srayzie ago

I can't imagine how it would feel to be Trump. Constantly attacked, his name slung thru the mud, people threatening to kill him and him having to fear for his life because many people in Washington could easily kill him and make it look like he had a heart attack. He also has to fear for his families safety. He has absolutely no privacy and works day and night. He was already rich. He could have lived peacefully for the rest of his life. Yet, he chose to run for president and worked his butt off and wins only to have that challenged constantly. Who in the heck would do that unless they honestly cared about making change?

Now, the Obama administration is doing everything they can before leaving office to make things more of a challenge for Trump. The media lies and undermines Trump constantly. People are going to try to have him impeached. How much can a person take?! I have a lot of respect for the man. He's fearless! That's what I want in a president. He NEEDS a lot of prayer because his life is in danger and will be as long as he's president.

Nana66 ago

I keep saying maybe Trump has been in cahoots with the FBI. They told him he has to run for president to help them out but he can't run as Democrat because they had the fix already in and to just wing it and say whatever you think Republicans want to hear and we will take care of everything else...Now he's hiding out in Trump tower and letting Pence, who they chose for him picking his cabinet. Then they will take everyone down and Trump will get to say "you're fired!!!"

flyingcuttlefish ago

I have a good story up --- featuring page 65 ....

OrwellKnew ago

Gave it a read. Very interesting stuff for sure

witch_doctor1 ago

Cross posted from v/Pizzagate...

Robert Bluejacket's release makes me think they are sending a message.

He was charged with "uttering a forged instrument" and credit card fraud and sentenced to 15 years in prison. The phrase "uttering a forged instrument" stuck out to me because I am an OG Birther....Atty. Orly Taitz used to be all over the Birther issue and she said often that this is what B.O. should be charged with because he used a forged document to usurp the Presidency.

If this dude got 15 much for using a forged document to usurp the Presidency?

flyingcuttlefish ago

ahhhh . . . the white collar squad!

page 65 is priceless:

Melitica ago

The security tapes were about a theft which occurred at Trump Taj Majal in September of 1998. It was not investigation of stolen tapes. To me point seems to be... Clinton investigations covering mountains of stuff end up with a few dead bodies and no real documentation Trump investigations - everything they have looked at with word 'Trump' - is cut and dried. Trivial, non-existent, and may not be about The Donald himself.

We have looked at the Clintons and say there is nothing to see because we are terrified so we try not to look. We have looked at Trump and there really isn't anything to see.

OrwellKnew ago

Thanks for the clarification

samhara ago

Body Camera thingy sounds like they may be setting the stage for a "assassination" gambit - they love to fuck with "conspiracy theorists" and usually there is "predicitive programming" - items which predict the event, either planted deliberatley for researcher grist [breadcrumbs] later - or really as part of the scheme [or not?] At the JFK event his regular Secret Service detail was called off him - his regular guards - and they were replaced..

Usually in a case of murder of heads of State like that the guards have to be corrupted ;

Perhaps Trump has his own detail?

Both the JFK and Lincoln events were full of Masonic signals.. likely rituals. THE HIDDEN KING(S) Camelot ruled from the cave of Merlin Lincoln's Assassination was also a manufactured event [on archive of this .pdf images are not saved] **** DEALEY PLAZA: ESOTERIC FREEMASONIC SYMBOLISM IN THE DEATH OF JFK**** Trump was not meant by the insiders to be President, Hillary was the pick - but she got sick or too much dirt came out about her, so Trump was the default. I think he didn't want the job but was just hired as a foil to Rodham Clinton - so she could be a shoo their minds. tst.

Maybe they 'll do another psy-op / trauma event to up the pubic tension quotient? We'll see. I'm thinking Trump's going to make it; but I could be faked out.

gr8H8er ago

The wall of bikers were not present for any past assassinations or attempts. Many of those guys are x-military. When the Muslims threatened their Million Man March on DC for 9-11, the bikers shut that shit down.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I will ask around . . .

DevilintheDetails ago

Is this all a distraction, maybe? I don't know, but this looks juicy.

I see someone on the fbi twit found some links to AK, the Clinton's, mcdougal, Whitewater and $ issues

OrwellKnew ago

Not sure. The timing is certainly interesting though

OrwellKnew ago

I think the tweets are by someone who is pro-Trump. No real proof, just my hunch

DevilintheDetails ago

Didn't see your comment until after I deleted. I don't think that theory was the case after seeing how much crap is in that guys files..I just happened to land in the ussr section first ha

blue-flight ago

Instead of sending us a message why don't they actually, you know, do their jobs? I can't think of anything more useless than sending the public, with no power whatsoever, obscure messages on Twitter.

OrwellKnew ago

because they are prevented from doing so by a corrupt management structure?

geez, use yur noggin

blue-flight ago

I realize that. But if the fbi is powerless there ain't shit we can do. Especially, when we're relying on vague messages based on loose interpretation and assumptions. Again, pointless and insulting.

gr8H8er ago

You need to watch this every day.

DevilintheDetails ago

Well wiki releasing info slowly by the weeks kept us paying attention and digging. Piecing together pizzagate instead of learning all at once has kept us sane, able to process the evil, and kept us digging yet again.. All I'm saying is -in adding to orwells comment on why, in addition to their hands tied- leaking us little bits that may not directly mean anything (so they are safe to release) we stay vigilant and keep opening the fucking curtain until the bastards turn to ash.

We are humans, humans have short fucking attention spans and can't handle constant evil therefore our wonderful brains make us forget and think about something else. Oh, squirrel! - we move on easily- this investigation's process has not allowed for that to happen which I think is wonderful.

Forgetmenot ago

Hi there I have never posted in this section, just want to say the FBI needs the public support to prosecute members of the elite. Without the public support they are fighting this dangerous cabal alone.

blue-flight ago

They would have it if they came out and presented the evidence instead of screwing around on twitter.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

No there are things we can do.....ready the news......prepare and clean your weapons it maybe be Pogrom time.