2impendingdoom ago

This is a great post, unfortunately one can only surmise that the payments are for children to to be used for child prostitution probably in connection with the casino business.

2impendingdoom ago

BINGO! there it is. Nice work NANA!!!!!

2impendingdoom ago

...Macau, which is separated from Hong Kong by only a strip of water, has always been considered a main channel of corruption and money laundering for CCP officials. Earlier this year, the Chinese Central Discipline Inspection (CCDI) stationed a team leader of discipline inspection in the State Council of Hong Kong and Macau for the first time.

The team leader, Li Qiufang, recently told the media that the corruption within the system in Hong Kong and Macau is under investigation. Meanwhile, a few major cases were cracked in Macau.

These include the breakthroughs in Ng’s complex bribery scheme, the imprisonment of the nephew of Macau casino tycoon Stanley Ho for manipulating prostitution, and the arrest of former Macau Attorney General Ho Chio Meng for corruption.

Nana66 ago

And they all go way back with Clinton's. I wonder if they are connected to the Bush dynasty also...

Nana66 ago

I figured they were in cahoots then but now I'm sure I had no idea how bad. The documentary Spin, is also interesting, I saw that first and it made me wonder how Clinton's got so much power back then but now I am confused who has more power, Bush's or Clintons.

2impendingdoom ago

they seem to swing back and forth to keep up properly distracted, but they are more the "front" and its the bankers and cia running things. This becomes clear when nothing really changes despite who is in the white house.

Nana66 ago

I used to be positive Trump was trying to throw the election to Hillary but now I hope I was wrong.

2impendingdoom ago

Hard to know, seems that Trump is acting like a bulldozer. I think Comey threw the election to Trump, being aware of all the evidence, and finally getting a Trump administration as an opportunity to "clean house". But I worry nothing will come of all this.

2impendingdoom ago

The clintons and bushes are connected, probably through mena airport cia drug running. There is a great photo of young Bill with old bush at a bbq party floating around. I'll try to find it.

Nana66 ago

I share that pic regularly, it made me afraid of Hillary running again before she "decided". http://imgur.com/3GFEKK0

2impendingdoom ago

"...Although the government hasn't said what it suspects Ng's cash was really for, prosecutor Daniel Richenthal said at a Saturday bail hearing that Yin admitted after his arrest "that among other things that cash was sent to people to engage in unlawful activities."

Ng, who was linked to Chinese businessman Charlie Trie's effort to funnel foreign cash to Democrats for the 1996 election, is being held without bail after the government told a judge that his enormous wealth made him too much of a flight risk.

Prosecutor Janis Echenberg said he was worth more than $1.8 billion, made $25 million a month, had private planes worth $30 million, had wired $20 million into the United States since 2010, and when arrested had 20 credit cards, three phones, $30,000 in Hong Kong currency and a gold and diamond encrusted watch worth $200,000.

She also told Magistrate Sarah Netburn that Ng had previously dodged a grand jury subpoena in a different case, and had absented himself from the United States for five years after his name surfaced in the probe that led to Trie's conviction on campaign finance charges...."

carmencita ago

Is this the same guy that was connected to John Ashe? The one that was suicided just before he was to testify against HER?

AreWeSure ago

He was never scheduled to testify against Clinton. This is made up.

He was under indictment for corruption and there were pre trial meetings up coming up. His trial was not even set to begin.

carmencita ago

Thanks for straightening that out. I think I got that info from reddit quit a while ago.

Nana66 ago

Yup its all in the links.

carmencita ago

That is the one I missed. I never believed that story about his dying when the barbells fell on his neck, and also the story of a heart attack. They just are not good at lying. They do it a lot, but just aren't good at it. But we sure have been good at believing them. Have to run to a meeting, will check that link out. Thanks.

derram ago

https://archive.is/Tie6M :

Chinese billionaire in U.S. custody 20 years after scandal

https://archive.is/1zvzv :

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

https://archive.is/zwLfV :

Awaiting Trial in a Gilded Cage, a Rich Defendant Is Denied a Walk in the Park - The New York Times

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2impendingdoom ago

I haven't read all your links yet, this is related to the UN guy who got bar-bell suicided. John Ashe, days before he was due to testify he suffocated lifting weights. Check out his picture and tell me if you believe that story.


Edit, Oh, I see you have it there. Nice Post!!

Nana66 ago

Thanks, there has been at least one post relating to suspicion of UN being involved in pizzagate. The last article is recent "The communications chief of the UN, already named by the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services as having done no due diligence on Ng Lap Seng"

2impendingdoom ago

Many years ago I went to a lecture by the Canadian guy who was in charge of the UN peacekeeping in Rwanda. It was heartbreaking, the photos of the abuses that they UNpeacekeepers were not allowed to interfere in, and they were made to look the other way. The whole controversy was orchestrated by the Belgians to create internal civil war so as to exploit the resources there. The canadian guy was so distraught about it all that he was suicidal for years afterwards til he finally started giving lectures. Bill Clinton rolled in at the end and claimed himself and the US a hero. (in the Rwanda genocide, not the lecture). the UN is not what it seems.

Nana66 ago

Fyi I added another link to my post.

chickyrogue ago

does this have anything to do with stanley ho

chickyrogue ago

i knew he would dbe in there ty