Forgetmenot ago

This is just like the amber alert nonsense that Laura silsby is attached too.

Kcpedogate ago

I am very skeptical about the Hollywood elite . When Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher first came out with their anti-human trafficking campaign I was pretty impressed that someone in Hollywood did that. Bit I was still skeptical because their was no blowback from the msm. But knowing what I know now about NGO masquerading as protectors of the very thing they say they fight, it all makes sense. I think this is anoth Clinton Foundation, adoption agency type thing. Just look at all the crap that Ashton is spewing about the "muslim ban". He is obviously getting his marching orders from the global elite.

MAGABoomer ago

Re Hollywood. The best way to know who is involved, is to see who is screaming the loudest about Trump. It's that simple. I thought Rob Reiner did an excellent job of keeping his pedo head down until it must have been clear to him that there is an investigation into Pedos and Trump's people aren't going to stop. He just started screaming this past week. DiNero....hello. If Ashton was a teen/boy star, he is without a doubt a victim of Hollywood pedo machine. Watch Open Secrets documentary. That's how it worked. He was young, hot and trying to get started. I can almost guarantee, that boy has bent over a few casting couches.

rooting4redpillers ago

Yes, it's great to get people to believe and take interest in the subject, but how information is selectively dished out to the public is no small concern.

My impressions of Thorn, so far - Thorn seems like a great tool for gaining access and control of information. I'll be interested to see if they start getting more media attention from here on out. And if they start to position themselves as some big, new "voice," of a revitalized "movement" to stop the trafficking industry. Ashton Kutcher is the face and voice (and tears) of the project, probably not much more, and probably even sincere, to some great or small extent.

The Thorn website claims, We partner across the tech industry, government and NGOs and leverage technology to combat predatory behavior, rescue victims, and protect vulnerable children.

Anti-trafficking organizations across the country didn't have much interest in working with Thorn back in 2015. Out of 73 of these orgs, 59 refused to participate, and they got their stats from a grand total of 111 people from 14 orgs - see excerpt from their survey, below.

They have 20 technology company "Partners" listed on the site, but I can't find any anti-trafficking organization "Partners" listed.

From the Thorn website > Our Work > ...

Research: A large part of our work comes from informed research collected in the field, which helps our team, along with our many partners, remain on the cutting edge of technology.

... Expore the Research > Report on the Use of Technology to Recruit, Groom and Sell Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Victims > Download the Report

Research conducted by Thorn Digital Defenders of Children In collaboration with Dr. Vanessa Bouché, January 2015

Overview of Survey & Participants

Survey Procedure

Thorn made initial email contact with 73 anti-trafficking organizations across the country asking them if they would like to participate in the survivor survey. Of the 73 organizations contacted, 26 declined to participate, 28 did not respond to multiple follow-up emails, and five agreed to participate but still had not returned surveys as of the writing of this report. Thus, 14 organizations from across the country participated in the survivor survey, and this generated a total of 115 respondents.1 Thorn compensated the organizations/ participants for their time in the form of a check or gift card, depending on the organization’s stated preference.

1 There were four respondents that the researchers deemed were not human trafficking cases, and therefore dropped from the sample. The respondents were older than 18 years of age when they entered prostitution, they reported that they did not have a pimp, and there was no indication of any force, fraud and coercion in the interview transcript.

Thorn Board of Directors


DEMI MOORE (Co-Founder)

RAY CHAMBERS, United Nations Advocate and Special Envoy

JIM PITKOW, Chair of the Thorn Technology Task Force

PADMASREE WARRIOR, CEO, Chief Development Officer and Board of Directors of NextEV, U.S

SUZANNE BELL, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

JOE LONSDALE, Founding Partner at 8VC and Co-Founder of Palantir

ERNIE ALLEN, Child Protection Advisor

Thorn Staff

JULIE CORDUA, Chief Executive Officer

SARAH GARDNER, Director of Development

BROOKE ISTOOK, Director of Strategy & Operations

LEAH TREITMAN, Program Manager

SUGREEV CHAWLA, Lead Data Scientist

KRISTIN BOORSE, Senior Product Manager

RUBEN VAN DER DUSSEN, Senior Software Engineer

NIKISHA VASHEE, Development Associate

MIKE OTTUM, Software Engineer

CHASE RICKETTS, Software Engineer

DANIELLE MELFI, Policy & Development Manager

Thorn Pro Bono Partners

AGS - Altman Greenfield & Selvaggi LLP - Certified Public Accounts

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Professional Corporation - the premier legal advisor to technology, life sciences, and other growth enterprises worldwide.

Gigabump ago

Totally agree. If mainstream is pushing anything related to human trafficking its propaganda. Where have they been on these arrests. Sorry, kutch, it just doesn't look good.

Jakestr ago

I fullheartedly agree with you there are many many gate keepers and this whole hiring sings looks very suspicious. The pedophilia in Hollywood is widely known why doesn't he start there and also in order to be anyone in Hollywood you have to be part of this set Tanic called that is my convictionOk. He has a tenant there for the next 6 months

VieBleu ago

I am fed up with people who think that they can direct, edit and produce a script for how Ashton Kutcher, someone they don't know, should act, speak, when he should speak and what he should say.

Ashton Kutcher does not owe anyone at the Voat website a shout out. It may not be politically expediant or smart to mention pizzagate. Or maybe he will in a week who knows?

The HATE ON ASHTON club is contemptuous. Unless something of substance comes our regarding him that is actually alarming, which it has not, spending energy tearing down somone who brings the problem of trafficking to public awareness is a waste of time and a waste of your mind. You look like shills who want to tear down any significant progress towards stopping sex trafficking, frankly. And any vicious attacks on me for saying this will only reveal you for what you are.

So far I've been told that the "dirt" dug up on him is that he dated his wife when they were both young and she might have been underage - what is this PC nonsense, you will fail with this. Oh and that he is "connected" to David Geffen, like every other person in the entertainment business is in one way or another. Or Sean Combs came to his house once for a party. Oh yeah, and he is connected to Yahoo, Google, Snapchat and every other internet company that we all use daily - and Google loaned the Clinton's a jet once!!

Be skeptical and watchful, but the ad hominem bluster seriously discredits you.

MAGABoomer ago

Ah, no. Without a doubt Ashton was a victim of the pedos in Hollywood. David Geffen is a MAJOR player in the hollywood pedo world. As we can clearly see by the behaviors of Charlie Sheen, a victim who became a victimizer, not believing that Ashton is 100% on the up and up is just fine with me. If he were on the level, he'd be exposing them. That's all. No excuses.


VieBleu ago

He claims 2,000 traffickers busted. ? what about that is not exposing them. and don't be rude cutting off the discussion MB you are better than that. ; )

MAGABoomer ago

Claims? Look, he was without a doubt part of something in Hollywood that is still going on. Why is he chasing shadows and not outing the very men who are continuing right this minute to sexually abuse young boys and fuck their entire lives up when he could destroy them? Is there any reasoning behind this except keep his career?

There is no excuse for this. Cory Feldman stands alone out there. Elijah Wood...they're all afraid. Perhaps if they stopped protecting their millions they could band / stand together and actually protect children who are being abused the exact same way he was? RIGHT now. No need for vast information networks, just open his mouth.

I'm sorry. I am struggling with finding anything legit in this except OH LOOK OVER THERE >>> He may or may not be a good person, he may or may not be a perpetuator, but there's simply no excuse for silence. That's all.

RainingPiss ago

That was kind of my thought when a friend posted it. I never say those thoughts out loud, but it was definitely my first thought

je-sui-pepe ago

I don't trust them right now. Especially since the media is pushing it. that tells me they are not serious because the research done here and the arrests have all but been covered up. Now that Ashton talks about it.... No. Hollywood protects their hides with the likes of Ashton Kutcher.

23eulogy23 ago

Everything we know about pizzagate can be found right here at voat. Voat always has the breaking news on it. Why hire people when the can just watch us work in here. Which I'm sure they are already doing. Wattup pedos?

PizzaPartyOver113 ago

I agree with you, but some forums have private rooms going on where they aren't posting what evidence they do find on public formats. Voat is more than likely being used as a tool for them to see what they need to cover up. It's like we are the proof readers before they actually get investigated. They have had 3 months to clean up and drain whatever attachments and accounts they have regarding the trafficking. I think they want to hire investigators so they know who the dedicated researchers are and other information an employee would have to provide. It's a good plan. Thorn has connections to the organization Laura Silsby was working for when she abducted 30 kids in Haiti. This is all too connected

MAGABoomer ago

I agree to some respects for keeping things private. Either I need to be the Attorney General or someone has been using my posts as a jumping off point for a LARP. That DHC? insider interview is basically a reworking of months of my posts. That's fucking disgusting. Either than or I really need to be paid to use my outstanding intuitive skills for the greater good of mankind. As long as I've been working on this I am the ONLY person to write extensively about Bibi, blackmail, and Epstein's island. And everyone fucking blew me off. Now it's a LARP and people are like..OHHHH.

Fuckingcucks ago

ashton is def not here/ has not been here/ has not been making videos/ does not care.