ZalesMcMuffin ago

their insistence on labeling a room a KILL ROOM when we have no evidence to support that.

Did they hack Jeff Smith's IG account 88 weeks before this image was captured? If not, I'm lost as to where your confusion is on who labeled it a "killroom".

If your point is that it might not literally be a kill room, that's perfectly reasonable. A hashtag obviously isn't proof of any such thing (even combined with the other creepy comments on the same page). But it was "werkinonmahnightcheese" who gave it that label. The term stuck in common usage amongst PGers, presumably because it's shocking. Basic human psychology there. At that point the term "killroom" becomes the easiest nickname by which to refer to this room, and PGers using that term are demonstrating nothing more suspicious than a desire for efficiency.

If you want to dispute that, please suggest an alternative, equally efficient means of referring to this room, and perhaps people will switch to that instead. After that, if people still insist on calling it the "killroom", we might become suspicious, but not until then. (CF "google it" instead of "do a web search on it"; "kleenex" instead of "facial tissue"; "Q-tip" instead of "cotton swab"; "OJ jury" instead of "jury of gullible rubes", "final solution" instead of "final solution to the Jewish Question"; "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" instead of "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything"; etc. Brevity and familiarity tend to win out over accuracy and verbosity.)

reasonedandinformed ago

You are an exposed CTR shill.

reasonedandinformed ago

I do not buy this, You posted this minutes after @abortionburger made her post...meaning this story by you was already concocted and ready to print. I have reviewed the histories, and your claims do not seem to be supported. I do not know or sure, but I think you are highly suspect as a CTR disinfo troll. If I am right, we should dig deeper on those things that you are challenging.

Millennial_Falcon ago

armyseer, rule 2: you have inadequate evidence for these claims. stop posting this unless you find real evidence.

privatepizza ago

Dude, if you should know anything at all about this whole thing, it's that PleadingtheYiff is the primary researcher of PG, personally researching and uncovering most of the leads we're working on. Wind your shill neck in and fuck yourself off

abortionburger ago

This is irritating. Do you not realize that PleadingtheYiff is THE ONE who broke Pizzagate in the first place? We wouldn't have anything to go on if it weren't for him. He is definitely NOT Pizzagategear. This is the most irritating thing I keep seeing swirling around.

delivery1 ago

Is it just my connection, or do those links work for anyone? I can't see anything

derram ago :

Breaking: I have uncovered and compiled evidence of a massive ISIS network spanning all 50 states of the U.S. : The_Donald :

Breaking: I have uncovered and compiled evidence of a massive smear campaign network attempting to frame us for being racist, alt-right, spreaders of "Fake News" : The_Donald :

Podesta's boy from Italianfoodgate just made death threats, some in writing, against a Youtuber : The_Donald

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