crashing_this_thread ago

Obama winning the peace prize because he is an important member of the same cult as someone in the comity explains a lot.

party1981 ago

This is great digging.

reasonedandinformed ago

I looked for details, but I could not find those. At the time of the articles, 20 had already been arrested. These arrests tend to come in waves, with the first break usually many months earlier, and then raids once they build the cases. The original lead from the FBI appears to have happened in 2015.

Freemasonsrus ago

The email is basically the outline for the Arab spring which was happening around this same time. "Arm" citizens with "information" and "support" from NGO's to keep other govts in check.

postfascion ago

What if they knew that information on the abuse was likely to come out, so focused on the " ridiculous donation to the CF, coupled with rundowns of the CF economics" prior to release? If they know they're going down, they would rather it be on their terms than the peoples... even if it does mean the CF is damaged. Just speculation on my part of course.

Madwack ago

THIS IS NOT A DRILL FBI has just released 509 pages on Clinton Foundation!

reasonedandinformed ago

This did not involve an 8% drop. Donations dropped by 87% from $25M to $5.1M from 2015 to 2016.

The news reports broke in November 2016, but the arrests had happened earlier. FBIAnon said to follow the money, so it is worth a deeper dive given that Norway was the 1st or second larger donor country for a period, and then this happened.

NotTooLate ago

I respect the amount of time you've put in here. I searched all documents related to Rev. Moon and it was majorly time consuming. I'm convinced there are still some things to uncover in there.

e-traiu ago

Jonas Gaahr Store is propably our podesta. Jens is our Hrc.

We Are kne dwwp inn this shit. -Not longer a proud Norse)

Atatarkus ago

That Anders Breivik story always struck me as weird, i always wondered why nobody picked up on the point that apparently its normal in norway for large groups of young teens to go out on a secluded island retreat organised by one of the country's ruling political parties. Seems creepy to me.

Looking at it now the whole thing screams false flag most likely to further the agenda of free movement in europe. He said in his trial that the attack was in response to the rise of multiculturalism in norway so i assume now that most people in norway would be reluctant to oppose rising immigration for fear of being associated with what was a truly horrific incident.

JanMcClane ago

Its called summercamp

Atatarkus ago

Summercamp run by the labour party? I'd call that indoctrination camp might just seem weord to me we dont do summercamp in the U.K. Maybe because we dont get summer lol


Try to get this info to george webb via his YT channel. Hes blowing up Haiti at the moment.

Pwning4Ever ago

They don't want the US stance on NATO to change would be my guess.

waxdino ago

This reminds me of the CF replacing local African healthcare workers with Norwegian "donors" back in 2009:
The relationship to Norway goes back a way, keep digging! Interesting that they seemed to fall out of favor for awhile.

justanotherpizza ago

I think the rabbit hole goes deeper here, great work!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the deeper you go, the more you need one of the brand new voat canaries!

don't let the v/pizzagate mod and bots tell you any different. they are deleting any mention of this new sub here on v/pizzagate and by they i mean phobos mothership

kekistocrat ago

Phobos is P.O.S. #1... has a lot of minions, too. Juvenile, discordian moron who just stirs things up.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good point. Ericsson was very clearly part of the pay-to-play corruption, but I think this was for business access in return for buying the rights/influence. The connections to the pedo ring, though, appear to potentially involve government officials in the same way we have uncovered elsewhere (now with pizzagate and with the Franklin Scandal).

2impendingdoom ago

Three women were assassinated in front of a cafe in connection to this story, two of them were reporters.

reasonedandinformed ago

I think that was in neighboring Finland, but I also suspected a possible connection.

darkofthemoon ago

It was in Finland, and extremely suspicious. Looked a lot like MK Ultra.

The official story is that this insane man randomly wanted to kill some people, so he drove to the town with a hunting rifle, got out of the car, and shot with deadly accuracy a group of three, consisting of a popular and prominent local politician and two reporters, who by pure chance happened to exit a nearby restaurant at that very moment. Then the man was arrested on the spot with no further casualties. There was no mention of resisting arrest or trying to flee.

Truthseeker77 ago

Chance?? Right?? Something fishy for sure!

postfascion ago

Sounds like you're right. I wonder how many of these "operatives" they have at their disposal. Seeing the number of people/kids that go missing per annum, there could be an army.