virtuous_pedophobe ago

Yeah, right.

Is George Soros left or right? What about Mark Zuckerberg? What about Bill Gates?

UP is LEFT - whether you like it or not.

privatepizza ago

A breather is good. Take care and rest up. Who knows what's coming up in these next weeks / months, we'll need an army ready n fresh !

Orange_Circle ago

Could someone just give me a one paragraph summary?

bopper ago

Tavistock infiltrated the Beatles..

New_years_day ago

Thank you! I'm reading up on Tavistock, I've seen the name thrown around but never researched it. The redpills are hard to swallow, but I would never not take any. I would rather die pissed off at the world for what it is, then to live another day asleep, like a fucking zombie.

This was a big one for me: (Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete) )

gr8H8er ago

Only learned of Tavistock last year. . Evil shit, just pure evil.

jangles ago

This is good Upvote

Jem777 ago

I hope researchers can began to understand that Tavistock is a massive secret laboratory where they experiment on humans. The most horrific things people rant about in animal experiments have been done here. Trauma based mind control mastered by the intential use of trauma on very young children in horrible ways. Think sodomy by affecting the nerve endings at the base of the spine. I will leave it there. We will be sickened when the truth comes out. It is a lab. There is no moral or ethical standards that govern it.!in fact the most powerful,'elite,military and evil people in the world are in charge. Think George Soros, CIA, MI6, elite bloodlines. We the people are then subjected to their experiments. Dig deep. It is sickening

Lovethelight ago

So true. We need all the bridges we can build. That said, denial is a tough river to cross. Good people all over the political spectrum. Just so hard sometimes to communicate and pedophilia is a topic that is so very difficult to face, denial runs deep here. I am thankful to everyone working on the problem and to so many who have worked in the past to help.

listenandsee ago

I recently had success raising the Dr. Phil episode's details in a group. Rather than saying "pizzagate" or talking about "elite pedophilia", I just casually asked if the group had seen the latest Dr. Phil ep about a virtuous pedophile. Everyone balked and wanted to know what I was talking about, and it was a great opener to theorizing about the state of humanity right now and how convoluted things have become. Granted, it wasn't a liberal audience, but I've been shut down by conservative audiences regarding pizzagate so...I think it was the direction it came from and the content more than the topic itself that mattered. It's worth it!

Don-Keyhote ago

Youre delusional: no thinking person was outraged after the facts came out in almost all those media manufactured cases. Black teen pulls gun on black cop in black area of black city you gotta be pretty stupid to swallow a racism angle

Don-Keyhote ago

I don't think youre qualified to speak about reality. Black men commit more crime and so they end up in prison (or shot) and this is true in any place or category of crime on earth and is due to less impulse control, of which Asians have the most.

What's really depressing is that more people believe BLMs more preposterous conspiracy theory than PG

thisisnotagame ago

Reading up on Tavistock and caught this! Another prominent Tavistock operation is the Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania. A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategy---the use of drugs. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, in which unsuspecting CIA officials were given LSD, and their reaction studied like "guinea pigs", resulted in several deaths.

Trump went to Wharton School of Finance and I believe so did Ivanka. Trump is very anti-drug, I wonder if there is a connection?

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance & Commerce Founded by Eric Trist One of the "brain trusts" of Tavistock, Wharton has become one of the more important Tavistock in so far as "Behavioral Research" is concerned. Wharton attracts clients such as the U.S. Department of Labor---which teaches how to produce "cooked" statistics at the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates Incorporated. This method was very much in demand as we came to the close of 1991 with millions more out of work than was reflected in USDL statistics. Wharton's ECONOMETRIC MODELING is used by every major Committee of 300 company in the United States, Western Europe, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the World Bank. Institute for Social Research Among its clients are The Ford Foundation, U.S.Department of Defense, U.S.Postal Service and the U.S. Department of Justice. Among its studies are "The Human Meaning Of Social Change", "Youth in Transition" and "How Americans View Their Mental Health".

followthemoney ago

My take is that the US Air Force and Tavistock were working hand in hand on a variety of troubling projects in the 40s.

The American arm of Tavistock is the Brookings Institute, which is focused on media. There is a similar arm in Australia, but it seems tough to find who and what carried on the work like 'Principles of Mass Persuasion' and other similar endeavors that were published. At the same time went down, a lot of Tavistock's stuff also seemed to disappear from the Internet.

However, two things remain of interest to me...

Social dreaming; where Tavistock puts 32 people in a room in concentric circles and they exclaim whatever comes to mind. It is very similar to the stories about Joseph Smith showing people the golden plates. Imagine if these social dreaming sessions, you gathered world leaders, we're doing weird rituals, and then recorded 'the social dream' they shared.

While Tavistock does not detail the exact process, they have provided transcripts from some social dreams. Again, a little hard to find since the purge, but one example was 'a bomb on a train', 'the tube in london', 'it looks like a Christmas present'.

Is that how they engineer false flags? I don't know.

The other area of interest was titled something like 'Tavistock, we have a problem', where it goes on to detail how they analyze and restructure police departments. In one instance, they worked with the Belgians who are famous for covering up the Dutroux case.

So, this private institution, that once researched how to manipulate people into buying war bonds, graduated to social dreaming and organizing government agencies and practically no one knows about them.

Has anyone tied them to Rand or DynCorp?

At this point, the modus operandi seems to be thus:

  1. Create instability in a region using intelligence apparatus. One example is Syria, where Israeli, Saudi and US operators were all working together in Eastern Aleppo. Another is Romania, where communism fell and left it's fair share of poverty.

  2. Unleash the NGOS. Save the Children. Orphanages. Small business helpers. Et cetera.

  3. Now, lobby the fallen and recovering government to fund your NGOS.

  4. Now, you've stolen the government money, so it is still broke and in debt to the IMF to run NGOS that don't work. So, the NGOS run out of funding and leave. But, you've already established your trafficking network. Your orphanages and your small businesses (think peanuts in Haiti) are all at the whim of smugglers and whatever organized crime comes in after the departure of NGOS. In the case of Romania and Moldova, the Albanian mob took over.

  5. The machine owns everyone, there, now. The trafficking and laundering network is already set up. Everyone leaves and the mob takes over, leaving a layer of separation between criminals and those who set the whole thing up. The money is still getting funneled to the right places.

This is what modern organized crime looks like and, while it has the hallmarks of what we have seen throughout history, there is an element to this crime network that only can exist as a result of modern tools and systems.

The reason people don't 'get it' is because they've been persuaded to think that the CIA and friends deserve legitimacy. If everyone told them to fuck off, like with the Finders case, the case in Hudspeth County, the crashed dregistered planes with cocaine, et cetera, then we wouldn't have these problems.

Since people think they are important institutions and not criminal enterprises, they allow them to do really dark stuff and don't bat an eye.

The solution? Tell these agencies to fuck right the fuck off and force transparency in government. There is no other approach. Left v right. Rich v poor. There is only one cause everyone should be fighting for and that is transparency.

The rest will solve itself once we can see how and why these patterns of corruption exist. That is the only reason secrecy in government exists.

Ask yourself why we still don't know who assassinated Kennedy, even though proof was leaked in the diplomatic cables and not a single news source covers it.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Great post, how can i find out about Kennedy in the WL, dya know the email id or some keywords?

bopper ago

Everyone needs to watch this (JFK):

terrordactyl ago

+1 on the kennedy link

VIrginiaPerson ago

Has anyone else gone to an adoption information session? I did years ago, long before I read about any of this stuff, and it turned my stomach. They were talking about the kids like they were commodities. White, non-disabled kids cost the most (in "fees") and have the longest waiting lists. If you are "willing" to take a kid with a "correctable deformity" or "non visible disability" like autism or deafness you have reduced fees. Visibly, permanently disabled kids and black kids have the lowest fees and a waiting list of a month or two. Yes, a black kid is at the bottom of the list with the kids who need serious help. Black adoptive parents are given preference to black kids but they will give a black kid to anyone, really, "even gay parents". Latino and mixed race kids are considered "white."

I was so upset and shocked after attending I have never publicly spoken about it before. I felt like I had attended a slave auction.

we_kill_creativity ago

I haven't been to one, but your description sadly makes sense to me. I am curious, did you "get to know" any of the other prospective parents there? Notice anything about them?

VIrginiaPerson ago

All I remember is that the other people looked normal and nervous. Some of the men looked uncomfortable, like they didn't want to be there. I was a little surprised that no one asked us about our morals, faith, stance on drugs and alcohol or anything like that. There was no screening at all. Most people assume that we're not conservative types (we are) based on how we look. I got the distinct impression that all they cared about was your ability to pay.

The way this service worked was that you were supposed to create a social-media looking electronic picture album of your existing family and the birth mom would pick you out while she was still pregnant. Then you decide if you will do a closed adoption (no contact after the adoption) or an open one, where you might exchange letters throughout the child's life. As I thought about this, it seemed to me very easy to construct a false life. I could have stood in front of a nice house and taken a picture- the mom would have assumed it was mine. Taken pictures around ethnic people and the mom would assume I had black friends if I didn't. And who is to say that the open adoption letters would actually be from the child? It seems really easy to use in disturbing ways now that I think about it more.

we_kill_creativity ago

Right, I'd honestly like to study the history of adoption. Like, how long have humans done this? Honestly, when did this start. It's probably one of the most important things we do as humans when you consider the impact it has on so many lives (oh yeah, and the potential for abuse) Personally, until recently, it's just been something that's always been around, and on top of that, it's always been talked about as one of the most noble things in existence today, so I haven't questioned it much. Never realized how much I don't know.

It might take awhile, but it might be worthwhile to our community here if you could create a substantive post after doing some research based on your experience. I think it's work looking into.

VIrginiaPerson ago

I'm not sure that the mods like my type of posts. Something I put up yesterday about cognitive dissonance got taken down even though several people had informative comments that added to it.

I mentioned one of my college friends in that post. She happens to be one of those overseas adoptions, where the rich people just go to an agency and say "I want a girl X age" or "a boy Y age" and if they pay enough one is just delivered to them. She knows another girl that was adopted the same way. Both of them are very wealthy. They're adults but they don't have to work except as something fun to do. In college my friend admitted to me that her adoptive dad had been hitting on her since puberty and saying that he wished he could have a baby with her. Very, very creepy. I begged her not to go back home when she graduated, but she had a little sister and said she had to protect her.

Now she is back home and will not acknowledge that she told me anything about her dad. She acts like he's her best friend. I feel like legally adopting (buying) a child to molest and keep forever in your wealthy lifestyle is a hidden type of sex slavery that people aren't aware of.

SturdyGal ago

I have noticed that the way they work is to take an organic (naturally arising from society) thought movement and make it their own. That way they are just co-opting it which is so much more efficient than creating it from scratch. Looking at the "Equal Work, Equal Pay" movement. That should have been accomplished within five years, logically. But look at what happened, instead of equal pay, families were destroyed. We STILL don't have equal pay. This is just one example where they grab an organic movement by the horns and steer it to their agenda.

Here's another one - Black Lives Matter. Organically, everyone is horrified that police are killing black people. BLM, subsidized by Soros, comes in and forms a movement about it. On their website, white people are told to bug off and go think about their white privilege (barf). Does Obama's department of Justice do anything at all about young black men being incarcerated for practically nothing or about police brutality. NO! Because it is all about the programming, about creating division and identity politics. BLM created an environment where whites were not welcome to support, sympathetic politicos were rejected and no concrete platform was ever put forth. Why? because it is all about the mind-f**k not about changing the world for the better.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

'Our enemies in blue' touches on this, the co-opting of legitimate movments, and its terrifying. It makes me think that if Trump isn't able to purge and put in safeguards there wont be another chance of having a government that represents the people rather than divides and manipulates.

DevilintheDetails ago

Exactly. And with BLM-" look, police are killing our brothers and sister's for nothing"- people retaliate on police- msm shows "horrific brutality against officers of the law" -"we must declare marshal law!!"..scary. we are already seeing it : fines for protesting, bills to protect people from running over protestors, ect

jstayz44 ago

That's where I'm at. I need to replenish first. This is wearing on my soul.

Insubordinate ago

IMHO, Tavistock is linked with many mainstream and alternative news websites, forums, and blogs. Here, their goal is to gather information on individuals, group thinking, consensus opinion, group leaders, etc. (ala Facebook).

andrevandelft ago

ICYMI: Princess Mabel of Orange Nassau, her relationship with Arpad Busson, and her ties to Soros' OSI

VieBleu ago

is there no chance of a tl:dr summary?

jstayz44 ago

Can you tell me what tl:dr stands for? I keep seeing it but can't figure it out. Thx!

VieBleu ago

sure - tl;dr is "too long; didn't read" people put that as a comment when they see a wall of text they don't want to wade through - a lot of times it is kinda insulting or a brush off. However it is now a convention and people put it at the bottom on their own long winded stuff as a quick summary for people who need to be able to skim through. In this case I put it because reading those entire links would really take a long time. Maybe another day!

jstayz44 ago

Oh, it. Thank you, that helps!!!

VieBleu ago

(psst- if you run into slang or acronyms you can usually google, urban dictionary it and find out)

surgeson ago

too long; didn't read

jstayz44 ago

Thank you!!

TheWhiteKnight ago

The human world as it is right now is a sick place. A lot of people don't recognize good from wrong anymore. A lot of people even think and act like good or evil is just case of personal preference. It isn't! Denying the fact that there are rules for being a good human being people agree to being a satanist / luciferian, dark occultist etc. without knowing they are. Natural law is here to govern us all. If you don't comply to natural law the universal force will deal with you in this life or the next. The rich and powerful use our ignorance to treat us like cattle for their hunger for power and wealth and especially for their sick and twisted games and personal pleasure. But the light will prevail. We will get stronger, we will get louder, we will grow bigger, we will get more ferocious, we eventually will be heard by the masses and the masses will rise against this tyranny. We will get rid of this infectious sickness that is rampant in our midst! #rant mode off

privatepizza ago

Amen to natural law. Its only a matter of time. Tick Tock.

SpikyAube ago

Never turn your rant mode off!

wesofx ago

Here's another red pill: White people are superior and men are superior.

swordfish69 ago

Organizations to look into: The Wellcome Foundation, Broad Institute, Open Society/Soros Foundation and Purdue Pharma

cantsleepawink ago

And the Lucis Trust.

Eastwood350 ago

ARK schools in the UK OMG!

waxdino ago

The result of all this mind control (as far as our interests in this sub): If and when pizzagate breaks, people will say, "If Hillary wants to make money trafficking children, let her! She's not doing anything new. Why are you picking on her? Because she's a woman? Because some of the children are Haitian? You sexist, racist piece of shit!" Etc.
Yeah... I was already feeling pretty pessimistic.

PizzaAccount ago

I've literally been waiting for this exact thing to happen. If and when, I really want to see how the Clinton clan and her supporters try to spin the story in the face of clear-cut evidence.

Chimerarose ago

I unfortunately have people who are saying this type of thing. they are so programmed now, I dont think there is any going back. Sheep to the slaughter.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

First I wanted to respond that you are exaggerating, but after careful thought the lefties have already gone the same route when it comes to political corruption.

Basically: It's no big deal because everybody does it anyway.

But to be fair, most people are not that crazy... at least I want to believe that they aren't.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Make sure to screenshot or get people saying that on tape. Save all the evidence you can of this brand of crazy - in a shorter time than you expect it'll be really useful to show back to them.

ArthurEdens ago

Already had a friend react that way. Dissapointing

julian_assanger ago

Are they a drug dealer or something? Holy cow.

ArthurEdens ago

Brainwashed by the msm clinton swill. Went round and round as he hit back at every point, then when there was no way to refute, ends up at "Cia has always done this sort of thing, why are you only getting upset now that a woman is doing it?" There was nothing left to say after that. I just changed the subject to sports. It's a tough sell

BoraxTheFungarian ago

This is when you use your leverage as a friend and tell them they are being a human shitstain and you don't want to be friends with a shitstain.

ArthurEdens ago

You can lose a lot of friends doing that, most people don't want to redpill, can't force them

Azagthoth ago

I have reached a point where Liberals dont deserve my friendship or open thought. Fuck em all.

ArthurEdens ago

That's what the globalists and satanists want

julian_assanger ago


waxdino ago


isthisreality ago

If only I could upvote your comment 100 more times.


Go another 15 steps down the Great Rabbit Hole of this world :)


Mommyplayer571 ago

Once upon a time, I believed a fairy tale that all of this ended years ago. I'm not capable of supporting such evil. But I may not always recognize what it is.