Aloha808 ago

Seen it researching too, panda does seem to be either pedo or homo

wecanhelp ago

I see a good chance of it being real. Either that, or too many coincidences. If this investigation has taught me something so far then it's that while we tend to look at the world through the lens of normalcy, to these people normal is something very different, they have a culture that is different from ours, and they need to hide to survive so they have learned to hide very well.

wokethefkup ago

Panda is slang for "pander". For example someone like JA wearing his mask means he panders. Not just that but if anyone recalls the picture of the alleyway with a panda on the back door it was actually a marking to show that children and such are being pandered. Look it up.

ArthurEdens ago

I've heard some say that at least 5 to 10 percent of the population are in on it. This is a major uphill battle to fight it out

Nana66 ago

I remember a while ago seeing a comment on here or someplace on the pizzagate subject saying something along the lines of, you don't really want to know the truth you won't be able to handle it and I'm really afraid it has my suspicion in full Tin foil meltdown..

ArthurEdens ago

I'm confused on the last bit, "I'm really afraid it has my suspicion in full Tin foil meltdown", what does that mean, is that from the commenter or you?

Nana66 ago

Me thinking about the comment and what he or she meant since they never responded again.

ArthurEdens ago

Oh, that's crazy, an insider talked to you, very creepy

WatcherWatcher ago

Be sure to weed out legitimate uses, like this one where P.A.N.D.A.S is an acronym for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. Looks like a bunch of those FB pages might be communities of parents with kids these disorders. []

Nana66 ago

Some, but maybe they are calling being abused that odd acronym too. Did you see my edit at the end?

itrunshot ago

Kids coming out next to Comet in panda sweaters.

Nana66 ago

I'm pretty sure they are cats but it's still scary and suspect to see them anywhere near that place.

DCmommaBear ago

Don't forget the weird "Panda" song....what do THEY mean by "Panda"? I know rappers aren't talking about how cute panda bears are!

Desiigner ~ Panda video

Lyrics to Panda song....

Lyrics to Panda

Thrulkggls ago

Podesta email 26263 is the email from law school about beanie babies...does not seem coincidental to me...(regarding last two links in op post)

Nana66 ago

I have linked a lot of people and circumstantial evidence to Georgetown and surrounding area.

wecanhelp ago

Georgetown University and the surroundings do indeed come up often, including FBIAnon's original AMAs if I'm not mistaken.

Also, I don't want to be overly speculative, but the symptoms listed here are pretty much the same symptoms as one would expect occurring in, you know, a rape victim.

Careful with confirmation bias, though. Not everything panda-related will also be pedo-related. Pandas enjoy popularity with the general public, just like pizza. Which makes them good code words in the first place.

Nana66 ago

Exactly! It's also like the reason there are so many children living out on the streets...they aren't just rebellious children.

Nana66 ago

When I saw that pic and then the one with Georgetown U where John Podesta is still active among so many other things, I flipped my lid. They not only diagnose these kids in a sick way they also probably have functions and places they get taken based on their so called affliction where they are drugged and abused. I picture people who can travel with a child as a fake family to deliver these kids to pedophiles like a traveling salesperson.

Nana66 ago

Also I recall seeing PAN used somehow with Pedophilia. I just can't remember where I read it.

wecanhelp ago

Here, for example. Pan is the name of the main character in this kids' app that is full of blatant pedophile symbolism. The character is also a panda.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

We now have to look at everything and everyone differently and suspiciously! Never again will pizza and or pandas ect.. Be innocent! Evil Rat Bastards!

Nana66 ago

In this instance I believe it's to conceal their eyes and maybe their identities.

Nana66 ago

Also emoji's

crazimal ago

Nice but ...

Build your archive of social media pages first and then link to your archives. No point in linking to fb etc from here, probably makes more trouble, triggers purges, have to log in to see things etc

Nana66 ago

There are so many I figured I would just give some examples.

rooting4redpillers ago

Here's the website for the panda cartoon strips

that are shared on your link

Interesting, in that is not really funny or clever. I didn't spend much time now, but did see a mention of gender identity, and mindless giggling by various animal characters that wear costumes. A lot of time spent on drawing and developing this whole weird site, books, cartoons, fantasies... centered around pandas.

Nana66 ago

I could find suspicious stuff all day long and this was just facebook. IDK how you could do anything about all this because it's basically anonymous and can be deleted and started over any time.

This is can be found a lot in countries like India and Egypt where it is probably actually legal. I also did a post a while ago about Facebook pages with pictures of babies and children and men commenting about their beauty and wanting to marry them that I found and they led me down even more rabbit holes.

surgeson ago

Panda is a common Indian surname.

Nana66 ago

Thanks for sharing.

reasonedandinformed ago The wording is so suspicious, given all that we have learned:

The Midnight Kitchen, which is also the home of Turner & Bea's Rosemary Crackers, has been catering to Whidbey Island since 2007. They have now opened a Fast-Casual restaurant serving up locally sourced products in the form of wholesome ethnic noodle dishes.

Possible translation: We will cater your desires and now offer short-term (fast-casual) arrangements. We are now serving locally-sourced boys from foreign countries (ethnic)?

Nana66 ago

I know 0_0

I am feeling like I OD'ed on redpills at every click of the mouse.

FriesischShipping ago

I asked birdzeyeview (most likely James Alefantis) if he was using xanax (as seen in one of his Instagram photos), and he said no. So it could be that the drugs aren't for him but his victims.

Nana66 ago

I have mentioned before that I believe drugs that end up on the street are from government agencies or companies experimenting for these purposes and differing variations of conscientiousness and memory retention also.

surgeson ago

I'm skeptical of this at best. Most profiles seem really mundane and I don't get the sense that it's a scene at all. Also people just like pandas because they look adorable. Myself included.

Nana66 ago

They aren't blatantly showing it and these kids don't know why they are asked to put that in their name or make these videos in most cases because they were drugged. For example the babysitter lets me hangout online and talk to strangers with a panda mask and then drugs me and does things or lets someone else and then I think I wake up from a nap having no idea what happened. Most likely I'm not telling my parents I was allowed on the internet either.

surgeson ago


Nana66 ago

The whole thing about pandas is there eyes and how these children are drugged and abused. Many of them don't even know and some are actually performing online for pedo's for money.

derram ago :

Page Not Found | Facebook :

Panda Profiles | Facebook :

Miranda Dixon | Facebook :

Page Not Found | Facebook :

Kevin Panda Mccumber | Facebook :

Panda Patrick | Facebook :

Pan Da | Facebook :

Kyle Berenger | Facebook :

Hunter Hatton | Facebook :

Pam Spaulding | Facebook :

Brianna Caitlin Gordon | Facebook :

Jayson Tayylor Barger | Facebook :

Panda Bentley | Facebook :

Patrick William Panda | Facebook :

Page Not Found | Facebook :

Page Not Found | Facebook :

Page Not Found | Facebook :

Sagar Kumar Panda | Facebook :

Joseph Thomas Procella | Facebook

This has been an automated message.

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

Please archive... screenshots are good

goodguy1367 ago

So the Panda symbolizes the "panda eyes" these poor kids have when their drugged and looking disoriented like #carisjames? That sadly sounds like most reasonable and in your face meaning yet!! Fuck. These. People..

Nana66 ago

Yup, and I think they not only use video's and pics of children as ad's, just like CPP and playgrounds for example, but also to provide code words and passwords for customers.