OrwellKnew ago

Please check out my recent post https://voat.co/v/politics/1576619

Possibly related

AgentH ago

To Project Veritas, did you guys send this into the major news channels? Or at least attempt to?

ArchCovenant ago

I've tied Luke to Italian Bistro in DC 1701 Connecticut Ave NW. From there we have FaceBook references to DC Underground and a picture of John Podesta with a group down in the DC tunnels! It all ties in to Comet Ping Pong and resturaunts once again.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I think it is. https://archive.is/QviXU. Excellent find....I've been looking for something like this. Have you got a link ?

LavonAffair ago

The groups' excuse is that they were pulling Project Veritas' lag; surprised I never heard this excuse made on "To Catch A Predator."

Part II: NEW Investigation Uncovers Plot to Chain the Trains & Shut Down DC During Inauguration

Blackdragon_expert ago

@Cernovich Luke Kuhn is a Pedo advocate.

newworldahead ago

Can't wait for part 2

kekistocrat ago

Project Veritas' response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I059AF23JQw

kekistocrat ago

Just shared an article from RT news (Russia Today propaganda hotspot but still better than Voice of America). The pedo's rebuttal: 'They're lying...' Who knows, anymore? The more I learn, the less I know.

redditsuckz ago

Keep investigating and post the info to every pizza subverse you can.

Pizzagate Moderator Deletes My Thread about Planned Parenthood Baby Body Parts Sale - Organ Trafficking, Cannibalism, Podesta, Clinton Foundation, PP (pizzagatewhatever)


Planned Parenthood is a major supplior for US based cults?


KiloJuliet ago

Luke Kuhn is in JA's photos on instagram and other social. They've been friends for years according to investigators. He's also been called out multiple times for supporting child exploitation and for browsing child porn. He's got articles defending man-boy intercourse.

So yet another hard established pedo, evidence going back to 1997, who has previously been raided by the cops for terrorism linked to JA. In addition this guy is using anti-fa when he's also been represented a child-exploiting neo-nazi. It's clear that these anti-fa people just use any group they can to cause anarchy to help the Progressive Democrats.

redditsuckz ago

(((They))) love baby body parts...

Planned Parenthood's Biggest Donors Gave $374 Million in Four Years

Between 2010 and 2013, no fewer than 966 individual organizations donated to Planned Parenthood. Of those, 31 gave more than $1 million each during those four years, totaling $374,199,059. The seven highest donors made up $324.8 million of that.

These largest Planned Parenthood donors include Warren Buffett, George Soros, Bill Gates, and others. A summary of the top seven funders follows.



Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Donates $992 Million to Charity Funding Planned Parenthood



postfascion ago

Wtf is the with board with "leads" behind him? Are they TRYING to make themselves look like a cliché? Don't get me wrong, I'm no shill, but fuck guys, this info should be made as accessible and professional as possible. The fact that it was held at CPP is interesting too. Still making my mind up about their legitimacy... Could be a mindfuck.

Geo_synchronous ago

Comet Pizza ? WOW. Not a whole lot of thinking going on with that choice. This pizza thing is insane. They've been doing this for so long AND getting away with it that they barely tried to hide it anymore. WOW

Votescam ago

True -- Only Sheldon Adelson billionaire has been connected to Trump afaik. But, only complaint Koch Bros. had about Trump was that he was "too volatile." Don't think his politics bothered them. http://mondoweiss.net/2016/11/billionaire-committed-palestinians/

Votescam ago

How long did Briebart know about Podesta as pedo? I thought at one point he was working with Podesta on articles he was writing. Maybe something happened to wake him up. But, James O'Keefe has certainly done some really sleazy things in creating video that lies. Acorn was registering voters -- neither GOP nor Dems really wanted that to happen. DP wasn't looking for more liberal supporters -- they wanted "blue dog" voters who supported corporatism. Planned Parenthood is about human right to health care and choice -- certainly James O'Keefe was working against that and feminist issues. Was Briebart, as well? Could be Briebart only lately came to know about Podesta as ped?

Fateswebb ago

They were selling and trafficking baby body parts, that isn't about health issues.

Votescam ago

Again, the Republicans passed legislation in Congress to permit fetal tissue to be used in research. MSM rarely mentioned that. And it was done to further research to improve health of citizens. And though Republicans also legislated that the fetal tissue could be sold by suppliers to hospitals and others doing research, Planned Parenthood was notable for ONLY charging what their costs were for preserving the fetal tissue. I'll also repeat that the fetal tissue was only used for research when the mother/parents agreed to have it used in that manner. Often the parents themselves made the request that the fetal tissue be used for research. O'Keefe's videos are a lie with the main purpose being to destroy Planned Parenthood which provides many health services to women, including gynecological examinations, birth control, breast exams, pap tests and in some locations abortions. Republicans Repeatedly Voted To Use Aborted Fetuses For Scientific Research https://thinkprogress.org/republicans-repeatedly-voted-to-use-aborted-fetuses-for-scientific-research-7481d85d4b82#.xjnsz555h McConnell Voted In 1993 To Legalize Fetal Tissue Donations After Abortion Now he’s trying to defund Planned Parenthood over the practice. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mitch-mcconnell-fetal-tissue-donations-abortion_us_55b28329e4b0074ba5a479d1

The video initially released by CMP was heavily edited, but the full, uncut version shows Planned Parenthood‘s Dr. Deborah Nucatola explaining that Planned Parenthood affiliates do not profit from the donation of fetal parts. “Affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this,” she said. “They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.”

The 1993 law explicitly allows for the kind of compensation Planned Parenthood staffers discuss in the video. It says fetal tissue cannot be sold for “valuable consideration,” which “does not include reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”

Planned Parenthood said the undercover actors who made the video also tried to offer one of its affiliates $1600 for two fetal organs in an attempt to catch the family planning provider making an illegal sale, but the affiliate declined the offer.

Votescam ago

James O'Keefe PPH videos -- like his other videos -- were heavily edited to lie about what was going on. Are perhaps these tapes also edited?

Fateswebb ago

He released the unedited videos..

Votescam ago

His PPH videos have been debunked He had, as I recall it more than 15 hours of videos and he reduced it to a few minutes. Again, the Republicans (including McConnell) had approved fetal tissue for research and approved costs for preserving and transporting them. Many made profits on it. PPH did not.

LostandFound ago

Actually James O'Keefe was the victim of a smear campaign as he dug deep into the ACORN foundation and got the truth out of them, more pedo sponsorship. He was involved with Andrew Breitbart during this investigation which resulted in AB calling Podesta a child molester on twitter and dying shortly after. Pretty much everything he said was shown to now be true in the cold hard light of day. Its difficult to implicate people when they are in power obumer made sure of that.

Votescam ago

James O'Keefe is involved with smear campaigns, not a victim of them. O'Keefe's MO is heavily edited videos which attempt to lie to the public, but usually are immediately debunked. ACORN was merely registering Democratic voters, which actually didn't suit either party because they weren't interested in liberal Dems. Rahm Emmanuel/DP was soliciting "blue dogs" and right wing Dems who would support corporatism. https://shadowproof.com/2010/01/26/rahm-emanuel-liberals-are-f-king-retarded/ http://inthesetimes.com/article/17548/rahm_emanuel_unions

James Edward O'Keefe III (born June 28, 1984) is an American conservative political activist.[2][3] He produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters, some selectively edited to imply its subjects said things they did not,[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_O%27Keefe

LostandFound ago

My word your entire response was based from a Wikipedia article.

That article references a time article written 3 weeks before the election about events that took place over five years before. Where was was time then? Not even slightly interested.

Since we're referencing complete toilet roll .... I present the great snopes discussing was Scott Foval fired or did he leave over the o'keefe videos. You will love this they reference the post who also does not deny any of the accusations made but discusses the finer vagaries of Scott's departure http://www.snopes.com/2016/10/19/scott-foval-reportedly-fired-from-political-organization-over-sting-videos/ .

Back down into your hole $hill bring your A game or don't bother.

PieInTheEye ago

Holy macaroni (or pepperoni, as the case may be) ... this perverse 'liberal' establishment just can't keep itself away from the sub-cultural gutter ... pedophiles and satanic rock junkies, and now Weather Underground-esque terrorists attempting to physically disrupt and/or attack your political enemies in crowded functions. How is setting off a stink-bomb at a crowded political event any different from shouting FIRE in a crowded theater? What if people got panicked at the smell of the gas and thought it was poison gas, got panicked, and a stampede occurred, killing people? ... I guess these 'liberals' (brown shirts called the 'anti-fascist's' ... irony) wouldn't care, because it would only be the deaths of their political foes. Such hypocritical scum.

Votescam ago

Violence will only benefit the fascist movement. It will work against any liberal cause so who in the hell are these people? Where is the FBI?

magzy ago

maybe project veritas is actually a project to bring veritas law firm down. what else has PJ exposed that the veritas law firm has been involved with?

Ciscogeek ago

13 on Trending


scott4964 ago

LOL. You do NOT make a video incriminating yourself without saying "PSYCHE!" at the end.


scott4964 ago

It's not stupid if you do not think you are sharing a beer with a mole. lol.

Goldenshowergirl ago

I wouldn't read too deeply into their choice of venue. I don't think it's a coincidence, but it seems more likely to be a nod from the project veritas guys or a way of trolling the guys planning the disruption. I would bet that the project veritas guys suggested it- it seems like they would have mentioned it in the video if CP was suggested to them.

humbly_narcissistic ago

I was in new Orleans over the weekend. My wife and I were sitting next to a table yesterday at brunch and it was soon to be inag protestors discussing certain things. The young lady telling the other 6 peoplemat their table mentioned several options -a $300 end a $1000 package. They pay money to attend and be able to protest the inauguration is 100% what it sounded like.

MolochHunter ago

that's as fucking daft as donating to that green party bitch jill stein who ordered the hapless recount on hillary's behalf

Sharipie ago

Why hasn't the Secret Service uncovered this planned terrorism?? Why hasn't Homeland Security uncovered this plot??

There are, what, 12 Intelligence Agencies in this country, yet none of them came across this information! James OKEEFE and his small staff did! WTF!

Moonlandinghoax ago

16* Intelligence Agencies

Sharipie ago

Thank you. And some of those agencies are listening to our phone calls and some of them can hear us talk as we walk down the street. There may even be listening devices inside CPP. These men have talked about this before. Yet NOT ONE OF OUR 16 INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES KNEW THAT ANY OF THESE MEN WERE PLANNING THIS!?!?

Forgetmenot ago

All I can say is thank you project veritas for keeping the focus on comet ping pong. The more people know and are aware the better for pizzagate.

DrumpfBTFO ago

http://www.disruptj20.org/media/vertas/ Their official statement on it.

One of these infiltrators was someone calling himself “Tyler.” Due to suspicions, the organizers initiated their vetting process with a false flag operation. Our allies at the DC Antifascist Coalition met with Tyler. Because they thought it would be a humorous venue, they arranged to meet with Tyler at Comet Ping Pong, which has recently been targeted by right-wing fake news outlets. Though the coalition members did not know who he was working for, they knew Tyler was not who he said he was.

Awful lot of damage-control on @DisuptJ20: https://twitter.com/DisruptJ20/with_replies

Have to see what O'Keefe releases tomorrow:

OK, we have more evidence tomorrow; showing #DisruptJ20 wasn’t just playing along. Plus, a second video of violence planning. FBI alerted.


Forgetmenot ago

People in that social circle have been actively going out of their way to support comet ping pong. In opposition of this investigation.

fagnig ago


Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Mike Cernovich - the host just posted this a few hours ago: https://www.periscope.tv/w/1gqxvZVDMyexB

I have a dear friend who is going to travel 800 mi to attend this historic event and he is now in fear for his safety. I have recommended he buy some soft body armor and a breathing mask in case of tear gas outside as well as the very, very low probability that someone is able to carry out this attack on the venue.

He is thrilled to have been invited and will go. Bless him and his patriotism as he is a LEGAL immigrant who couldn't even vote for Trump due to his status. But, he stumped for him at every turn. I want him to enjoy this event as much as he enjoyed seeing Trump at one of his rallies. MAGA #FUCKDISTRUPTJ20

carmencita ago

When is he going to die? He looks like hell. Supposedly if he is getting transfusions he should look better. Evidently he found out too late.

carmencita ago

What a bunch of sick idiots. They have nothing of importance in their lives so they create stupid stuff for people that are using them and will kill them at the drop of a hat.

4warned ago

James O'Keefe from Project Veritas works to protect children. His Exposure of Planned Parenthood's / and Stem Express' sale of baby parts , was excellent work. Good on him, and his coworkers who go undercover and meet with these creeps. Pray for O'Keefe's safety. His work is to protect life- from inside the womb, through all stages of life.

FuckReddit69 ago

this seems staged...

cantsleepawink ago

I wish I could work out what the hell is going on.

think_whatif ago

Here's Luke Kuhn's posting on alt.engr.explosives in 1997, subject "Making nitric using ammonium nitrate instead of Na or K nitrate"

Luke Kuhn   
That depends on how hot you get the ammonium nitrate, which
decomposes at about 100 degrees C according to my Handbook of Physics
and Chemistry. Since the nitric acid wil boil at 86 C, that should
allow the reaction to proceed if the temperature is kept between 86 and
99 c. Since I have not done this experiment myself, I would suggest
that it be tried in a small quantity and/or by remote controlled

Jeeze, this guy.

Curious if anyone knows what happened after Project Veritas turned their info over to law enforcement?

The Smash Racism DC Twitter and their Facebook seem to still be going strong.

4warned ago

Unbelievable evil. How a group of anarchists speak openly in a "kid friendly" restaurant.

Flat_Truth ago

My only question is.....why didn't they let this go further? Catch them in the act? That would be more impacting. But, it does say.....more to come.

tcp ago

That is why they weren't targeting the inauguration itself. They wanted to attack the Deploraball or similar so they could ruin the day of Trump supporters that will be all over the city, so one venue or another is bound to be extremely vulnerable.

Fateswebb ago

Aren't the discussing attacking both?

tcp ago

A larger or more sophisticated plan to accomplish the goal of actually disrupting the inauguration itself wasn't really discussed even if that is what they are ultimately working towards.

humbly_narcissistic ago

We only saw 6 minutes worth. The bombs may be dropping in the next installments. This is damning for sure.

Fateswebb ago

They put out a video today refuting that the fascists said they knew of the mole. But I believe another is expected to hit with even more damning info, and possibly a third.

Sharipie ago

Wow! the nerve!

Htaed ago

project veritas is cia side project. and you can tell who the shills are in this post.

target_blank ago

What do they think they can accomplish out of this? How would this stop Trump getting into office?

This is worse than the Russian hacking theory. They are trying to disrupt the inauguration for an elected president! This is terrorism. Unbelievable

srayzie ago

Thank God they got caught. But this just shows how desperate people are. There are many more groups out there. Those who pray need to be on their knees on Inauguration Day.

FritzTheKat ago

Clear cut case of conspiracy..Jeff Sessions MUST prosecute..these clowns need to go to jail for a very long time..

srayzie ago

I hope it's revealed that Hillary is behind this! You all know that wench and Soros are involved!

wellington33 ago

what would be the goal of a hoax like this?

scott4964 ago

Agreed. It's like saying "i robbed three liquor stores over here because I don't want them to find the other 7 real big liquor stores over there..."

LOL. Fucking shills are funny.

Dir7y ago

Been waiting for the christmas/new year terrorist attack. Never would have thought it would be from our own...

carmencita ago

I am not surprised. I just saw the picture online and it said that he made 340 visits to the WH and had 45 meetings with BO. Hardly anybody that was watching really knew who he was. Only those that it was a message to will know. Also those in the know like you. And now me. Look up stuff people and investigate.

detcmon ago

there is no way it is a coincidence that this was filmed in Comet...

birthdaysuit11 ago

THERE'S THE CONNECTION, REMEMBER Austyn Crities, the individual who instigated a Trump rally and screamed out gun! He was working for the DNC and not only that but he owns a absolutely disgusting day care center that seems to be a front for trafficking. They use these people, knowing that they can blackmail them ad lock them up if they speak out. LOOK UP Austyn Crities Pee Wee's day care center, on google maps there's hundreds of teddy bears thrown in the trash.


Backstory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r2gUFydlqcYouTube

Austyn Crites name comes up a few times in the Wikileaks emails. He co-owns a company named Rockzip Highballoons. He is listed as the registrant name for said company, whose address is listed in Michigan City, Indiana. Address sourced in link below. https://i.redd.it/i2zcxm9lgcwx.png

In the link below, Crites can be seen with electrician in Google Street View. Please tell me you would pick your child up from behind those doors! https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7122908,-86.8893239,3a,15y,6.07h,81.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm5lY_0Y--6A_8pQUonmXXg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

In his trash appear to be several large teddy bears. https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7123571,-86.8893133,3a,15y,296.21h,68.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spHJugVgM1lopgo9teJ4XQA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Weird, so this same exact address is linked to a Child Day Care Center. Not sure if it's still in use. Appears that the Pee Wee's Playhouse is an extension. All windows are boarded up.



Pee Wees Playhouse Child classified under Child Care Services, with principal employer is located in 210 Maple St, Michigan City, Indiana IN 46360. For sales, support, account inquiries, and how to be an affiliate, the best way to get in touch is through numbers: No number given.

It has been operating since , boasting total quality assurance, and an annual revenue of $0 to $49.999. Their Single Location can be reached with the use of the following coordinates: . They currently have 1 to 4 employees, and you can learn more about their offerings at . You can also view their clients’ testimonials, government compliance and annual reports through their website. Pee Wees Playhouse Child aims to strengthen their B2C relationships through advertisements and brand promotion.

Registered codes from Standard Industrial Classification is 8351, and 624410 from North American Industrial Classification System. Customer feedback is highly appreciated; be sure to leave your comments on their website through survey forms. These are necessary for company service improvements.

birthdaysuit11 ago

These connections are freaking endless.

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Six degrees of separation is much easier to explain when you have a closely knit group of sociopaths acting on behalf of one of the wealthiest figures on Earth (((SOROS))).

MolochHunter ago

6 degrees of depravation

cantsleepawink ago

Will do.

Buzzzard ago

Where do niggers like these guys get their money? Who pays them?

AgainstTheNWO ago

It starts with an S and ends with oros

wellington33 ago

you made me laugh, this is for you: https://i.sli.mg/PBVT2u.jpg

e-traiu ago

For real? Are they Havin the meeting conspiring to disrupt the elected presidents party?

The nerves of these people. They act like they Are not gonna face a lifetime in jail...

cantsleepawink ago

Very interesting thread here about past activities of Luke Kuhn.

DC Indymedia editor Luke Kuhn and Bill White were partners in the UAP from 1996 to 2000. Both were identified as "occasional neo-Nazis" in 1998 for their tactics which included encouraging people to bomb public schools, supporting school shootings, publishing the phone numbers and addresses of private citizens to harass them (which is still a favored Luke Kuhn tactic), and their persistent appeals to young children to run away with them, while Luke Kuhn was advocating that it should be legal for adults to have sex with children.


Forgetmenot ago

Now it makes even more sense why he feels comfortable in Comet ping pong. It's a play ground for pedos.

Haldelos ago

Very interesting....So first Kuhn is a neo nazi and now he's a prog left wing lunatic? Playing both sides of the fence... Reminds me of Lee Harvey Oswald being violently anti-Castro then crazy pro-Castro commie...this is getting very interesting. Fingers crossed for a wikileaks smoking gun soon..

Sharipie ago

That is very interesting! Maybe somebody planned Kuhn to be a patsy at some point.

cantsleepawink ago

I've just been looking at that. Yes, he's the editor of dcindymedia.

Tanngrisnir ago

I have no idea. It could be. I just know how people on the left are going to frame it.

carmencita ago

There was a picture once on reddit around the time of the Pulse shooting and it was the shooters father in the hallway of Congress outside of someone's office. The posting was about the father either running or wanting to run for President of Afghanistan. I smell something very rotten in both of these situations.

Anonymous987654321 ago

wow cant believe they met at COMET. Coincidence? lol

birthdaysuit11 ago

It's because almost all of these people are pedo's. The DNC uses pedos as a form of blackmail if they speak out.

carmencita ago

It is the CIA that uses the blackmail, not the DNC. There are a lot of bad politicians yes, but there are some good people in the DNC as well. It all comes down from Soros and the CIA . This stuff has been going on for decades. Before the DNC. Let it be known that there are a lot of Republicans and top people in the RNC that are involved in this awful mess as well. They are being blackmailed as well. There are pedos on both sides. I hope that all of these guilty disgusting rapers and children sellers go to jail and I don't care what party, sex, race or religion they are. Wake up friends, when the heads start to roll some of you may be surprised. I have had to find out about people that I have looked up to and I am sure you have too. There will be more ahead.

Votescam ago

The DNC demands that all DP elected officials spend their time raising money from corporations. If they don't, they don't get support from the party -- and probably just the reverse. There's nothing liberal about that. It's a party owned and controlled by Koch Bros. and other large corporations. GOP same. Pretty much everyone in government today is a criminal -- crompromised. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/08/30/covert-operations http://www.democrats.com/node/7789

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Soros paid I am sure! Evil!

MaryWolf ago

There's leaked audio for an attack on Mike Pence's DC home on Wednesday the 18th


shillcrusher13 ago

holy moley... we need to stop these people. protest is one thing, but this is a horse of a different (C I A) color. these plots must be stopped.

SturdyGal ago

I see what you did there and I think you are the winner, chicken dinner!

ravensedgesom ago

Yeah there needs to be a concerted effort for an effective pushback to these deluded radicals

IlluminatiKing ago

I hope it some how gets implicated in the terrorist activites haha. Alefantis is gonna be freaking out even more now.

Azagthoth ago

The fact that this meeting was held at Comet PingPong is almost too fucky. What are the odds? Is this the universe putting the bat signal up to take these sick fucks out? The spotlight seems to keep throwing itself over Comet. Cant wait for part 2.

fagnig ago

I bought into project veritas somewhat, so, this supposedly still being Real project veritas? and it being held at pizzagate HQ, what am i supposed to believe? This all seems too convenient

SturdyGal ago

Actually I think it is a good point you make. I am not suspicious that it is a bunch of rolling setups staged at Comet Ping Pong, but more it is about the commonality of the purpose. Something about destruction of decency and democracy. It is related, somehow. JA makes a big deal of being a friend to the disenfranchised so he will attract these miscreants into his web. Maybe he and Brock (In the Media) are just part of the lefty loonies and aid and abet in whatever form required. Not sure, but you are right - not a coinkydink.

Forgetmenot ago

Why? The local community, including the political types are actively supporting cpp because of the pizzagate investigation. Also this proves that CPP is in the middle of a lot more than meets the eye. Coincidence? CPP is a pillar to the political community of anarchists, satanists, secret societies, pedofililes and gays and transgenders. The list goes on and on. There is a reason alefantis is the 49 most powerful man in Hollywood, there is a reason soros donated to CPP. This is not a coincidence this proves that criminals congregate there, and are welcome there.

Bolux ago

Why don't they just send a couple of smelly fucking hippies in.

aleeum ago

not all of us smell. I shower and have a job.

SturdyGal ago


Live_Free_Or_Die ago

I lol'd

carmencita ago

I don't believe that all those people really wanted to come. Maybe some were paid to sit in the seats just like at the DNC in Philly. Remember the people they hired when a lot of Bernie Delegates walked out? I just think that a lot of people are not as enamored with BO as they once were.

AgainstTheNWO ago

They do not have a choise, not anymore. They are part of a mafia clan and if you do not what is expected there will be consequences. 3 front rows are for sure planned seat by seat who is sitting where. Placing a recent controversial person on front row sends a message to all the lower members back in the room "we will not let you down when a plan goes wrong"


Bring it on you communist bastards. Your day is near.

zoltan907 ago

What has Soros or any of these other people done to make you think they're communists? As far as I can see, they're all about free markets, and there's nothing communist about that.


Was drunk. Meant to call him an ahole

RodentLord ago

My gut reaction was false flag, even though i can't watch the video at work. Just what i thought when i saw the link while scrolling.

bopper ago

Who would still eat at this place?? Maybe it's even more popular now. Family friendly, bring all kids available - John P.

AgainstTheNWO ago

I would not worry about my kids, can and will keep them in my eye sight. Would be more concerned what is on the pizza and how it the saus made if he does not store tomatos in the basement while stating all is fresh home made.

jewsbadnews ago

Those tomatoes were sitting on top of dead children.

Innocent_Bystander ago

It's quite damming but I agree with you it feels really.. convenient.. What I wanna know is who took the video. It looks like it was filmed in a phone in someone's shirt pocket. It's supposedly undercover? They invited this guy? Who is he? Now that the vid dropped, this guys cover is obviously blown. So is he going to be a target now? Is he worried?

expectus ago

+1 and who chose CPP for the meeting?

AmishMechWarrior ago

Yes, who's actual idea was it to meet at CPP?

Pizzatemp420 ago

Check out the project veritas videos from before the election. Referring to creating chaos at the trump rallies, paying people to riot and whatnot. His videos are legit...the people in them are not staged, but I do not know what he is using to record. His last videos were the same style.

MolochHunter ago

previous PV ones were, I gotta agree there's some red flags on this one

Pizzatemp420 ago

I don't deny that it seems out of the blue and tied too heavily with what's currently in focus, but if based on the reputability of his last ones, I'm inclined to believe the legitimacy...unless proven otherwise. I'm totally open to that.

joeysaperv ago

Damn, that is one hot kitchen.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


Blacksmith21 ago

I saw this and was about to log in and post and someone beat me to it. Of all the restaurants in DC to go to, why CPP? I think that is a bit too much of a coincidence.

Is there some tie back to MM/JA? I stopped believing in coincidences a while ago. At least as they pertain to PG.

crapboy ago

people are not focusing on how much coincidencal this is. What the fuck is going on anymore

Gorillion ago

If you're a scumbag hipster Antifa faggot, why wouldn't you go to Comet Pizza? It's gotta be the most subversive hang out joint in the world right now for revolutionary-wannabe hyper-creeps.

shillcrusher13 ago

DC has become a breeding ground for these self-indulgent neo-liberal transhumanist devils. It perpetuates itself.

MolochHunter ago

yer, i was a bit concerned for project veritas in this - their previous work is outstanding - but (and maybe this is the editing) this vid made me unclear to what degree the plot was organically by the anarchists and how much project veritas goaded them into it

blind_sypher ago

They are adults and they are responsible for what they say. Nobody else.

MolochHunter ago

well, you and i may well judge them by their eagerness to participate.

But a judge can and does look for a legal principle called entrapment. I aint saying that this is entrapment, I'm just saying the way its been edited makes me think they're skirting close to the edge, and might compromise potential convictions (especially if the judge is compromised by the paedostocracy)

quantokitty ago

WOWZA!!!! Not surprised they were at Comet. Probably all attend JA's pizza parties.

gauss_markov ago

Weeeew lad hopefully we see some folks prosecuted

Tanngrisnir ago

I don't know if this will really make a splash. Boing Boing had a video purporting to show O'Keefe pay people to riot during the inauguration to make the Democrats look bad. Regardless of which one is right they beat O'Keefe to the punch and that will negatively impact its perception. https://twitter.com/boingboing/status/820167668028342273

YingYangMom ago

Woooah! I can't wait to see who's behind all of this. Pleeeease, let it be Alefuckface!

MolochHunter ago

JA will by lying low hoping to fuck his sick masters dont hang him out to dry. This is more likely John Podesta

YingYangMom ago

Any of the two creeps would be awesome!

concernedaboutitall ago

So glad this is being sent to authorities. I truly hope nobody is hurt from the protesting. True Americans would not want to disrupt this event. These #disruptj20 plans come from pure hatred.

SturdyGal ago

It seems there are three types of people who are part of this protest: 1. Left leaning people who mean well but who have not read or analyzed WikiLeaks 2. Brainwashed cultural Marxists who just act out their SJW agenda without thought and without understanding the origins of the agenda 3. Paid disruptors

I fear this is going to be a mess and I know some of the good people here on VOAT are going and I am concerned for their welfare. I was actually teargassed one lovely fourth of July in Washington, DC. I had traveled to visit the Native American dance pavilion and because there was a very small protest of some kind, we ALL got tear gassed and the medical tent begged able bodied people to take those in wheel chairs away from the ballooning waves of teargas. You can imagine this sturdy gal coughing and crying trying to get low pushing a handicap able person as fast as possible under the billowing cloud of noxious fumes! Ah, memories. What I'm trying to say is even if you have the best of intentions, one bad apple might get you all treated like raving anarchists. Be safe out there! And report!

vanievilgenius ago

From what I've seen the response is to disable body cams on the authorities uniforms which the DC police recently were issued. Nice to have friends in high places I guess if you're a shit disturber.

SturdyGal ago

Yes, evil genius, and now I am wondering why they have portable cell towers installed on the scene. Is it so we can't miss any of the civil war? This shit disturbers do seem to have corporate backup. I am cowering under blankies hoping Trump asked for the portable towers so he can actually tweet during the Inaugural. Truly a first!

vanievilgenius ago

It might be like that. Hard to say.

Fateswebb ago

Isn't it amazing that they are literally named "the Democratic Party" and the simply put, HATE DEMOCRACY.

Votescam ago

These people aren't "liberals" any more than the Democratic Party is liberal. Both parties are owned by the Koch Bros. and they've been trying to end democracy in US for more than 100 years. Koch is the "John Birch Society" family. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/08/30/covert-operations

TheDude2 ago

I wonder when we can see that smug ass Kuhn's face in a mugshot?

wellington33 ago

OMFG. They've got fucked right in the pussy. What's going on in your place Alefantis?? HAHAHAHA

ohnoitsaninja ago

I know people want this to be a big story but it's amature hour shit. They are talking about throwing the stinky butter from whale wars into buildings and setting off fire alarms. This is high school level shit, I am worried about what the non-amateurs have planned much more.

MiikoKiiko ago

stay tuned . . . more to come.

Flat_Truth ago

Sounds like they were conspiring to use a chemical weapons on an American event.

blind_sypher ago

Everyones already on edge. Some noxious chemicals start spilling out of the ductwork people are gonna stampede. Thats more then likely gonna cause a few deaths. This is beyond being "just a prank bro". This is "have fun rotting in the pennitentiary" level criminality.

juhos ago

And they are grown-up men. Unbelievable.

chlrndrmz ago

You should google Srdja Popovic and the strategies he teaches for overthrowing government leaders. These two clowns filmed by project veritas are only part of the equation.
The non-amateurs are usually corrupt cops or a trigger happy individual who shoots at one of the clowns, - preferably while being filmed.

zoltan907 ago

I've been wondering whether someone tipped off Popovic that NATO was going to bomb the Serbian state TV (RTS) headquarters. Popovic's mother, who was a news anchor there, was absent that day (April 23, 1999). Too coincidental for me.

think_whatif ago

Butyric acid does more than create a stinkbomb. It can cause blisters to the skin, blindness to the eyes, blisters to the esophagus if inhaled, and death to asthmatics. The substance is corrosive to the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract.

Butryic acid today and who knows, ammonium nitrate bombs tomorrow.

These people are gearing up to do some damage.

Make no mistake, this is serious shit.

Sleuth222 ago

Hey I think it's a serious act to gas people but let's be real. Butyric acid will only have those adverse reactions in a small sample of people who come in direct contact. It is used in stink bombs all the time, has a distinct sour milk smell.

Pizzagate709 ago

Butyric acid =/= stink bombs. Theres ammonia in your piss, doesnt make an ammonium nitrate bomb any less serious.

Sleuth222 ago

Butyric acid is a component of some stink bombs, like what these people were planning. What they show on the video it seems the criminals activists want to diffuse it through the hvac, which is minimally dangerous. I'm just saying that there's no need to embellish what will happen, the act of conspiring to this is disgusting enough on it's own.

EllenPaosEgo ago

This is part 1 of a new series. I have hopes that they dug deeper into Comet Ping Pong. Especially with all the pizzagate stuff going around they have to know what CPP is known for

bopper ago

And notice the timing. Just before inauguration.

juhos ago

I think it's because subject of the videos is attacks and protests against the inauguration?

bopper ago

What I meant was that possibly the incoming administration of Trump is giving O'Keeffe and company the courage, boldness, to do their work at and inside Comet Pizza. Sorry about that.

carmencita ago

Robert Creamer was implicated in this plot. Because of the exposure, he lost his job.

shillcrusher13 ago


Raps1 ago

That was the violent disruption of the Trump rallies. This is an entirely new plot to hit the inaugural ball, and then the inauguration itself.

I wonder how DHS pick General Kelly will be handling these radicalized leftists, and in particular, those behind the funding?

carmencita ago

I don't think any of the activist regular day to day folks are at this leftist radical stuff. I think that Soros, HRC and the CIA are behind most of it. The Hard Core Anarchists. They are the real Anarchists. They label the people fighting for labor rights, equality for all people, etc as Anarchists, as usual pointing the fingers when they are doing the covert ops behind our backs.

Votescam ago

Soros, HRC, and CIA are not liberals. They are fascists. Let's not get confused about that. Koch Bros./John Birch Society own both parties and the Clinton's for decades. Bill was specifically recruited for DLC by Koch Bros. Koch and other large corporations were represented as well on DLC's Executive Board. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/08/30/covert-operations http://www.democrats.com/node/7789

carmencita ago

I believe it. BO was listed as a member of the DLC at one time. He was removed when they decided to run him for President. Manchurian Candidate.

eyeVoated ago

Anarchy is internal monarchy, or self-governance. All forms of government (i.e., archons) attempt to manifest external control over individuals, by definition.