Has anyone tried to do a voiceprint analysis comparing known Podesta recordings with the one referenced here? I would think that could be a smoking gun. With all the Podesta interviews out there it shouldn't be hard to match up something.
wow....some of you all are just looking for an excuse to get into this kind of crap. Do you REALLY need to hear or see it? If it's legit and you find yourself getting sucked in, you need to check yourself. The transcription is sick enough. WTF, you know this crap is out there, you know people are doing and and you know that people need to be brought to justice for it...let someone with professional voice analyzing software put the proof out there instead of being a fking pervert yourself and listening to this crap over and over.
Yeah this is sick sh!t. Yeah there's s!ck fcks out there, but don't be one of them. what the hell is wrong with you. Stay on the right side here.
I really want to say its him but the problem is that boston accent when this freak's voice goes high pitched. Maybe its two different people trying to pretend its podesta?
In certain areas the voice is eerily similar to him its almost uncanny if you listen to any of his speeches or interviews.
I feel bad for the kid. Looks like they put the kid in a shower
And closed the sliding glass and put a party lamp in there to
Disoriente the kid. I have this nagging feeling the cia are leaking this.
Podesta is well known to have an "evil alter ego" named "Skippy." I bet we are hearing/seeing "Skippy" in action. Although I have NO SYMPATHY for these freaks, I cannot help but to think they themselves were victims of this same trauma.
Personally, I had to listen to this audio just so I could get a sense of how evil these people really are. It's hit me harder than I thought to be honest, the type that sends chills down your spine. I seriously advise anyone who is hypersensitive not to listen to it, it's like listening to a real world devil.
The Cambodian torturer used a taser as well. That guy was arrested and exposed not too long ago with disturbing taser torture vid. I wonder if torturing a kid like that makes being a sex slave mild in comparison.
I honestly don't think so. To me it sounded like he definitely had a NYC/Boston/New England accent. If I watched it a few more times, I could pinpoint but I don't really want to watch that video anymore. Once was enough. Anyways my point is that Podesta is from Chicago and clearly does not have a East coast accent.
Dup posts are good. Chill people. Not everyone sees every single post. Dups allow greater coverage of topics. I spend way too much time on the internet and I still miss some stuff here the first time around.
im worried about this over the top circumstantial evidence, this reminds me of the instructions on how to deal with the pizza babies, that got joe biggs to get fired (david wilcock reposted as well). can we just get an investigation?!?!!? a public one!!! id be happy to proven wrong, just get me a legit investigation on what the facts are.
I'm not gonna watch this. I know how i would feel afterwards. There are things that you cannot get out of your head once you've seen them. I don't need to watch it to believe that shit like this happens.
Exactly. That is my assertion. It's called an "investigation." Some leads pan out, some are dead ends. I thought this had enough merit to warrant further investigation. Here is the post I made on Saturday. Wish I had known about "Skippy."
Even if it is not Podesta he will never sue. It would be wonderful for our side if he did. It would bring the subject up everyday for however long the trial was and people would get exposed to the voices on there and some people would never believe it is not him no matter what. And someone will find him someday and John wont be John anymore. So they are fucked regardless.
Not gonna watch this. I'll trust the comments people have made and keep that disturbing imagery away from me. God help us and those children though, when the going gets tough and we start to feel hopeless (kind of like the past few days) remember this video. We have already saved children from this type of torture. Even if the top people never get brought to justice, we can all sleep easy knowing we saved children from this
Strange thing about human psyche is its extraordinary adaptive capability. First time you watch it, you get sick to your stomach. But after the 10th time the shock value wears off and you go into detective mode.
My wife works with people who have to watch videos of Isis terrorist doing very vile things like cutting the heads off kids and shit. They have to take constant breaks and they give them time to walk around and steel themselves. This shit is going to be hard for the real humans on the Justice Department and the FBI to watch. I dont want to do it. I will if it helps kids live....but there really isnt anything I would like to not watch more than kid rape and murder.
And then there is a creeping fear, when one watches this sort of thing many times, he/she becomes disensitized and subsequently feel guilt for not beem as outraged as they feel they should. This leads straight to the abyss.
Here's an index of the videos, I will describe them in order http://www.worldcorpo.net/content/video/
Not clicking on the first one, it's probably a exe
world corp international room and board advertisement is a "fake" commercial for world corp that interposes photos of starving people, sick kids with odd picks like the burly dude on a toilet. The commercial intimates world corp is involved in human trafficking. It's certainly not a real world corp commercial.
Dadmp4 wouldn't play "Department of labor" is a scared up around the dirty short nails whiteish chubby right hand slamming piano keys whilst screaming just sounds angry..sound.
"desist" mp4 is a "music video" someone rapping one man's garbage while random photos of white men flash...old pics old gifs, man on prison cot in old time clothes, some creepy guy sticking his tongue out. Basically it's artist fail...and exceptionally boring.
"Each" is a child screaming, the man's voice "your just a kid that...can't make out the rest unless file cleaned up
fantasyA video is a big burly shirtless whiteish guy wearing a steelers had and sunglasses. Says he's dying of bladder cancer and his fantasy is to suck dick before he dies. He then gives an email dyingdad@
Now here's where things get interesting
Fatherhood...is a direct link file versus a DL..how odd is that..one of the most disturbing videos and it's been converted from a DL to a hot link to be linked here...for example. Make of that what you will. Content is curious...the child screams the man's real name. Darren or something...it's fairly clear and with a bit of cleaning up I'm pretty sure the name could be exactly identified.
"Future" old type "attention attention" bar code, incoming transmission ...while snowy lane/path is in background rapid message runs across the screen, basically says "these videos are driving me over the edge". Yeah..I guess so you fucktard. Anyway...imagery changes to cyrillic text over the globe (the anon type globe used in their videos, this appears a few times) flash to red shimmery sky, flash to what may be a fully dressed woman (can't see face, no boobs really clear) in 70s style cardigan belted at waist and some polyester pants slouched in a chair the person briefly touches their genitals in a swirly movement and then the next flash is what is likely a cum shot on something.
"hot' is a very sad and short video of this disturbed person burning a headless star wars storm trooper figurine. Poor lad, therapy?
"I'm not sure who recorded this"mp4 is just the dude screaming, dim flashing lights and it's meant to make you work to see the background. meh.
"Intermission" hoakey music..video taken overlooking an expressway at night. Video is meant to make you dig into it. There are glitches and "hidden" imagery that will waste people's time.
"LazyVapor" is another "creative" work of art. Crappy music, and a slatted red/black filter over preexisting video that shows an outdoor festival with what looks like Mosh, dancing...in the background there is some sort of columned structure. Of course this is meant to be "mysterious" and not clear so...I'm not impressed.
"Malarky" oh dear. Well just bless his heart. Whomever is making these, please do yourself a favor and stop. Or never let anyone know..who you are. JAYSUS..another awful rap song about stupid shit, darkies, sharpies, and the imagery begins with an old man sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper, cars/clothes...it's the 1960s. Fat black woman on a bench...no. just not.
"Messy" opens (thankfully with no music) to a dog licking some yellowish looking stuff off the floor. A "thickish" white kid, probably 17-19 in a white t-shirt and gray sweats on the floor curled..you can catch his face...typical white boy sticky up hair covering his face, oriental carpet and staircase in background, foreground is coffee table with a gun laying on it..the kid raises up and rubbing his face says "oh shit I..." and the person holding the camera giggles.
"Midlife" (oh fuckin A, the things I do)...yet another angst ridden really awful rap...imagery is 1960s stranger danger PSA...little girl playing hopscotch, man walks up (insert, hey little gurl want sum candy?) and offers her candy, pours it into her hand, she is happy, another little girl runs up. I stopped it there. Not even for curiosity could make me watch/listen to the rest. Please be a troll, please.
"OOPS" is disturbing but it's meant to be..opens with bar code PLEASE WAIT annoying high pitch sound...then what could be a fork...then shit on the side of a bathtub, then screaming, possibly blood on the side of a bathtub. This is asshattery. No one makes videos they can't enjoy so my guess is it's a fat troll..fuck you and the horse..at least you could have made the raps less torturous.
"Precursor" more crappy music, anon globe with World Corp. across it, then...ohhh...flash to some kind of older model car seen from...the waist up (shivers I'm scared) and that becomes cast over what is either stairs, shade slats, or siding. It's foggy. That's it.
"Producer" is well known CCTV footage of a child being run over by a van in China, several other cars run over him, many people drive by, some scooters slow, one almost stops, but everyone goes on. Next flash to cartoon man with whiteishredish skin wearing shorts flips and pullover bent at the waist vomit coming from mouth. Then the ideograph kindly flips to an old AOL advertisement superimposed over a normal rotating earth.
"Sneek Peak" crappy music in forest rangy white guy in black (whooooo) hoodie jeans just standing in the trees with his head hanging down. Picnic table barely visible, lower left, some garment/blanket over a post likely meant to be something scary. I was terrified i tell you, terrified :D
"STOP" is yet another hot link. odd that. This is the PLEASE WAIT countdown bar thing again, and a different "angle" or more on the bathtub screaming shit.
this is an addition. I was a bit "medicated" when I wrote the descriptions I apologize for forgetting. This version of OOPS is slightly different in that on the camera approach to the bathtub there is first a shot of little boys cartoon jockey shorts probably size 2-4t that appear to be either coated in something "plasticky" or wrapped/displayed through plastic. It's meant to lead you to the conclusion that the rest of the video is about a boy child.
That's it I have suffered bad rap for the cause, took one for the team so you don't have to. I've zero doubt someone is gonna waste hours...However there are things ...stop, and father, truth mixed with fiction? Possibly.
Even besides the videos there is also dozens of raps that someone made and is on the soundcloud of this website. This is an act and not a whistleblower.
I heard that Worldcorp claims to be "Multidimensional"? This would probably mean the occult. Bring into this plane negative energies. Whatever happened to the people that "Applied" then "failed" to become members? Anyone know? Did they end up giving out their home address by chance?
The website where this video is being hosted/associated youtube channel claims their videos are artistic in nature. We can all agree there is nothing artistic about that audio. If you havent listened yet, honestly think twice about allowing this evil into your brain. Its raw. I feel.. i dont know, disturbed is an overused word. But i am disturbed by this in a deep and profound way
I'm not going against my better judgement on this. if what you say is true, I'm not listening to the audio. when are the arrests going to be made so that this doesn't happen anymore. poor kids.
This is pure concentrated evil, you and most of us have no way of relating to this and that is why it is so deeply disturbing on an almost biological level. It doesn't get lower than this. This is a human being deriving pure joy from the agony and torment of another human. There's no doubt in my mind this child was murdered shortly after this or is chained up somewhere currently. Again, this is pure satanic evil channeled through the vessel of a human being. This is the reality of the world we live in and the reality of our history. These people own us.
I listened. I had to know / remind myself we live among evil. Very fcked up video....yes, very raw....that's a terrified little toddler being sadistically tortured.
I pray with all my heart we find the torturer and he gets the death penalty....find him, beat the living fck out of him...kill him
Please don't mention the name of that paid Dusinfo agent anyone with an ounce of brain and integrity knows who Alex Jones is, have you read these posts here? people here are intelligent just mentioning him is an insult to them
He said tons of shit, Sandy Hook was fake, the US dollar will devalue 90% by 2010, 50% of the US population will die from biological weapons like 10 years ago, UN announcing alien intelligence etc etc etc. He's a bullshit artist that should have been a tv preacher.
doubletake ago
There are AUDIO MACHINES that can match voices. Should be easy enough.
davezzzz5 ago
Has anyone tried to do a voiceprint analysis comparing known Podesta recordings with the one referenced here? I would think that could be a smoking gun. With all the Podesta interviews out there it shouldn't be hard to match up something.
BlinkAndUMissIt ago
wow....some of you all are just looking for an excuse to get into this kind of crap. Do you REALLY need to hear or see it? If it's legit and you find yourself getting sucked in, you need to check yourself. The transcription is sick enough. WTF, you know this crap is out there, you know people are doing and and you know that people need to be brought to justice for it...let someone with professional voice analyzing software put the proof out there instead of being a fking pervert yourself and listening to this crap over and over.
Yeah this is sick sh!t. Yeah there's s!ck fcks out there, but don't be one of them. what the hell is wrong with you. Stay on the right side here.
Touchdown50 ago
I really want to say its him but the problem is that boston accent when this freak's voice goes high pitched. Maybe its two different people trying to pretend its podesta? In certain areas the voice is eerily similar to him its almost uncanny if you listen to any of his speeches or interviews. I feel bad for the kid. Looks like they put the kid in a shower And closed the sliding glass and put a party lamp in there to Disoriente the kid. I have this nagging feeling the cia are leaking this.
Wolftrail7272 ago
I'm thinking FBI, but CIA is possible as well.
Dauphin ago
Podesta is well known to have an "evil alter ego" named "Skippy." I bet we are hearing/seeing "Skippy" in action. Although I have NO SYMPATHY for these freaks, I cannot help but to think they themselves were victims of this same trauma.
Monsantos_Schlong ago
Is he schizo or is he a part of the monarch project?
Hoax. Not his voice.
MrrHandsome ago
Personally, I had to listen to this audio just so I could get a sense of how evil these people really are. It's hit me harder than I thought to be honest, the type that sends chills down your spine. I seriously advise anyone who is hypersensitive not to listen to it, it's like listening to a real world devil.
User890020 ago
It could be SKIPPY!
Mommyplayer571 ago
The Cambodian torturer used a taser as well. That guy was arrested and exposed not too long ago with disturbing taser torture vid. I wonder if torturing a kid like that makes being a sex slave mild in comparison.
User890020 ago
CNN says it's not
Clinker ago
Isn't the point of this group to investigate? Is anybody familiar with voiceprint software? https://www.google.com/patents/US20100158207
thebabyseagull ago
So is it Podesta?
Is there any audio analysing equipment that can confirm or debunk this as being pedesta?
roundhouse1776 ago
I honestly don't think so. To me it sounded like he definitely had a NYC/Boston/New England accent. If I watched it a few more times, I could pinpoint but I don't really want to watch that video anymore. Once was enough. Anyways my point is that Podesta is from Chicago and clearly does not have a East coast accent.
joeysaperv ago
Dup posts are good. Chill people. Not everyone sees every single post. Dups allow greater coverage of topics. I spend way too much time on the internet and I still miss some stuff here the first time around.
ryguyhermosa ago
im worried about this over the top circumstantial evidence, this reminds me of the instructions on how to deal with the pizza babies, that got joe biggs to get fired (david wilcock reposted as well). can we just get an investigation?!?!!? a public one!!! id be happy to proven wrong, just get me a legit investigation on what the facts are.
cky_stew ago
This video has no proven connection to pizzagate though. Disturbing nonetheless but completely unrelated.
iamthepizzanow ago
Why is this thread still up?
juhos ago
Everything about this smells so fake.
thebabyseagull ago
IT doesn't look fake to me.
The question for me is who is it and how do e help that child.
Drnoway ago
I'm not gonna watch this. I know how i would feel afterwards. There are things that you cannot get out of your head once you've seen them. I don't need to watch it to believe that shit like this happens.
Drnoway ago
I tried to open it to see if it plays and all i got was a strange error. Unexpected value. I hope someone has downloaded it.
GeorgeT ago
You know who need to watch it - Megyn Kelly. She'll probably enjoy it.
Drnoway ago
gardenofbacchus ago
It is fundamentally disgusting in every sense of the word so good call not watching it. At least you're aware
roundhouse1776 ago
No CP, and it is on Youtube. It's just disturbing.
pepe16 ago
Chatman ago
I started a discussion about the evidence of the two credible videos. Nothing solid yet credited or discrediting it just speculation
Scirel ago
Exactly. That is my assertion. It's called an "investigation." Some leads pan out, some are dead ends. I thought this had enough merit to warrant further investigation. Here is the post I made on Saturday. Wish I had known about "Skippy."
roundhouse1776 ago
You don't have a fake Youtube/Gmail account? How do you even live?
roundhouse1776 ago
This really does look like some MK Ultra type shit. It is disturbing, no way to verify it though, and I highly doubt it is Podesta.
gardenofbacchus ago
It was on liveleak only an hour or so ago under "podesta doing what podesta does best" but has since been "removed"
roundhouse1776 ago
That's because it's in all likelihood not Podesta and they will get sued.
gardenofbacchus ago
I am almost positive that is podesta
ProudTruther ago
I didn't watch but doesn't the kid say his name is John at the beginning?
GeorgeHodelDidit ago
Even if it is not Podesta he will never sue. It would be wonderful for our side if he did. It would bring the subject up everyday for however long the trial was and people would get exposed to the voices on there and some people would never believe it is not him no matter what. And someone will find him someday and John wont be John anymore. So they are fucked regardless.
GeorgeT ago
Michael Flynn tweeted abour Hillary and Silsby & child trafficking and Clinton did nothing.
tookittothelimit ago
Not gonna watch this. I'll trust the comments people have made and keep that disturbing imagery away from me. God help us and those children though, when the going gets tough and we start to feel hopeless (kind of like the past few days) remember this video. We have already saved children from this type of torture. Even if the top people never get brought to justice, we can all sleep easy knowing we saved children from this
atheist4thecause ago
It's not imagery, it's just audio, although it is disturbing audio.
roundhouse1776 ago
You can watch the video here:
Althoughit is really poor quality.
atheist4thecause ago
Yeah, I watched it, and while technically it's a video there's not much to see.
GeorgeT ago
Strange thing about human psyche is its extraordinary adaptive capability. First time you watch it, you get sick to your stomach. But after the 10th time the shock value wears off and you go into detective mode.
GeorgeHodelDidit ago
My wife works with people who have to watch videos of Isis terrorist doing very vile things like cutting the heads off kids and shit. They have to take constant breaks and they give them time to walk around and steel themselves. This shit is going to be hard for the real humans on the Justice Department and the FBI to watch. I dont want to do it. I will if it helps kids live....but there really isnt anything I would like to not watch more than kid rape and murder.
GeorgeT ago
And then there is a creeping fear, when one watches this sort of thing many times, he/she becomes disensitized and subsequently feel guilt for not beem as outraged as they feel they should. This leads straight to the abyss.
crop_circle_jerk ago
Mother of god...... well my night is ruined. WHAT THE FUCK. That was really upsetting.
e-traiu ago
its hearthbreaking :(
Queen_Jezebel ago
More like John Pedosa!
gopluckyourself ago
How many times does this have to be posted jesus christ.
there's probly a couple more I haven't noticed.
i probly fucked up the formatting but whatever
VIrginiaPerson ago
Thank you for the description. You really took one for the team.
gopluckyourself ago
magaboomer was the one that went through it all but like pechal below said this is getting pushed too hard it's probly fake
Pechal ago
Even besides the videos there is also dozens of raps that someone made and is on the soundcloud of this website. This is an act and not a whistleblower.
Ang68 ago
I heard that Worldcorp claims to be "Multidimensional"? This would probably mean the occult. Bring into this plane negative energies. Whatever happened to the people that "Applied" then "failed" to become members? Anyone know? Did they end up giving out their home address by chance?
MAGABoomer ago
They're just ignoring you. I told you...it will only grow. Pressure is ON.
LydianBlue ago
The website where this video is being hosted/associated youtube channel claims their videos are artistic in nature. We can all agree there is nothing artistic about that audio. If you havent listened yet, honestly think twice about allowing this evil into your brain. Its raw. I feel.. i dont know, disturbed is an overused word. But i am disturbed by this in a deep and profound way
heretolearn ago
I'm not going against my better judgement on this. if what you say is true, I'm not listening to the audio. when are the arrests going to be made so that this doesn't happen anymore. poor kids.
gardenofbacchus ago
This is pure concentrated evil, you and most of us have no way of relating to this and that is why it is so deeply disturbing on an almost biological level. It doesn't get lower than this. This is a human being deriving pure joy from the agony and torment of another human. There's no doubt in my mind this child was murdered shortly after this or is chained up somewhere currently. Again, this is pure satanic evil channeled through the vessel of a human being. This is the reality of the world we live in and the reality of our history. These people own us.
GeorgeT ago
So this is what Newt Gingrich meant about Trump not being member of THE CLUB! Trump's tweet on Oct8 2012 says it all.
ThePedoHunter ago
I listened. I had to know / remind myself we live among evil. Very fcked up video....yes, very raw....that's a terrified little toddler being sadistically tortured.
I pray with all my heart we find the torturer and he gets the death penalty....find him, beat the living fck out of him...kill him
SluggishJ ago
Ill let this horror into my brain in hopes that perhaps one day the children will not have to go through this shit
jordankelly ago
Alex Jones has said the pedos will die.
Jakestr ago
Please don't mention the name of that paid Dusinfo agent anyone with an ounce of brain and integrity knows who Alex Jones is, have you read these posts here? people here are intelligent just mentioning him is an insult to them
jordankelly ago
Ur disinfo fgt
Jakestr ago
Oh so your strategy to convince me, is to insult me? It tells us more about you than about me. Good luck with Alex Jones
jordankelly ago
Not worth my time nigga
Long_Knife ago
He said tons of shit, Sandy Hook was fake, the US dollar will devalue 90% by 2010, 50% of the US population will die from biological weapons like 10 years ago, UN announcing alien intelligence etc etc etc. He's a bullshit artist that should have been a tv preacher.
Mrs_Ogynist01 ago
I agree. He pissed me off when he said there are literally thousands of podesta emails talking about pedophilia. He is over the top dramatic.
jordankelly ago
No you
SluggishJ ago
well, we all will. everyone does it
i just want to quicken the process for them