TheSeer ago

August 17, 1998: Bill Clinton admits to sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky. August 20, 1998: Bill Clinton blows up a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan (because it supposedly produced bombs, when it really produced medicine') Conveniently takes the attention off Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal! Not to mention the African Embassy bombings by 'Al Qaeda', that really need to be investigated with what we have learned subsequently.

And of course, in the (December) 1997 film "Wag the Dog", the President fakes a war to distract the nation from a sex scandal. LOL. Timely and insightful, wouldn't you say? (as well as revealing that a certain film producer named 'Stanley' did some important work for the government that he wanted 'the credit' for cough Stanley Kubrick Apollo cough)

Mad_As_Hell ago

I wonder what they'll be able to do as a distraction this time around if they're not in power and the CIA is no longer available to organise false flags etc. Will be interesting to see

DonaldWashington ago

Any other suggestion for where this can be shared? I want it on Chaffetz's desk

Mad_As_Hell ago

Can't think of anywhere apart from Infowars, Drudge, Breitbart, Zero Hedge, Daily Caller that won't actively suppress anything anti-Clinton

smokemirrors ago

OBVIOUSLY this bit stands out....

–]DonaldWashingtonUSA[S] 30 points 14 hours ago

Side Effects May Include Lawsuits | NEW YORK TIMES | OCT 2, 2010

Every major company selling the antipsychotics — Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson — has either settled recent government cases, under the False Claims Act, for hundreds of millions of dollars or is currently under investigation for possible health care fraud.



2012 Bristol-Myers Squibb $100,000

1999 Eli Lilly & Co $80,000

2000 Eli Lilly & Co $80,000

2004 Pfizer Inc $100,000

2005 Pfizer Inc $180,000

2006 Pfizer Inc $240,000

2007 Pfizer Inc $40,000

2011 Johnson & Johnson $100,000

2012 Johnson & Johnson $160,000

2013 Johnson & Johnson $200,000

2014 Johnson & Johnson $50,000


Johnson & Johnson $100,001 - $250,000

AstraZeneca PLC $100,001 - $250,000

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP $50,001 - $100,000


strix-varia ago

Cognitive Dissonance: When a person holds a core belief that is very strong and is presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It creates a feeling that is too uncomfortable (cognitive dissonance). And because it is so important to protect the core belief, she will rationalize, ignore and deny anything that doesn't fit in with her core belief. (I say she because a good example is neo-feminism...the kind you see at women's marches....totally out to lunch).

racoonbite ago

This would be a great post for ATS, i cant make an account there, just says "server configuration error, please try again later.", been that way for....ever?

if somebody has a account there post that up. it doesn't mention pizzagate, so you should not get permabanned.

justanotherpizza ago

No need, I have nothing to add. thanks for the discussion.

Don-Keyhote ago

Were you serious abt that shit? Youre setting records for naivete. Any attack on any politician can and will be spun as :partisan: and your insistence that govt employees using prostitutes is more deserving of pizzagate researchers than this thread shows thAt you must be the partisan deep down

justanotherpizza ago

I of course meant Child prostitution. Yes it is true that pizza gate has been and will be claimed to be a Republican attack on Democrats , but we don't have to make the claim easy to make. Aren't we trying to show that this is a bipartisan effort?

IPleadThe2nd ago

You mean child rape? Children can't be prostitutes since they can't choose that. And this transcends party lines and we all know that. George bush had "child prostitutes" at the whitehouse when he was president. They're all sick as hell at the top regardless of party.

justanotherpizza ago

Not Just child rape , but child rape that some sick fuck paid money for , and some sick fuck pimped out

DonaldWashington ago

Thanks for linking over there

Mad_As_Hell ago

Thanks for all of the hard work that clearly went into this, one of the best researched posts I've seen so had to share it here. Keep fighting the good fight

DonaldWashington ago

Thanks for the words of encouragement & thanks for reading

privatepizza ago

Epic indeed. Uuuuge. Bravo.

justanotherpizza ago

look, just consider what I am trying to say,

I am saying that you requesting other moderators to not remove the post despite not following rule 1, despite good intentions, will backfire on the sub.

upvoats are not a good measure, because of shills in the sub influencing the top posts to control visibility of damning evidence.

You, as a moderator, should lead by example. I do not doubt that you mean well, but consider that breaking your own rules is ok if a post gets a lot of upvoates is not a good precedent to set.

Regardless of what you and other moderators do with this thread post, I encourage a mod discussion on what should be added to the rules. if you decide that moderators have the privilege to disregard forum rules, then by all means, state that in the sidebar. just dont say one thing and do another, it will damage the credibility of your moderation.

spezSentMe ago

They actually keep this up on Reddit? Jesus Christ! I would have never imagined!

Mad_As_Hell ago

The_Donald and r/conspiracy have lots of pizza-related posts at the moment, seems like we're all waiting for it to happen

spezSentMe ago

Do they? Well, guess I'll be back on (I won't).

Mylon ago

In case eddit does its thing:

justanotherpizza ago

Dear l4l1lul3l0,

Please be aware you are setting a bad precedent. You use your moderator status to disregard a primary rule of the sub. The motivation for disregarding the rule seems politically motivated.

I also think the content is very well researched and fascinating, but this sub established some self imposed rules for good cause, and now you are willfully disregarding them.

Please reconsider.

Mylon ago

Meh, redpilling people to recruit potential investigators isn't necessarily a bad idea. Rules are there to direct what kinds of shitty content to remove. Great content transcends rules.

justanotherpizza ago

I do not think we have an issue recruiting people to investigate Pizzagate, I think we have an issue of establishing credibility as a non-partisan investigation into child trafficking and prostitution activity in the US government. I think we are under persistent attack, and need to be diligent in proving our purpose.

if we derail into a general clinton bashing sub, then we will have played into the hands of the attackers. if we show that we do not respect the rules we commonly agree on, then why should anyone respect our rules? great content ON PIZZAGATE is what we want. and what we say we are about.

DeathToMasons ago

Do the people really think that? Or is the lying media lying about that too?

Don-Keyhote ago

How is the hiv tainted blood not more known? IIRC a handful got it once in Japan and they stopped all transfusions or something

2impendingdoom ago

People dismiss corruption until it affects them personally, standing up to evil (whistleblowing) usually ruins a persons life, they may join a boycott but not if its too inconvenient.

Don-Keyhote ago

Well we have sidestepped an issue that must be discussed to convince anyone, that of pedophilia being so much more widespread that what's intuitive. You can't exactly go right into MKUltra.

duhiki ago

Yeah you can. Show people the vid of Bill Clinton issuing a formal apology to the victims of human experimentation at the hands of the US government (1995) ... he makes jokes. Real class act. Then you can chuck some info their way how in the 70's a shit ton of files regarding MK Ultra were destroyed. There are ways to red pill people. Ultimately, the result lies with them, being that if their cognitive dissonance wins, they can't wrap their heads around facts that they find uncomfortable.

This linkie has a list of times the US government hid/supported pedophilia. It helps deliver a red pill.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Don't forget Whitey Bulger. Robbed a bank and went to Alcatraz, volunteered for MKUltra, took the lsd and became the notorious southie gangster who worked for the FBI before fleeing.

All the while his brother is running UMass Amherst.

From idiot bank robber to the boss of the winter hill gang is a huge jump without help from the inside. Really interesting stuff.

throwawaa ago

Link to the Bill Clinton video?

2impendingdoom ago

Sorry, I will revise that, but CIA and government produced propaganda running the MSM and holllywood messaging is what I meant. I think the corruption is fully widespread, and the pedophilia is only a part of it. the human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug price manipulations, destabilizing of nations, weapons and drug running are all Clinton activities going back to Mena airport. and it involves both democrat and republicans.

2impendingdoom ago

we had threads here on ebola and zika virus outbreaks, I'm willing to bet that these incidents were more underhandedness at work. this is a pattern. probably sars too.

nitro169 ago

So what I thought was a recent MSM control has actually been going on for years, it looks like it just went on for many many years without question until recently.

Mad_As_Hell ago

If you believe in Arkancide, anyone who attempted to blow the whole thing open met an early demise. Great infographic detailing the body trail over the years:

jordankelly ago


Chad_Stethoscope ago

Watch the movie The Constant Gardener for one portrayal of this. They put it out there for all to see. Same stuff George Webb is talking about in Haiti. Same experimentations without informed consent that have been going on since the dawn of modern medicine, or more accurately, the dawn of corporate pharmaceutical medicine.

When 'disease maintenance' is the name of the game, and natural cures are supressed and propagandized against, the system has literally become the embodiment of the vampire squid.

Eastwood350 ago

It may surprise many but experimentations and clinical trials are going on in the US without informed consent on our very own children. I will give you a case in point of a family in Minnesota. There was an Open Letter written by Cheryl Nagel which detailed the entire case however it comes as no surprise to me that it's been scrubbed from the internet. The Nagel's daughter was diagnosed as having HIV after being brought to the US from Romania for adoption and the medical community was insistent that their new daughter be put on a drug which 11 other children who were diagnosed with HIV were being treated with. The Nagels saw that this drug was having severe adverse effects and fought the medical community opting for their adopted child to have a healthy 3 months to live rather than six months of agony because the community insisted their daughter was doomed to die young. Lindsey made it through her childhood and teens into adulthood with flying colors without the forced medical treatments however after getting pregnant and delivering her first child the medical community stepped right in once again within minutes of delivery. Lindsey was forced to give her newborn son powerful drugs and if she refused they threatened to remove her son from her. She ultimately lost him when the state stepped and removed her baby from her care giving the child to the birth father who willingly would not balk at the mandated medical treatments. Again I wish I could post the entire story here but every link I try gives me a 404 error. Lindsey "passed away" in August of 2015 in her early 20's after leaving her home state for a temporary respite from all the turmoil caused by the state and medical community. I often wonder if this young woman actually passed away from natural causes or if there were forces behind it, the same forces who insisted a person with HIV wouldn't live a healthy and normal life, would die young never mind successfully birthing a child.

Lindsey's isn't the only case where the medical community has intervened there are others and we can "thank" Congress for that. Several years ago during the Bush Administration a law was passed allowing children in foster care to be subjected to riskier drug trials and we have to ask ourselves if children with rare medical conditions are being taken and placed into foster care to complete these trials. Some children's hospitals and or their medical abuse specialists actually have contracts with CPS so would it be out of the question for them to team up with the agency when a child with a unique condition crosses their paths?

Edit: I found a link to the full story:

IPleadThe2nd ago

Let's not forget that when Clinton was governor of Arkansas he was involved in selling the blood of prison inmates to be used for transfusions for hemophiliacs and he KNEW some of the blood was tainted with hep c and HIV.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Existing pharma companies (Wellcome, now GlaxoSmithKline) were doing this to children in mother and baby homes run by Catholic nuns in Ireland in the 1930s, I'm sure a lot of money changed hands for access:

2impendingdoom ago

thanks for this post, and including the Irish mass grave link. I'd seen the Ireland story when it came out, its very troubling. In rhode island the current treasurer Seth Magaziner is the son of the Director of CHAI, Ira Magaziner. Seth, working with the current Governor Gina Raimondo (friend of Hillary) has been raping the state's pension fund and had converted it to her own fund management raking in massive fees. She still refuses to release the documents relating to the Curt Shilling $75m 38 Studios bond boondoggle probably because it implicates the upper echelon of the RI government. During the DNC Convention a RI guy named Mark Weiner (not related to Anthony) died, he had cancer but there are strange details concerning the death so I wonder what he knew, or how he actually died. He was planning to travel to the convention that day, so not really the itinerary of someone on death's door, and he spent the previous night alone across the state, not in his home closer to the airport. That may sound silly but it is very atypical RI behavior (crossing the bridge!!). Where was his family? and why was the Newport condo not being rented during the height of the season? The Providence Journal was super quick to debunk Clinton bodycount theories but didn't actually provide evidence. And, during the ebola outbreak, the story involved characters with RI connections and bizarre backgrounds.

Don-Keyhote ago

“This experimental vaccine is generated from the sequences of many flu viruses and is designed to help protect against many strains over several years,” says Tim Alefantis, Sanofi Pasteur project leader. <--- zika An exclusive license will give Sanofi a monopoly in the research, manufacturing and sale of the technology and will allow Sanofi to exclude competition in the clinical development as well as in the manufacturing and pricing of this technology,” MSF explained in a comment posted Monday, adding that “it is very concerning to see the U.S. government considering locking in a development deal that will limit innovation and will not safeguard affordable access to the resulting vaccine.” - See more at:

zoot3d ago

Tim Alefantis, you say?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Looks like someone here made this connection before:

So is Tim James's cousin?

iamthepizzanow ago

Ohhhhh shit.

cantsleepawink ago

I always thought he was a brother. But yes, think that's right. He's a cousin.

Don-Keyhote ago

Wow what a shit show we got here. Tim's not in the wiki even. Not to disrespect whoever edits that but it should be updAted since we should direct all skeptics there

2impendingdoom ago

@RebelSkum please add to the wiki when you have time, the reddit post CHAI / CHMI info referenced here and the connection to alefantis found here & Thanks!!

RebelSkum ago

Rodger dodger!

2impendingdoom ago

Hey!, you could give a look over this, because it is litigation already in progress by Preet Bharara bulldog AG from New York Southern District involving UN corruption, clintons, human trafficking and the bizzare death of John Ashe. Thanks, as always, my warmest regards

RebelSkum ago

Looks like JrSlimss was already on the job! Should find updates coming out on our and pages throughout the day

cantsleepawink ago

OMG. The whole thing is coming together and it is truly awful.

JournalismIsDead ago

Is this about how Big Pharma and Bill Gates foundation are using poor African kids as vaccine guinea pigs?

2impendingdoom ago

Its also how CHAI manipulates drug prices so that everyone in the US pays exorbitant rates while other nations (africa) gets watered down drugs. so price fixing and fraud.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yes that's part of the picture. It basically details a whole chain of events that started with Clinton administration 'mistakenly' bombing a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan, leading to spread of malaria and AIDS, and 40% increase in mortality rates. Big pharma saw their opportunity to look like the good guys and 'save Africa' while funnelling money from US gov and using African kids as guinea pigs for new products, all while paying vast sums of money to Podesta Group, Clinton Foundation etc. for the privilege.

Don-Keyhote ago

The true brilliance was that anyone's first guess at motive would be distract from unfolding Lewinsky scandal

derram ago :

ATTENTION! The Clintons are EVIL people | ENTER to get RED PILLED on CLINTON'S role in the disease epidemic in Africa | Human trafficking, illegal experimentation & more | Could big pharma be providing financial support for human trafficking networks? : The_Donald

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