carmencita ago

Huma Abedin is a big player in this imo. Not only is her father from there, but she was raised in SA. Also, she has a connection to the Muslim Brotherhood. I am not saying she is running it (please no accusations), I am just wondering if they are not involved with this despicable business of trafficking and sex trade (money laundering), who knows. There was an article about her past and her years in SA.

Sheilaaliens ago

Saudi Diplomat’s Home in DC, 2 Miles from CIA, Raided for Possible Human Trafficking « CBS DC

dph1978 ago

Good find.

derram ago :

Hillary Clinton, The Podesta Group And The Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage A Trois | Huffington Post :

WeAreGonnaMAGA comments on Yesterday I broke a story about the Clintons' involvement with human trafficking in Haiti, I have another possible case of the Clintons having strange involvement with human sex trafficking for you today

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