submitted 8 years ago by [deleted]
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je-sui-pepe 8 years ago
i can't watch, i just can't... so how do you know its him? voice, image?
Warmoose76 8 years ago
Idk I only have a phone I hope some one with a computer can use voice recognition or something. I made a coat account just because I found this, it is disturbing either way
cosimus 8 years ago
Refer to these posts for further analysis:
Been discussed a while.
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je-sui-pepe ago
i can't watch, i just can't... so how do you know its him? voice, image?
Warmoose76 ago
Idk I only have a phone I hope some one with a computer can use voice recognition or something. I made a coat account just because I found this, it is disturbing either way
cosimus ago
Refer to these posts for further analysis:
Been discussed a while.