asdfghjkl123456789 ago

There's a few more symbols.

Shriner symbol on the helmets (upside down).

Masonic arch and 6-sides star scrawled on the jail cell.

There's something on the boomerang, but I can't figure it out. Maybe the eye of Horus.

Anonymous987654321 ago

wow what the fuck? im going to spread this shit.

justwanttohelp ago

Why isn't this thread upvoated more... the picture are ridiculous

WewLaddy ago

oh fuk

archons ago

So its like our entire society is a giant shove in our face that the elites who own us love to fuck and kill our children. We really need to meme this harder. These crazy cultists uses these memes to control us. We can use them too.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Makes sense why Reddit has gone full fascist trying to squash anything PizzaGate.

srayzie ago

If you look in the App Store and click on "Additional Screenshots), it looks like chat. What is this?

JeremiahSinclair ago

I kinda hate to be this guy, but anyone notice the ears and head of the little purple guy looking like 3 sixes -- "666"?

CWenstra ago

And it is PAN.

Hopevoats ago

I keep saying that I think the Target symbol is also a pedo symbol. It's a version of the "within big" theme. Also, Target owns Life Touch, which is a cult business associated with New Life Ministries.

Flaaffy ago

I have always thought the target is a symbol as well. A circle within a circle is also a symbol for a girl last I checked when researching occult symbols.

Hopevoats ago

Interesting. I wasn't aware of that.

phlux ago

can you post where else you have seen them?

Intheknow ago

Scooby do

ansipizza ago

I saw a house with the triangle spiral done up in xmas lights.

Holy crud.. not only was it downvoated . hey no big deal it wasn't that amazing.. but now the slimg link doesn't work. Do they normally expire after a couple of weeks or should I be paranoid now?

[For anyone interested, just reply to this and I'll reupload wherever you recommend and reply with the link.]

FearlessFreep ago

Triangular spiral. Kind of a cool concept for a symbol, sad that it has become associated with pedophiles. Like the eye in the triangle unfortunately associated with the satanic illuminati, by itself it represents nothing sinister - the minimal definition of 2d space is a triangle, geometrically everything is made up of triangles. An eye in the centre thus becomes an 'all seeing eye ', which has several spiritual interpretations, most of them positive.

Before pizzagate, the connection between pedophiles and the triangular spiral was virtually unknown to the general public, so I would be inclined to extend the game's designers the benefit of the doubt. Simply having this symbol in the game does not necessarily mean that it was placed there with malicious intent, someone needs to play the game and find something disturbing about the story and post it on YouTube. If it really was made by evil people, they wouldn't just stop at putting a few symbols in, the idea would be to influence kids towards the darkness. Just look at the plethora of Spider-Man and Frozen Elsa videos, a compilation of all the sick crap in them would run for hours.

joe_hill ago

only one symbol could be a coincidence.

But : triangle symbol everywhere + 3 spirals symbol on panda head + name of hero is Pan

No coincidence here

Obviously before pizzagate, no one would have noticed that stuff But when you start to know the imagery and symbol of these sickos, it's obvious

FearlessFreep ago

You are probably right but there should be more to go on than just a few symbols, which by themselves are harmless.

Intheknow ago

Ive seen some of these symbols in some of the newer scooby do cartoons.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jesus they r everywhere! So disturbing!

1223344556677888 ago

More good people than them.

pizzaequalspedo ago

No wonder they are defending the pedophiles so hard at Reddit

vector3rector ago

Reddit, /u/Spez is a huge boy lover. He's gotta defend his buddies somehow.

ki-yoshi ago

When you look at new media and make a list where the 'command posts' of the internet are, Reddit will be top 3 within social media of political consequence. Especially now that we have seen the behaviour of reddit, twitter and facebook, it would make sense to assume that the government has started programs to gain control/influence over these analytical and distributive centers of social interaction.

falseflagthesenuts ago

Um yeah. Up voat

carmencita ago

Pandas Galore. Nothing like overkill. This is so very obvious if you know even a little about the symbols. Hello People. This is going to be in your homes in the privacy of your children's bedrooms. You will be sharing this with your kids. If you are reading this and have some doubt about Pizzagate, Go to the FBI Website and check out the symbols. Please.

Pizzatemp420 ago

Can we please refer to them as pedo or pedophile or boy love symbols? Those arent PIZZAGATE symbols and we risk drawing a connection between them and us mentally.

RedditISCompromised ago

The "Pizzagate" phrase has been the primary way to dismiss our movement. Who doesn't love pizza? (With the exception of us researchers) It's PEDOGATE, or at least it should be.

Tanngrisnir ago

Calling it pedogate could just let the taboo nature of the word scare people away. Calling it by the code word is what let it slip past the radar into public consciousness.

Mommyplayer571 ago

That is disgusting to ponder. The other side of the link. One for adults and one for the kids, to bind them together. Once I saw a pic of a kid with fresh black eyes from being beaten I knew what panda meant. Identical to the jimmy comet Instagram panda mask pic.

carmencita ago

That is also why they love posting pictures of them with bags under their eyes. Sick. Sick. Sick.