dskies ago

hopeforall ago

They'll say "Photoshop" and that's supposed to be the end of it.

100%. This is also why the Trump/Golden Showers fake story is on the top of the news. They're setting us all up.

Ironically R. Kelly use this as one of his defences as well. His other defence was that the tape showed evidence of being copied so it probably could have been edited. He got off on technicalities. I think they said his face was in the video too. He used the defence his enemies could have hired a lookalike. There was resonate doubt. All charges were dismissed. We all know Kelly is really guilty though. He got off because he's famous and has money.

What I would be worried about is them destroying evidence or altering it to make it look edited so that it can't be proved it's them if they are in the videos and using the same defence

KiRa2115 ago

The know their done for, trying to get some last minute conditioning and manipulation in.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Yeah, I watched some show about a case where that happened.. Luckily, they caught the bitch and the guy's future was spared. Did it to try and steal full custody. Really psycho shit.

euralj ago

At least we know, now, what they're hiding.

StringEmUp ago

I posted this the other day but it got deleted because it broke the rules: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1556451

Sadly it looks like that's indeed their game plan.

Quote: PissGate might be a false flag/psyop to lay the ground work to discredit pizzagate as fake news!

What if this was all on purpose and done intentionally so they can point to "FAKE NEWS!!!" as a way to discredit the PizzaGate investigation.

They let BuzzFeed die, sacrifice a few "journalists" and suddenly they can say "fake news is real and anyone can be duped, even us. That's why we should ignore PizzaGate."

Everyone's saying "it's so obvious it's fake, anyone would see that if they read it" so maybe they read it, knew it was fake but published it anyway. Why? So they can say "ahh shucks, that fake news, it sure did fool us! TOLD YOU WE HAVE TO CLAMP DOWN ON THAT!" then suddenly instead of just stooges coming after us, there's the whole media machine coming after us.

I'm not saying the 4chan guy was in on it or anything like that. I'm saying they saw an opportunity to muddy the waters and have taken it. These people are desperate. Toppling a media organisation like BuzzFeed, the CIA taking a credibility hit and a couple of nobody journalists being hung out to dry is a small price to pay compared to their nasty secrets being revealed.

This terrifies me because the whole thing makes way more sense when you look at it from this perspective as opposed to "fake document got sent to a journo, who passed it onto a politician, who passed it on to CIA, which then was leaked by BuzzFeed". I hope I'm wrong.

So if this is the case, how do we combat this? Well the thing about trying to peddle a lie is you have to keep fighting to prevent it from unravelling. The biggest thing the PizzaGate investigation has to protect itself is that there's archived, official and verifiable documents from before the fake news narrative was even being pushed.

Perhaps we can turn it on them and show them "This is what fake news looks like. This is what real news looks like ..... " and meme it and red pill more people?

looking4truth ago

Hmmmm I wonder why Russia decided to plant porn on American computers now ..??? wow they aren't even trying to be creative with their cover up excuses . They are panicking hahaha

Ronnilynn31 ago

Yes! I had been hearing his name for weeks here and was getting brief synopses of the videos but hadn't taken the time yet to go through them myself, with the exception of the day 59 or 60 recap to get a handle on all the info that he had found before the prior videos were "lost". I found him on Twitter earlier this week and was surprised that he doesn't have a lot of follower activity. He's clearly the most well versed and detailed of any other person I've read or watched. Impressive.

heretolearn ago

and still no actual evidence that russia had anything to do with the election. all smoke n mirrors. sick fucks.

Shadybozza ago

If it wasn't Russia it must of been bin ladens ghost ..

spookybm ago

US Spy Chief

Why would you name him like that. Good job, now if Russia actually is the enemy they have a target to eliminate.

notintopizza ago

Didn't they say something about if porn was found on government computers it was planted there. I believe they said it around the time they started pushing the fake news narrative.

MrrHandsome ago

I just cannot wait for the day these sick fucks go down, it's going to be a joyous occasion worth celebrating. They have spent decades evolving their complex operations with the public so obvlivious, and the thing that gets them caught is a poofta playing silly buggers on instagram. LOL

thestormking ago

Why would the Russians waste their time planting child porn on pedophiles' computers?

8_billion_eaters ago

This has the ring of truth.

Pizzatemp420 ago

Of course it's POSSIBLE. It's just as POSSIBLE for me to do it. It's also just as fucking unlikely!

Htaed ago

This guy has child porn on his computer. I'll betchu anything.

MolochHunter ago

i think Trump will never be safe unless he has hillary arrested. Even then she will still have power from behind bars

anonymousj ago

How convenient. This makes me sick and it must be exposed and stopped, no matter what.....must stop!


LOL. This country is toast. Hope trump can fix....

LionParty ago

I think at this point the FBI knows too much, their only remaining savior will be to get rid of Trump, which is what they're attempting with the Russian accusations, but once Trump takes office, they're all going to start outing each other and stabbing each other in the back for lessened sentences and immunities. If Trump takes office, they're done.

FriesischShipping ago

It's like the guilty dog face after you catch them digging through the trash.

PolybiusPizza ago

Russia has the best photoshop gurus in the world too I hear...

RottenSausage ago

Right - is this the same guy that told congress the NSA wan't collecting wholesale data on Americans?

FriesischShipping ago

The Russians can also place themselves inside John Podesta's body and hack his brain and force him go to pool parties with children serving as "entertainment".

georgeorgeg ago

Guaranteed preemptive counter to pizzagate

chlrndrmz ago

Trump will have to get rid of the rioters and terrorists in our country before the military style tribunals to punish all the traitors and child rapers. So maybe three months after his inauguration.

baron_samedi ago

possible russia could do that, but i know for a fact with Snowden leak that NSA can get into peoples computers without rainsing any alert from antivirus, my guess is microsoft give them a backdoor. Thinking of it, did someone figure out why Bill Gates donate 25$ millions to CF?

nomorepepperoni ago

More likely that the NSA exploited holes in Windows they didn't tell Microsoft about.

Not to say Microsoft couldn't have possibly helped, but the NSA are known to seek out and exploit unknown security holes for themselves. Example:


NotAnIdiot ago

I mean MKUltra is a thing.

eyeVoated ago

Unfortunately, their endgame will be planting CP on innocent people's computers, or something equal false.

NotAnIdiot ago

Shit, they already have the porn. Now it's just a matter of getting on your computer.

NotAnIdiot ago

You're right, but so is politico.

Freemasonsrus ago

Considering we are dealing with Trump who likes to get shit done and understands the exact reasons he's REALLY being attacked? Not long. For some reason his appointment of Robert Kennedy to head up a vaccine safety program was a big sign to me personally that he is well aware of the evil that has been going on against our children on multiple fronts and he will be doing something about it. I may not like RFK jr's opinions about other things but I know he's a strong advocate for this particular issue and that is how you do bipartisan.

Marthvedderette ago

They're probably trying to use this to put microchips in children, to save them from the pedos

Scirel ago

They were saying this weeks ago, and the plan was obvious.

Dang, I could have gotten hundreds of upvoats!

FriesischShipping ago

"See, in my line of work you gotta keep repeating something over and over and over to get the message to sink in." -Bush Jr.

TheRedPi11 ago

Was he asked or did he volunteer the info?

Forgetmenot ago

It's not funny they will use any little excuse to try to get away with it. The same way they have gotten away with it in the past . I hope people who know how to make memes can start to lay the groundwork now to prevent them using CGI as an excuse. I would hate to see this whole issue get swept under thE guise of Russian hacking and cgi. The public need to remain outraged and vigilant that these sickos do not get away with ybis smoke and mirror parlor tricks!

whitehand ago

Bingo! I have been saying this all along!

dankman420 ago

Gonna be kinda hard to use that excuse when it's literally them fucking kids in their own facilities

Godwillwin ago

I don't think the video and images they pass around is of them with the kids. I mean if you really think about it, would podesta want video of Hillary with a child or would alefantis watch video of bill with a child? Gross. I hated typing that. But I'm thinking they keep their bribery videos on VHS tapes, and the stuff on their computers is only children and maybe older children with younger children. So sad and sick. And possibly beastiality. One of the victims says she was forced by her "Nan" and rich men in the "big house" to be with animals :(

dankman420 ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they are documented posing in front of an "art" piece or participating in some fucked up ritual

thestormking ago

How convenient.

dickface8 ago

Wasn't there some article (I'm sketchy on the details) about the 1000's of people within the government to do with child porn that the documents were wiped or something? I remember something like that. I don't know.

Somevoatguy ago

Look into him, this guy is definately a pedophile.

Atatarkus ago

This is absolutely laughable stuff, between this and the fake news attack on trump they are starting to look ridiculous everything they do screams guilt. Come to think of it im starting to feel glad they pushed the fake news angle its given us a catchy term to call bullshit on them for these shenanigans

Primus_Pilus ago


Live_Free_Or_Die ago

GL with that when everything they have is from Haiti and Washington, D.C.

I'd take thermonuclear war over these people getting away with this shit.

FriesischShipping ago

Both of those scenarios are a very dim future.

OriginalReaper ago

they hacked that dna in my basement

chiseldistinct ago

this is fucking insane, why else would he say such a thing other than to discredit pizzagate..

If you read the transcript from Trump's press conference, he calls out John Podesta, MSM and their dismissal of "fake news".. telling them to "find their moral compass.." very interesting

Freemasonsrus ago

The dog whistles by him for the last 18months have been EPIC.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Is there a compilation video of all the dog whistles about PizzaGate? I remember that line in the Al Smith dinner where Trump says "it takes a village" and "HRC ought to know because in Haiti she took a number of them."

bopper ago

Good catch, thanks.

bopper ago

Wow, Drudge headlines say Trump did a sting on intel. This is getting really weird. I hope he's got some intelligence and military muscle behind him, though he does, the question is how much.

Primus_Pilus ago

Some people have armies Some have a Hulk Trump has a Mattis. [He wins]

pizzaequalspedo ago

He does. The entire military has lined up behind him. That's part of why he has so many Generals in his cabinet.

This is CIA vs Military.

bopper ago

That seems to be the case to me also.

bopper ago

Where was/is the link for the story, where did you first see it?

littlemrsMAGA ago

I called this! I wish I would have posted about it somewhere, but I've been saying this for a while. I saw an article talking about "kompromat" as an old KGB tactic a while back, and this British Soviet dissident whose trial had been put on hold until January 19th. I can't explain myself coherently on how I knew lol, which is why I didn't post about it, but I totally saw this coming from a mile away.

lurkulongtime ago

The fact that they are going to so much trouble to lay the ground work means there must be something huge coming down the pipeline. 2016 was insanely entertaining but it's beginning to look like 2017 might just trump it in more ways than one.

MolochHunter ago

I agree - they are trying to set the stage to maybe arrest trump for treason the hour before the handover, that's my fear

nitro169 ago

Seriously, you guys didn't see this coming?

sunshine702 ago

It reminds me of when the Alphabet agencies howl about something another country does...ie STUTNET ..because they do the EXACT same thing.

B3nder ago

They are doing it all the time themselves. LOL

Pwner1775 ago

watch for the gaslight! apparently putin has new superpower, he can plant cheese/hodgogs on ANY computer

Sharipie ago

Not only is the MSM going down in flames, but the entire Establishment has ZERO credibility left. People aren't going to believe this. They can't stop the Awakening.

Beastacles ago

It's either Russia or Geek Squad after their $500 reward.

FriesischShipping ago

Geek squad Russian triple agents.

Silex ago

That whole «blame it on Russia» for whatever is just sooo telling on how these people are in their minds.. Just like kids caught in the act.. «It's not me, Mom! It's her! Look! » (While swiftly hiding damning proof) ... The game is over.

Blacksmith21 ago

This is a "tea leaf" that #pizzagate is about to crack wide open 23 Jan. Senior leadership within the IC knows what is about to go down. Everyone has divided into their camps. This will become a fight for survival. Brennan is a Muslim. Clapper is compromised. The jury is still out on Comey. State will buddy up with Langley. NSA/DoD/Trump /FBI (elements of) are on the other side. McCabe spilled the beans and is under protection.

Godwillwin ago

Who's McCabe and where is he? Also, is braverman still missing?

aaallaboard ago


January 9th 2017 - GOP Congress will continue to pursue Clinton email investigation

"The Utah Republican said that there were multiple questions for the committee to look into surrounding the Clinton email case -- beyond Clinton herself.

“There are a lot of other characters that were involved in this, we have to look at the FBI itself,” Chaffetz said. As an example, Chaffetz pointed to senior FBI official Andrew McCabe who helped oversee the FBI investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server. McCabe’s wife- Dr. Jill McCabe who lost a race for a Virginia Congressional seat was given nearly $500,000 by a political action committee controlled by Clinton ally Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

Describing himself as “very intrigued” and “very concerned” about McCabe’s role in overseeing the Clinton case, Chaffetz promised to pursue the issue “full throttle.”"

Blacksmith21 ago

Andrew McCabe. Deputy Director of the FBI. Shortly before the election, his wife received a campaign contribution of 650k from Terry McAuliffe, Governor of VA. Sorry - I had to go to sleep and couldn't reply.

Godwillwin ago

Oh. Yes. I remember now. That came out before the election- his wife lost the race too, lol. Is McCabe missing?

Blacksmith21 ago


shayneyn ago

If someone doesn't know who a person is just by their last name and you tell them to google it, that does not help

Godwillwin ago

K. Lol. After I posted that I went straight to google. It was me thinking/typing out loud

anonagent ago

Whats going on with McCabe? i'm out out the loop.

Hobgobbin ago

Take a look at the George Webb videos on youtube. I think that he suggests that you start with around #60 for background.

Blacksmith21 ago

Google it.

Godwillwin ago

I duck duck goed McCabe intelligence community McCabe and McCabe protection and McCabe whistleblower and nothing came up

FR33D0M ago

Try DuckDuckGoing "Andrew McCabe FBI" ;)

NotAnIdiot ago

Google is well known to suppress the truth

anonagent ago


dookiehowzer ago

Lmao pedos are so pathetic

Pizza-related-sap ago

I'd pay hard earned money to see them physically distressed and panicking over this prolonged exposure. I love knowing these worms are squirming!

pizzaequalspedo ago

I'm no computer expert but it can't be that difficult to prove or disprove if the source was a Russian plant, could it?

NotAnIdiot ago

No. Not if you don't have the CIA stonewalling you and seizing the evidence at least.

freeagent37 ago

Yep! This is totally their game of action, we see it, we know it, they have no place to run.

VieBleu ago

If pizzagate wasn't a real threat to establishment figures, this propaganda move wouldn't have come about. Silver lining: The Establishment is already in panic/cover up mode, preparing for the worst.

fetuspizza ago

Which explains the downplaying of pedophilia on network news.

FriesischShipping ago

Don't you mean scrubbing?

fetuspizza ago

Scrubbing when #pizzagate was trending. Now that it's so large, they're just downplaying the act of pedophilia, and being a pedophile. They are basically trying to humanize those with pedophilia tendencies.

IlluminatiKing ago

This is so bad. It is like the "dog ate my homework" excuse.

looking4truth ago

Haha made my day

unbiased_researcher ago

At least we know they are weak. Blame Russia holds no water anymore.

Forgetmenot ago

They are not weak, never underestimate the opposing side. They are strategizing nothing has been won.

YingYangMom ago

They can try to blame Russia for CP found on government officials' computers, sure. But Russia can't be to blame for the friggin Podestas' cannibalistic and pedophilistic (I think I just created a new word here) art hanging in their houses and offices. Nor can they be responsible for CPP creepy AF art, Heavy Breathing affiliations and instagram pics, now can they?

MolochHunter ago

"Look everybody! Russia planted CP on my computer! Get Russia" 'hey... isnt that Bill Clinton on top of that kid? ' 'shaddup... Quick! Get Russia '

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for the good laugh :)

BoondockPirate ago

There has already been a huge child porn problem discovered at the Pentagon. I read about it last month.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Anderson Cooper did a segment on it several years ago and there was never anything to follow it up. There's a YouTube link somewhere.

MolochHunter ago

it was a story about 3 years ago - 5000 computers with CP in the pentagon. Were all 5000 users guilty? Maybe, or is a 'standard issue pentagon computer' replete with a secret cache in case anybody 'steps outta line' CIA Brownstone written all over it

Forgetmenot ago

Nothing was done about it. Nothing happened no one was brought to trial victims did not get their day in court. No one was rescued.

reasonedandinformed ago

The US intell agencies never even looked at the DNC servers. It was "investigated" by a third-party company. There has been little mention of this: https://www.wired.com/2017/01/fbi-says-democratic-party-wouldnt-let-agents-see-hacked-email-servers/

chlrndrmz ago

We need to find out who this "third party" is because they must be in the know.

reasonedandinformed ago

I know Buzzfeed is not the most reliable source, but their story on this is interesting: http://www.blacklistednews.com/FBI_Never_Even_Investigated_the_DNC_Servers_They_Claim_Russia_Hacked/56175/0/38/38/Y/M.html

I cannot find the name of the third-party company identified. They were paid for by the DNC, the same people who were hacked and had motives to cover up their mistakes...and the possible murder of Seth Rich, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/parents-murdered-dnc-staffer-seth-rich-call-public-article-1.2882885, the DNC insider who reportedly was disgruntled by the corruption and leaked the info, ending up murdered soon thereafter. You will not see the MSM pursue this line of questioning or logic of the FBI or DNC. The idea that they allege Russian hacking to benefit Trump, never having done an independent investigation, is laughable.

reasonedandinformed ago

Exactly. Creating a cover story for what they know resides on the hard drives of their sicko friends.

VieBleu ago

Makes a lot of sense.

All the more reason to get the FBI to release the "insurance file" found on Weiner's computer. RELEASE IT!

And when it is them in the portn, they'll claim "Photoshop"


No sir thats not my cock in the little boys anus its all photo shop....

luckyguy ago

4chon did it.

cyks ago

Politician: Russians implanted that through an email hack!

FBI: We found it on a USB drive under your mattress.

Politician: I don't see the difference!


This shit is better than house of cards...

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Speaking of Kevin Spacey...

ArthurEdens ago

What will they say when it's them in the porn

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

They're going to try and claim Photoshop with what's potentially gigabytes upon gigabytes of photos and possibly even videographic evidence coupled with the existing documentation and all the deep level corruption at places like The Clinton Foundation.

From a technical standpoint, you can try and fake one or even a few photos or whole image galleries. However even a short video becomes impossible to fake 100% because look at that's Assange video where we know it was faked because of the way his eyes and his clothing were folding and closing in weird ways. It became obvious after just a couple minutes once it was slowed down and freeze-framed.

Couple this with the Jeffrey Epstein connections and the Dennis Hastert convictions along with the banned Conspiracy of Silence documentary that's been leaked to YouTube that you should all share via social media with friends, family, and whomever will listen, it'll be beyond any doubt that the evidence is real and these people are all very much involved in some type of worldwide satanic ritual abuse pedophile cult.

https://youtu.be/sQHrbJPhus4 A higher quality version of Conspiracy of Silence - 1994 - PLEASE watch if you haven't already and SHARE THE LINK!

knight222 ago

That Russians hacked their faces!

juhos ago

Remember, it ILLEGAL to watch these stolen videos of Bill on Epstein's Island and Hillary eating babies, so everything you need to know comes from us.

Regards, CNN

Htaed ago

There has to be. Remember it is how they keep people loyal in the inner circle. For that to happen, they must have video proof of that individual committing an act so heinous that the public will lock them up and throw away the key. Some hacker somewhere has to have these videos.

luckyguy ago

The fairies get the final say.

throwaway345678 ago

Rasputin did it.

catslovejustice ago


GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Russian black magic!!

Pizza-related-sap ago

You just made me gleefully chuckle. There will most likely be irrefutable video, to which this pathetic set-up will fall flat on its face, like everything they do. "Duurrr, Russia CGI-ed me into the video, DUURRRRR"

VieBleu ago

They'll say "Photoshop" and that's supposed to be the end of it.

jewsbadnews ago

Can't wait to see all the leftist sheeple blindly believe it like everything else.

ArthurEdens ago

If it's video they'll say russia used that assange face trick

RexAxisMundi ago

Thats probably why they've been saying all the CGI stuff when trying to claim JA is dead or missing. So they can then use it when their faces are in the vids.

PolybiusPizza ago

Next level double think... GJ!

'The vids'... If there are videos, the likelihood it encompasses even 1% of the perps is not good. Have we yet had any evidence Assange is really out there? I mean, the interviews could easily be faked, and all the proof required that was easily suppliable was denied. The whole wiki JA thing was never resolved for me. I think the technocrats are doing their worst atm.


Thats exactly my question bahahahahahahahahahaha

DustyRadio ago

How obvious can these people be? If the normies fall for this, I weep for humanity. Please people, don't be that stupid.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Putin Puts Pedo Pics in Pizza People's PC's https://vid.me/tsLF

Freemasonsrus ago

This has been the most eye opening election season ever for the U.S. So many masks have fallen off. Whether it be the evil activities those in power are, and have been, involved in, or the realization of so many that those in "power" are dumb fucks. The games they have played against Trump have been the Webster's dictionary definition of Checkers to Chess. More like Chutes and Ladders to Chess. When I read Brock's media matters plea for "dirt" on Trump with an offer for a reward, it couldn't have been more clear how desperate they were to defeat him. When you see the absolute gnashing of teeth by certain Rep. you have to know they are scared shitless of their crimes coming to light. And I for one can't fucking wait.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Agreed. This election has 100% red pilled me. I was inching close to that point this past year, but the week following the election was literally like lifting the veil over my eyes and seeing things for what they really are. Hell, I didn't even vote for Trump, but the escalating witch hunt against him has moved me over to his side. (No, I didn't vote for Hillary. I knew she was evil, I just didn't have all the info that I have now). Now, the same people who called Hillary an awful candidate and didn't even like her but refused to vote for Trump are trying to martyr the bitch. Like she's some saint. Someone I know actually called her "The People's President". Whatever.

It will be a glorious day when the worst of their evil fully comes to light and the normies have no choice but to wake up too.

Freemasonsrus ago

I bet in 4 years you'll be going to Trump rallies and sprinting to the voting booth. The Donald on reddit has been fun to read throughout election, seeing people come there to make fun and then get red pilled. i really do believe there has been a spiritual awakening where good and evil is becoming very clear to people.

Atlantean120 ago

Apocalypse definition: "lifting the veil"

Seems like it truly has begun...

Freemasonsrus ago

Totally agree

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Half of them will because their brain has been fried by MSM the other half will be redpilled

jewsbadnews ago

I wouldn't say half. The masses of idiots don't care for the truth.

vacvape ago

Most are lobotomized on wonder bread.

derram ago

https://archive.is/oq4yu :

Top U.S. spy chief says it's possible Russia could plant child porn on American computers  | Daily Mail Online

'The spy chief made his comments during a hearing into Russian cyber attacks during the US election, where he also said he was confident that Russia hacked DNC emails. ', "Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told a Senate committee hearing that he wouldn't be surprised if Russian hackers put child pornography on US computers.", "He also said he 'wouldn't put it past' Russia to plant child porn on computers belonging to US citizens, Sky News reported.", "During the hearing, held by the Senate Intelligence Committee, Clapper said he believes Russia is still engaged in cyber operations and has tried to influence a 'couple of dozen' elections in different countries."

'When asked how Germany, France and the Netherlands had increased security for their upcoming elections, Clapper said he could not say. '

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