reasonedandinformed ago

Good analogy. There is a massive pattern in the communication, imagery, symbolism, and behavior of these people that are all connected. The pattern is bizarre to a normal person, which partly makes it hard for us to make the leap to believe how sinister these people look to be. It falls under "cognitive dissonance."

EyesWideScared ago

They were in complete attack\ censor mode a few weeks before then.

LostandFound ago

That is literally the best analogy ever. I think I can now explain some of pizzagate to people like my mother thank you for writing this.

unfuckitup ago

This is a great way to get normals to understand. I much prefer this analogy than to try and look through the lens of a pedophile at the images, music etc. coming out of this pedo subculture.

wecanhelp ago

Such a witty, excellent post. This should be in the side bar, maybe in the FOR NEWCOMERS section.

diamonddust ago

Just one last thing, because it keeps surfacing in my mind when I'm thinking about PG. There was a children's book I read as a kid called something like "How to be cool". It focused on a conspiracy of sorts where the children found some sinister style operation and found out how the fashion world really worked and how trends came into being.

And every time I think about Pizza and Ping Pong and all these hipsters I think - I wonder if that's how some of these trends start - that for instance, some tumblrina wearing a "Crust No-one" illuminati pizza t-shirt and a pizza tattoo has no idea why pizza is cool, or why their t-shirt links the illuminati. Probably the people making the t-shirt have no idea, they just heard it was cool.

Now, how do these things get cool? Well, lets just say everything Pizzagate thinks is true - then you have a situation where these bars are being setup all about Pizza and Ping Pong, and marketed towards a rich, connected clientele. What's more, some of them seem to have special privileges, maybe access to "private parties" the outsiders are not invited to, and some of them to speak in codes, and "are in the know". Now hipsters, being early adopters of trends, they slurp all that stuff up. They may not know why ping pong is special, or cool, or secret, but they want in, or they want to be associated with it.

diamonddust ago

I liken it to a lot of smoke, coming from many different vents, but the source of the fire not found. However, I like to keep my skeptical hat on, so here is my skeptic version of pizzagate that I used when trying to keep a level head about it all..

What we're looking at is basically the intersection of a number of elements...

  • The centre of US imperial / globalist power
  • The art world and it's deep connections to said power
  • The fairly recent trend of artists moving into food (google around for that)
  • Obnoxious sociopath hipsters (I already loathed hipsters, but DC hipsters are the absolute worst!)
  • More than likely a fair bit of corruption

What we also know is that paedophilia isn't just limited to the plebs, and that high up people have been found time and time again to be involved in this stuff, likely because they have to power and money and dare I say property, to pull it off that the regular pedo on the street doesn''t have.

So into the above list, it is almost certain there is some paedophilia though the true scale in unknown (I expect it is plenty larger than thought by the general public)

Part of the problem for me about pizzagate is we don't always know which bit we're looking at - was that connection just an art/power connection or something more sinister - was that satanist pizza meme just a hipster thing, or is there something deeper to it?

unfuckitup ago

well written. Please write more next time.

EyesWideScared ago Dictionary of Gay Slang. says a chicken is a young recruit. Considering these are gay men sharing the photo, it makes most sense they are referring to the baby as a "young recruit."

I agree what you say about the girl and kids doing weird things. Any one of those things would probably mean nothing... but not everything all together!

What was meant by the hashtag for the baby "#inthebutt"? What about his 13 year old lover of Hadrian avatar? What about all the pedo symbols around the block? Why did the MSM go in full censor and attack mode about some new "crazy" conspiracy about a local pizzeria?

VieBleu ago

This is a good thought experiment.

UglyTruth ago

Technically it's the explanation that makes the minimum number of assumptions which can account for the known facts. The public reaction to "conspiracy theory" is described quite well by the Stockholm Syndrome.

Forgetmenot ago

Everyone knows to be careful how they present themselves on social media. One would think that if alefantis was an upstanding business man and community leader he would realize that how he presents himself and his business on social media is how people will judge him. What kind of a man posts those kind of things? What kind of business man associates with heavy breathing and Sasha lord? Hmmm. Birds of a feather flock together and we can determine a lot from social media. He is a grown man who knows exactly what he was posting and who he was associating with. Employer will fire you for posting inappropriate material on social media. Criminals have even been caught because of what and who is on their social media. If employers and law enforcement can use social media to make judgement calls on the character of a person. Then it is fair to say we all know exactly what kind of a person he is and who his friends are.

unfuckitup ago

A psychos greatest fantasy is to be noticed but to get away with their crime. They want to laugh in our faces. What fun is evil if you have no audience.

veritas2016 ago

Good analysis, I think that the other thing that people need to realize is that most of these people are complete sociopath and have zero conscience. They feel no guilt, they want nothing more then to embark in behavior that is criminal sick dark and creepy against everything that is ordinary or normal.