JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you to everyone!!!

bumbleberries ago

Great article!!

Dejure ago

Jeremiah, let me onoe if you want me to do an HQ VID of this. I have some vid chops, good narrator voice and will do studio quality sound not the crappy computer mic. No cost as you have already paid dues with this article

JeremiahSinclair ago

Please do! Where would you post, out on youtube and stuff? Anyway, go right ahead. I consider these articles fundamentally collaborative and don't generally restrict sharing, republishing, repurposing, etc.

Dejure ago

Ya will prob do on youtube. I am currently anonymizing myself and will be getting a new yt acct and email etc. I will keep you posted before hand

JeremiahSinclair ago

Sounds good, thanks!

Natural_Vinegar ago

I'm very glad that you're doing great the work you are. Great article. Keep at it.

Rmm ago


JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you!

Mooncutter ago

There are a bunch of other emails that talk about skippy in the podesta emails. Not just one, MANY.

abcdefg222 ago

Damn. Well done. I cannot thank you enough for your work. This article is so well done and fact based. Great piece. EVERYONE PLEASE UPVOAT.

abcdefg222 ago

Note to the author... Nada Marcinkova (now Nadia Marcinko is no longer Epstein's assistant... she's now "global girl." See my prior post...

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thanks for that...will add "former" to denote that she has since moved on to...whatever the hell a "global girl" is.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Also, Epstein might warrant an entire article of his own. I'll look through your post this week, it looks very thorough.

abcdefg222 ago

There is actually a picture on Nadias instagram of her hanging out at a race supporting Brian vickers, husband of another previous Epstein assistant, Sarah kellen (now Sarah vickers) If you want to talk more Epstein, let me know.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you sir! (Or madam)

GeorgeT ago

Again, my theory about high powered homosexuals are vindicated yet again. Terry Bean on the Airforce-1, say no more. US has been run by homosexual pedo perverts - literally! What is Trump going to do about this?

GeorgeT ago

Now that is what I call journalism. Bravo!

porqueno ago

Ya'll need to learn to archive.

Atatarkus ago

Excellent article really cuts through the bullshit

JeremiahSinclair ago

Hey All, I'm the dude who wrote this (and this blogs' other PG content, the first of which is on the Voat "intro to PG" sticky), and I want to say thanks for reading and sharing it. I also want to say thank you to all of you here on Voat, Reddit, even on 4chan, etc., as all I'm doing is finding the strongest, most verifiable, fact-based research and direct connections, saving them, and summarizing them for a skeptical audience in an organized way. Aside from a couple of leads I'm working on myself, this is all you guys' hard work distilled into digestible articles that the public can read and say "hmmm, there really might be something to all of this," without having to dig through endless crap on message boards, infographics on super tinfoil-hatty websites, Youtube vids, etc. Some of this stuff I'm in utter awe about having been discovered, like that recording of Michael Maccoby at the DC council meeting, and the document listing Mary Sue Conway as CIA. Incredible work everyone, keep it up and I'll keep reporting on it to bring in new advocates and converts!

Still have to add a list of my links at the very bottom, but other than that feel free to suggest things I should post about for new content. We get really decent traffic for anything PG related that I publish, so it will get eyes on it if I put it up!

mrjdouble ago

Thanks for all of your hard work putting this together. I'm going to archive it with my rather large collection of evidence and related materials and keep it for future reference and discussions with others.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you, definitely need more archivers!

DavidBernheart ago

Hey, thank you so much for writing that article. You did such a good job of boiling down the most compelling data into a cohesive thesis. I hope you have more PG stories coming because we need you, brother. I posted your Article over in /r/conspiracy and it's getting a ton of love and hate from all the expected people. Keep up the fine work.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Dude, your reddit post on it is driving masssssssive traffic to it. I've been montoring it. I'll try to keep writing, you guys keep spreading! 11k reads today and I just posted it last night.

DavidBernheart ago

Oh, good! Glad to be of help!

srayzie ago

Great article! I've already spread it and bookmarked you 😁

stellarcorpse ago

I enjoyed your article. Good work. Of particular interest to me where the James Alefantis ties with Selsby & CIA. In fact I am using it on my subverse that links nicely to it this . Kindly check it out. I shared your article on twitter. I have many followers there.

wincraft71 ago

Aceloewgold PG posts are the best summary to show normal people with everything organized in one place, and all the major points touched upon. Showed the first post to my family at Thanksgiving, and they weren't able to make it through the Instagram pictures (and the artwork) without cringing. Something they don't show in the media because the pictures and comments have that affect on people. Anyone with reasonable sense will be able to tell that Alefantis and his associates are a little sadistic or satanic, at the very least.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thanks for the kind words! Glad your family was able to see there's much more to it than the junk the MSM was broadcasting.

PakisLove2GetShot ago

It's good to see other people who see credibility in pizzagate but are intelligent enough to sort the wheat from chaff. I wish there was a way to cull the tinfoil timewasters. Most sane people won't even delve into pizzagate because they heard it was a right-wing crackpot conspiracy theory but if there were more sane people we would get a better investigation.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I agree that's the biggest hurdle, and the goal of my writing is always to overcome that -- people's normalcy bias, and showing them that it's not just some Alex Jonesian "crackpot" thing, which instantly turns people off without them even looking further into it.

gangpressorliber ago

I suggest some of you more experienced could notice a pattern, or formulaic nature to the progression of research... I suggest instead of leaving others in the dark to your method's etc. If you in particular feel as though you've been on a roll with research perhaps a meta post is in order. I'd love to tool up and dive into this. I've got an eclectic background with a lot of insightfulness waiting to bud forth result, but I'm not good at the meat of what it is we are doing. We are doing a crowd sourced criminal investigation. Consider this could be one of the first and most extensive of it's kind. Some of you may want to consider applying for a job within the FBI after this whole thing blows up. This is tip of the spear stuff.... That said, someone needs to train the incoming recruits so they can hit the ground effectively. There needs to be a welcome new researchers post. of some kind.

Just think of what rapid force multiplication could do... we would literally need to have more moderators and information compiling specialist

gangpressorliber ago

we could see what we all want to see happening, happen sooner. We could also see it reach further and wider taking down many many more who are involved in the greater criminal society of which the pedos also belong.

NikitaVerite ago

you are the best - thank you for everything you do! This article is kick-ass, and so are you!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Thank you -- would never have been possible without the tireless research of the PG community!

ploppy ago

I was happy to share it. :)

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

This is a very good article.

VieBleu ago

This is one of the best articles I've seen anywhere or ever about the later stages of more sophisticated pizzagate findings. Thank you ploppy! Whoever this is writing has some training. Should be giving interviews and reaching a wider audience.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Interviews and a wider audience? You want him killed?

FartOnYou ago

Actually to be fair this entire message board is mostly posts about seeing hearts and triangles in logos.

VieBleu ago

Google search page currently shows both a heart AND a triangle - Clearly Satan's Instagram and PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

islandofdelight ago

Actually that's not being fair at all... There have been months of discoveries that go deep into the world globo-politics, dozens of provable connections warranting further investigation between suspects and powerful people who inexplicably are connected to child 'protection' entities... a growing awareness of past satanic-pedo scandals, some involving american intelligence agencies. There were people on this forum making George Webb-like connections since the original reddit exodus. Hearts and triangles is what people see who haven't taken the time to go deeper. It is just usually the first part of what is explained to newcomers, after the Podesta email code-words.

jstayz44 ago

Fart. On. You. FartOnYou. Leave if you don't like it. Pretty sure you're not helping anyway.

DarkMath ago

"this entire message board is mostly"......You sound like a skeptic. Great! Finally someone who can explain to me how Edgar Welch was able through random chance to hit Comet Ping Pong's computer system in a closet right in the hard drive using an assault rifle he brought with him to assist in looking for children being held against their will............. in closets O_O:

So lay it on me brother!

Sock it to me:


Littleredcorvette ago

It's because the mods delete a lot of stuff. As the mods have changed since this sub started, so have the types of posts that have been deleted. The mods don't want leads or discussions to further the investigation or make further corroboration or connections. They only want verified sourced perfectly formatted professional posts.

Those that want to help but who are not professional researchers get shat on when they post here. It's very discouraging.

Mylon ago

Modlogs are public. If there are quality posts you can dig them back up via the modlog. Create your own sub with links to the modlogs here if you think the mods are corrupt.

It's very easy to identify and call out and counter cancer mods so do it instead of just making vague accusations.

Littleredcorvette ago

Mylon, You know to check for deleted submissions. I know to look for deleted submissions. It's the new folks who don't know. You know, the ones looking for the red pill.

Mylon ago

Then please provide links. I've looked at the modlogs and all of the stuff I've seen (granted, I didn't dig deep) was low effort or off topic. If relevant data is being removed, then link it to me so everyone else, including me, can see it.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I am all for free speech too and worry about deletions. But to be fair they left the last two threads about the torture video allegations. I'm new here but that video is so horrific how could any human listen and support it? I think they are tasering kids to get them to tolerate being a sex slave.