and Mike Pence were the best of friends.

Both men ran conservative free-market think tanks before getting into politics, and both were elected to the House in the Republican class of 2000. Both were affable young lawmakers, happy warriors inspired by Ronald Reagan. Covering Congress, I came to know and admire both of them. Pence in 2012 went home to Indiana as governor. Flake won election to the Senate the same year.

"He was my closest friend during my time in the House, and I still see him whenever he comes to D.C.," Flake told me this week. "I think a lot of Mike."

SayWhatNOWAY ago

J.D. Hayworth: Jeff Flake is a "toxic narcissist" who took "weird beefcake photos of himself" ala Anthony Weiner - MFP - Mofo Politics Mofo Politics › 2013/07/09 › j-d-haywor... Jul 9, 2013 - Jeff the Flake is an “open borders pimp” and a “toxic narcissist”, and Sarah Palin should have known better than to endorse him in 2012– so sayeth recovering Congressman J.D. Hayworth… This guy ...

noworldorder ago

Whoa, link?

mvrak ago

Flynn's been there a long time. He had to have been 'baptized'. Trump probably did him a favor.