hojuruku ago

the blog post on this threat was deleted due to a gay police raid on john sunols house. facebook.com/policeglbti partnered with twenty10.org.au child prostitute dorm exposed on kidsrights.org.au

hojuruku ago

more exellent info. get the story out on the first tranny in history to use a woman's bathroom in prison - then rape all the women. http://8ch.net/pol/res/9189950.html

hojuruku ago

Out comes the straw man argument again. Where did I say ALL gay pedophile are pedophiles? Tactics of the pro-gay-pedophile left when they loose an argument is to start making up lies about the opposition. You said I said it but where did I say it here? Quote me. I just said the average gay person is more likely to fuck a child by a factor of 20-30 compared to a heterosexual. Where the medical and scientific arguments are and the last person who tried to use that straw man on me is here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1586429

Title of that thread "all these faggot pedophiles deserve to die - boylover.org". Unless you lover boylover.org and argue that those who fuck little boys must be respected, you can't complain about me calling them faggot pedophiles.

hojuruku ago

"@Kwijibo has banned you from v/pizzagate for the following reason: *Harassment *"

@falldownman says: "The gay rights movement was founded way before this. You're (@hojuruku) clearly a shill"

https://www.google.com/search?q=founder+of+the+us+gay+rights+movement About 55,200,000 results (0.63 seconds) Search Results 1) First Result

"The American Gay Rights Movement: A Timeline - Infoplease www.infoplease.com › Society and Culture › Gender Issues The Mattachine Society, the first national gay rights organization, is formed by HARRY HAY (NAMBLA KINGPIN NEVER MISSED A MEETING), considered by many to be the founder of the gay rights movement. The first lesbian-rights organization in the United States, the Daughters of Bilitis, was established in San Francisco in 1955."

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1586238 See the proof that the founder of the US Gay Rights Movement HARRY HAY is a pedophile and images of him walking down the street with big letters on his shirt "NAMBLA walks with me" (because is favorite gay group wasn't invited on the march) and video from Breitbart TV before Andrew Breitbard was murdered after tweeting John Podesa is a pedophile and that he has dirt on Obama on the thread showing HARRY HAY SITTING DOWN IN HIS NAMBLA MEETINGS, where the SHILLs are pushing out lies calling me a shill where I can't reply due to pro-pedophile shill mods.

Nambla . org has a special page for their cultural icon harry hay. Google it yourself.

[angry words used against a leftist] @Kwijibo banned because I debunked her political correctness and showed the most prominent gay rights activist in Australia has been forensically proven to threaten to RAPE, SODOMIZE and MURDER female anti-pedophilia activists in 2x youtube videos MUST BE RESPECTED BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY - she banned me for harassment for disagreeing with a Cultural Marxist on these forums.

(Since Unbanned)

Half the users on riot.im HATE the moderators here and recruit researchers to the REAL PIZZAGATE RESEARCH TEAM. <snipped for security>

See if you don't agree with a moderator that those who threaten to rape-sodomize-and murder ANTI-PEDOPHILIA activists by name as exposed in the youtube videos I shared with forensic proof - you gotta be banned for "harrasment". (<- Does not speak for ALL moderator) The civil, academic argument went down here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1586429

Sorry to talk about gay rights activists Garry Burns threatening to rape, sodomize and murder female anti-pedophilia activists like the mod I was arguing with but that really did happen to the female head of Occupy Pedophilia St Petersberg, and I wanted the moderator to get perspective.

You Gotta love those people who say "I'm a gay" and I'm gonna kill every pizzagate anti-pedophilia activist / researcher / investigator I can find like @garryburnsblog

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1586429 (scribd link taken down by poster)

What was really frustrating after the ban is people started putting lies as replies that I couldn't reply to. And here shill launched the you have no proof attack on other posts too after the shadow ban. Don't trust the politically correct democrat operatives running these forums people.

If @falldownman want's to mix up the founding of the gay rights movement in AMERICA vs the Founding of the Gay rights movement globally (goes back to Prussia) I could dump the dirt on those who coined the term "homosexual" being linked to pederasty and boy rape too, but I think with them being long dead it doesn't relate to pizzagate, so we'll leave it for now. But if triggered, I could easily dump my archived research on this topic if anyone asked.

To @Crensh Subject: Thanks for the unban. CC @Kwijibo I'll go delete the scribd and the complaint on pizzagate memes in 15 mins.

In that example was calling boylover.org faggot pedophile, and it was protected free speech against scum of the earth. Also my father is being sued blah blab blah you saw before for criticizing mark newton and peter truong who are mainstream news verified (that means shit - but it's true anyway) BOYLOVER.NET members, so I hate boylovers even more than the average folks.

The reason cited for the ban as you know was harassment or a mod loosing the argument - and my last words was I agree it's finished sorry to upset you but I was right. My use of the English was correct boylovers are homosexual pedophiles that do exist. I chose not to use the endering word for homosexual. The NSW Police even put the word faggot on the front of a brochure to stop "hate speech" which I find ironic. It's since been redacted about 5 years ago. 1% of pedophiles pure ped 35% pedophiles homosexual peds the rest hetrosexual pedophiles according to bravehearts.org.au and other research papers.

I will cut and paste this however on to @kwijibo and try not to trigger them too hard. Remember the Pizzagate perps are democrat leftists and friends with managers gay advocacy groups run by pedophile Terry Bean as I exposed, the first to attempt a civil settlement in a criminal boy rape case.

Gay activists don't like us investigating /pizzagate/ remember that.


Ugh this is sick. Unschool your kids folks.

pmichel ago

my 12 year old granddaughter recently took sex ed at school. I was flabbergasted when she told me they had a book but were not allowed to take it home. My daughter was not concerned. I would have stormed the school demanding to see what they are teaching.


Public schools are just another way the NWO gets their propaganda out and mocks anyone who disagrees with them. Did homeschooling for a long time and that wasn't immune to it either. Unschooling is where it's at.

hojuruku ago

Kevin Jennings - known pedophile defended by James Brock Media Matters, that bumsexes Mr I love Infants in French who owns Comet Pizza. Speaking of all things French, here is the frogs against gay marriage coverage of Kevin Jennings with my comments from a few years ago: https://jcdurbant.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/mariage-homosexuel-deux-papas-valent-mieux-quun-quils-disaient-two-dads-can-be-much-worse-than-one/ My dad is accused of the crime of disrespecting the http://archive.org/details/TwoDadsAreBetterThanOne Australian Government AIDED Russian infant kidnappers and global gay marriage activist baby rape sex pimps at @NCATNSW @nodiscrim pedo love courts. Here his interview here: http://www.truthnews.com.au/web/radio/story/cultural_marxism_101 Evil faggot stalker of mine since 2009 @garryburnsblog a @AUGL_OTO satanic pro-bono law firm @PIACNews Patsie is targeting my father because he can't get the @UNCHR Political refugee - Me see the UNHCR paperwork at http://scribd.com/hojuruku6725

hojuruku ago

TRAGEDY AND HOPE! Great minds think alike brother.

hojuruku ago

Also Google this and search on Youtube. Kevin Jennings [and FISTGATE II Anal Bum Sex Fisting kits giveaway to little boys] FistGate & FISTGATE II Kevin Jennings Harry Hay (Founder of the US Gay Rights Movement) that children are forced to Praise Under Californian Law SB42 FistGate 1: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/fistgate/ FistGate 2: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2009/12/08/fistgate-ii-high-school-students-given-fisting-kits-at-kevin-jennings-2001-glsen-conference/ JAMES ALEFANTIS BUM SEXING BOYFRIEND DEFENDING THE FISTGATER: http://mediamatters.org/research/2009/12/15/unraveling-the-rights-false-attacks-on-kevin-je/158160 Video of the founder of the US Gay Rights Movement going to NAMBLA meetings from Breitbart TV BEFORE he was murdered. You can't separate homosexuality from pedophilia now can you queers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5eVhgCnV58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uo9CQYdIvM

Obama's pick for SAFE SCHOOL TSAR, covers up Gay child rape and admits it on TAPE. Feeling Safe yet?

http://www.breitbart.tv/good-riddanceobamas-radical-safe-schools-czar-hits-the-skids/ http://www.breitbart.tv/obamas-safe-school-czar-gay-issues-in-curriculum-is-ultimate-goal/

A person who learns of the crime after it is committed and helps the criminal to conceal it, or aids the criminal in escaping, or simply fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact"

Kevin Jennings - Assistant Deputy heading the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education

A teacher was told by a 15-year-old high school sophomore that he was having homosexual sex with an "older man." At the very least, statutory rape occurred. Fox News reported that the teacher violated a state law requiring that he report the abuse. That former teacher, Kevin Jennings, is President Obama's "safe school czar." It's getting hard to keep track of all of this president's problematic appointments. Clearly, the process for vetting White House employees has broken down.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/sep/28/at-the-presidents-pleasure/?source=newsletter_opinion_headlines# Transcript And I said, Brewster, what are you doing in there asleep? And he said, Well, Im tired. And I said, Well we all are tired and we all got to school today. And he said, Well I was out late last night. And I said, What were you doing out late on a school night. And he said, Well, I was in Boston Boston was about 45 minutes from Concord. So I said, What were you doing in Boston on a school night Brewster? He got very quiet, and he finally looked at me and said, Well I met someone in the bus station bathroom and I went home with him. High school sophomore, 15 years old. That was the only way he knew how to meet gay people. I was a closeted gay teacher, 24 years old, didnt know what to say. Knew I should say something quickly so I finally said, My best friend had just died of AIDS the week before. I looked at Brewster and said, You know, I hope you knew to use a condom. He said to me something I will never forget, He said Why should I, my life isnt worth saving anyway.

Audio source http://wthrockmorton.com/2009/06/02/kevin-jennings-appointed-to-department-of-education-post/

NonexistentNihilist ago

There's a very distinct difference between two consenting adults of the same gender having sex and an adult having sex with a minor. Do not politicize this as it works toward discrediting the pizzagate movement.

carmencita ago

Well even though they are the same gender the age difference between an "older man" and a 15 yr. old boy is still suspect. If that boy was experimenting with people his own age, then fine as long as he had the information on safe sex. But the older man younger boy is just as bad as Older man younger girl. Let's keep things in perspective. It is still sexual abuse imo.

hojuruku ago

Teaching primary school students < 12 YRS how to do sex acts or cutting 3 year old (not 4) boys penises off in Westmead children's hospital is child abuse (I have sources links / research go looking yourself) http://www.christianpost.com/news/4-year-old-child-starts-sex-change-transition-before-kindergarten-in-australia-169164/ . Watch the Great gay Icon and gay judge on ABC TV and UN Operative Justice James Kirby says we need to teach the boys under 12 in Primary Schools on how to do safe anal sex here (SEE COMMENTS https://billmuehlenberg.com/2014/07/21/hiv-and-pc-madness/)) It's pedophilia - not education. OTO Satanist Alister Crowley's minion Alfred Kinsey timed 4 months babies time to orgasm when being anal raped (shaking in pain = orgasm) to prove children are sexually active from birth hence why schools have sex education now AND PENALTIES FOR CHILD SEX REDUCED UNDER THE "MODEL PENAL CODE". http://sanityandsocialjustice.net/?tag=model-penal-code Want the documentary? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9ztmp1yDq8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVC-1d5ib50

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1584364 More info on Christopher Kent Bowersox, the man who said he was gay, who attempted to murder me who I thrashed in court who's now a child sex offender, parole violating gay pedo cop. Where does he live? http://www.homefacts.com/offender-detail/CA21113221D0284/Christopher-Kent-Bowersox.html Wow they updated his photo and address and he grew a beard. How fitting. The scary thing is he got his 16 guns back after being released after 2 years for time served, and couldn't stay away from the CP. And then I tune into Baksersfield NPR for the first time since leaving in 2015 and after 10 seconds I hear the news. Gay pedophiles In california fight for their basic human right to live next to schools. America is going the way of Australia very quickly where journalists like Derryn Hinch get jailed for reporting about gay child fucking judge Simon Cooper who raped two boys and got no punishment whatsoever and no sex offender listing, and a court order for the media not to cover it. http://www.humanheadline.com.au/hinch-says/it-s-simple--simon http://www.humanheadline.com.au/Hinch-Says/arrogant--stupid--bulletproof- He went to jail for the crime of telling the public what was going on. Now he's a senator in Australia and there is a movement to kick Rainbow Fabian Socialist child Fuck Labor and the corrupt Liberals out of power. vote1ala.org!

hojuruku ago

@NonexistentNihilist - So the founder of the US GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT doesn't go to NAMBLA meetings? And the origin of gay rights in America too has nothing to do with NAMBLA! then what's this? https://nambla.org/hayonmanboylove.html Californian SB 42 forces American curriculum to study gay history. Children get sent here for their homework: http://lgbthistorymonth.com/harry-hay Obama''s child anal fisting Safe School Tsar wrote a book praising Harry Hay. Want to see a picture of the undisputed founder of gay rights in America wearing his NAMBLA walks with me T-Shirt. I already put the videos of him being filmed IN THE NAMLBA I wanna fuck little boys meetings. You can't disassociate the founder of gay rights with America and fucking little boys any more than you can disassociate homosexuality and pedophilia. http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=990 That's a reply to James I love Infants boyfriend at Media Matters who was bending the truth about Harry Hay featuring said picture. By the way - Mass Resistance just released a book showing how the gay movement wants to recruit, rape and destroy children drastically reducing their quality of life. Support the cause that exposes homosexuality is pedophilia or at least perversion. And stop attacking me after a gay child raping pedo cop stopped me seeing my first born. If I was to rape or take away your little girl, and you turned gay I wouldn't understand that you would HATE all heterosexuals for life and wouldn't order you to love thy rapist or child abuser like the Australian courts have. more details here: http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/01/buy-massresistanceorgs-new-book-how.html http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?95869-CA-Bakersfield-Police-Officer-charged-with-Child-Porn/page3 Watch the other videos on my other comments here. See the two videos from the MSM and me on youtube.com/hojuruku about CHRISTOPHER KENT BOWERSOX the self-identified gay child raping beastaliity loving registered sex offender Bakersfield Police Officer. He's looking for a cell pall - wanna join him? http://www.cellpals.com/bowersoxchristopher1210.htm

AreWeSure ago

This is nonsense.

And Common Core was started by the States not the Feds.

hojuruku ago

@AreWeSure got flagged by the mods for pushing liberal talking points as someone who "shows children". I have no complaints about the moderation team. Keep up the good work guys.

hojuruku ago

AND WHO FUNDS IT? http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2013/oct/24/sondy-pope/how-much-federal-government-involved-common-core-s/ Even Liberal Polifact says the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is PUSHING IT ON THE STATES WITH $$$ FUNDING INCENTIVES. Debunked by the truth mate.

Do did you see James "I love infants" of Comet Pizza's gay boyfriend David Brock at media matters defending Obama's fired Safe School Tsar who was kicked out after the child ANAL FISTING-GATE incident on my comment above?

concernedaboutitall ago

Very very disturbing.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Omg! If this nasty shit is allowed in public schools, it is time to take the mandate off of parents being required to send their kids to school! I am so tired of the LGBT community trying to turn our kids into their idea of sexual acceptance! I want to vomit!

hojuruku ago

I always thought with the complex access control model in moodle.org it could be used for grooming by the pedophiles. Guess I was right.

eyeVoated ago

Excellent observation. "Complex access control" should be a household phrase, and parents should roundly reject it. In my opinion, they should also pull their children from these school districts immediately.

hojuruku ago

I use moodle.org - it's access control system allows all sorts of crazy fine grained access controls, to make it possible for parents accounts to not be able to see things the student sees in their online courses.

eyeVoated ago

It's ridiculous, and totally unacceptable.

No matter how I approach this calamity, the way out always points to: parents CARING for their children. If every family took their children back from the claws of the state, this pandemic would end instantly. PARENTS, WAKE THE FUCK UP! This is ultimately your fault. Stop feeding your children to the wolves.

hojuruku ago

I home school. International Schools scare me and I'm an expat. I know of a known ASIO pederast already in one school in Hanoi. "Your fault" applies to parents who put their kids in the public school system without good vigilance. not me btw.

eyeVoated ago

Don't know why you're being down voted. After being redpilled, there is no way I would trust my children to any school system.

hojuruku ago

and banned but I got that fixed.. ok moving on... voat.co is owned by the owners of reddit be careful.