Dauphin ago

McCain's wife is well known as a pill popper... lots of mental problems etc... she also runs one of the largest child trafficking charities of the southwest. Look into her organization: https://www.mccaininstitute.org/humanitarian-action-mission/ ...... https://www.mccaininstitute.org/human-trafficking-advisory-council-highlight-cindy-mccain/ Why are all these politicians involved in these trafficking organizations... I almost feel it's a trap, if someone stumbles across trafficking and they report it to these organizations, instead of helping the child they take out the person who found out the truth? Blackmail them? Nothing isn't right here....

Marthvedderette ago


Marthvedderette ago

So Ashton Kutcher is a baby fucker? Noted. Come on guys. What have we learned about pizzagate? If someone puts on that they are helping children, they usually are abusing them. Remember Laura Silsby? https://steemit.com/silsby/@psychanaut/laura-silsby-child-trafficking-in-haiti-with-ties-to-clinton-is-now-laura-galyer-working-at-alertsense-amber-alerts . Obviously it's not true for everyone, but it certainly is a red flag.

VieBleu ago

I have told off people who are naysaying Kutcher right out of the gate as ridiculous.

However, I genuinely detest John McCain and that connection does Kutcher no favors. Ugh.

rooting4redpillers ago

More on Ashton's endeavors here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1652294

Vladimir_Komarov ago

Kutch and Demi are part of the dis-info campaign.

UncookedSpirit ago

His Butterfly Effect movie is creeptown central. A video game called Life is Strange was made based on that movie of his, and the plot is so close to Pizzagate it's scary, and the game is rife with illuminati symbolism like the pyramid / eye.