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sensitive ago

My sincere apologies because this comment is not related to this post, and because of the rules, I can’t create a thread of its own here, but I don’t see any other solution to bring this topic to your all attention:

The main subverse pizzagate is so full of threads that it is not possible for new members or lurkers (not to mention law enforcement people) to see what we have achieved so far. Even longtime members have difficulty keeping track of all the important threads with good evidence. So we really need to have something that flags all the important threads, or to put them in a subverse of their own. Member @impulse110 and I have posted a similar suggestion in different subverses: Ok I feel like there is so much evidence and so many loose ends. A lot of this research is adhoc since there is no way to know what new piece of evidence is going to come up. But is there a utility we can use to link everything together and give a place for people with validated evidence to contribute. Is there something we can create with visual links and diagrams of all the leads and evidence? I am imagining a web of nodes and links with sub nodes and links with supporting evidence. There has to be a tool already available that we can use. I will be willing to contribute to it if it seems practical. So many people run into so many good leads but dont have the time and effort to go deeper into it and other people can jump in and go deeper into that specific lead. Right now its hard for new people to jump in without knowing everything else that has already been worked on. There is a lot of inefficiencies in this process. You cant expect people to follow and read into every post. and many people just want to know where they can get involved and jump in with their efforts. More and more people are submitting postings, which is basically a good thing, of course. However, the subverse "pizzagate" is now more swamped than ever with all kinds of postings, and while they may all be related to Pizzagate, not all of them turn out to contain good evidence.

Since we want to attract more people to this investigation, newcomers (as well as lurkers) will find it extremely difficult to get an overview of what we have accomplished so far in terms of evidence. Hitting the "Hot" button doesn't help, of course.

So I suggest a new subverse called, for example, "pizzagateevidence" where all postings with good (circumstantial or direct) evidence are stored - additionally to the normal pizzagate subverse.

I know that deciding which post delivers good evidence and which not may be difficult, but if you agree, I think we should give it at least a try.

Please comment on these posts so that we can put some pressure on the mods! Thank you all for this – and for keeping up the incredibly good work!

Singleservename ago

I agree. Important research is getting buried/slid by shitposts and news stories.

Investigators, the real ones, are becoming discouraged.

JoJoVoat ago

I've noticed that to and I think they're doing it on purpose to allow for time consuming disarray or maybe they've disappeared.

sensitive ago

Then let's do something about it - let's shout!

sound_of_silence ago

as a new reader i was confused at first by why there are not 3 different evidence levels in their own subs.. 1)direct evidence, 2)corroborating evidence, and 3)supporting evidence.. i was also confused as to why there wasn't a "To Do" list of where help is specifically needed... maybe i just haven't read around enough.. but, to the first-time and new observers, the overall effect is somewhat "white noise".

Tanngrisnir ago

Sounds like a very good idea to me.