Millennial_Falcon ago

rule 4: no discussion posts w/o sources

Spindle ago

I always like to consider circumstantial possibilities when a false flag arrives through the MSM floodgates -- didn't the FBI just quietly release nearly 300 pages of Clinton investigation documents, with clear indicators that SAPs were kept on her private server (treason)?

That's a problem for many, many more players than just Hillary:

Where is Eric Braverman Day 80:

SlackeryTurnBull ago

What has the world come to when you can't believe something someone tells you on the internet?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Pissgate is discrediting MSM fake news. They have no one to blame but themselves.

neo50 ago

We have the truth on our side. They are going to do anything and everything they can think of to discredit this investigation. When the MSM started the fake news idea, it kind of backfired as people investigated it for themselves....and believed. The same thing may happen with "pissgate". Even negative propaganda can be beneficial as it shines a spotlight on what TPTB want to sweep under the rug. They are winning some battles but we will win the war!

idontlikesalmon ago

A psyop in which the MSM and the CIA completely ridicule themselves and officially lose ALL credibility? I really don't think so. They added the Russian spy part themselves! They will of course spin it and blame fake news.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

And pizzagate might be a setup, or partial hangout. Always be careful with these people, they do diabolical stuff, and they will try to deceive you.

Keep investigating. Always make sure that your conclusions are sound, and backed with good evidence. Stay as anonymous as possible, and stay safe.

Aloha808 ago

Pizzagate has been going strong for 10 weeks and shows no sign of slowing down

tjarco ago

Well pissgate is obviously caused by a lack of sourcing claims, this should furter stimulate us to follow the rules of this subverse to substantiate any claim with (archived) evidence.

oldchangling ago

No chance. Okay, there's always some chance, but then Buzzfeed would be, like, the suicide bomber of "journalism", willing to absolutely disgrace themselves just to cast shade. Pissgate is a debacle for the corrupt media, no question about it.

2impendingdoom ago

Fortunately (or unfortunately for the victims) our research is based on the Podesta and DNC emails whose veracity is not debated. Also, the FBI has been posting collaborating evidence in the FIOA vault, as have the Court releases of Justice Watch (maybe same thing). No one can dismiss the "carelessness" of an unsecured personal server used for state documents or having p@ssword as proper security. Furthermore, how the hell does peeing in a bed once slept in by Obama several years ago work to discredit Hillary? the whole premise is so severely absurd that if all these MSM weren't in panic mode, they would have realized immediately that someone was taking a piss here. How this can even be news is incredulous. Everyday things get more and more surreal.