Godwillwin ago

I am she is doing well now. I didn't know you could arrange for "kidnapping". Are you being sarcastic? You really sent her off to a rehab or psychological facility, right? Or did y'all really say she was kidnapped?

Bolux ago

He really is a piece of shit ,I heard he cried like a little girl at the Hilton.

Godwillwin ago

I'm confused by your post. Can you clarify or elaborate?

carmencita ago

I have told this to a couple of Veterans and they did not believe me. I printed out the article in Rolling Stone and gave each one a copy. They were angry at me at first for ruining their hero worship but now have started doing their own investigations and are glad I told them.

Ocelot ago

Ron Paul supporters domestic terrorists. Lol. They're probably the most peaceful of supporters honestly.

Orange_Circle ago

Seriously, any new subject that comes up here, I go right to Wikileaks and start searching to see what the real dirt is.

Orange_Circle ago

I've just been reading about it in Wikileaks. Thousands of underage boys trafficked for camel races in the Mideast. of course, knowing that the Muslim male has a proclivity for raping boys, who knows what really happened to the children?

Orange_Circle ago

It just does not inspire confidence that UNICEF is involved in the child camel jockey scandal.


Orange_Circle ago

The lawsuit alleged “that senior ministers from Dubai conspired to force thousands of underage boys to race camels.”

That a nice way of saying what the boy rapists in Dubai were actually doing.

witch_doctor1 ago

I think that pic of him with the founding members of ISIS will end up being his legacy. Arizona is woke for the most part, how is he still in office?

Sen. Cornyn is another one that's got to be crooked AF...that being said, George Webb said in a video recently that he is starting to believe that the "follow the money" that Eric Braverman was referring to was the US Senate.

fogdryer ago

Are you kidding. Arizona is still sleeping They are considering becoming a sanctuary city! I live here

witch_doctor1 ago

I just assumed because of the firearms laws in AZ.

TuckerIsHawt ago

If the millions they've killed and the children they ruined won't do it, what they did to Ron Paul will send them to hell.

EndThePizza ago

Wait, who did what to Ron Paul?

EndThePizza ago

Oh my gosh that's crazy.

I knew the media had a strong bias, but it's usually against republicans in general. I saw them ignore Gary Johnson the libertarian party candidate this year, which i figured was more because he was a third party candidate. But nope, they really hate libertarians even when they're running as Republicans.

TuckerIsHawt ago

The louder the people get, the more guilty they seem.

AnthraxAlex ago

I know a guy who was stationed on an aircraft carrier with McCain in Vietnam. He expressed the personal opinion that he is a worthless piece of shit long before any of this.

Snailracer ago

I don't really care for McCain but it seems like most of this stuff isn't pizza related. It would be good to know who took money from the UAE via Peter Madigan concerning the boys forced into camel racing.

waxdino ago

Even if he's not into pizza, he's all too willing to spread the Russia makes us read Fake News narrative to try to cover his ass, abeting them in the process.

2impendingdoom ago

I always thought this guy was a creepy fucker, let's gofundme him back to N. Vietnam for more beatings.
Nice thread, thank you for the post.

carmencita ago

If anyone wants to know what McCain is really like, read an article in Rolling Stone (this is a few years old but that does not make it untrue). I never liked McCain, but this really was shocking to me. What he got away with because of his Father's Military Career, and what he did to the crewmen on board ship is unbelievable. This really explains what he is capable if you have any doubt about him being involved in any of the pizzagate stuff.