RockStrong ago

Seems if Oregon has a worse than average issue with foster care, maybe Seaside has a big foster care issue. Anyone know how to find that info? Missing kids there? That happen much?

pnwpatriot97 ago

Look into Astoria.

RockStrong ago

Astoria. County seat. Clatsop County Courthouse. Are you saying you know something or maybe one should check it out? Your comment is interesting.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Excuse me?

Z11Mama ago

Are you saying I should check out something specific? Like you have something in mind? Or just suggesting Astoria as it is the county seat. This is interesting me. We know the east coast is filled with this stuff but it's starting to appear Oregon is a big part. I guess I want to be an Oregon pizzagate pioneer :) I'm trying to research more. This whole Seaside thing got me digging.

sore_ass_losers ago

Just to make it clear, there is a Freemason lodge in Seaside OR that participates in CHIP. You're not claiming Seaside is HQ of CHIP, right?

pnwpatriot97 ago

No I'm not.

sore_ass_losers ago

Well, just about any city above a certain size has a Masonic lodge; I assume all of them must support CHIP.

rodeo13 ago

"Couldn't find any info about Bill Clinton being a legit "Freemason". However on Wikipedia it states that when Bill was a kid he was a member of The Order of DeMolay. Screenshot of Wikipedia article herePNG"

This probably means that Bill is a generational victim of SRA. Makes sense in light of his chronic rape & sexual issues.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Becomes a normality for these people..

pnwpatriot97 ago

Or worse.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Thread about Freemason CHIP program here" link doesn't work.

I'm looking for the thread about CHIP that was here but can't find it.

I guess this is the one I was thinking about:

pnwpatriot97 ago

Should be under my submissions, unless it was deleted or something..

Z11Mama ago I can't find an original post from Voat but a couple months or so ago, there was a post with maybe photos off of the CPP instagram account? Not sure where. One was of a place called 'Ten Tiny Tee's Golf'. It is on Broadway, in Seaside, Oregon. It's a photo 'PizzaFuckingParty' commented on. I think some of you probably remember that name. The video of Bill Clinton is taken across from Broadway Grade School where he was visiting, in Seaside. Maybe 1/2 mile from Ten Tiny Tee's on the same street. Definitely a coincidence worth noting.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Dude that is a HUGE find. Please look more into it as I will. Anymore digging is really appreciated.

Z11Mama ago

You asked for more digging :)

I cannot stress enough how real coincidence is. This being said...

Ten Tiny Tee's is at 134 Broadway. Just a stones throw away at 200 Broadway? None other than PIZZA EXPRESS.

pnwpatriot97 ago

There's a rumor around Seaside that the Seaside Candy Man (old guy handing out taffy on street corner) is a pedophile. Look at what's right next to 200 Broadway St

pnwpatriot97 ago

Interesting.. That pizza express place isn't there anymore..

Z11Mama ago

I googled it and it appeared it was still there. Good info. Sounds like you are a local :)

pnwpatriot97 ago

That I am

Z11Mama ago

So what do you think? Is the northern Oregon coast worth checking out further? I've had a few thoughts about the place.

pnwpatriot97 ago

110%. Check out Cannon Beach and see how an average property sells for. There's no way there aren't pedo vacation homes or just pedo retreats there.

gangpressorliber ago

VIctor Key is president of their Shriners club there and also DeMolay International is listed as in the care of Victor Key. (edit: Possible rabbit trail.)

pnwpatriot97 ago

In seaside? More info please. Interesting nonetheless.

gangpressorliber ago

ISC nominations due on the 15th... what is that? could Bill be dictating it for reasons of control? of course I don't doubt there isn't a potential sinister anterior motive, but I'm looking for other leads. Anyone familiar with DeMolay?

gangpressorliber ago

Watch these a-holes are buying time in the FBI and delaying the bust, then they will let it rip and all we will see is a handful of sacrificial lambs get slaughtered and we will be told that's the end of it. Total BS the FBI needs to launch NOW!

pnwpatriot97 ago

Good theory.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The key to all of this lies in Racine, Wisconsin - the home district of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus.

There are wide-ranging connections between Racine and the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, both Bill and Hillary Clinton as well as Chelsea Clinton, with more ties to Pilgrims Society, Bilderberg, Council of Foreign Relations, Freemasons, Scottish Rite, Daughters of the American Revolutions, Job Daughters, Order of DeMolay, Knights of Pythias, Rotary, vaccines, human trafficking, Sustainability (see Agenda 21), community policing, Catholic churches, Dominicans, the mafia, and more.

Racine, Wisconsin is an absolute cesspool of criminal corruption and the people there have been demanding a federal intervention and investigations into criminal corruption among officials and their associates, friends, clubs and groups. The list of crimes are unbelievable, and true. Racketeering, collusion, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, fraud and more are just the beginning. Anyone who asks questions or is in the line of fire is stalked, retaliated against, threatened and worse. They put the rule of the closed societies above the rule of law under the color of law. The local media is part of the collusion and cover up, and local authorities have been grossly negligent at best and are in the same clubs as the core group involved. It needs to end.

sore_ass_losers ago

Why don't you make a submission about Racine, either her or in pizzagatewhatever (won't get deleted)?

pnwpatriot97 ago

I agree, I'm just more so concerned about the CHIP program and the reason why Bill visited this area back then.

gangpressorliber ago

as well as Ashville NC, VA Beach VA, Northern VA, and DC. The bust needs to be taking out the Vanderbilt home in Ashville...

Dasistnichtgut ago

Can you elaborate? Asheville is beautiful on the outside but a messed up cesspool once your start digging. And a hotbed for the Occult.

gangpressorliber ago

Get a list of names with photos together. Home addresses, clubs, and employment as well would be very helpful.

cakeoflightylight ago

Yeah this does not sound good. I'm scared of pretty much all government and children programs at this point especially those aimed at IDing our kids and the blood testing they do at birth for genetic disorders.

pnwpatriot97 ago

If anything children hospitals around the area need to be looked into.

Eastwood350 ago

Absolutely, in fact there's a dozen throughout the country that needs to be looked at. Many of them are removing children and having them placed in foster care and blaming the parents for either medical neglect for simply asking for a second opinion or accusing them of Munchausen's which is a rare condition that could "possibly" affect 2/100000 people according to medical journals. Yet parents all over the country are being alleged to have this rare condition and lose their children. Could they be doing clinical drug trials on these medically kidnapped kids?

Z11Mama ago

Isn't it in Obamacare that kids in state care are able to be subjected to medical testing, etc?

Eastwood350 ago

Actually no, it was when Bush II was in office that Congress passed a law that allowed children who are wards of the state to be subject to riskier trials than children who were not wards of the state.

Z11Mama ago

There was a report on changes made by Obamacare that showed wards of the state were subjected to this stuff. It was presented as Obama having done it. If it was a holdover from a creepy Bush it said otherwise. I never saw any different. Are we maybe talking two different things? this like everything else and there are multiple stories out there to meet different agenda's? This would be a good one to have a link on.

Eastwood350 ago

No, it was under Bush II that the law was enacted that allowed wards of the state to be subjected to riskier drug trials than children who were under the care of their bio parents.

gangpressorliber ago

If your ID'd it's hard to escape those sprawling acres on those large estates. It can be tempting to get lost and break out in them otherwise.

francine_rose ago

Oregon is one of the highest trafficking of children

pnwpatriot97 ago

Another good reason to dig further

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I heard Ron Wydens name brought up before. Hillary is supposed to be out here regularly too.

pnwpatriot97 ago

In Freemasonry?

Z11Mama ago

Also...the port of Astoria is nearby. Where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean.

pnwpatriot97 ago

A great observation. Wonder if there are any patterns of trade connecting with Astoria?

Z11Mama ago

Seaside and the surrounding areas are known for satanism. Just a thought.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Really? If so could you provide some more information or personal experience? Just really interesting to hear is all.

Z11Mama ago

Nehalem is 24 miles south of Seaside. This is just one little thing. Not evidence of satanism but it's there.

pnwpatriot97 ago

What in the fuck? 3 locations and 2 are major cities, while the other is a small, quiet coastal town in Oregon? All 3 on the west coast though..

SturdyGal ago

Doesn't evil ever take a vacation?

pnwpatriot97 ago

Since the good guys never do I guess? But no I wouldn't think he would be there on vacation.