slickleg64 ago

Podesta Group wiki yeah these guys are in bed with a lot of multinationals, and are professional public affair and relation lobbyists, this doesn't surprise me. a friend of an enemy is an enemy....

draegspir ago

I can't believe it. I used to LOVE Colbert when I was in college. Watching him trash pizzagate is like seeing him being possessed by a demon or something. Ugh, still can't believe it.

fartyshorts ago

I always liked Colbert way more than The Daily Show, because the latter would make fun of what people said, whereas Colbert would make fun of how they think. Much more clever.

Don't like him anymore...

smokemirrors ago

Many blind items about PewDiePie raping underage fans. Dont buy into his blue eyed boy hype...he's a monster.

smokemirrors ago

I hadn't heard this before - amazing job, Orangutan.

I always get Colbert mixed up with Steve Carell anyway. Never watched his unfunny show.

naturallyfree ago

This interviewee with creds calls Podesta pedoLight and names Reince Preibus and Pence's best friend - which is why Flynn omitted naming him to Pence. So it's here starting about 31:

JastheMace ago

I never liked that guy

BullsOnCharade ago

He also works for CBS, which is a subsidiary of National Amusements, who (shockingly, I know) supported Hillary.

ohnoitsaninja ago

Don't forget about Jon Stewart and Anthony Wiener being friends and roommates.

smokemirrors ago

Oh lord, I'd forgotten about that. But are they STILL friends? I dont talk to my old college roomate anymore....

Conejo_loco ago

This is huge!

Fate0011 ago

What does this or in fact ANY of your comments (Period) have to do with "Pizzagate"?

You've made "1 Good Point" on your entire profile...and EVERY aspect of it was copy/pasted. Nobody gives a fuck about your "Black Assassins" Or any of the DINDU's Portrayed in your spam bullshit from the 60's there "Share Blue". Pizzagate is "2007-Now". Not the fucking 60's.

Btw Mike Brown was a Dindu, Travon Martin was a Dindu, and so was Freddy Grey!

Dey Dindu Nuffin's

userdeletedtwice ago

You do not make any sense, I'm sorry. Perhaps others will understand you.

Fate0011 ago

It means "NONE" of your posts are relevant to "Pizzagate" in ANY sort of fashion. And doesn't belong here.

Don't worry....they already see.

Have a look at what he post

Shape Shifting Lizard People.....The Olson Twins......And eye deformation (Which I proved with sited sources) to be false....and ANY of that is supposed to be relevant to PG.

  • Explain to me how the shit with the eye deficiency be "Along with that photoshopped pic you posted (That I proved to be FALSE)" to be relevant to PG (Immortality from an eye deficiency)

  • Shape shifting lizard people.....being relevant to PG

  • Your bullshit "Black Assassins From The 60's" and how that's relevant to PG

  • Kim Kardashian....BEING A FUCKING SHAPE SHIFTING LIZARD PERSON!! And how that's in ANYWAY relevant to Pizzagate?

I'll wait.....

userdeletedtwice ago

Following on from this earlier researching regarding the recurring eye quirk in the children on James Alefantis' instagram, Soros himself, Jacob Rothschild and others. Oh and Madeleine McCann.

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

I came across this interesting post Iris coloboma and madeleine mccann investigators should watch Force Majeure episode of Millenium tv series from 1997 (pizzagate) submitted 1 month ago by basil999 I don't know enough details about the case to speculate but this episode seems to fit some of the details and it predates it. May 5 is mentioned in the episode as being important, Mccann was born May 12 dissapeared May 3, iris coloboma is involved, cloning of superior beings, both Madeleine's parents are physicians, lots of stuff that may be somehow related.

Then remembered this email... Podesta, Skippy and Gene Modification

Then wondered if they were making clones...

Fate0011 ago

See now "That's" pizzagate research. Even though I don't think it has much to do with "Pizzagate". More based on science (Even though I don't like what I read and it DOES scare me). Maddy was "Born" with this deficiency. Not given it by "Genetic Treatments". It is upsetting. But that "1" eye coincidence is the ONLY one in any pizzagate research.

Colomboma has NOTHING to do with clones. You can NOT site me "1" legit source to prove that.....I've already checked. You can't just theorize shit discredits us and makes us look inept. Especially "Exotic Crazy Shit" like clones and shape shifting lizard people.

Nothing about colomboma or clones here as you said. This means NOTHING...I can find you 10 pics of people living today with a peg leg like captain doesn't make "Pirates" still around. And with this "He and You" are trying to see shit, where there isn't anything. I personally know "2" people with colomboma and neither are immortal, wizards/witches, or have any kind of super powers.

Focus on "Child Trafficking"....."Organ Trafficking"...."Pedo Rings Getting Popped" & "Money Corruption/Laundering"....Haiti....Venezuela....Mexico....China....and the Middle East, Human and Child Sex trade. A BIG International Adoption Agency was just popped yesterday. (Thats a good "Pizzagate" related "Topic Point"), that actually deals with PG.

userdeletedtwice ago

You are missing the bit where her coloboma changes position.

Fate0011 ago

"Supposedly" but it's NOT! We tore through this over /pol/ like 3 weeks ago "Edit" 2 months ago....I WAS IN THE THREAD!

userdeletedtwice ago

Listen, tell me why the coloboma changes position

Fate0011 ago

It doesn't. And those pics are NOT from the same person. Now your just "Spamming" the same retarded nonsensical bullshit over and over again.

userdeletedtwice ago

Ahhh so it's of multiple clones. Thanks

Fate0011 ago

Your fucking retarded. Good Luck with the "New Profile" tomorrow as well. I'll be sure to be here to Digitally Bust Your Ass Again Tomorrow.

Thanks for the same link 6 different times (Spam)

Fate0011 ago

NO! "You" are seeing shit where there isn't anything. "That" (The 2nd kid) is NOT Madeleine......That is dun dun dun Maeve Lozotto. "Caris's" sister. Madeleine would be 13-14 now. And there's a pic with what "People Suspect" to be her with John Ped0sta, Jeffery Epstein, and Chelsea Clinton at Ped0sta's house (Where Ped0sta is holding a "Card" that were supopsed to be following). That little like 10 years "Younger" than Maddy would be, and even younger than Baby Caris.

Fate0011 ago

Look man, here's EVERYTHING you need to know about Pizzagate. Your investigative skills aren't even beta at've been wrong about EVERYTHING you've spoken about, and in this paste is proof.

Fate0011 ago

No im not. Your NOT doing age comparisons. Maddy is fucking 13-14 NOT a toddler. "Baby Caris" is 6-7 and she also has pics with her "Little Sister" Maeve Lozotto, Who is like 3-4 years even younger than Baby Caris.

Votescam ago

Oddly enough, given the original anti-religion skits that used to be done by Colbert on one of the earlier shows, he is a dedicated Catholic, as well. RCC is mentioned as being involved in many of the international pedophile scandals, certainly here in US and in Canada.

Royals, Vatican, global leaders entertain by killing kidnapped children?

The Roman Catholic Church may have overseen the murder of over 50,000 Canadian native children at residential schools administered by nuns according to findings of a 2012-2013 ICLCJ Court verdict after which Pope Ratzinger resigned from office. The Protect Your Children Foundation claimed nuns stole 500,000 children in Catholic mother-baby homes in Australia and another 500,000 in Canada. Nuns were found to have tortured and abused 30,000 women in Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries, plus abused more than 30,000 children in Ireland Catholic residential schools.

Last month marks on the bones of nearly 796 children found in an Irish Roman Catholic Nun septic tank indicated they had been ritually killed. A source within the Irish Garda police force investigating the mass grave site, testified before the ICLCJ Court. Forensic experts had confirmed the decapitation and dismemberment of babies in the mass grave resembled the usual signs of ritualistic murder.

In Spain society remained shaken by allegations of the theft and trafficking of thousands of babies by nuns, priests and doctors up until the 1990s. There were 300,000 children kidnapped and sold for adoption by Roman Catholic Nuns. According to reports by the BBC, mothers were told their babies died and buried in mass graves. The Catholic Church was said to have made $20 billion dollars on the adoptions.

Two fairly recent movies -- "The Magdalene Laundries" and "Philomena" barely begin to tell the violent history of the RCC and their many institutions. In Ireland, as related in "Philomena" they were selling babies for 1000 pounds; babies who had been delivered to young girls forced into their institutions.

JesusRules ago

Why isn't the Pope or Queen in prison?

Votescam ago

Presumably because higher ups in government protect them -- that would include police, Congress/Parliament, officials of all institutions.

Beyond that ... The highest secrets in US seem to be to do with ET's/aliens/UFO's -- at least that's what Jimmy Carter was told when he asked for the UFO files. GHW Bush, then Director of the CIA told Carter that he did not have high enough security clearance to see the UFO files.

Take it around this way -- humans are likely hybrids. Garden of Eden essentially a lab for creation of those hybrids. Various of these labs around the world: Native Americans had their own experience of their creation - underground. Aliens may have created human species on this planet 375,000 or more years ago.

Wm. Tompkins covered some of this here -- There's a Part I but as I recall II offered more info. He relates that we are "cousins" with the Nordics - Draco-Reptilians are said to be "aggressive" -- basically not very nice. There are rumors about Princess Diana having revealed the "reptilian" nature of the British Royal Family. Some suggest having seen GHWBush morph into reptilian. Tompkins suggests that they control a number of planets.

Also stories that Draco-Reptilians were working with Germans on UFO's long before WWII. Germans were manufacturing UFO's but two years before WWII ended everything was moved to Antarctica. That seems to be story behind Admiral Byrd's/Nimetz visit and hasty departure.

Twilight Zone once did a program based on alien visit and their book "To Serve Humans" -- Program ending solution: The book was a cookbook.

Understand if you're not inclined to think in terms of aliens -- but if they do exist, it might be good to know at least something about the subject.

Elites/Royals seem to go back to Sumerians, Annunaki - aliens.

Pg-IsBeyondStupid2 ago

That's exactly why he made fun of pizzagate, nothing to do with pizzagate being a ridiculously dumb conspiracy theory at all.

Cara_C ago

Anyone who comes out virulently against Pizzagate to the public, especially while leaving out the relevant information that has us concerned, is painting a big red flag over his or her head as someone who should get a deeper look by Pizzagate investigators.

doolord ago

We should look into Megyn Kelly.

quantokitty ago

There you go! Thanks for this. An upvoat for you!!!

Dig, dig, dig!!!!

v4Zz ago

Fuck Stephen Colbert.

Ocelot ago

Amen. He's so intensely biased and shilly it's insane. Always hated that bastard.

AmishMechWarrior ago

That is so disappointing! I used to watch him, but then he turned on Bernie & turned on Jill. I no longer watch him, Sam Bee, and John Oliver. Ironically, I though Larry Wlmore was the only redeemable one of the bunch; so of course they cancel him...... these days its mostly Jimmy Dore or Humanist Report. Sure they arent big productions, but I'm not interested in gilded lies

RockStrong ago

Do these jokers really think we aren't going to figure this shit out? Awesome post Orangutan!

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I suspect they are smart enough to know some of us will figure it out.

But they are arrogant enough to rub it in our faces, knowing that 90+% of the population are preoccupied by mindless nonsense and easily manipulated by them...

brokencookie ago

And this is exactly the problem. PG extends from the traffickers, to the politicians, to the law enforcers, to the the entertainment industry. So even if someone's not actively abusing children, they're inadvertently contributing to the system that does. It's all one web of power. Power based on unspeakable acts of horror.

slickleg64 ago

Reminds me of the final season of The Wire

Gorillion ago

Yeah, he's not even pretending to be a middle-grounder anymore. His ratings are supposedly rocketing up as the "progressives" embrace the new "we're totally not losers" post-election narrative, but you gotta wonder where the fix is in producing those numbers of if late night shows are so rating so badly now that Colbert's numbers look good within that narrow context.

Tanngrisnir ago

He gave money to the CGI and Save the Children too.

snooooze ago

I hope all of that LOTR trivia he racked up comes in handy in prizon.

userdeletedtwice ago

NYPD/FBI that recovered that stuff from Wieners laptop

The Clintons cancelling a trip to Haiti two days before a big human trafficking bust is a HUGE red flag.

Podesta Missing Emails The Handler and Portugal (pizzagate) submitted 14 minutes ago by [deleted] Andrew Breitbart's last tweet, is about @johnpodesta being a "world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defender" #pizzagate (latest video which people suspect is Podesta, could very well be an MKUltra trauma based mind control video. The flashing lights would indicate they are manipulating the brain chemistry, specifically the pineal gland.) John Podesta is a Jesuit, he trained to be a Jesuit priest. Some people claim John Podesta was involved in the kidnapping of McCann child. John Podesta deleted all emails from 5/4/07-6/14/07 Madeleine McCann disappeared on 5/3/07 The Knights Templar base is in Portugal. Castles of the Knights Templar in Portugal's History Templar's convent and castle in Tomar, Portugal. Templar's castle Almourol. The Convent of the Order of Christ. ... The famous Manueline-style window in the Convent of Christ in Tomar. The main cloister of the Convent of the Order of Christ. The Ouroboros eye is The Holy Grail that has been protected all of these years, as it's the bloodline of Christ. Mad MCkann has this distinct marking but it changes position

PizzaGateIsReal007 ago

Crazy... as George Carlin said.. "It is one big club, and you and I are not in it."

Sleuth222 ago

The quote is "It's a big club. And you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club."

Atlantean120 ago

I thought we already knew this Colbert-Podesta connection? Anyway, a second time can't hurt I guess.

stillinit ago

There's people who still think he's great because he was "funny" on comedy Central.

anotherdream ago

Agreed, I used to watch him when he first broke off and started doing his own thing. I laughed, but I realize now that I'd been duped. If you go back and watch the show, knowing what we know now about world events etc, - it just feels sad. Cant even stand to hear his sickeningly smug authoritative tone any more.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

WTH! Of course makes sense now! The Evil brothers are everywhere!