Atatarkus ago

I've seen some of this before but not all of it, I'm shocked about the Jo Cox connection that's very intriguing. Can I just say though that none of this should surprise anyone, all charity no matter what it is for is a scam in the same way that tipping waiters is a scam. Apparently tipping originated from a waiters strike over low wages which prompted people to offer them small amounts of money to avert the strike and thus salvage their dinner plans, now we all just voluntarily make their wages up to a decent living for no reason. Charity is the exact same process, ask yourself why we should pay for cancer research while pharmaceutical companies make billions in profit from existing cancer treatment? The law could compel them to spend a portion of their profit on research but we are all stupid enough to think it's our responsibility. The government uses our taxes to bomb the fuck out of Syria and then the ads appear on tv telling us to give money to the starving injured children. cash crops cause famine in Africa? Don't worry we just need £2 a month from u to fix it, forget that those crops made a massive profit for some multinational corporation (also partly at your expense) just give us a small amount of money and you won't have to feel guilty for their suffering while you scoff the chocolate and drink the coffee they grew for you. The whole process is ridiculous even if they were completely virtuous organizations and every penny we gave to them went to the people who need it, it would still be ridiculous the fact that they are corrupt is almost immaterial.

BackToBlack ago

Ok another person to check - Andrew Mitchell - he's the guy from the picture with Justin Forsyth.

Mitchell visited countries throughout the developing world to establish in detail how aid could be most effectively and fairly delivered. He visited a number of countries in Africa and Asia containing some of the worst poverty in the world, such as Sierra Leone, Ghana, Ethiopia, Chad, Eritrea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Kenya, Thailand, Cambodia and Burma (The Republic of the Union of Myanmar). In many of these places, he created video reports detailing local conditions and some of the NGO projects aimed at ameliorating them. Whilst in Burma, Mitchell challenged its Government by raising evidence of systematic human rights abuses in the country, and its continued imprisonment of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. He also emphasised the need to provide rapid and substantial aid to the victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

He called the british parliament to make Syria a no-fly zone, which as many understand it - would equal starting a WWIII with Russia - mind you that's the same position that Hillary Clinton held throughout the presidential debates.

Also it seems like Hillary Clinton and Andrew Mitchell are in touch - she gets updates on him from Sid Bluemental ( ) and Cheryll Mills ( )

They push for the same solutions (even though he's a conservative and she's a democrat) in their countries and they're both involved in Haiti. Seems like something worth looking deeper into.

Here's another story regarding Save the Children:

So some of the former Save The Children workers turned whistleblowers and revealed the extend of abuse that happens on Nauru island (small island that is completely dependant on Australian aid and serves basically as one big detention center). The former charity workers said most of the abuse is directed toward children and what was revealed is only 'the tip of an iceberg'.

So apparently the workers that lifted the lid on what's going on on the island were expelled from it and after that the Australlian government has paid them... around 1 milion dollars in compensation just for that.

So how come they revealed the abuse and after that they were the ones that were compensated, not the victims? Or maybe that was a bribe to keep them silent about the rest of the iceberg?

bopper ago

Yeah, chilling. Very sad, and I think surely the vast majority (?) are probably sincere. There were many sincere Hillary supporters who became disillusioned (not to be partisan here). Let's hope it's this way in military, law enforcement, and intelligence. Thanks for your good info btw.

bopper ago

There's always many sincere, ideological minded individuals involved, no doubt. They have good motives.

Piscina ago

There appears to be no altruism left. These executives have their snouts so deep in the trough. I'm beginning to think there are no decent people in power.

smokemirrors ago

OP, CAFOD in the UK is who you want to check out most. Trust me on this. Too long for me to spell everything out now but when I have more time in the near future, Ill put together a synopsis.

BackToBlack ago

please do! :)

VieBleu ago

That Pakistani vaccine psy op done by the CIA is just incredible. but everything they do is remarkable in its depravity.

RecycledUser ago

Unfortunately, PG is only a small part of the whole picture, going by what George Webb has shown in his daily videos. A good place to start for newbies, is Day 109, Part 1, which gives a good summary. (he has already mentioned World Vision being involved).

ArtsyLiberationz ago

I check alt news like alternet, Alex Jones, antimedia, greenmedinfo, activistpost, Twitter, reddit, liveleak, koreatimes online, democracynow, stefan molyneux, mike rivero etc The reddit site sucks but for me it went to shit some months back with heavy censorship, leading me to twitter & voat's conspiracy topics

bopper ago

Save the Children/World Vision is CIA.

Chapman, killer of Lennon, is linked to Save the Children, and Chapman is linked to British Intelligence and CIA (Lennon was killed by Chapman for other reasons besides subterfuge of the USA ... British intelligence was involved w/ the McCartney replacement).

Hinkley worked for Save the Children, and Hinkley (close friend of the Bush's, who are known CIA), is the father of the kid (the "black sheep of the family") who shot Reagan.

And then there's Jim Jones:

"Jones had been contacted in Ukiah by 'Christian missionaries' from World Vision (World Vision is a CIA controlled front operation), an evangelical order which had performed espionage work for the CIA in Southeast Asia."

The long-winded but fascinating (and still relatively obscure) documentary "Evidence of Revision" explains convincingly the Jim Jones CIA connection. Even Mark Lane was down there when it all went down (Mark Lane is an interesting guy, RIP), even a US congressman was killed.

These charities are wolves in sheep clothing. It's all CIA and intelligence. And they're exploiting children. If these comments are too far out and off-putting I will take them down, no problem. I don't want to obstruct any serious investigators.

Edit: For my sources (most of them) see the OP's blog that was posted/sourced:

QuietJustice ago

Not a far stretch. Much public propaganda effort was directed toward the phrase "save the children" through the last century's history (i.e., not only factually as a history compilation of the agency, but also as rhetoric in university-level social services and education programs).

MAGABoomer ago

You'll want to add UNICEF and USAID :)

A lot of NGOs are fronts. $cientology is used to inject operatives into a country under "religious workers"...I'd say that all of them have dual purposes. They do help some kids. They'd have to in order to survive..however the NGOs are used to move assets around and they pluck whatever they wish from the "inventory" who's gonna miss a few kids.

BackToBlack ago

Cheryll Mills worked for Hillary Clinton and and before that she did work for USAID in Haiti:

Mills oversaw the Department’s interagency global hunger and food security initiative (Feed the Future) and diplomacy and development efforts in Haiti working closely with USAID and others across the government. source:

Andrew Michells and Hillary Clinton cooperate together under USAID (I updated the OP). Also here's a good source explaining how USAID is used as a front for CIA:

SturdyGal ago

This is an important comment along with response to it. NGOs are great for crime for so many reasons. Nobody is watching them and their reporting is minimal. I am beginning to be suspicious of any organization of any kind, and if they are supposed to do good, I am double suspicious. I have been extremely suspicious of UNICEF and ICEMC for some time now.

bopper ago

I think very few 'collectives' do any good, they either turn corrupt or, probably in most cases, start w/ a nefarious goal. I suspect everything, including American Cancer Foundation etc. A lot of money involved, like Planned Parenthood. Seems like everybody has their 'price.'

3141592653 ago

Your comment just made me realize something really odd.... as I mentioned in an earlier post, I was on vacation and came upon one of scientologys main centers. I went in to "explore" and - honestly- see just how weird things would get. Your comment made me realize / remember that the guy showing us around was very young... and had a European accent. He wasn't underage young, but he looked about 20. I remembering wondering what in the world his story was.... on the other side of the globe, working at a scientology center, at such a young age. To be fair, I will say that he was very nice

MAGABoomer ago

They're always young and being appealing is part of the job:) I wise I was kidding but what I said is easily verifiable sadly. I just can't sort how they're getting away with it.

Our new President needs to fire then rehire heavily vetted intelligence ops. I read the unredacted CIA torture report yesterday and WTF. The USA is a fucking shit hole. Obama was ordered to turn over the unredacted version to the courts for a lawsuit. He never did. trump did so the other day. And it's clear who has been running the show in this country for years unrestrained. I have no words.

Its likely true that $cientology is a CIA asset. I was horrified by what I read and even worse that NO ONE in leadership knew. Page 15-16 makes it clear they especially hid it from Colin Powell as he would have flipped the fuck out.

Literally the CIA has been running the country. It's not a mad conspiracy anymore.

Trump must fire every single one of them and rehire based on EXTREME vetting.

Has anyone seen the fucking HYSTERICAL "Russian hackers" video of their troll of Maxine Waters? Posing as the president of the Ukraine... They literally catch her committing treason on tape and implicating McCrook and Graham. Back channel chats on Russian sanctions.

Our president has his hands full. Traitors everywhere.

anolegion ago

Interesting trail. I encountered Save the Children during earlier research. They are connected to Innocents at Risk and its founder Deborah Sigmund and also to the THEARC project in DC on which I posted here.

BackToBlack ago

Ok here's another weird 'coincidence': another person that worked and was fired for inappropriate behaviour from Save the Children was Brendan Cox - husband of that lady Jo Cox that was murdered right before Brexit. Brendan Cox worked at Save the Children as a Director of policy and advocacy, also had been a senior advisor to then Prime Minister Gordon Brown AND had worked for Oxfam as senior press oficer. So again - a mixture of politics, Oxfam and Save the children as professional experience.

SpikyAube ago

It seems kind of weird that these two men were both forced to resign in the same way - women complaining of 'inappropriate behaviour' which they denied, but ended up leaving anyway. Could be that actually they were decent people and had asked too many questions or found out something they shouldn't have.

BackToBlack ago

could be this... could be the opposite as well. I find it very suspicious that all these people work between Oxfam, Save the Children and at the same time held top positions in British politics.

bopper ago


ArtsyLiberationz ago

wtf is ths pizzagate conspiracy? is there any truth to it?

Tanngrisnir ago

This is a pretty good intro to it if you are new to it and curious. If you are trolling then I gotta say that actually was kinda funny.

ArtsyLiberationz ago

I have also seen this one online

bopper ago

Are you serious? (Seriously.)

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

No stretch, anything such as this deserves a good look. In the past month the investigation has gone some places I never thought so I don't think anything is off the table.


yes. you missed the big picture:

smokemirrors ago

im slowly going insane. Or more sane. I cant decide which.

bopper ago


smokemirrors ago

Thanks for the reassurance!


More sane :)))))))))))))))

bopper ago

I think this is very important. Maybe I will get back w/ a few comments. I think this needs to be upvoated bigly.

Don-Keyhote ago

Not a stretch! I had StC Pakistan in a list of potential leads because iirc the timing coincided with the bin Laden raid, the official story of which is of course a fake vaccination program identified his location and that was the reason they got kicked out and the doctor still in jail supposedly.

Jem777 ago

I think you are exactly right on.