whatonearth ago

Again with this "any spiral shape means someone's a child molester" idea. The FBI symbols only include that one specific triangular spiral thing. There is no evidence to back up the idea that every spiral is some pedophile logo, and spirals/scrolls/whirlpools have been an incredibly common design element forever.

Antoinette ago

Any person connected to alefantis must be wrong in some way ! A decent person would not last a day

tehthu ago

Not to mention that creepy fucking pedo smile. Just like Alefantis and podesta

Singleservename ago

May be true but at this point there's nothing to gain by calling them out, and a lot to lose.

Keep your eye on the prize: Mass awareness.

Singleservename ago

Alefantis, goy. Pedostas, goyim. Henderson, goy.

Yes, there are many jews involved but don't do this man. It opens the investigation to easy and undeserved criticism.

justwanttohelp ago

Judith is a founding board member of the Foster and Adoptive Parent Advocacy Center

Monkstar1 ago

The Children's Law Center's supporters page lists the second highest donor as Covington and Burling LLP, which has had connections to Trolley Park. There's many other donors that should be looked into.

Singleservename ago

The third highest donor is the Meyer foundation which also supports Transformer.

Birdzeyeview ago

wow, I've been promoted to Gangster now

Solver2 ago

This article has kind of a summary on Judith Sandalow: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/author/lmason-998

Eastwood350 ago

Sadalow increased her firm from 3 attorneys to over 90. This is from her page:"Each year, the judges of DC Superior Court appoint us to represent many hundreds of children who were abused and neglected or caught in bitter custody battles – a big vote of confidence in our tenacious attorneys who fight for the best homes for these vulnerable children."

I have worked as an advocate for families dealing with CPS for over three years. The majority are given court appointed attorneys because they don't have the means to hire a lawyer. The court pays these attorneys to represent these families and they are given on average $800 to represent parents who are at risk of losing their child/children. The attorneys don't meet with the parents, don't take their phone calls and time and time again the first time parent(s) meet their court appointed atty. is 10 minutes before the hearing. Now tell me how they can represent the family properly without knowing the details or the side of the story from the parent(s)? They can't.

Most of these attorneys graduated at the bottom of their class and they'll take these cases because it's guaranteed income and they don't put any time into the cases. Some represent up to 170 cases per year. And if they want to be guaranteed to be on the roster to "represent" more families in the future they best do what's best for the state and play the game to have the child/children removed. You see it's very lucrative for the state and the courts to remove children from their bio families but that's a whole other story with a big can of worms.

It appears that this attorney is running a firm which is playing in the same sandbox as attorneys all over the country, feeding the system with children and being one of the many cogs in the gear needed to possibly supply pedos with children.

anolegion ago

Would be even more bitter for these parents to know that someone like Judith Sandalow could adopt two small boys within one year, as a working single woman with a solo law office. Even most lawyers couldn't pull that off.

I guess it helps when one of your brothers is a 'journalist' who writes fawning biographies of Nancy fucking Pelosi, and another brother was himself in the Clinton administration, and has a wife (now ex) who was on his National Security Council.

projection ago

Good post.

JoJoVoat ago

Great job on making the connections and providing links and evidence.
This is a new name and more leads... UpVoat.

Freemasonsrus ago

Great post

Freemasonsrus ago

Why am I creeped out by the majority of people on that RE website? The photogs name alone is bizarre. And I'm assuming Sandalow is a lesbian? Do you know if she adopted on her own or with a spouse/partner?

anolegion ago

She adopted alone:

When Judith Sandalow met 7-year-old Phillip, she was confident she'd be able to provide him with a lot of love.

What she didn't know was that she (a single woman who first had become a foster mother just six months earlier in an effort to help reunite families) would fall so in love with this foster child, and nine months later, with his 10-year-old brother, Antonio, that she would bring them permanently into her home."

"These two both stole my heart, and their [birth] mother unfortunately was never able to retain custody of them," Sandalow said about her since adopted sons, now 18 and 20

Singleservename ago

So a single woman who can't even be home at 18h is allowed to adopt two boys within one year?

She must be one hell of a lawyer indeed.

Freemasonsrus ago

That's disturbing. Thanks for that.

srayzie ago

Shocking. So it seems like D.C. Is infested with pedophilia. I hope other states aren't like this. I would be paranoid everywhere I go. I think it's mainly there and Virginia. The most kids go missing there than anywhere else in the country. I'm never trusting people again.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yep this one does kids......no doubt with her job she has got to know what it means.....freaking Pedo.

Dressage2 ago

Only took 6 mins!

Yuke ago

If that's your number ending in 122 you might want to delete that.

Freemasonsrus ago

This is a very large staff for art exhibitions. Art is one of those things that are difficult to maintain even a store front for, much less a full staff, high rent, exhibitions, ect. Like people have said before there is a tie in here with art. Not sure of the whole picture yet wrt art. Obviously it's important to these fucks like tony pederast.

Edit: scratch that. It's money laundering. 501 c-3 shit. A "non-profit" art gallery to funnel money. Money from where??? I think we know that answer.

Dressage2 ago

This has already been deleted ! That was fast! Definely have eyes on this board. I tried 6 mins after you posted. Poof!!

banenya ago

Alfentis is on VOAT (based on his text exchange with Ryan, the Texas citizen investigator, whom JA threatened.

Brian18000 ago

Does this lady, from Richard Dubeshter's friendslist work for the same Alefantis Transformer you're talking about?

anolegion ago

Yeah she's the contact listed in this Transformer invitation. The same invitation has the Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation as one of the sponsors.

The same Foundation that gave Judith Sandalow's Children Law Center her first grant, and many more after that.

Freemasonsrus ago

That woman just look dead eyed.

HennyPenny ago

Where is Washington,DC Child Protective Service in all this? If there is any suspicion of child abuse the agency on receiving complaints is supposed to investigate. Has there been any CPS investigation of Comet Pizza in light of the owner's suggestive pictures and comments, in particular the little girl with arms taped down? If I remember correctly the transcript of Alefantis' text remarks to the recent researcher who was allegedly threatened by Alefantis, Alefantis supposedly stated he didn't like children. This from someone who runs a pizza place frequented by children and who posts pictures of his "god daughter" on social media?

JoJoVoat ago

At this point , we 're not even sure which (if any) of these organizations is not corrupt!

Eastwood350 ago

Have you heard of Senator Nancy Schaeffer? Here's a video she did before she was murdered after attempting to expose CPS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWTvJsQFdKg

remedy4reality ago

Every rock overturned reveals another grubby insect.

dookiehowzer ago


goodguy1367 ago

Hahaha fuck those swirls just keep on popping up!

yabbadoody ago

Alexandra Migoya is also a DC based attorney, and is apparently the poster of the now somewhat infamous "Comet Ping Pong sleepover" Instagram image. http://archive.is/1atc5

Migoya is ALSO part of Transformer Gallery's silent Auction committee. It has been posited at voat and elsewhere that Transformer Gallery itself "might be involved in more than art", shall we say.

Orange_Circle ago

Judith Sandalow

"That's a man baby!"

Odaat ago

And the swirl pattern on her blouse? Yikes!

carmencita ago

Wow. This has further investigation written all over it. All Children Centers, CPS, etc. are suspect. I am not saying they are all guilty, just when some clues like this pop up it is red flag.

Votescam ago

The Skull & Bones model seems to have been used over 200 years where you elevate your fellow ped/Yalie to high position whenever you can. We can't forget either that our military are most certainly involved.
See: Kay Griggs/YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQNitCNycKQ&t=14s

Also mentioned by NYPD Detective Jim Rothstein in interview by Prof. Jim Fetzer Rothstein relates that this is an ongoing 50 year investigation which has been stopped 3X .... as each time they reached the stage of this one has of connecting to higher ups in government and others in powerful positions. At end of the video, Rothstein comments that Military also has to be investigated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cnT5amf6Ys

carmencita ago

Thanks for the videos.About 15 years ago we were in Mexico on vacation and I picked up a small periodical in our small hotel. It had an article about The Skull & Bones Org. and it was the first I had heard about it. I remember once that Kerry was questioned about it and he blew if off. Now I know why. I believe that all the clothes we see now for children with skull & bones and cammo prints are created to soften the public's aversion to both. Wake up people! I refuse to buy any of this crap.

Votescam ago

Wow -- how strange that you comment on this ...

I believe that all the clothes we see now for children with skull & bones and cammo prints are created to soften the public's aversion to both. Wake up people! I refuse to buy any of this crap.

I though I was the only one complaining of this evil trend -- I first noticed the cammo clothese at llBean, and this Xmas season no less, L&T here had a black velvet shirt for little girls with the skull&bones emblem burned into it. Made a lot of noise at L&T about it -- but other people had noticed it and said nothing.

I believe it's part of the "creating a pedophile reality" thing that's going on -- and why they have the whole scene at Comet PP where they have the bands in to entertain parents AND kids -- and very suggesting about pedophilia. These kids need to be made to believe that what is happening in their families is something natural. If you've read any of the testimony from the two children of pedophile Ricky Dearman/Hampstead case-UK, you see that so many around them were involved that it would have been impossible to challenge it as something everyone wasn't involved with -- teachers, church members, shop keepers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2f0nSfsq94 Actually, you also see this in the Erik & Lyle Menendez case now being resurrected after 26 years in jail. Someone relates the story that when one of them was 10 years old he was asking a friend of the same age whether what his father was doing to him was something that was happening in other families. Children know it isn't normal and that's why they have to lie to them in every way possible to keep it going. http://abcnews.go.com/US/lyle-erik-menendezs-cousin-testified-sexual-abuse-speaks/story?id=44420173 Keep on tellin' it -- :)

carmencita ago

Wow. What a horrible story about the brothers. I missed the program on ABC. Maybe I can find it. It is so horrible for people to imagine that their parents would do that to their own children that people just are not ready to accept it. They do not want to go there. That is why we have had to work so hard with #Pizzagate. We must persevere. And yes, I will not buy any of that garbage for gifts. I have bought animal print which is close and when they ask for the other, I explain why and stick to my principles. Stay Strong People.

remedy4reality ago

I'll say most of them are guilty. Good ones would be a threat to the bad ones, cutting in on the action and potentially revealing wrongdoing.