Mad_As_Hell ago

There's a very interesting Reddit thread connecting Steve Bing to Soros via his assistant Zach Schwartz (who was cced on many significant Wikileaks e-mails) that was linked to in

Worth a dig

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I am just convinced that the Sandlers are the most important part of the emails aspect of pizzagate. If you search wikileaks for sandler emails & sort by date, there's a huge chunk missing - like years worth. Even the time when Marion Sandler died. There's no way there weren't any emails. I don't think they were deleted. I think wikileaks held them back.

2impendingdoom ago

I would agree with that. Sandlers were responsible for the crash of 2008 by fucking over Wachovia Bank. These people are ruthless and there is definitely something missing here.

AreWeSure ago

Pedophile codebook? Show proof such a thing exists.

2impendingdoom ago

The handkerchief code is well known, its not a big stretch to connect the word handkerchief to code.

ThePuppetShow ago

Check out this conversation and tell me this isn't the same person...

2impendingdoom ago

I find the arrival of AreWeSure to be indicative that we're on to something. pizzagateininsane1-4 (that was funny, so many handles all sprung up, what was that about?) seems a bit more hysterical, but not much. He's trying to say that there is no case because the code evidence is circumstantial, but fuck, innocent people have been on death row for less.

ThePuppetShow ago

He had to keep remaking them because they were down voted to no posting status. Exactly, he's trying to change the meaning of investigation. Of course there's going to be bad leads and those bad leads led to other leads like the Kim Noble theory of what the handkerchief was used for.

2impendingdoom ago

When AreWeSure pops up it kind of creeps me out to know that I am communicating directly with a pedo in real time.

AreWeSure ago

Handkerchief code is not a code you need to use with people you know. It would not have meaning inside your house. It supposed to signal to people in gay bars.

Much more importantly, it is not a pedophile code. People photoshopped pedophilia into some fake screenshots. But it's not part of the code.

And it's says nothing about food.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Here is how I know that you are a shill, or just uninformed? You decide.

A recent post was removed by a mod because the poster couldn't cite where boys were referred to with the code word "asparagus" - well I found some info on that, and feel it is relevant because of the food code language used in the Podesta emails.

This old article by Tampa Bay Times from 2012 makes mention of pedos using the asparagus codeword: Also, this Times reporter has been moved to WaPo, where they work double time scrubbing 'pizzagate'

edit: just noticed an interesting excerpt from the Tampa Bay article: A puppeteer in Florida who performed in community centers, schools and churches and hosted kids-only pizza parties every Wednesday in his mobile home.

many more covered it here, long before 'pizzagate':

AreWeSure ago

So your argument is another group used a completely different code? Therefore we get to determine that podesta is employing code and determine what the decoded words are? My point still stands people were claiming that pizza, pasta, walnut, cheese, etc were known codewords, but they only evidence that exists pre-pizzagate is "cheese pizza" = CP = child pornography.

BTW, what's your definition of shill? Someone who doesn't buy into the theory or someone who is pushing an agenda regardless of their beliefs or someone who is paid or what ?

2impendingdoom ago

Handkerchief is code, just because its not pedophile code doesn't mean its not code. If its code, its code, if it as alternate meanings, and other phrases are equally bizarre, like pizza-related map then its even more likely code. Maybe a different code, but still code. Sorry that this confuses you.

AreWeSure ago

No. People have said the importance of handkerchief is that it is part of a handkerchief code and the colors of the handkerchief in the email meant pedophilia according to the handkerchief code and that is a lie. People then tried to fake evidence to support this lie via photoshop.

It doesn't confuse me. I haven't found a single example of what is supposed to be code stand up as likely code. And thus the whole investigation is based on something false. Weird language/phrasing I don't get doesn't equal code.

There's no evidence for the food based code that people claimed as well. That is a claim. At least the handkerchief code is a thing. The food code isn't even a thing.

In fact, the very fact that they talked about food so much was supposed to be suspicious. No Italian I know would find that odd.

Cheese Pizza is what 4chan said meant child pornography. Show me one example of this phrase in podesta's emails.

ThePuppetShow ago

You are the same person that was shilling yesterday, with the same exact argument.

You must be James, people have suspected this name for a while. You do realize your superiors are going to hang you out to dry on this one, right?

AreWeSure ago

Yes, my argument is the same it was yesterday. Should it have changed? Why don't you engage my argument instead your ridiculous speculation?

This is one of the key arguments behind pizzagate Food Code

What's the evidence this is true?

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm accusing you of being PizzagateIsInsane. You wrote the same exact argument in the same words, shill.

You know damn well this investigation doesn't rely on the handkerchief code, it never did. That was part of trying to figure out what they were talking about. A better lead turned up with Kim Noble and that is what helped explain the "pizza related map".

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, I believe my argument is valid. Why would I change the wording of it?

*I know damn well it doesn't rely on the handkerchief code? * Really? I do? Have you checked the Fully Sourced Executive Summary sticky? Because the handkerchief code is still cited and Kim Noble is not. If that's wrong, take it up with them.

In another email, Podesta was told that he left behind a black-and-white handkerchief "with a map that seems pizza-related". A handkerchief with a "pizza-related" map? What the...? Note that in the gay community, handkerchiefs are sometimes used as code for sexual preferences. It is possible that others have adopted this code as well. Black symbolizes bdsm/domination in this code; some have suggested that white could symbolize pedophilia, due to the association of white with innocence and purity. Furthermore, as discussed previously, "cheese pizza" is a common code phrase meaning "child pornography," so "pizza" could be an adaptation of that.

So it is not only still being cited, it still references the debunked "white equals pedophilia" fakery. And no published handkerchief code has any meaning for a black and white handkerchief.

Anyway, the code I just linked to was the food code. I would say the pizzagate does rely heavily on that. So that is what I was asking when I said why do you engage my argument.

ThePuppetShow ago

So you admit that you are "pizzagateisinsane"?

AreWeSure ago

I never followed your original link. Because I have repeated arguments before. Which I don't see any problem with whatsover if they remain valid.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're repeating arguments under different names.

AreWeSure ago

I just went and looked and saw you got into a big argument with him yesterday and you still can't distinguish our writing styles.

I'm not him. I've been arguing about the code being arbitrarily made up and in particular the idiocy about walnut sauce which is a fallacy called Arguing from Ignorance for quite a while here.

The first place I saw fake

AreWeSure ago

That's a guy? I thought that was just a wierd insult.

ThePuppetShow ago

Save it.

2impendingdoom ago

maybe just all the instagram pics of people with pizza on the crouch or calling little girls pizzaslut, I don't know, either you see it clear as day or you don't. Nobody seems able to convince you so why do you stay here? We aren't lawyers, this is not court evidence, but if were on the jury, it would be enough for me.

AreWeSure ago

Being a jackass on Instagram is not a crime.

Making tasteless jokes doesn't make you a pedophile.

ThePuppetShow ago

No, all the evidence added together makes you a pedophile or a trafficker. You aren't going to some cushy prison, James. You might want to consider talking to Sessions.

AreWeSure ago

Hi, I don't live in DC. Went there one time in my life. Good zoo. Don't work for David Brock. Not Paid to be here. Etc.

2impendingdoom ago

We are talking about the Sandlers here, and I would toss them in prison for the Wachovia bank fuckover in a heartbeat, not matter what the charges.

AreWeSure ago

Wachovia fucked themselves.

Not realizing it might be acquiring a time bomb, Wachovia made things worse. World/GoldenWest had demanded minimum annual payments of 1.95 to 2.85 percent of the loan balance, but that fell to 1.5 percent soon after the merger was announced. After the deal closed, Wachovia cut the minimum payment to 1 percent, thus offering the most generous terms at the time housing prices were most inflated.

It was not until mid-2008, long after the housing market began to crumble, that Wachovia stopped making such loans.

Looking into Golden West, I think the Sandler's arguments that the initial stories wrongly lumped them in with the truly bad guys hold up. Yes, they were mainly option ARMS, but theirs were different from the truly awful lenders. For one thing they reset over 10 years, not two, so this was much more favorable to the homeowner. And they did not lend to people who put virtually no equity into the house. And Most importantly, they didn't sell they mortgages to Wall Street. They held on to them which meant that they had a stake if those mortgages went bad. They would take the hit. This means they had to do better risk assessment.

Like other option ARMs, in 2009 Norris wrote, Pick-a-Pay loans were racking up big losses. But when reading Wells Fargo’s first-quarter earnings report, he noticed that less than one-third of 1 percent of Golden West’s loans were expected to recast before the end of 2012, meaning that borrowers wouldn’t see large payment increases for many years. “That struck me as an amazing number,” he says. “How the hell could that be?”

It was the ten-year option at work.

Since their option was over a longer period, homeowners could hold on to their house longer meaning they were in much better shape of waiting out a bad market and holding onto their house until prices rose again.

The FCIC reports supports this idea they their loans were less risky than their counterparts. The thrift issued about $274 billion in option ARMs between 1981 and 2005. Unlike other mortgage companies, Golden West held onto them.

Sandler told the FCIC that Golden West’s option ARMs – marketed as “Pick-a-Pay” loans – had the lowest losses in the industry for that product. Even in 2005 – the last year prior to its acquisition by Wachovia – when its portfolio was almost entirely in option ARMs, Golden West’s losses were low by industry standards. Sandler attributed Golden West’s performance to its diligence in running simulations about what would happen to its loans under various scenarios – for example, if interest rates went up or down or if house prices dropped 5%, even 10%. “For a quarter of a century, it worked exactly as the simulations showed that it would,” Sandler said. “And we have never been able to identify a single loan that was delinquent because of the structure of the loan, much less a loss or foreclosure.” But after Wachovia acquired Golden West in 2006 and the housing market soured, charge-offs on the Pick-a-Pay portfolio would suddenly jump from 0.04% to 2.69% by September 2008. And foreclosures would climb.

Early in the decade, banks and thrifts such as Countrywide and Washington Mutual increased their origination of option ARM loans, changing the product in ways that made payment shocks more likely. At Golden West, after 10 years, or if the principal balance grew to 125% of its original size, the Pick-a-Pay mortgage would recast into a new fixed-rate mortgage. At Countrywide and Washington Mutual, the new loans would recast in as little as five years, or when the balance hit just 110% of the original size. They also offered lower teaser rates – as low as 1% – and loan-to-value ratios as high as 100%. All of these features raised the chances that the borrower’s required payment could rise more sharply, more quickly, and with less cushion.

GoldenWest was simply in not way equivalent to Countrywide or Ameriquest.

Hillary4Jail ago

Do you think it's a coincidence that a public investigation that started with an assumed pedophile cookbook have unraveled and connected so many perverts and companies?

AreWeSure ago

A. pervert doesn't mean pedophile, let alone a ritualistic, sex-trafficking, cannibal pedophiles

B. It's pretty damn easy to make a load of connections and assumptions about people when you get to make up what their words mean and you go about it ignoring irony, sarcasm, metaphors, black humor and all the rest of the thing humans use to get by.

C. Motivated reasoning is a helluva drug.

D. People seem to think connections alone are evidence of conspiracy. In fact, our brains pattern matching is why conspiratorial thinking is so seductive. It's pleasurable. Our brain release dopamine when we make patterns and connections.

So given all that, no it's not a coincidence. It's a likely outcome.

2impendingdoom ago

my brain doesn't release dopamine when I see child abuse, organ trafficking, illegal wars and government corruption, if this shit gets you off, you should be locked up.

AreWeSure ago

Didn't say that it did. I said patterns. And I see here. I just finished a round of Candy Crush, a super popular game built on the behavior. A behavior we all share. We all have these cognitive flaws.

Unless some has directly insulted me, I try not make things personal.

nomorepepperoni ago

Can you do us a favor and show us what you DO think is valid re: pizzagate? I'm under the impression that you're more of a skeptic than a shill. In other words, I suspect you're trying to help by asking for harder evidence and raising alternative explanations to things presented. I am purely speculating, of course, but I also get the sense that you suspect this is more than simply "fake news".

That's why I'd like to see what you think so far is backed with tangible evidence. You could potentially present better arguments than most of us and bring this investigation farther along.

Hillary4Jail ago

Judging from your post history you are a payed shill. Do you like the taste of Soros butthole?

ThePuppetShow ago

Definitely a shill. Same words as this shill...

There's more I only linked part of the conversation, it was quite repetitive.

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, no motivated reasoning on your part.

blah, blah, blah, .............back up your claims with evidence.

payed. good lord.

AreWeSure ago

Bill Clinton when Laura Ling and Euna Lee was returned to the US with a piece of pizza.

good lord.

Hillary4Jail ago

Cited the joke...

2impendingdoom ago

Hi, can you clarify the email you claim says John and Mary K. Podesta met with Sandlers?

Hillary4Jail ago

"Hi Mr. Sandler, I enjoyed seeing you and Mrs. Sandler this week. Please let me know if you need additional information."

From Elizabeth to Sandler.

Ehm. I assumed that it was his wife using his private e-mail. It might actually be someone else. Edited OP.

2impendingdoom ago

...Have a safe trip.

Best, Elizabeth

Center for American Progress Executive Assistant to the President 1333 H Street, NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202.682.1611 Fax: 202.682.1867 [email protected]

Elizabeth Cooley

John is married to Mary K Podesta an SEC lawyer.

Hillary4Jail ago

Why do Elizabeth have access to Johns private-email account?

2impendingdoom ago

I think she is secretary or office admin. In many other emails there is a different woman assistant that forwards emails and phone messages. I can understand why that is confusing but his wife is mary k, mother is also a mary. The cousins are Paule-Carres...

AreWeSure ago

As the email says she's Executive Assistant to the President of Center for American Progress aka John Podesta.

John Podesta and his wife don't call him Mr. Sandler. They call him Herb as you can see in various emails.

sunshinedisinfectant ago

I believe both John and Tony Podesta were out of the country visiting with a convicted pedophile. I believe it was a man with the last name Freud (sp)

carmencita ago

That is Clement Freud you are writing about. He is the grandson of Sigmund Feud who was a pedophile. He lives a short distance from where Maddy was taken in Praia del Luz.

AreWeSure ago

Sigmund Feud? That is a fantastic Feudian slip.

Also Sigmund Freud was a pedophile?

Votescam ago

Sigmund Freud created the lie of the Oedipus Complex which betrayed his patients -- young males and females who had confided in him their sexual abuse by male members of their families: fathers, grandfathers, uncles, male cousins -- and male friends of the family.

The Oedipus Complex is based in the ridiculous and outrageous notion that it is infants and toddlers who are sexually assaulting male members of their families.

Oedipus Complex is a cover up for males -- heterosexual males -- who are the sexual abusers of children. Heterosexual Males are 100% more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.

A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse.

At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents.

Footnote 65 -- p.123

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."

Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994)

Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men.

Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.

Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181.

Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

Also see: MKULTRA/Project Monarch LINK:

AreWeSure ago

The Oedipus Complex is based in the ridiculous and outrageous notion that it is infants and toddlers who are sexually assaulting male members of their families.

This not true. Oedipus Complex is about desire, not assaults.

Votescam ago

Sex with a child is assault

AreWeSure ago

The Oedipus Complex does not imply any sex occurs. The Oedipus Complex is present even if no sex or nothing untoward every happens. It's about a conflicted desire.

Votescam ago

Of course, Sigmund Freud was seeing patients who were reporting sexual abuse by males in their families -- but it was fake sex?

AreWeSure ago

My understanding is Freud didn't believe that much child abuse went on and thus his clients must be talking about fantasies that they had and didn't want to confess to.

He didn't believe the evidence, so he thought it was evidence of something else.

Votescam ago

Freud was a fake. So is the Oedipus Complex. Our sexual abusers of children are male -- and they are heterosexual males.

AreWeSure ago

That was not completely how the Oedipus complex was developed.

The other thing, if he got it wrong and he did get things wrong, that is different from "creating a lie."

Votescam ago

Again, Sigmund Freud betrayed his patients -- young males and females who had been sexually abused by males in their families Iow's, Freud LIED about who the aggressor is in the Oedipus Complex. Much of his other work is also questionable.

And likely that Sigmund was a pedophile -- I'm sure you know that Clement Freud, grandson of Sigmund Freud involved himself in the McCann kidnapping/investigation --** i.e., Pizzagate** by inviting the parents to his home for lunch. At that time, his pedophile activities were still unknown. It wasn't until after his death that witnesses came forward.

He not only lied -- he reversed the guilty and the innocent.

Infants and toddlers are the innocents -- not adult males, adult uncles, adult fathers, grandfathers.

Meanwhile, could you tell me please why you are here at the pizzagate investigation of pedophiles if you are so opposed to acknowledging who they are?

They are male -- which even right wing women's groups agree with. And they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male. Will for ward you more info if you want it -- Two published studies of convicted child molesters.

Meanwhile ....

Check out Sigmund Freud's Tavistock -- forerunner to MKULTRA

carmencita ago

There have been things written about him being a pedophile but there is of course no proof. Since Clement is one, the apple does not fall far from the tree. There have been writings on here as well about him when discussing the Maddy McCann case too.

AreWeSure ago

heard about Clement not Sigmund. And apples have been known to roll from trees.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seems that if you click on this link and search for AFVVA, there is a post wordered almost exactly the same as the last paragraph as yours! Was this your post from this link?

derram ago :

John and Tony Podesta bear an uncanny resemblance to the men wanted in the abduction of Madeleine McCann in 2007 : conspiracy

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